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Cytogenetic studies of 2 sisters with mild microcephaly, growth deficiency, and mild errors of morphogenesis demonstrated a unique combination of multiple trisomies, most often involving chromosomes 8 and 18 either together as sole trisomies or in combination with other chromosomes. Since neither sib has phenotypic anomalies associated with trisomy 8 or 18 mosaicism, the trisomies likely did not occur during embryogenesis, but later possibly due to a predisposition for mitotic instability. To determine if the observed chromosome instability may be related to centromere function, metaphase cells were characterized by immunofluorescence of the centromere protein, CENP-E. Hybridization of CENP-E antibodies, in combination with in situ hybridization of a chromosome 8 or 18 α-satellite probe, showed hybridization to chromosomes 8 and 18 in both normal and aneuploid cells from each patient. These data indicate that the chromosomes in each child contain functional and active centromeres. The clinical and cytogenetic findings in these 2 individuals are compared with 7 other previously reported individuals, each of whom have similar findings. Together, these studies support the notion that a recessive mitotic mutant may be responsible for the chromosomal mosaicism and for the resulting clinical phenotype. Am. J. Med. Genet. 75:45–51, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Mosaic variegated aneuploidy syndrome (MVA) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by random chromosome gains and losses. Mutations in BUB1B and CEP57 genes have been involved in MVA. Here we report on a male child with MVA due to c.915_925dupCAATGTTCAGC mutation in the CEP57 gene. Our patient was homozygous for this mutation and he is the first case with rhizomelic shortening of both the upper and lower limbs and mild respiratory insufficiency due to a narrow thorax. It is also the second MVA Mexican family reported with this mutation that lives in the northwestern region of Mexico, suggesting a “local founding effect”. Additional cases are needed to better understand the MVA genotype-phenotype relationship.  相似文献   

We report a male infant with multiple congenital anomalies and mosaic variegated aneuploidy; a rare cytogenetic abnormality characterized by mosaicism for several different aneuploidies involving many different chromosomes. He had prenatal-onset growth retardation, microcephaly, dysmorphic face, seizures, hypotonia, feeding difficulty, and developmental delay. In addition, he developed bilateral Wilms tumors. Neuroradiological examination revealed Dandy-Walker malformation and hypoplasia of the cerebral hemisphere and pons. Cytogenetic analysis revealed various multiple numerical aneuploidies in blood lymphocytes, fibroblasts, and bone marrow cells, together with premature centromere division (PCD). Peripheral blood chromosome analysis from his parents also showed PCD, but no aneuploid cells. The clinical phenotype and multiple aneuploidies of the patient may be a consequence of the homozygous PCD trait inherited from his parents. Comparison with previously reported cases of multiple aneuploidy suggests that mosaic variegated aneuploidy with PCD may be a clinically recognizable syndrome with major phenotypes being mental retardation, microcephaly, structural brain anomalies (including Dandy-Walker malformation), and possible cancer predisposition. Received: January 21, 1999 / Accepted: February 26, 1999  相似文献   

Separation of chromatids of all mitotic chromosomes, here called total premature chromatid separation (total PCS), was observed in 67 to 87.5% of repeated cultures of peripheral blood lymphocytes from two unrelated infants. Also noted was a variety of mosaic aneuploidies, especially trisomies, double trisomies, and monosomies, to be called mosaic variegated aneuploidy. The infants both showed severe pre- and postnatal growth retardation, profound developmental retardation, uncontrollable seizures, severe microcephaly, hypoplasia of the brain, Dandy-Walker anomaly, abnormal facial appearance, and bilateral cataract. Patient 1, a girl, in addition had a cleft palate, multiple renal cysts, and Wilms tumor of the left kidney. Whereas patient 2, a boy, had ambiguous external genitalia. They both died within 2 years of age. In the two families of the infants, their parents and three other members showed 2.5 to 47% lymphocytes with total PCS but without mosaic variegated aneuploidy or phenotypic abnormalities. Another 10 relatives studied showed 0 to 1% cells with total PCS and so were judged negative for the total PCS trait. It was deduced that the total PCS trait in the two families was transmitted in an autosomal-dominant fashion, and the two affected infants were homozygous for the trait. Am. J. Med. Genet. 78:245–249, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   



