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The cerebral cortex, basal ganglia and motor thalamus form circuits important for purposeful movement. In Parkinsonism, basal ganglia neurons often exhibit dysrhythmic activity during, and with respect to, the slow (∼1 Hz) and beta-band (15-30 Hz) oscillations that emerge in cortex in a brain state-dependent manner. There remains, however, a pressing need to elucidate the extent to which motor thalamus activity becomes similarly dysrhythmic after dopamine depletion relevant to Parkinsonism. To address this, we recorded single-neuron and ensemble outputs in the basal ganglia-recipient zone (BZ) and cerebellar-recipient zone (CZ) of motor thalamus in anesthetized male dopamine-intact rats and 6-OHDA-lesioned rats during two brain states, respectively defined by cortical slow-wave activity and activation. Two forms of thalamic input zone-selective dysrhythmia manifested after dopamine depletion: (1) BZ neurons, but not CZ neurons, exhibited abnormal phase-shifted firing with respect to cortical slow oscillations prevalent during slow-wave activity; and (2) BZ neurons, but not CZ neurons, inappropriately synchronized their firing and engaged with the exaggerated cortical beta oscillations arising in activated states. These dysrhythmias were not accompanied by the thalamic hypoactivity predicted by canonical firing rate-based models of circuit organization in Parkinsonism. Complementary recordings of neurons in substantia nigra pars reticulata suggested that their altered activity dynamics could underpin the BZ dysrhythmias. Finally, pharmacological perturbations demonstrated that ongoing activity in the motor thalamus bolsters exaggerated beta oscillations in motor cortex. We conclude that BZ neurons are selectively primed to mediate the detrimental influences of abnormal slow and beta-band rhythms on circuit information processing in Parkinsonism.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Motor thalamus neurons mediate the influences of basal ganglia and cerebellum on the cerebral cortex to govern movement. Chronic depletion of dopamine from the basal ganglia causes some symptoms of Parkinson''s disease. Here, we elucidate how dopamine depletion alters the ways motor thalamus neurons engage with two distinct oscillations emerging in cortico-basal ganglia circuits in vivo. We discovered that, after dopamine depletion, neurons in the thalamic zone receiving basal ganglia inputs are particularly prone to becoming dysrhythmic, changing the phases and/or synchronization (but not rate) of their action potential firing. This bolsters cortical dysrhythmia. Our results provide important new insights into how aberrant rhythmicity in select parts of motor thalamus could detrimentally affect neural circuit dynamics and behavior in Parkinsonism.  相似文献   

The cerebellum dedicates a majority of the brain's neurons to processing a wide range of sensory, motor, and cognitive signals. Stereotyped circuitry within the cerebellar cortex suggests that similar computations are performed throughout the cerebellum, but little is known about whether diverse precerebellar neurons are specialized for the nature of the information they convey. In vivo recordings indicate that firing responses to sensory or motor stimuli vary dramatically across different precerebellar nuclei, but whether this reflects diverse synaptic inputs or differentially tuned intrinsic excitability has not been determined. We targeted whole-cell patch-clamp recordings to neurons in eight precerebellar nuclei which were retrogradely labeled from different regions of the cerebellum in mice. Intrinsic physiology was compared across neurons in the medial vestibular, external cuneate, lateral reticular, prepositus hypoglossi, supragenual, Roller/intercalatus, reticularis tegmenti pontis, and pontine nuclei. Within the firing domain, precerebellar neurons were remarkably similar. Firing faithfully followed temporally modulated inputs, could be sustained at high rates, and was a linear function of input current over a wide range of inputs and firing rates. Pharmacological analyses revealed common expression of Kv3 currents, which were essential for a wide linear firing range, and of SK (small-conductance calcium-activated potassium) currents, which were essential for a wide linear input range. In contrast, membrane properties below spike threshold varied considerably within and across precerebellar nuclei, as evidenced by variability in postinhibitory rebound firing. Our findings indicate that diverse precerebellar neurons perform similar scaling computations on their inputs but may be differentially tuned to synaptic inhibition.  相似文献   

