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Gossypiboma is a term used to refer to pseudo-tumors composed of a non-absorbable cotton matrix. Retained sponge in the breast is extremely rare in the literature. The radiologic identification of gossypiboma is difficult because of their variable appearance. But when typical radiologic appearances are present in a patient with previous breast surgery, pre-operative diagnosis of a retained surgical sponge may prevent fatal complications. We present “Aunt Minnie” findings of gossypiboma in a patient with previous breast surgery including ultrasound (US), mammogram and computed tomography (CT).  相似文献   

FDG PET CT features of an intraabdominal gossypiboma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Retained surgical sponge or gossypiboma in the abdominal cavity is an infrequent but serious surgical complication that may lead to medicolegal problem. The incidence of a surgical sponge retained at operation is difficult to estimate, but it has been reported as 1 in 100 to 3000 for all surgical interventions and 1 in 1000 to 1500 for intraabdominal operations. The natural evolution of a retained sponge, if aseptic, is to cause a foreign body reaction, followed by organization to form a foreign body granuloma, which may mimic a soft tissue neoplasm. Although features of CT and MR imaging of gossypibomas have been documented in the literature, they have often been misinterpreted preoperatively owing to the rarity of gossypibomas in daily clinical practice and to the low index of clinical suspicion. We report the FDG PET CT findings of a 42-year-old woman who had undergone cesarean sections twice previously, with an intraabdominal gossypiboma found incidentally in a routine health examination. We hope the PET CT findings in this case offer us useful adjunctive information to conventional imaging studies in the diagnosis of gossypiboma.  相似文献   

We report a 22-year-old man with a solid mass in the right proximal leg, which was furned out to be a gossypiboma. MR imaging revealed a well-defined mass lesion that showed intermediate signal intensity at T1-weighted imaging (T1WI) and slightly high signal intensity at T2-weighted imaging (T2WI). Wavy, low-signal-intensity stripes were visible within the fluid-filled central cavity. At surgical exploration, a sponge, retained after previous knee surgery, was discovered, and it was found that a granuloma had developed. Pathologic examination revealed granulomatous inflammation, with lymphocyte and giant cell infiltration. The presence of wavy, low-signal-intensity gauze fibers at T2WI may be a characteristic MR appearance of gossypiboma.  相似文献   

Gossypiboma, an iatrogenic mass lesion caused by a retained surgical sponge is an extremely rare event following musculoskeletal procedures. This entity is therefore a very unusual experience and can create considerable confusion. Unsuspecting surgeons may thus be caught out by this unlikely presentation. We present our experience with a recurrent gossypiboma in the thigh occurring several years after surgical evacuation of a similar gossypiboma from the same anatomic location with interval resolution of symptoms. The purpose of this case report is to highlight the possibility of a "recurrent" soft tissue mass occurring for reasons other than a neoplasm. In the absence of a definitive biopsy diagnosis of tumor in patients who have undergone prior surgical procedures in that area, it may be more prudent to adopt a conservative surgical resection rather than a conventional radical resection as warranted by the dramatic clinical presentation mimicking a soft tissue sarcoma.  相似文献   

Gossypiboma in the early post-operative period: a diagnostic problem   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A gossypiboma (a retained surgical sponge) usually has the characteristic appearance on CT of a soft tissue mass with air-bubbles and a whirl-like pattern. This finding may be confused in the early post-operative period with an abscess, especially when a fistula is present. We describe two patients, in whom this diagnosis was initially missed. A soft tissue mass containing air-bubbles in the early post-operative period with or without a fistula should include a retained pad, in the differential diagnosis.  相似文献   

