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2006年9月6日至8日,第18届国际污染控制学术论坛暨2006年中国国际污染控制展览会,在北京国际会议中心举行。由国际污染控学会联盟、中国电子学会、中国国际企业合作公司联合主办的本次论坛,邀请来自国内外的专家学,进行了洁净室设计、检测、建造、运行与标准、气流与过滤技术及生物安全技术等专题的深入研讨。国内外专业从事洁净技术研发制造的厂商参加了展览会。  相似文献   

2022年12月10日,由复旦大学研究生院、复旦大学党委研究生工作部、复旦大学公共卫生学院主办的2022年复旦大学博士生学术论坛之“公共卫生”篇在复旦大学公共卫生学院顺利召开。本次论坛累计收到来自全国各高校和科研单位的稿件53篇,其中10篇被遴选为优秀论文并进行论坛汇报。论坛当天100余名师生出席,围绕“秉承科研报国初心,践行公卫青年使命”的主题,完成了上午的科研成果汇报和下午的圆桌会议2项内容。与会专家和同学们就突发公共卫生事件的防控与管理等话题进行了深入探讨和交流,对同学们开拓视野,秉承初心,践行使命,进一步深入公共卫生研究大有裨益。  相似文献   

由中华医学会中华预防医学杂志编委会、四川大学华西公共卫生学院、四川省营养学会和欧盟食品质量与安全监测(MoniQA)项目委员会联合主办的"新形势下的食品安全--机遇与挑战学术论坛"于2010年8月10-12日在成都举行.参加本次学术论坛的代表达100多人,收到大会专题报告14篇,学术交流论文20多篇.  相似文献   

东北华北地区第十三次卫生经济学术论坛在包头召开   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年8月6—7日,东北华北地区第十三次卫生经济学术论坛在内蒙古自治区包头市召开。卫生部规划财务司王玉洵副司长出席会议并对会议的召开表示热烈的祝贺,内蒙古自治区卫生厅尹赤林副厅长致欢迎辞并介绍了内蒙古自治区卫生改革的进展。论坛共收到论文108篇,来自“两北”地区卫生经济界的近百位代表参加了本次学术论坛。  相似文献   

为期2天的“2010京鲁不孕不育专家学术论坛暨中华医学会不孕不育新技术研讨会”4月儿日在济南天伦医院成功落下帷幕。会后,本刊对济南天伦不孕不育医院院长王秀峰、中国人口协会孕育基金理事会秘书长郭梓洪、中华医学会继续教育教材编委会主任周景进行了专访。  相似文献   

2011年1月14日,由上海市医学会临床医学工程学会主办的“第五届上海市医学会医学工程学术论坛——最新技术与最优服务暨医学工程界新春联谊会”在上海隆重召开。来自上海各界的医疗设备管理人员、医学工程界同仁、中华医学会的相关领导,以及北京、天津、浙江、湖北、  相似文献   

2013年1月8日,山东省疾病预防控制中心全体职工齐聚一堂,以举办公共卫生学术论坛的形式喜迎中心成立十周年。山东省卫生厅党组副书记、副厅长袭燕出席大会并讲话。会议由省卫生厅党组成员、副厅长左毅主持。  相似文献   

由上海市医学会临床医学工程学分会主办的第五届上海市医学会医学工程学术论坛——最新技术与最优服务暨医学工程界新春联谊会于2011年1月14日在中油阳光大酒店隆重召开。开幕式由钱建国主持,张力方主任致开幕词。  相似文献   

2008年7月22-23日,东北华北地区第十二次卫生经济学术论坛在吉林省长春市召开。吉林省卫生厅李殿富厅长出席论坛并致辞;中国卫生经济学会常务副会长李长明同志代表中国卫生经济学会对论坛的召开表示热烈的祝贺,并作了题为“实行基本卫生保健,发展社区卫生服务”的专题学术报告。  相似文献   

小皮 《自我保健》2014,(11):64-65
2013年4月,武汉博大医院与“台湾第一性治疗师”童嵩珍签约,在内地建立首个性治疗工作室。2014年8月底,第六届世界华人性学家学术大会暨性治疗学术论坛在杭州召开。一个隐秘的行业、一个庞杂的人群,众多来自海内外的性学专家和各路从业人员聚首,悄然揭开“性治疗”神秘的一角。  相似文献   

顾群  成蔡芸  周国强 《中国健康教育》2009,25(7):522-523,541
目的评价以健康俱乐部为载体开展健康大讲坛活动对提高社区居民健康意识、相关预防和控制慢性病知识、改善不良行为方式所起的作用。方法采用现场调查、专题小组讨论和问卷调查的方法调查6家社区健康俱乐部的健康大讲坛的活动效果。结果共调查219名参与健康大进坛活动的社区居民,他们对健康大讲坛效果满意率为100%,参加健康大讲坛后,糖尿病相关知识得分均分为84.95分,合格率为84.48%,高血压相关知识得分均分为78.50分,合格率为93.20%,活动后社区居民慢性病知识知晓率均有所提高,与干预前比较具有统计学差异(P〈0.01)。结论健康俱乐部的健康大讲坛活动有助于人们较系统地获得相关健康知识和保健技能,并在管理者的指导下,逐步形成了健康生活方式。  相似文献   