Here we show that the automatic, involuntary process of attentional capture is predictive of beliefs that are typically considered as much more complex and higher-level. Whereas some beliefs are well supported by evidence, others, such as the belief that coincidences occur for a reason, are not. We argue that the tendency to assign meaning to coincidences is a byproduct of an adaptive system that creates and maintains cognitive schemata, and automatically directs attention to violations of a currently active schema. Earlier studies have shown that, within subjects, attentional capture increases with schema strength. Yet, between-subjects effects could exist too: whereas each of us has schemata of various strengths, most likely different individuals are differently inclined to maintain strong or weak ones. Since schemata can be interpreted as beliefs, we predict more attentional capture for subjects with stronger beliefs than for subjects with weaker ones. We measured visual attentional capture in a reaction time experiment, and correlated it with scores on questionnaires about religious and other beliefs and about meaningfulness and surprisingness of coincidences. We found that visual attentional capture predicts a belief in meaningfulness of coincidences, and that this belief mediates a relationship between visual attentional capture and religiosity. Remarkably, strong believers were more disturbed by schema violations than weak believers, and yet appeared less aware of the disrupting events. We conclude that (a) religious people have a stronger belief in meaningfulness of coincidences, indicative of a more general tendency to maintain strong schemata, and that (b) this belief leads them to suppress, ignore, or forget information that has demonstrably captured their attention, but happens to be inconsistent with their schemata.  相似文献   

How effective are synaptic inputs made at different dendritic sites in the control of action potential output? Recent technical advances have allowed direct observation of the amplitude and time course of excitatory synaptic inputs generated at defined dendritic sites. These findings indicate that contrasting mechanisms exist to enhance the impact of dendritic excitatory inputs to pyramidal neurons of the neocortex and hippocampus. Furthermore, multiple sites of synaptic integration have been revealed, suggesting that proximal and distal inputs are likely to be integrated in different ways. Taken together, these data emphasize the cell- and input-specific strategies used by neurons to enhance the impact of dendritic inputs on action potential generation.  相似文献   

Age-related hearing loss (presbycusis) is a chronic health condition that affects one-third of the world population. One hallmark of presbycusis is a difficulty hearing in noisy environments. Presbycusis can be separated into two components: alterations of peripheral mechanotransduction of sound in the cochlea and central alterations of auditory processing areas of the brain. Although the effects of the aging cochlea in hearing loss have been well studied, the role of the aging brain in hearing loss is less well understood. Therefore, to examine how age-related central processing changes affect hearing in noisy environments, we used a mouse model (Thy1-GCaMP6s X CBA) that has excellent peripheral hearing in old age. We used in vivo two-photon Ca2+ imaging to measure the responses of neuronal populations in auditory cortex (ACtx) of adult (2–6 months, nine male, six female, 4180 neurons) and aging mice (15–17 months, six male, three female, 1055 neurons) while listening to tones in noisy backgrounds. We found that ACtx neurons in aging mice showed larger responses to tones and have less suppressed responses consistent with reduced inhibition. Aging neurons also showed less sensitivity to temporal changes. Population analysis showed that neurons in aging mice showed higher pairwise activity correlations and showed a reduced diversity in responses to sound stimuli. Using neural decoding techniques, we show a loss of information in neuronal populations in the aging brain. Thus, aging not only affects the responses of single neurons but also affects how these neurons jointly represent stimuli.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Aging results in hearing deficits particularly under challenging listening conditions. We show that auditory cortex contains distinct subpopulations of excitatory neurons that preferentially encode different stimulus features and that aging selectively reduces certain subpopulations. We also show that aging increases correlated activity between neurons and thereby reduces the response diversity in auditory cortex. The loss of population response diversity leads to a decrease of stimulus information and deficits in sound encoding, especially in noisy backgrounds. Future work determining the identities of circuits affected by aging could provide new targets for therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