Gossypiboma is a foreign object, such as a mass of cotton matrix or a sponge, that is left behind in a body cavity during surgery. It is uncommon, mostly asymptomatic, and hard to diagnose. It may be incorrectly diagnosed preoperatively, which can lead to unnecessary invasive diagnostic procedures and operations. It should be included in the differential diagnosis of soft-tissue masses detected in patients with a history of a prior operation. We present a case of 36-year-old female who referred to emergency room with severe abdominal pain and distension. Imaging revealed a giant intra-abdominal mass resembling a soft tissue tumor, but revealed to be a giant gossypiboma caused by a sponge that was forgotten during previous ectopic pregnancy surgery. This case differs from others with the absence of findings supporting gossypiboma such as calcification or trapped gas bubbles and emphasizes the importance of this potentially life-threatening complication of surgery.  相似文献   

We report a retained surgical sponge (gossypiboma) in the thigh, which mimicked a neoplasm. A 25-year-old man, who had a past history of external fixation for femoral shaft fracture, complained of swelling in the left thigh with pain. A radiograph of the thigh showed periosteal reaction. T1-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) images showed a well-defined mass with heterogenous signal intensity, and T2-weighted images showed tortuous lines of low signal intensity within the mass. Surgical excision revealed a retained gauze sponge within the mass. Histopathological examination revealed foreign body reaction related to the retained gauze sponge. Our case, the third to our knowledge of gossypiboma in a limb, demonstrated characteristic MR imaging findings.  相似文献   

The retention of foreign bodies after surgery is rare, but carries significant morbidity and mortality as well as financial and legal implications. Such retained items cause a foreign-body reaction, which in the case of cotton-based materials are called gossypibomas. We present the case of an 84-year-old woman with a pseudotumor secondary to a retained dressing gauze roll, presenting 5 months after resection of a gluteal sarcoma, which had raised concerns of local recurrence. We also outline the imaging modalities that may assist in diagnosis of a retained foreign body, and suggest the MRI “row of dots” sign as a useful radiological feature associated with gossypiboma. Awareness of the imaging appearances of retained foreign bodies allows the inclusion of this possibility in differential diagnosis of a mass in patients with a surgical history.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to report the tomographic findings in five cases of intrathoracic textilomas. The CT scans of five patients presenting with textilomas after being submitted to thoracotomy for myocardial revascularisation were reviewed retrospectively. Two chest radiologists studied the scans independently, and decisions concerning the CT findings were made by consensus. In each of the five cases, the imaging findings were similar and showed lesions resembling an extrapulmonary mass and well-defined contours situated at the marginal posterior pleural surface. In four of the five cases, a low-density centre and peripheral rim-like enhancement were observed after administration of contrast media. The suspicion of textiloma should be raised when a patient with a history of previous myocardial revascularisation surgery presents with an extrapulmonary mass in close contact with the posterior pleural surface.Textiloma (also called gossypiboma) is a term used to describe a mass within the body composed of a cotton matrix, which usually refers to a retained surgical sponge or gauze, surrounded by a foreign body reaction [1, 2]. Most cases of textiloma reported in the literature have been connected to abdominal or orthopaedic surgery; very few have been linked with thoracic surgery [3]. It is also a rare complication of cardiac surgery [3, 4]. The aim of this work was to report the similar tomographic findings in five cases of intrathoracic textilomas, revealed by the presence of thoracic pain in the late post-operative period after successful myocardial revascularisation surgery. The pre-operative diagnosis was suspected by a combination of imaging findings and the historical context of previous cardiac surgery, and subsequently confirmed by surgical removal.  相似文献   

A 51-year-old Korean woman with a history of breast cancer underwent screening bone scintigraphy, which revealed minimal soft tissue uptake of Tc-99m methylene diphosphonate (MDP) in the right lower quadrant. CT and plain films confirmed that the uptake was due to a retained surgical sponge or gossypiboma. The incidence of gossypibomas has been reported at high as 1 in 1000 to 15,000 intra-abdominal operations. The natural progression of an aseptic gossypiboma is a foreign body reaction and granuloma formation. This inflammatory granulomatous reaction is the most likely cause of the extraosseous accumulation of Tc-99m MDP. This entity should be added to the already extensive list of etiologies of extraosseous MDP accumulation.  相似文献   

