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孙熠  曹虹  燕振国 《国际眼科杂志》2007,7(5):1240-1242
目的:调查兰州市中学生屈光不正的发病率并探讨近视发病的危险因素。方法:采用前瞻性调查设计,对抽样的学生进行有关家庭因素及用眼状态的问卷调查,并进行视力测量以及包括裂隙灯、视网膜镜、矫正视力等的全面眼部检查。采集各项指标,输入应用程序,采用SPSS11.0软件进行统计分析。结果:在2256名年龄介于15~19岁的学生中,2037名(90.3%)学生患有屈光不正。近视是引起屈光不正的首要原因(1951/2256,86.5%),散光为第二位原因(921/2256,40.8%),弱视(10/2256,0.4%)、斜视(5/2256,0.2%)、远视(4/2256,0.2%)和其它眼病的发病率相对较低。在患有屈光不正的学生中约有95.3%在接受调查前已经佩戴眼镜。年龄、性别、用眼状态及家族史是近视发病的危险因素。结论:兰州市中学生屈光不正发病率及其发病的危险因素与国内其它地区类似,采取一定的干预措施保护中学生的视力是有必要的。  相似文献   

Purpose: To determine the prevalence of refractive errors in Shiraz schoolchildren by age and gender. Methods: For this cross‐sectional study, random cluster sampling was carried out from students of the 2008–2009 academic year. After the initial interview, ophthalmic examinations including tests of visual acuity, non‐cycloplegic and cycloplegic refraction and binocular vision were performed. Myopia was defined as a spherical equivalent ≤?0.50 dioptre (D), hyperopia as ≥+2.0 D, and astigmatism as a cylinder refraction ≥0.75 D. All values for school grade and gender were directly standardized based on the total student population in the 2008–2009 school year. Results: A total of 2130 students were sampled, of which 1872 participated in the study (response rate = 87.88%). The prevalence of uncorrected, best‐corrected, presenting and spectacle corrected visual acuity of 6/12 or worse in the better eye was 6.46%, 0%, 1.49% and 0.9%, respectively. The prevalence rates of myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism were 4.35% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.89–5.82%), 5.04% (95% CI: 3.50–6.58%), and 11.27% (95% CI: 9.81–12.74%), respectively. Anisometropia was detected in 2.58% of schoolchildren. The prevalence of hyperopia significantly decreased with age (P = 0.021). Conclusions: Compared with other reported rates, the prevalence of myopia in the schoolchildren of Shiraz is similar to that in most places excluding East Asian countries, and that of hyperopia is in the mid range.  相似文献   

目的:了解江苏省徐州市6~18岁中小学生近视筛查与矫正情况。方法:横断面随机整群抽样研究,于2020-09/12以学校为单位抽取徐州市70所中小学校进行近视筛查。参与抽样63 488人,剔除不合格记录后,最终纳入6~18岁中小学生58 149人,并分析其不同年龄、性别、地区、近视程度下的近视及矫正情况。结果:徐州市6~18岁中小学生筛查性近视率为49.26%,近视患病率随年龄增长呈增加的趋势(P<0.01),近视程度随年龄增加逐渐加深,女生近视患病率高于男生(53.70%vs 45.67%,P<0.01),城市中小学生近视患病率高于乡镇(55.40%vs 45.10%,P<0.01)。框架眼镜矫正率为31.11%,足矫率为60.23%,同时矫正率随着年龄的增长逐渐增高(P<0.01),女生矫正率高于男生(32.45%vs 29.84%,P<0.01),但女生足矫率却低于男生(56.60%vs 63.98%,P<0.01)。城市中小学生矫正率和足矫率均高于乡镇(46.50%vs 18.33%,62.20%vs 56.07%,P<0.01)。结论:...  相似文献   