Thalamocortical (TC) neurons of the dorsal thalamus integrate sensory inputs in an attentionally relevant manner during wakefulness and exhibit complex network-driven and intrinsic oscillatory activity during sleep. Despite these complex intrinsic and network functions, little is known about the dendritic distribution of ion channels in TC neurons or the role such channel distributions may play in synaptic integration. Here we demonstrate with simultaneous somatic and dendritic recordings from TC neurons in brain slices that action potentials evoked by sensory or cortical excitatory postsynaptic potentials are initiated near the soma and backpropagate into the dendrites of TC neurons. Cell-attached recordings demonstrated that TC neuron dendrites contain a nonuniform distribution of sodium but a roughly uniform density of potassium channels across the somatodendritic area examined that corresponds to approximately half the average path length of TC neuron dendrites. Dendritic action potential backpropagation was found to be active, but compromised by dendritic branching, such that action potentials may fail to invade relatively distal dendrites. We have also observed that calcium channels are nonuniformly distributed in the dendrites of TC neurons. Low-threshold calcium channels were found to be concentrated at proximal dendritic locations, sites known to receive excitatory synaptic connections from primary afferents, suggesting that they play a key role in the amplification of sensory inputs to TC neurons.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that mice lateral superior olive (LSO) neurons exhibit a large hyperpolarization-activated current (I(h) ), and that hyperpolarization-activated cyclic-nucleotide-gated type 1 channels are present in both the soma and dendrites of these cells. Here we show that the dendritic I(h) in LSO neurons modulates the integration of multiple synaptic inputs. We tested the LSO neuron's ability to integrate synaptic inputs by evoking excitatory post-synaptic potentials (EPSPs) in conjunction with brief depolarizing current pulses (to simulate a second excitatory input) at different time delays. We compared LSO neurons with the native I(h) present in both the soma and dendrites (control) with LSO neurons without I(h) (blocked with ZD7288) and with LSO neurons with I(h) only present peri-somatically (ZD7288+ computer-simulated I(h) using a dynamic clamp). LSO neurons without I(h) had a wider time window for firing in response to inputs with short time separations. Simulated somatic I(h) (dynamic clamp) could not reverse this effect. Blocking I(h) also increased the summation of EPSPs elicited at both proximal and distal dendritic regions, and dramatically altered the integration of EPSPs and inhibitory post-synaptic potentials. The addition of simulated peri-somatic I(h) could not abolish a ZD7288-induced increase of responsiveness to widely separated excitatory inputs. Using a compartmental LSO model, we show that dendritic I(h) can reduce EPSP integration by locally decreasing the input resistance. Our results suggest a significant role for dendritic I(h) in LSO neurons, where the activation/deactivation of I(h) can alter the LSO response to synaptic inputs.  相似文献   

Neurophysiological studies have shown that parietal mirror neurons encode not only actions but also the goal of these actions. Although some mirror neurons will fire whenever a certain action is perceived (goal-independently), most will only fire if the motion is perceived as part of an action with a specific goal. This result is important for the action-understanding hypothesis as it provides a potential neurological basis for such a cognitive ability. It is also relevant for the design of artificial cognitive systems, in particular robotic systems that rely on computational models of the mirror system in their interaction with other agents. Yet, to date, no computational model has explicitly addressed the mechanisms that give rise to both goal-specific and goal-independent parietal mirror neurons. In the present paper, we present a computational model based on a self-organizing map, which receives artificial inputs representing information about both the observed or executed actions and the context in which they were executed. We show that the map develops a biologically plausible organization in which goal-specific mirror neurons emerge. We further show that the fundamental cause for both the appearance and the number of goal-specific neurons can be found in geometric relationships between the different inputs to the map. The results are important to the action-understanding hypothesis as they provide a mechanism for the emergence of goal-specific parietal mirror neurons and lead to a number of predictions: (1) Learning of new goals may mostly reassign existing goal-specific neurons rather than recruit new ones; (2) input differences between executed and observed actions can explain observed corresponding differences in the number of goal-specific neurons; and (3) the percentage of goal-specific neurons may differ between motion primitives.  相似文献   

The dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (DNLL) and its connections constitute one of the ascending auditory pathways to the inferior colliculus. One notable feature of this nucleus is the heavy commissural connections between DNLL on opposite sides of the midbrain. These commissural connections may have a significant impact on the ascending pathway. In this study, the fine structure of DNLL in the cat and its commissural connections were examined. Both anterograde and retrograde transport methods were used simultaneously at the EM level. Injections of 3H-leucine mixed with WGA-HRP were made in one DNLL. After axonal transport, EM autoradiographic methods were used to identify the anterogradely labeled axonal endings from the opposite DNLL. In the same location, retrogradely labeled neurons with crossed connections were identified with HRP histochemistry. Two types of axonal endings were found in DNLL, those with round synaptic vesicles forming asymmetrical synaptic junctions and those with pleomorphic vesicles and symmetrical synapses. Both types were equally common. However, only endings with pleomorphic vesicles were labeled after injections in the contralateral DNLL. The labeled endings from the opposite DNLL appeared to represent a homogeneous population, even though a number of variations in the 2 types of endings were found. Labeled endings were presynaptic to all parts of neurons in DNLL, but a large proportion of the synapses were on cell bodies and large dendrites. Two patterns of nuclear morphology and distribution of rough endoplasmic reticulum were identified and may represent different cell types. Examples of both cell types were observed to project to the contralateral side and received labeled synaptic endings. The major finding of this study is that the crossed connections between DNLL exhibit the morphology associated with inhibitory function. Since neurons in DNLL are thought to use GABA as a neurotransmitter, the crossed connections could provide inhibitory inputs to DNLL on each side. Since some neurons receive numerous axosomatic inputs from the contralateral DNLL and also project to the opposite side, they may participate in direct reciprocal, inhibitory connections between the nuclei. Crossed inhibitory connections in the DNLL pathway may be important in regulating the flow of ascending auditory information.  相似文献   

Well-defined correlations between morphology, electrophysiological properties and the types of synaptic inputs received are established for myenteric neurons in the guinea pig ileum. However, in the distal colon, the correlations between AH electrophysiological properties, presence of fast excitatory post-synaptic potentials (EPSPs) and neuronal shape have been inadequately resolved and it is unknown whether any colon neurons receive synaptic inputs that generate sustained excitation. In this work, we have used intracellular recording, dye filling via the recording electrode, and immunohistochemistry to classify distal colon neurons. Neurons (24 of 168) had Dogiel type II morphology and 42% of these were dendritic type II neurons, compared to about 10% in the ileum. All Dogiel type II neurons had AH electrophysiological properties, including a prolonged post-spike after-hyperpolarization (AHP). None of these received fast excitatory post-synaptic potentials, 11 of 22 tested exhibited sustained slow post-synaptic excitation (SSPE) in response to 1 Hz pre-synaptic stimulation and 13 of 15 tested were immunoreactive for calbindin. Neurons (127) had Dogiel type I, filamentous or other uniaxonal cell shape and S type electrophysiology. Neurons of this group had fast excitatory post-synaptic responses to stimulation of synaptic inputs, but did not exhibit a prolonged post-spike after-hyperpolarization or sustained slow post-synaptic excitation. Another group of neurons (17) had both AH electrophysiological characteristics and fast excitatory post-synaptic potentials. These neurons had Dogiel type I, filamentous or other uniaxonal shapes, but none had Dogiel type II morphology and none showed sustained slow post-synaptic excitation. It is concluded that Dogiel type II neurons are all AH neurons and are probably intrinsic sensory neurons that could be involved in long-term changes in excitability in the colon. All other neurons are monoaxonal; these are motor neurons and interneurons, and most are S neurons, electrophysiologically. A small number of monoaxonal neurons display AH electrophysiology and also receive fast excitatory synaptic inputs. These include motor and interneurons, but not sensory neurons.  相似文献   