This 50-year-old woman presented with progressive pain in the left thigh. Radiographs showed a 9 x 6 cm soft-tissue mass located at the lateral border of the left femur. Magnetic resonance (MR) examination showed an eccentric, nonhomogeneous, soft-tissue mass abutting the femur. The preoperative differential diagnosis was schwannoma, low-grade neurogenic tumor, large periosteal ganglion, or fibroma. At operation, the cut surface of the specimen had features of an organizing hematoma with recent remote hemorrhage and areas of fibrosis. Histopathological examination confirmed the presence of polarizable foreign body material in a background of foreign body reaction. The specimen represented a retained surgical sponge which had been present since the patient's surgery for a comminuted fracture 35 years earlier. Gossypiboma, or cotton balloma, is a term used to describe a mass within the body composed of cotton matrix. Radiopaque markers are now present on surgical sponges, and their appearances have been well documented. The gossypiboma, however, may still present a diagnostic problem if the marker is distorted by folding, twisting, or disintegration over a period of time. Without the radiopaque markers, retained sponges are difficult, if not impossible, to diagnose, as was the situation in this case.  相似文献   

An intrathoracic gossypiboma is a rare condition. Moreover, intrathoracic gossypibomas with intrapulmonary location are extremely rare and only a few cases of intrapulmonary gossypiboma have been published. Usually gossypiboma has the characteristic CT appearance of a soft tissue mass with high attenuation, air bubbles and a whirl-like pattern, but its radiological manifestations may be variable according to the location and chronicity of the sponge. We report a case of intrathoracic gossypiboma initially misdiagnosed as an aspergilloma owing to its intrapulmonary location and air crescent sign on CT. In addition, our case will show morphological changes of the gossypiboma on CT during the 10 year follow-up period and correlate the CT findings with pathological results.  相似文献   

The patient was a 61-year-old man who developed gossypiboma of the left thigh and femur resulting in the imaging appearances of a malignant surface tumor. He had a past history of surgery on the left femur for open fracture 40 years previously. Radiographs and CT showed a soft tissue mass with osteolysis and periosteal thickening of the left femur. On MRI, the mass showed heterogeneous signal intensity with contrast enhancement at the periphery, suggesting a malignancy. 99mTc-HMDP bone scintigraphy showed a faint ring-like uptake, but thallium -201 scintigraphy did not show any uptake in the tumor. An extensive intralesional excision was performed. Postoperative histopathological examination showed a fibrous foreign body with reactive changes. There were neither viable cells nor atypical giant cells around the foreign body. No malignant change was evident. Based on surgical and histopathological examinations, the tumor was finally diagnosed as gossypiboma related to a retained surgical sponge.The patient was treated by Dr. Kenshi Sakayama at Ehime University Hospital, Ehime, Japan  相似文献   

Foreign bodies left inside the patient after surgery can cause damage to the patient’s health and lead to medical compensation claims for suffering. The case of a retained surgical sponge after laparoscopic appendectomy and revision surgery underlines the necessity of considering the differential diagnosis of “foreign body” and the importance of early x-ray examination. The presentation of this case offers an update on the well-known problem of corpus alienum relictum.  相似文献   

An unusual case of gossypiboma, a foreign cotton body, in a 75-year-old male patient, who underwent staging studies for colon adenocarcinoma, is presented. A lower pole mass on his right kidney appeared on the preoperative workup, which was revealed to be a retained gauze, during the surgical exploration. A history of renal stone surgery, 32 years before was the possible reason of this situation. There are relatively few reports in the literature concerning gossypibomas, however, their true incidence might be underestimated due to underreporting because of legal implications.  相似文献   

Five years after open chest surgery because of three vessel coronary artery disease a patient was referred for progressing dyspnea and recent onset of atrial fibrillation. A retrocardiac mass was detected on chest X-ray and echocardiography. On CT-scan, the inhomogenous tumor made the diagnosis of a retained surgical gauze likely. Through a left incision the sponge was removed uneventfully and the dyspnea resolved.  相似文献   

