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This paper reports an investigation of endemic chronic arsenism due to drinking deep artesian well water in a plant in Kuitun Area, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region. The 0.6 mg L arsenic concen tration of this water was 15 times the maximal per' missible concentration. In the plant, endemic chronic arsenism morbidity rate was 44.6To. The clinical features and histopathologic changes of this disease are described. The authors believe that areas of hyperpigmentation mixed with whitish depigmented spots are typical arsenic dyspigmentation, and that the spotted keratosis and corn-like keratosis palmaris et plantaris are typical arsenic keratosis although there are no standardly recognized specific diagnostic pathologic changes. These characteristic changes may aid in diagnosis.  相似文献   

ChroLnic lymphocytic thyroiditis and lympho- cyte infiltration were studied in 2,053 cases of endemic goiter. Only 7 cases of chronic lympho- cytic thyroiditis and 3 0f focal thyroiditis showed diffused enlargement of thyroid. Among 2,053 cases, 150 had thyroiditis (7.3%), of whom 137 (7.1%) were accompanied by nodular goiters. If focal thyroiditis was excludetl, the incidence rate of chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis would be 2.39T% The increased incidence of Hashimoto's disease was considered to he due to the decreased incidence of endemic goiter and the neglect of chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis accompanied by nodular goiters. Thyroiditis occurs in the sur- rounding tissues of the nodule, and it is why the changes in thyroiditis were overlooked iii excised nodules.  相似文献   

This paper report,s the iodine metabolism and pituitary-thyroid axis function among the inhabitants of an untreated endemic goiter region in the southeast.ern part (Heba commune) of Guizhou province. The results of the investigation showed that the urine iodine excretion of the inhabi- tants in the untreated endemic goiter region was lower than that of those in the normal non- endemic region, a rural commune of Guiyang city and an iodized salt treated endemic region, Shilong commune. The urine iodine excretion was low not only among the goiter patients and cretins but also among the nongoitrous adults and children. Same was with the 24 hr thyroid .131I uptake figures which were higher than normal among the goiter patients and cretins as well as nongoitrous adults and children in Heba commune. It is concluded that in the endemic goiter region, the goiter patients and cretins as well as the nongoitrous adults and children are suffering from iodine deficiency. Studies of pituitary thyroid axis function of the inhabitants in the untreated endemic goiter region, Heba commune, showed basically normal values for serum T3, definitely low values for serum T4 and markedly elevated values for se- rum TSH. The relation_ship between low serum T4 and elevated serum TSH was frequently ob- served among the cretins and the goiter ;patients although myxedema was rarely manifested. Thus hormonal hypothyroidism was not un- common among the inhabitants of Heba com- mune and the term "euthyroidism" should be used with discretion.  相似文献   

目的 了解淄博市的地方性氟中毒现状,为病情预测和开展水氟的健康干预提供技术依据。方法 收集2008—2012年间淄博市农村饮水工程末梢水氟化物监测数据,对比2012年地方性氟中毒的分布情况,应用地理信息系统(GIS)技术分析水氟浓度和地方性氟中毒之间的可能关联。结果 淄博市水氟呈现明显的地区聚集性,水氟浓度的空间分布预测显示,高青县和桓台县为高氟区,以高高相邻为主,与淄博市2012年的氟中毒病区分布存在对应关系。结论 淄博市地方性氟中毒以高青县最为严重,为以后重点防控区域;GIS分析对病情预测和健康干预具有科学指导意义。  相似文献   

In treating endemic goiter, we have discovered that oral administration of iodine requires prolonged therapy, incurs high expenditures and is ineffective in larger or nodular goiters and surgical treat- ment requires a certain amount of equip- ment and technical facilities, which is in- convenient for large scale adoption. One day in 1970, poor peasant Grandma Liu Teh-shan came to our scientific research group, asking for a goiter operation. After a careful examination, her age and poor health left us with no choice and we hacl to refuse her request. Grandma LiLi uncler- stood us and saicl: "Couldn't you try to think of a method to cure me without an operation?” This typical hope of the poor and lower middle peasants of the area spurred us into seeking a nexv non-opera- tive method for them.  相似文献   