AIM: To evaluate the prevalence of refractive errors and ocular biometry in 3573 freshman students at Tianjin Medical University for 4 consecutive years. METHODS: In this university-based, cross-sectional study, comprising 3573 students, visual acuity (VA), slit-lamp examination, non-cycloplegic auto-refraction, and ocular biometry were recorded. RESULTS: The prevalence of myopia increased annually, from 2017 to 2020 were 93.5%, 94.5%, 95.9%, and 96.2%, respectively (P=0.03), and the prevalence of high myopia was 25.7%, 26.9%, 28.6%, and 28.6%, respectively. Males tended to have a higher percentage of total astigmatism than females, with astigmatism ≥0.75 and ≥1.0 D criteria. The percentage of with-the-rule astigmatism, against-the-rule astigmatism, and oblique astigmatism was 90.3%, 5.8%, and 3.9%, respectively, with astigmatism ≥1.00 D criteria. The mean spherical equivalent, axial length (AL), central corneal thickness (CCT), anterior chamber depth (ACD), lens thickness (LT), corneal radius (CR), and lens position (LP) were 4.37±2.52 D, 25.28±1.24 mm, 539.49±34.98 μm, 3.31±0.34 mm, 3.47±0.21 mm, 7.8±0.28 mm, and 5.04±0.32 mm, respectively. With diopter increase in myopia, the AL became longer, CR became steeper, ACD became deeper, LT became thinner, and LP became more posterior (all P<0.01). Females had a shorter AL, thinner CCT, smaller CR, shallower ACD, thicker lens, and more anterior LP than males (P<0.01). The 64% of high myopia had AL≥26 mm, meanwhile, 5.8% mild myopia and 21.1% moderate myopia had AL≥26 mm. With AL≥26 mm, mild and moderate myopia compared to high myopia, AL was shorter (26.51±0.46 vs 26.87±0.70 mm), CR was larger (8.10±0.3 vs 7.85±0.23 mm) and LT was thinner (3.39±0.19 vs 3.45±0.19 mm, P<0.001). CONCLUSION: The prevalence of myopia and high myopia is significantly high in freshman students. The majority of astigmatism is with-the-rule. Inconformity of refractive errors and ocular biometry existed in some students. Attention should be paid to the ocular biometry of myopia.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to characterise the refractive state of a Spanish population. Special attention to myopia prevalence was carried out. At this stage 7621 subjects, 3692 males and 3929 females, between 3 and 93 years were examined by means of static retinoscopy and subjective refraction. The most prevalent was emmetropia with a mean percentage of 43.2% and ranging from 60.6% (3–8 years) to 29.0% (66–93 years). The prevalence of hyperopia (35.6%) increased with age, from 36.9% (3–8 years) to 55.8% (66–93 years). Myopia appeared to be more prevalent in the 30–35 age group (30.1%), agreeing with the more near-work demanding age range. Mean refractive error obtained was +0.19±3.42 D, ranging from +0.05±3.18 D (20–35 years) to +0.96±2.42 (66–93 years). Reading addition value obtained was similar to respective values of age of other populations. The whole Spanish population evaluated was emmetrop. No differences in prevalence from other populations were found, obtaining greater values of myopia in groups with more near work and a greater percentage of hyperopia versus age.  相似文献   

We aimed to study the prevalence of refractive conditions in Singapore teenagers. Grade 9 and 10 students (n = 946) aged 15-19 years from two secondary schools in Singapore were recruited. The refractive errors of the students' eyes were measured using non-cycloplegic autorefraction. Sociodemographic data and information on risk factors for myopia (such as reading and writing) were also obtained using an interviewer-administered questionnaire. The prevalence of refractive conditions was found to be: myopia [spherical equivalent (SE) at least -0.50 D] - 73.9%, hyperopia (SE at least +0.50 D) - 1.5%, astigmatism (cylinder at least -0.50 D) - 58.7% and anisometropia (SE difference at least 1.00 D) - 11.2%. After adjusting for age and gender, currently doing more than 20.5 h of reading and writing a week was found to be positively associated with myopia [odds ratio 1.12 (95% CI 1.04-1.20, p = 0.003)], as was reading and writing at a close distance and a better educational stream. The prevalence of myopia (73.9%) in Singapore teenagers is high. Current reading and writing habits, reading at close distances and a better educational stream are possible risk factors for myopia.  相似文献   