Autism is a common childhood neurodevelopmental disorder with a possible genetic background. About 5–10% of autism cases are associated with chromosomal abnormalities or monogenic disorders. However, the role of subtle genomic imbalances in autism has not been delineated. This study aimed to investigate a hypothesis suggesting autism to be associated with subtle genomic imbalances presenting as low‐level chromosomal mosaicism.


We surveyed stochastic (background) aneuploidy in children with/without autism by interphase three‐colour fluorescence in situ hybridisation. The rate of chromosome loss and gain involving six arbitrarily selected autosomes and the sex chromosomes was assessed in the peripheral blood cells of 60 unaffected children and 120 children with autism.


Of 120 analysed boys with autism, 4 (3.3%) with rare structural chromosomal abnormalities (46,XY,t(1;6)(q42.1;q27); 46,XY,inv(2)(p11q13); 46,XY,der(6),ins(6;1)(q21;p13.3p22,1)pat; and 46,XY,r(22)(p11q13)) were excluded from further molecular cytogenetic analysis. Studying <420 000 cells in 60 controls and 116 children with idiopathic autism, we determined the mean frequency of stochastic aneuploidy in control and autism: (1) autosome loss 0.58% (95% CI 0.42 to 0.75%) and 0.60% (95% CI 0.37 to 0.83%), respectively, p = 0.83; (2) autosome gain 0.15% (95% CI 0.09 to 0.21%) and 0.22% (95% CI 0.14 to 0.30%), respectively, p = 0.39; and (3) chromosome X gain 1.11% (95% CI 0.90 to 1.31%) and 1.01% (95% CI 0.85 to 1.17%), respectively, p = 0.30. A frequency of mosaic aneuploidy greater the background level was found in 19 (16%) of 116 children with idiopathic autism, whereas outlier values were not found in controls (p = 0.0019).


Our findings identify low‐level aneuploidy as a new genetic risk factor for autism. Therefore, molecular cytogenetic analysis of somatic mosaicism is warranted in children with unexplained autism.  相似文献   