Ventral tegmental area (VTA) glutamate neurons signal and participate in reward and aversion-based behaviors. However, the neurochemical mechanisms that underlie how these neurons contribute to motivated behaviors is unknown. We used a combination of optical sensors to identify how distinct neurochemical inputs to VTA glutamate neurons participate in motivated behavior within female and male transgenic mice. Activity of glutamate inputs to VTA glutamate neurons increased for both reward-predicting and aversion-predicting cues and aversive outcomes, but subpopulations of glutamate inputs were increased or decreased by reward. For both reward and aversion-based cues and outcomes, activity of GABA inputs to VTA glutamate neurons mostly decreased. GCaMP recordings showed overall population increases in VTA glutamate neuron intracellular calcium during reward and aversion-based cues and outcomes. Electrophysiological recordings of VTA VGluT2 neurons showed that glutamate receptor activation increases firing while loss of excitation via glutamate receptor blockade decreases firing. GABA-A receptor activation decreased VTA glutamate neuron firing but GABA-A receptor blockade did not significantly change VTA glutamate neuron firing. Electrophysiological recordings in coordination with our sensor data suggest that glutamate inputs strongly regulate VTA glutamate neuron participation in diverse motivated behaviors.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Glutamate and GABA are the primary excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters of the nervous system. However, identifying how these neurotransmitters regulate motivated behavior has remained challenging because of a lack of tools (1) capable of measuring neurotransmission at the temporal scale of motivated behaviors and (2) capable of capturing chemical signaling onto genetically-distinct neuronal populations. We have overcome these obstacles by implementing genetically-encoded fluorescent indicators to monitor both glutamate and GABA input dynamics exclusively to ventral tegmental area (VTA) glutamate neurons during reward and aversion-based behaviors. We identify that glutamate and GABA inputs to VTA glutamate neurons differentially and dynamically signal reward and aversion-based cues and outcomes. This research provides foundational evidence that links distinct neurotransmitters to motivated behaviors regulated by VTA glutamate neurons.  相似文献   

An identified histaminergic neuron, C2, in the marine mollusk Aplysia is a complex mechanoafferent which appears to contribute to the maintenance of food arousal by means of its synaptic connections to the metacerebral cell (MCC). Because C2 also has extensive synaptic outputs to neurons other than the MCC, we studied its possible motor functions. We identified several synaptic followers of C2 and found that some were excitatory motor neurons for extrinsic muscles of the buccal mass, while others were modulatory motor neurons that inhibited contractions. In addition, we found that these neurons and other synaptic followers of C2 received powerful inputs during feeding motor programs. In order to determine the functional significance of the synaptic outputs of C2, we studied extrinsic buccal muscles (E4 and E5) whose motor neuron (C6) is excited by C2. Extracellular recordings from these muscles indicated that they receive input during swallowing and rejection, but not during biting movements. Lesions of these muscles, or of all extrinsic muscles, did not prevent animals from feeding, but decreased feeding efficiency, that is, the amount of seaweed an animal could ingest with each swallow. The data suggest that C2 is an integrative proprioceptive cell that functions as a premotor neuron. The non-MCC synaptic outputs of C2 may reinforce the actions of the central feeding motor program. Specifically, C2 appears to aid the functioning of muscles that produce fine adjustments of the buccal mass and contribute to the efficiency of feeding behavior, rather than in producing gross movements.  相似文献   

Exploratory variability is essential for sensorimotor learning, but it is not known how and at what timescales it is regulated. We manipulated song learning in zebra finches to experimentally control the requirements for vocal exploration in different parts of their song. We first trained birds to perform a one-syllable song, and once they mastered it, we added a new syllable to the song model. Remarkably, when practicing the modified song, birds rapidly alternated between high and low acoustic variability to confine vocal exploration to the newly added syllable. Furthermore, even within syllables, acoustic variability changed independently across song elements that were only milliseconds apart. Analysis of the entire vocal output during learning revealed that the variability of each song element decreased as it approached the target, correlating with momentary local distance from the target and less so with the overall distance within a syllable. We conclude that vocal error is computed locally in subsyllabic timescales and that song elements can be learned and crystallized independently. Songbirds have dedicated brain circuitry for vocal babbling in the anterior forebrain pathway (AFP), which generates exploratory song patterns that drive premotor neurons at the song nucleus RA. We hypothesize that either AFP adjusts the gain of vocal exploration in fine timescales or that the sensitivity of RA premotor neurons to AFP/HVC inputs varies across song elements.  相似文献   