辽宁省地方性氟中毒流行病学调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我们从1980到1983年对辽宁省进行了地方性氟中毒流行病学调查。辽宁省有饮水型和燃煤污染型两类地方性氟中毒病区。饮水氟含量在1.1~17.0mg/L之间的高氟区,有人口837 795人,氟中毒病人数395 880人,分布于40个县区,2428个村。重病区在辽东和辽西山地间的辽河平原(新民、法库、彰武和康平)地区、辽西的北部(建平、北票和阜新)地区以及温泉区。干旱气候区浅层潜水型病区分布在中长铁路以西地区,深层地下水型病区在锦县、盘山等渤海湾沿岸区。全省48个温泉中有34个是病区。燃煤污染型病区分布在本溪县。  相似文献   

地方性克汀病患者红细胞SOD和LPO的测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作者测定了严重碘缺乏地区神经型克汀病患者的红细胞中的SOD活性及LPO含量。结果发现患者比正常人血中红细胞SOD活性显著降低,LPO含量明显升高,SOD/LPO比值下降。上述结果表明地方性克汀病的发病可能与自由基损伤作用有关。  相似文献   

定群观察了食盐加碘对地方性克汀病流行的影响。在我县低碘的三岔、土门两乡30个村38321人中,分别用食盐加碘和不加碘进行了10年定群研究观察,结果对照组与食盐加碘组人年发病率出现显著性差异(p<0.05),RR=5.89,AR%:83%。此后,两组皆食盐加碘观察6年,对照组人年发病率降至0.91/10万,两组的地方性克汀病流行均基本控制。  相似文献   

本文记录了30例地方性克汀病人的短潜时体感诱发电位,同时行神经系统检查及CT 扫描。结果表明:有瘫痪或 CT 扫描有阳性发现者,分别采用 Chipappa 氏法、CCT 计算法和 NT+W 计算法其阳性率分别为128.75%、50%、92.86%;而无瘫痪和 CT 正常组阳性率分别为12.5%、12.5%、6.25%。14例 NT+W 值异常者之 W 值均明显异常。  相似文献   

The incidence of goiter in two villages of Shi- jiu Commune situated along the sea coast was 31.3 and 41.7To, and the average urine iodine excretion was l,423.0 and 2,097.0 Ug/g creatinine, respectively. Their average iodine contents in drinking water were 35.5 and 26.0 vg/L, respectively. Because the inhabitants in the villages consumed large quantities ot' kelp salt and its pickled vegetables, we believed that goiter was caused by excessive intake of iodine. The other two villages in Taole Commune had simi- tar geographical conditions as Shijiu Commune did, but their inhabitants took iodine deficient common table salt. Their goiter incidence was 6.7To and 8.Oc70, respectively. Goiter in these villages is consider- ed as mild iodine excess goiter. The goiter incidence in Mazhao Commune of a hilly region 15 kilometers away from the sea, and in Huangdun Commune of a mountainous region 30 kilometers away from the sea, was 29.4'70 and 23.5'70, respectively. The average urine iodine excretion was low (46.5 and 23.96 u.g./g creatinine); it was associated with the low iodine content of drinking water (1.5 and 0.65 ug/L). The inhabitants in both regions were all peasants consum ing iodine deficient table salt. Therefore, goiter in the latter two communes is considered as the com mon iodine deficient goiter.  相似文献   

An epidemiologic investigation on endemic goiter and cretinism in southeastern Guizhou province was carried out in 1979. The incidence of goiter in Shilong, Heba and Pingliang com- munes was 23.2%, 31.5%。 Qianling commune was and 30.4% respectively. taken as a nonendemic control with a goiter rate of 0.97%. The in- cidence of endemic cretinism was 5.2%, 3.1% and 2.8% for Shilong, Heba and Pingliang communes respectively. No endemic cretinism was dis- covered in Qianling commune. Female goiter  相似文献   