高中各年级动态眼屈光状况的横断面流行病学调查   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
目的:对在校中学生眼健康状况中的动态屈光基本情况进行横断面调查,为青少年眼保健提供基础资料。方法:采用前瞻性调查设计,对西安市城区重点中学2002/2004年度高中学生1385人2770眼动态屈光状态等指标进行采集,输入编辑的专项应用程序,用SPSS11.0软件行统计分析。结果:高中学生(年龄16~18岁)在正常动态情况下,近视眼的发病率为94%,其中41.7%的低度近视,40.0%的中度近视,12.3%的高度近视;正视眼仅占3.8%,尚有2.2%为远视眼;3个年级组各屈光构成比相比,高度近视、远视组在3a间基本稳定,而高三年级在低度近视组、正视组明显下降的同时,中度近视组明显升高。高中平均屈光度(-3.39±2.34)D,其中低度近视平均(-1.83±0.75)D,中度近视平均(-4.38±0.85)D,高度近视平均(-7.49±1.28)D。3个年级平均屈光度为:高一(-3.29±2.49)D,高二(-3.09±2.31)D,高三(-3.57±2.25)D,组间和总体均有显著性差异(P<0.01)。女生组平均屈光度(-3.46±2.35)D,大于男生组(-3.31±2.32)D(P=0.093);其他屈光度组间在性别中无显著性差异。眼别中右眼平均屈光度(-3.51±2.25)D大于左眼(-3.27±2.42)D(P=0.008)。女生右眼平均屈光度大于左眼(P=0.030)。远视组右眼平均屈光度小于左眼(P=0.004)。结论:高中学生屈光状态趋于平稳的同时,近视眼的构成比中在高三年级继续有低度近视向中度近视发展变化,致使高中总体屈光状态呈平缓近视化趋势;女生在近视化进展期早于男生,女生右眼在高中屈光近视化进展期早于左眼,应针对高中年级学生这一人群的用眼状态采取综合、简易的手段,对其近视度数进行医疗干预。  相似文献   

目的对在校中学生眼健康状况中的动态屈光基本情况进行横断面调查,为青少年眼保健提供基础资料。方法采用前瞻性调查设计,对初一学生动态眼屈光状态等指标进行采集,输入编辑的专项应用程序,用SPSS11.0软件行统计分析。结果初一学生(平均年龄13岁)在正常动态情况下,近视眼的患病率为83.6%,其中68.6%为低度近视,13.4%为中度近视,1.6%为高度近视。正视眼占11.8%,远视眼占4.5%的。平均屈光度(等效球镜)为(-1.57±1.66)D,其中低度近视平均(-1.4131±0.71)屈光度(D),中度近视平均(-4.21±0.88)D,高度近视平均(-6.92±0.73)D。性别中女生组平均屈光度(-1.77±1.68)D大于男生组(-1.53±1.64)D,眼别中右眼组平均屈光度(-1.87±1.68)D大于左眼组(-1.54±1.63)D。结论应针对初中一年级学生这一人群的用眼状态采取综合、简易的手段,对其近视度数进行医疗干预。  相似文献   

目的 对在校中学生眼健康状况的基本情况进行调查,为青少年眼保健提供基础资料。方法 采用前瞻性调查设计,对高一学生眼眼压、动态眼屈光状态等指标进行采集,输入编辑的专项应用程序,用SPSS11.0软件行统计分析。结果 高一学生(平均年龄16岁)在正常动态情况下,近视眼的患病率93.8%,其中低度近视为46.4%,中度近视34%,高度近视13.4%,正视眼4.0%,远视眼2.1%。平均屈光度为(-3.29±2.49)D,其中低度近视平均(-1.79±0.75)屈光度(D),中度近视平均(-4.34±0.88)D,高度近视平均(-7.77±1.46)D。较初一年级相比,男女生屈光度数之间、左右眼远视组有显著性差异,左右眼之间已无显著性差异,各近视组度数明显增加。结论高中一年级学生这一人群的的屈光度状态较初一已发生了质的变化,与初三、高三的各项指标近似,提示初中三年级的屈光发育对以后的近视发展具有重要的意义;初三各项指标均高于高一这一结果提示,高中升学考试对学生的屈光状态有着一定的影响,也间接证明过度近距离用眼导致眼过度调节,形成调节性(假性)近视,这种近视可通过长时间的休息得到一定缓解和恢复原有屈光度。提示应针对高中一年级学生这一人群的用眼状态采取综合、简易的手段,对其近视度数进行医疗干预。  相似文献   