Projections from neurons of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST) to the ventral tegmental area (VTA) are crucial to behaviors related to reward and motivation. Over the past few years, we have undertaken a series of studies to understand: 1) how excitatory inputs regulate in vivo excitable properties of BST neurons, and 2) how BST inputs in turn modulate neuronal activity of dopamine neurons in VTA. Using in vivo extracellular recording techniques in anesthetized rats and tract-tracing approaches, we have demonstrated that inputs from the infralimbic cortex and the ventral subiculum exert a strong excitatory influence on BST neurons projecting to the VTA. Thus, the BST is uniquely positioned to receive emotional and learning-associated informations and to integrate these into the reward/motivation circuitry. We will discuss how changes in the activity of BST neurons projecting to the VTA could participate in the development or exacerbation of psychiatric conditions such as drug addiction.  相似文献   

The medial geniculate body (MGB) has three major subdivisions, ventral (MGV), dorsal (MGD), and medial (MGM). MGM is linked with paralaminar nuclei that are situated medial and ventral to MGV/MGD. Paralaminar nuclei have unique inputs and outputs compared with MGV and MGD and have been linked to circuitry underlying some important functional roles. We recorded intracellularly from cells in the paralaminar nuclei in vitro. We found that they possess an unusual combination of anatomical and physiological features compared with those reported for "standard" thalamic neurons seen in the MGV/MGD and elsewhere in the thalamus. Compared with MGV/MGD neurons, anatomically, 1) paralaminar cell dendrites can be long, branch sparingly, and encompass a much larger area; 2) their dendrites may be smooth but can have well defined spines; and 3) their axons can have collaterals that branch locally within the same or nearby paralaminar nuclei. When compared with MGV/MGD neurons, physiologically, 1) their spikes are larger in amplitude and can be shorter in duration; 2) their spikes can have dual afterhyperpolarizations with fast and slow components; and 3) they can have a reduction or complete absence of the low-threshold, voltage-sensitive calcium conductance that reduces or eliminates the voltage-dependent burst response. We also recorded from cells in the parafascicular nucleus, a nucleus of the posterior intralaminar nuclear group, because they have unusual anatomical features that are similar to those of some of our paralaminar cells. As with the labeled paralaminar cells, parafascicular cells had physiological features distinguishing them from typical thalamic neurons.  相似文献   

The dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) and ventrolateral periaqueductal grey (vlPAG) regions contain populations of dopamine neurons, often considered to be a dorsal caudal extension of the A10 group [mostly found in the ventral tegmental area (VTA)]. Recent studies suggest they are involved in promoting wakefulness and mediate some of the antinociceptive and rewarding properties of opiates. However, little is known about their electrophysiological properties. To address this, we used Pitx3‐GFP and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)‐GFP mice to carry out targeted whole‐cell recordings from this population in acute brain slices. We found that DRN/vlPAG dopamine neurons have characteristics similar to most VTA dopamine neurons, but distinct from dorsal raphe serotonin neurons. They fire broad action potentials at a relatively slow, regular rate, exhibit a hyperpolarization‐activated inward current and delayed repolarization, and show spike‐frequency adaptation in response to prolonged depolarization. In addition, they receive fast excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs. Moreover, we found co‐expression of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide in small, periaqueductal dopamine neurons, but generally not in larger, more ventral dopamine neurons.  相似文献   

In the rabbit, ciliary ganglion neurons with dendrites maintain inputs from several different axons during the period of synaptic rearrangement that occurs in early postnatal life. Neurons without dendrites, on the other hand, lose the majority of their initial inputs and are innervated in maturity by the terminals of only one or two axons (Purves, D., and R.I. Hume (1981) J. Neurosci. 1: 441-452; Hume, R.I., and D. Purves (1981) Nature 293: 469-471). We have explored the basis of this phenomenon by individually marking preganglionic axons and the neurons they innervate with horseradish peroxidase. In general, the innervation of geometrically complex (multiply innervated) neurons by individual preganglionic axons is regional. That is, the synaptic contacts made by an axon on these neurons are limited to a portion of the postsynaptic surface that includes some, but not all, of the dendrites. This regional innervation of target neurons is consistent with the view that dendrites allow multiple innervation to persist by providing relatively separate postsynaptic domains for individual preganglionic axons. Such regional innervation may mitigate competitive interactions between the several axons which initially innervate the same neuron.  相似文献   