目的探讨不同病种网民对健康知识的需求情况。方法以39健康网健康论坛为研究对象,统计分析各健康论坛网民的发贴数、回贴数及点击数。结果论坛的发贴数、回贴数及点击数与网民的年龄和病种相关。结论互联网将成为开展健康教育的良好场所,医护工作者应重祝网民的健康教育需求。  相似文献   

Discussion forums on the Internet allow doctors to discuss issues of interest in a rapid, convenient and educational manner. In March 2002, the department of dermatology at the St George Hospital in Sydney launched a national Website with an online discussion forum for dermatologists. Features of the Website forum include the ability to moderate the discussion boards, a choice of public or private discussions and receipt of automatic email notifications. Over three months, three dermatologists posted a total of 13 messages on three different topics. The low rate of participation by dermatologists may have been due to lack of time or familiarity with the technology. Increased promotion to and education of dermatologists who are most likely to use the discussion forum may improve utilization of this means of communication.  相似文献   

Discussion forums on the Internet allow doctors to discuss issues of interest in a rapid, convenient and educational manner. In March 2002, the department of dermatology at the St George Hospital in Sydney launched a national Website with an online discussion forum for dermatologists. Features of the Website forum include the ability to moderate the discussion boards, a choice of public or private discussions and receipt of automatic email notifications. Over three months, three dermatologists posted a total of 13 messages on three different topics. The low rate of participation by dermatologists may have been due to lack of time or familiarity with the technology. Increased promotion to and education of dermatologists who are most likely to use the discussion forum may improve utilization of this means of communication.  相似文献   

Knowledge is a critical element in the delivery of quality healthcare. In a busy emergency department (ED) clinicians attempting clinically relevant discussion with their peers face multiple interruptions and a lack of sustained meaningful interactions. Information and communication technologies such as online discussion forums enable practitioners to share practice knowledge at times that fit into their daily workflow. We conducted an experiment in which we provided emergency clinicians with access to an asynchronous discussion forum as a medium to support development of an online social network for information exchange. The outcomes were evaluated using a social network perspective to better understand the knowledge seeking and sharing behaviors among rural and urban emergency practitioners participating in the online discussion forum. The online discussion forum created an opportunity for emergency practitioners from multiple ED sites to engage in dialogue around topics that were relevant to their practice learning needs.  相似文献   

A forum of health professionals was held in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 30-31 August 2003, to discuss the relevance and potential of the Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) model to rural, remote and Indigenous communities in Australia. The forum identified principles and guidelines for the development of CBR, which are presented here as a focus point for future discussion and action by people with disabilities, rural community members, Indigenous people, policy makers and health professionals. Forum members noted that while considerable strengths were evident in the CBR model, it has yet to make a significant impact on the service system in Australia. While recognising that the Australian context is quite different from many countries in which CBR has traditionally been implemented, they suggested that it may have particular application to remote, rural and Indigenous communities. To facilitate the principles of CBR in these communities, the forum called for recognition of the need for greater community involvement in disability services, the need to develop appropriate training frameworks, and the need to redirect resources to such community models. In keeping with the CBR philosophy, forum members noted that if the model is to be implemented effectively, substantial consumer and community involvement will be instrumental in future steps.  相似文献   

Adopting a social network analysis approach, the present study examined social capital and network dynamics of online support seeking and support provision in a depression forum. We constructed a depression forum network by mapping out all of the users and the reply ties among them. The findings showed a consistently reciprocal pattern between users’ replies sent to others and replies received from others. Forum users’ bridging social capital was positively associated with the source diversity of their received replies and negatively associated with the average length of their received replies. Furthermore, forum users’ bonding social capital was positively associated with the average length of their received replies and negatively associated with the source diversity of their received replies.  相似文献   

The 2002 meeting of the American College of Epidemiology included an open forum on doctoral education and training in epidemiology. Discussion groups, facilitated by selected senior epidemiologists, recommended changes that would better prepare future epidemiologists to meet new challenges in public health and to build successful careers. The forum discussions were complemented by a panel of two doctoral students and two senior epidemiologists who provided their perspectives on each of the topics. Within discussion groups, agreement was clear on some issues and elusive on others. For example, good mentoring was considered a critical factor for a successful career, but how good mentoring can be promoted was a more complex issue. Likewise, experience with primary data collection should be a standard requirement for the doctoral degree, but the group's definition of primary data collection was more ambiguous. The recommendations derived from the education forum are summarized in this report, which may serve as an impetus for changes in the education and training of future epidemiologists.  相似文献   

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