目的对在校中小学生眼健康状况中的动态屈光基本情况进行调查,为青少年眼保健提供基础资料。方法采用横断面调查设计,用自动验光仪(NIKONSPEEDY-K)非散瞳情况下对中小学生5757人次11514眼动态眼屈光状态等指标进行采集,输入编辑的专项应用程序,用SPSS11.0软件行统计分析。结果1.中小学生(年龄7~18岁)在正常动态情况下,近视眼的检出率为81.4%,在小学1年级(7岁)、初中1年级(13岁)、初中3年级(15岁)、高中3年级(18岁)近视检出率分别为48%、84%、95%、95%。其中51.6%为低度近视,24.5%中度近视,5.3%高度近视;正视眼仅占15.1%,尚有3.5%的远视眼;在初小、高小、初中、高中4个阶段不同屈光状态的变化:高度近视、中度近视逐渐增加,分别由0.8、8.2%上升至7.7、31.8%,正视、远视逐渐下降,分别由40.5、4.8%下降至3.8、2.2%,低度近视在41.7~57.9%间波动。2.中小学平均屈光度(-2.25±2.15)D。4个阶段平均屈光度为:初小(-1.02±1.48)D,高小(-1.67±1.67)D,初中(-2.39±2.10)D,高中(-3.39±2.34)D;小学阶段平均屈光度为(-1.32±1.60)D,中学阶段平均屈光度为(-2.76±2.24)D。性别中,女生平均屈光度(-2.38±2.17)D高于男生(-2.13±2.12)D。眼别中,右眼平均屈光度(-2.33±2.13)D高于左眼(-2.17±2.18)D。各组间有显著性差异(P=0.000)。小1和高3的平均屈光度为(-0.82±1.42)D和(-3.57±2.25)D,而高3男生的平均屈光度为(-3.64±2.19)D,女生为(-3.50±2.31)D。其中低度近视平均(-1.64±0.73)D,中度近视平均(-4.31±0.84)D,高度近视平均(-7.43±1.29)D;正视平均(-0.12±0.27)D,远视平均(1.98±1.67)D。3.初小、高小、初中、高中4个阶段平均屈光度依次年增长近视为-0.12D、-0.12D、-0.56D、-0.09D;小学阶段、中学阶段平均屈光度依次年增长近视为-0.16D、-0.67D;7~18岁间平均年增长近视为-0.22D。结论12个年级中,7岁平均屈光度已呈近视化,高中3年级(18岁)平均屈光度已呈中度近视改变;在初小、高小、初中、高中4个阶段不同屈光状态的构成比的变化:高中度近视逐渐增加,正视、远视逐渐下降;整个中小学阶段呈逐年上升趋势,阶段跳跃式发展,学生的屈光度在高小、特别是初三年级有明显的近视化,在高三年级有继续向近视发展的趋势;女生的近视进展趋势均高于男生,右眼在近视化进展高于左眼。各年级屈光近视化增长在初1和高1、2有2个回退,而在小4、5,初3和高3有3个递增。应针对中小学各年级学生这一人群的眼屈光状态,采取综合手段进行医疗干预。  相似文献   