The spinobulbar system in lamprey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Locomotor networks in the spinal cord are controlled by descending systems which in turn receive feedback signals from ascending systems about the state of the locomotor networks. In lamprey, the ascending system consists of spinobulbar neurons which convey spinal network signals to the two descending systems, the reticulospinal and vestibulospinal neurons. Previous studies showed that spinobulbar neurons consist of both ipsilaterally and contralaterally projecting cells distributed at all rostrocaudal levels of the spinal cord, though most numerous near the obex. The axons of spinobulbar neurons ascend in the ventrolateral spinal cord and brainstem to the caudal mesencephalon and within the dendritic arbors of reticulospinal and vestibulospinal neurons. Compared to mammals, the ascending system in lampreys is more direct, consisting of excitatory and inhibitory monosynaptic inputs from spinobulbar neurons to reticulospinal neurons. The spinobulbar neurons are rhythmically active during fictive locomotion, representing a wide range of timing relationships with nearby ventral root bursts including those in phase, out of phase, and active during burst transitions between opposite ventral roots. The spinobulbar neurons are not simply relay cells because they can have mutual synaptic interactions with their reticulospinal neuron targets and they can have synaptic outputs to other spinal neurons. Spinobulbar neurons not only receive locomotor inputs but also receive direct inputs from primary mechanosensory neurons. Due to the relative simplicity of the lamprey nervous system and motor control system, the spinobulbar neurons and their interactions with reticulospinal neurons may be advantageous for investigating the general organization of ascending systems in the vertebrate.  相似文献   

Precise spatiotemporal sequences of neuronal discharges (i.e., intervals between epochs repeating more often than expected by chance), have been observed in a large set of experimental electrophysiological recordings. Sensitivity to temporal information, by itself, does not demonstrate that dynamics embedded in spike trains can be transmitted through a neural network. This study analyzes how synaptic transmission through three archetypical types of neurons (regular-spiking, thalamo-cortical and resonator), simulated by a simple spiking model, can affect the transmission of precise timings generated by a nonlinear deterministic system (i.e., the Zaslavskii mapping in the present study). The results show that cells with subthreshold oscillations (resonators) are very sensitive to stochastic inputs, and are not a good candidate for transmitting temporally coded information. Thalamo-cortical neurons may transmit very well temporal patterns in the absence of background activity, but jitter accumulates along the synaptic chain. Conversely, we observed that cortical regular-spiking neurons can propagate filtered temporal information in a reliable way through the network, and with high temporal accuracy. We discuss the results in the general framework of neural dynamics and brain theories.  相似文献   

The two main sources of excitatory input to CA1 pyramidal cells, the Schaffer collaterals (SC) and the perforant path (PP), target different regions of the dendritic tree. This spatial segregation may have important consequences for the way in which different inputs affect the activity of principal neurons. We constructed detailed biophysical models of CA1 pyramidal cells, incorporating a variety of active conductances, and investigated the ability of synapses located in different dendritic segments to elicit a somatic voltage response. Synaptic efficacy as seen by the soma was strongly dependent on the site of the synapse, with PP inputs being more severely attenuated than SC inputs. Variability within SC inputs, but not between SC inputs and PP inputs, could be eliminated by appropriate scaling of synaptic efficacy. The spatial and temporal summation of multiple synaptic inputs was also investigated. While summation of SC inputs was linear up to the somatic spike threshold, PP inputs summed in a strongly sublinear fashion, with the somatic response remaining subthreshold even following the simultaneous activation of a large number of synapses and during stimulation with high-frequency trains. Finally, the relative impact of different pathways on somatic activity could be effectively altered by modulating the kinetic properties of dendritic transient K+ channels, corresponding to the activation of ascending modulatory neurotransmitter systems. In this case, the efficacy of the PP was enhanced by the dendritic generation and limited spread of action potentials. Strong PP activation could also evoke dendritic Ca++ spikes, which often triggered a somatic burst.  相似文献   

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