对湖南省涟源市不同地方性氟中毒发病区的二个自然村的全体人群进行氟斑牙普查,部分人群进行骨X线、尿氟和发氟检查、并同时测定两村的空气、土壤、水和食物中的氟含量。结果提示,氟中毒高发区的唐家村属显著流行区,其主要氟源是土壤。  相似文献   

This paper reports morbidity of endemic cretirr ism in endemic areas of 3 agricuftural communes in southeastern and southern Guizhou. They were 3.1'io, 2.8'70 and 5.2To in 1979. Retardation of physical deve- lopment before 7 years of age is seen. Thyroid gland biopsy shows hyperplasia; point patches are scattered in scans and l/.scintiscans and there are cold and warm nodules. The surface area of thyroid gland is either normal, decreased or increased. There is mental retardation in all patients. The deaf mutism or cerebral palsy is a characteristic of neural deficit. The roentgenographic features are delayed bony age and late ossification center of the femoral head. In this group iodine uptake of thyroid gland is increased apparently, urine iodine 25yg'gm cretinine, serum T4 4.1Vg/dl, TSH 36.3yU;ml. This group shows both severe psychoneurologic defects and evident hypothyroidism without myxedema, and is classified as the so-called mixecl type of cretinism.  相似文献   

我们于1987年3月~5月对36例地方性克汀病人进行 BAEPs、SSEPs、VEPs 及ECochG 研究,兹报道如下:研究对象:36例地方性克汀病人选自贵州省镇宁县。年龄13~22岁、平均15.5岁,男女各半。该县属地甲病高发区,  相似文献   

用昆明种雄性小鼠同时诱发了低碘和高碘甲状腺肿、根据低、高碘甲状腺肿发生到形成过程中组织象的改变与血清甲状腺激素的水平,初步研究认为,高碘地方甲状腺肿的发病机理是,在高碘影影下,甲状腺仍能合成和释放足量的甲状腺激素,甲状腺肿大是由于胶质在滤泡腔中淤积,使滤泡腔扩大所致。也就是说,低碘和高碘甲状腺肿的发病机理不同各有自己的发生机制。  相似文献   

Fifty patients with primary hepatocellular carcinoma (PHC) and 49 controls were assayed for he- patitis B virus (HBV) markers by radioimmunoas. say. The results showed that the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) was positive in 43 0ut of 50 (8670) PHC patients and in 11 0ut of 49 (22.570) controls (p<0.001). Both anti-HBs and anti-HBc were present in six PHC patients and in 27 controls. The positive rate for at least one HBV marker was 9870, (49/50) in the PHC patients. The rellationship between HBsAg positivity and PHC in our young patients suggests that these individuals were infected by the HBV in their early life either by vertical transmission from the carrier mothers during the perinatal period or by close family contacts during the postnatal period. This study confirmed the strong geographic correla- tion between HBsAg prevalence and incidence of PHC.  相似文献   

高碘地方性甲状腺肿是新认识的一种地方病。1978~1981年,在河北省渤海湾海滨进行了一系列调查,通过流行病观察和动物实验证实,此地的地方性甲状腺肿是由于高碘水所引起。现在,不仅河北、山东省的沿河地区,就是内陆地区的山西省与新疆自治区亦发现此病。  相似文献   

通过对河北省低碘、适碘、高碘地甲肿病区人群尿硫氰化物(SCN)含量测定分析,表明:各类地甲肿病区人群尿SCN水平高于非病区,低碘地区人群尿SCN水平高于其他各类地区。结合流调资料分析:低碘、适碘地区地甲肿的发生与流行同硫氰化物有关;在低碘的食盐加碘病区、高碘病区,人群尿I/SCN比值不能很好地反映与地甲肿、地克病流行的关系。  相似文献   

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