Purpose:Addressing childhood vision impairment (VI) is one of the main goals of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) combating blindness strategies. The primary aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of VI, causes, and its risk factors in school children in Krishna district, Andhra Pradesh, India.Methods:Children aged 4–15 years were screened in schools using the 6/12 Snellen optotype by trained community eye health workers, and those who failed the test and those reported or found to have obvious eye conditions were referred to primary (VC), secondary (SC), or tertiary (TC) care centre appropriately, where they underwent a complete eye examination including cycloplegic refraction and fundus examination.Results:A total of 56,988 children were screened, of whom 51.18% were boys. The mean age was 9.69 ± 3.26 years (4–15 years). Overall, 2,802/56,988 (4.92%) children were referred to a VC, of which 632/56,988 (1.11%) required referral to SC/TC. PVA of <6/12 was found in 1.72% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.61–1.83). The prevalence of refractive error (corrected and uncorrected) was 2.38% (95% CI: 2.26–2.51) and myopia was 2.17% (95% CI: 2.05–2.29). In multivariable analysis, older children, those in urban schools, private schools, and children with a disability had an increased risk of VI and myopia. Additionally, the risk of myopia was higher among girls than boys. Of those referred and reached SC/TC, 73.64% were due to avoidable causes.Conclusion:Childhood VI prevalence was 1.72% in this region. Uncorrected refractive error (URE) was the major cause of VI in children. Older age, schools in urban locations, private schools, and the presence of disability were associated with the risk of VI among children.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the prevalence of visual impairment (VI) and provide an estimation of uncorrected refractive errors in school-aged children, conducted by optometry students as a community service. METHODS: The study was cross-sectional. Totally 3343 participants were included in the study. The initial examination involved assessing the uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA) and visual acuity (VA) while using a +2.00 D lens. The inclusion criteria for a subsequent comprehensive cycloplegic eye examination, performed by an optometrist, were as follows: a UDVA<0.6 decimal (0.20 logMAR) and/or a VA with +2.00 D ≥0.8 decimal (0.96 logMAR). RESULTS: The sample had a mean age of 10.92±2.13y (range 4 to 17y), and 51.3% of the children were female (n=1715). The majority of the children (89.7%) fell within the age range of 8 to 14y. Among the ethnic groups, the highest representation was from the Luhya group (60.6%) followed by Luo (20.4%). Mean logMAR UDVA choosing the best eye for each student was 0.29±0.17 (range 1.70 to 0.22). Out of the total, 246 participants (7.4%) had a full eye examination. The estimated prevalence of myopia (defined as spherical equivalent ≤-0.5 D) was found to be 1.45% of the total sample. While around 0.18% of the total sample had hyperopia value exceeding +1.75 D. Refractive astigmatism (cil<-0.75 D) was found in 0.21% (7/3343) of the children. The VI prevalence was 1.26% of the total sample. Among our cases of VI, 76.2% could be attributed to uncorrected refractive error. Amblyopia was detected in 0.66% (22/3343) of the screened children. There was no statistically significant correlation observed between age or gender and refractive values. CONCLUSION: The primary cause of VI is determined to be uncorrected refractive errors, with myopia being the most prevalent refractive error observed. These findings underscore the significance of early identification and correction of refractive errors in school-aged children as a means to alleviate the impact of VI.  相似文献   

目的 探讨甘肃省兰州市中学生干眼症的患病率和危险因素。方法 2018年7月对甘肃省兰州市5所中学的学生进行了横断面调查。通过随机整群抽样获得所选36个班级的1503名学生。使用Schaumberg干眼调查问卷进行调查访谈。由两位经验丰富的眼科医师于访谈后进行眼科检查(一位医师进行视敏度检查,另一位医师进行裂隙灯检查)。计算干眼症的患病率,并评估干眼症与性别、近视、配戴隐形眼镜、屈光矫正不足、经常使用滴眼液、睡眠质量和压力状态之间的相关性。采用χ2检验和Logistic回归分析评估与干眼症相关的危险因素。结果 兰州市中学生干眼症的患病率为24.5%(363/1482)。363例干眼症患者最常报告的眼部刺激症状是视疲劳(303例,83.5%),其次是疼痛(166例,45.7%),视力模糊(134例,36.9%),眼部瘙痒(129例,35.5%),以及砂砾感(96例,26.4%)。多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示,屈光矫正不足、经常使用滴眼液、睡眠质量差是干眼症的独立危险因素。结论 中学生干眼症患病率高且易被忽视,针对中学生干眼症危险因素的预防措施可能有助于降低干眼症患病率并对学生的眼健康产生积极影响。  相似文献   

AIM: To examine the prevalence and composition of refractive errors in Hungary. METHODS: Nationwide cross-sectional data collected between 2014 and 2019 were analysed from the Comprehensive Health Screening Program of Hungary, which provided spectacle dioptric power and autorefractometry data for 68 227 people (35 850 women and 32 377 men). Their age distribution, 18-99y, was similar to the national demographic distributions. RESULTS: Of the total population, 16.50% of the refractive errors exhibited hyperopia, 40.05% emmetropia, and 43.45% myopia. Myopia was 3 times more frequent (58.7%) in younger ages (18-35y of age) compared to older age groups (19.4% of those 56-70y of age; P<0.001). High myopia showed a low prevalence (0.21%), and an increase parallel with ageing (r=0.716; P=0.009). CONCLUSION: Myopia is the most frequent refractive error in Hungary. The prevalence of myopia is especially increased, up to 2-3 times, in the younger age groups. Nationwide actions need to be taken to reduce the onset of myopia and its associated consequences.  相似文献   