Feared by every surgeon, retained surgical sponges (or gossypiboma) are rare iatrogenic entities. Ultrasonography and computed tomography are very valuable, providing an immediate answer in the majority of cases. We report 12 cases of intra-abdominal retained surgical swabs. The ultrasonic pattern was made whether of a large poorly echogenic mass with a hyper-echogenic center and sharply delineated posterior acoustic shadow (7 cases) or of a large acoustic shadow posterior to a solitary highly echogenic area (4 cases). Computed tomography demonstrated whether large peripherally enhanced cystic mass associated with serpiginous or spongiform central area (5 cases) or heterogeneous abscess-like fluid mass.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: "Gossypiboma" is a term used to describe a mass within the body that comprises a cotton matrix surrounded by a foreign-body reaction, which is extremely rare after spinal surgery. The purpose of this study was to describe the clinical and MR imaging features of gossypibomas in the paravertebral area of 7 patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between October 1999 and December 2005, 7 cases of paravertebral gossypibomas were confirmed pathologically at 2 institutions. The clinical features were reviewed retrospectively. We recorded MR imaging features and differential MR imaging-based diagnoses. RESULTS: All patients were symptomatic; the most frequent symptom was nonspecific back or neck pain. None of the patients presented with signs of infection or required surgery urgently. In 3 of the 7 patients, gossypiboma was included in the preoperative differential imaging diagnosis. In all patients, the gossypiboma was located in the vicinity of the initial site of surgery. Typically, gossypibomas were visible in T2-weighted images as a mass with a hyperintense center and hypointense rim and exhibited strong peripheral enhancement in contrast-enhanced images. Retained surgical gauze was removed surgically from 4 patients; in the remaining patients, the surgical specimens contained suture threads. CONCLUSION: Gossypiboma should be included in the differential diagnosis of the paravertebral mass when a mass with a hyperintense center and peripheral hypointense rim on T2-weighted images and strong peripheral rim enhancement on contrast-enhanced T1-weighted MR images is seen in postoperative patients.  相似文献   

Bile leakage into the thoracic cavity is a rare complication of invasive cancer. A 12-year-old boy was diagnosed with undifferentiated sarcoma of the right lobe of the liver invading the diaphragm. An extended right hepatectomy and total resection of the mass was performed, leaving a patchy tumoral invasion at the anterior diaphragmatic surface. Surgery was followed with a combined chemotherapy regimen. In the sixth postoperative month, he was readmitted with bilious expectoration. Tc-99m mebrofenin hepatobiliary scintigraphy revealed radiotracer accumulation in the right hemithorax. Bile leakage into the right thoracic cavity was diagnosed based on the hepatobiliary scintigraphic findings. For this patient; hepatobiliary scintigraphy, which is routinely used to visualize the liver and biliary tree, provided a noninvasive mean for the precise diagnosis of a bronchobiliary fistula. The fistula was then confirmed and corrected with surgery. The patient recovered uneventfully.  相似文献   

目的 探讨轮胎爆炸致食管破裂的临床特点及误诊原因,提出防范措施.方法 对我院收治的1例轮胎爆炸伤致食管破裂患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析.结果 入院时检查右侧气胸,右肺压缩60%,左眼出血、左眼泪小管断裂,头颅CT示:蛛网膜下腔出血.急诊收住眼科治疗.胸科会诊放置胸腔闭式引流管处理.后出现液气胸,胸腔引流管中引流出浑浊胸水,行胸部CT检查明确诊断食管破裂.受伤后28 h转入胸外科,二期手术治疗痊愈出院.结论 轮胎爆炸致食管破裂比较罕见、少见,易误诊.首诊时要尽早行胸部CT、食管造影等检查,以尽早明确诊断,尽早手术治疗.  相似文献   

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