目的:对在校小学生眼健康状况中的动态屈光基本情况进行横断面调查,为青少年眼保健提供基础资料。方法:采用前瞻性调查设计,对初小学生(小学1~3年级)1093人2186眼动态眼屈光状态等指标进行采集,输入编辑的专项应用程序,用SPSS11.0软件行统计分析。结果:初小学生近视眼的发病率为54.7%,其中45.7%的低度近视,8.2%的中度近视,0.8%的高度近视;正视眼占40.5%,尚有4.8%的远视眼;3个年级各屈光构成比相比,正视和低度近视组为主要构成。平均屈光度(-1.02±1.48)D,其中,3个年级平均屈光度分别为:小1(-0.82±1.42)D,小2(-1.06±1.55)D,小3(-1.18±1.45)D,组间有显著性差异。女生组平均屈光度(-1.15±1.57)D,大于男生组(-0.91±1.39)D;低近、高近组女生平均屈光度大于相应男生组。提示初小阶段右眼组平均屈光度(-1.05±1.53)D大于左眼组(-0.98±1.43)D。女生右眼组平均屈光度大于女生左眼组。低近右眼平均近视屈光度大于左眼。结论:初小各年级学生的眼屈光状态,特别是小学1年级已呈现近视化,主要构成是低度近视。女生的近视进展趋势仍早于男生,右眼近视化进展期早于左眼。  相似文献   

Purpose:Vision plays an important role in child''s development for learning and communication. Uncorrected refractive error (URE) has become a major challenge to health care policy makers especially in school going children. We aim to report the prevalence of refractive error among the school students of the east district of Sikkim, India.Methods:A cross-sectional study was carried out among 15,954 school children under school health program of national program for control of blindness. The screening was conducted in 40 schools of east district which included primary, higher secondary, monastic and private schools.Results:The prevalence of refractive error was 6.7% among which myopia was the most common error present in 335 (31.1%) children, followed by astigmatism in 317 (29.4%) and the remaining 29 (2.6%) with hyperopia. The age group between 14-17 years had high prevalence of refractive error (9.2%). Females had slightly higher refractive error (6.93%) than males (5.9 %). Most backward classes were found to be highest suffering from refractive error (26.65%) and the least seen was found in schedule tribe (11.6%).Conclusion:The study provides a useful and baseline data about the refractive error amongst the school children of east Sikkim. A larger study needs to be conducted in all the schools of the state to get a clearer picture of RE and other eye related diseases to detect vision problem as early as possible.  相似文献   

目的:对在校小学生眼健康状况中的动态屈光基本情况进行横断面调查,为青少年眼保健提供基础资料.方法:采用前瞻性调查设计,对4~6年级小学生953人1906眼动态屈光状态等指标进行采集,输入编辑的专项应用程序,用SPSS11.0软件行统计分析.结果:4~6年级小学生在正常动态情况下,近视眼的发病率为74.5%,其中57.9%的低度近视,15.0%的中度近视,1.6%的高度近视;正视眼仅占22.2%,尚有3.4%的远视眼;3个年级组各屈光构成比相比,正视和低度近视组仍为主要构成,但较初小的低度近视比重上升,导致在其他构成基本稳定的同时,近视检出率升高.4~6年级小平均屈光度(-1.67±1.67)D,其中3个年级平均屈光度为:小4(-1.46±1.57)D,小5(-1.74±1.73)D,小6(-1.82±1.68)D,组间有显著性差异.女生平均屈光度(-1.74±1.64)D,大于男生(-1.61±1.69)D,提示4~6年级阶段女生的近视进展趋势仍早于男生.右眼平均屈光度(-1.73±1.63)D大于左眼(-1.611.69)D.结论:4~6年级各年级小学生总体屈光状态呈近视化上升趋势,右眼、女生在4~6年级屈光近视化进展期早于左眼、男生.  相似文献   

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