We report on a 13-month-old boy with abnormalities consistent with mosaic trisomy 8 syndrome and male genitalia with partial peno-scrotal transposition without hypospadias, a retractile left testis in inguinal canal, and an absent right testis. A voiding cystourethrogram showed an outpouching close to the lower right side of the bladder (utriculum) and bilateral hydronephrosis secondary to vesicoureteral reflux. Peripheral blood karyotype was 45,X/47,XY,+8. The karyotype of cultured skin fibroblasts was 47,XY,+8 with no 45,X cells detected among 20 cells counted. Tissues removed during surgery documented a 45,X/47,XY,+8 complement in the left testicle and utriculum, but only a 45,X line among 20 cells counted from vas deferens tissue. A possible mechanism for the origin of this previously unreported mosaicism might be an abnormal zygote with a 47,XY,+8 complement with subsequent simultaneous loss of chromosome Y and 8 in a cell at a very early embryonic stage. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Both double aneuploidy and trisomy 10 are rare chromosome findings. All five published cases of trisomy 10 in liveborns were found to be mosaic with an euploid cell line. In a liveborn female twin, double aneuploidy mosaicism 47,XX, + 10/45,X was detected prenatally by amniocentesis performed because of severe intrauterine growth retardation and malformations. Chromosome analysis from neonatal lymphocyte cultures revealed exclusively the 45,X cell line. Double aneuploidy mosaicism trisomy 10/monosomy X was confirmed from skin fibroblasts. The child died at the age of 7 weeks. This is the first reported case of double aneuploidy involving trisomy 10, and the first case of trisomy 10 without a normal cell line in a liveborn. Prenatal diagnosis of trisomy 10 in a liveborn has not been published so far. The case illustrates that in specific cases amniotic fluid cells may reflect the karyotype of the fetus better than blood.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis has shown that human embryos display a high level of chromosomal mosaicism at all preimplantation stages. The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanisms involved by the use of two probes for each of three autosomes at different loci and to determine the true level of aneuploid mosaicism by excluding FISH artefacts. METHODS: Embryos were cultured in two different types of medium: group I were cultured in standard cleavage medium for up to day 5 and group II were cultured from day 3 to day 5 in blastocyst medium. Three rounds of FISH were performed. In round 1, the probes used were 1pTel, 11qTel and 18CEP; in round 2, the probes used were 1satII/III, 11CEP and 18qTel; in round 3, the probes used were 18CEP, XCEP and YCEP. RESULTS: A total of 21 embryos were analysed in each group. The FISH results revealed one uniformly diploid and 20 mosaic embryos for group I, and two uniformly diploid and 19 mosaic embryos for group II. The predominant type of mosaicism was diploid/aneuploid. The use of two different probes per autosome was able to distinguish FISH artefacts affecting 5% of nuclei from true single cell anomalies. CONCLUSIONS: Post-zygotic chromosome loss was the most common mechanism leading to aneuploidy mosaicism for both groups, followed by chromosome gain, with fewer examples of mitotic non-disjunction.  相似文献   

A new case of prenatally detected mosaic trisomy 20 (79% trisomy 20 cells in amniocyte cultures) that was confirmed in newborn tissue is presented. A healthy male infant was delivered at term, with no dysmorphology or apparent malformations; this baby is developing normally. Twenty-five percent of foreskin and 17% of fetal cord cells also showed trisomy 20, while no trisomic cells were detected in newborn blood. High frequency mosaicism for trisomy 20 in this case was thus due to true embryonic origin. Extensive counseling and prenatal follow-up in this case led to an unaffected liveborn, and guarded optimism may be warranted for future cases of mosaic trisomy 20 detected prenatally.  相似文献   

A basic question concerning the origins of germ cell aneuploidy is whether the same mechanisms operate for all chromosomes, or whether there are chromosome-specific factors influencing the susceptibility to nondisjunction. Although selective loss of some trisomies in early gestation may contribute to the observed differences in trisomy frequency, data from spontaneous abortions, early embryos and gametes strongly suggest that there are real differences in the frequency with which different trisomies arise. In particular the preponderance of trisomy 16 and acrocentric trisomy appears to be present at conception. Maternal and paternal age relationships also differ among trisomies, as do the extent of maternal and paternal contributions, and the relative frequency of meiosis I and meiosis II errors. Recombination patterns associated with nondisjunction also show chromosomal differences. Chromosomal differences in length, centromere position, pericentromeric and other repetitive sequences, recombination patterns and chromatin characteristics might all be related to a differential susceptibility to aneuploidy, but no current explanation accounts for the excess of maternally derived trisomy 16. The existence of chromosome-specific factors makes extrapolation from observations on one chromosome to all aneuploidy unwise, both for investigations into the causes of aneuploidy, and for surveillance of aneuploidy frequency. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Aneuploidy mosaicism involving two complementary different autosomal trisomy cell lines is extremely rare. Although a mosaic double trisomy 8/trisomy 21 has been described in literature, this is the first report of Warkany (+8)–Down (+21) syndrome due to two complementary mosaic trisomy cell lines. The phenotype of the male patient with Warkany–Down syndrome includes upslanting palpebral fissures, hypertelorism, small low-set ears with unilateral aural stenosis, large and broad hands and feet with deep palmar and plantar creases, bilateral cryptorchidism, generalized mild hypotonia and transient neonatal thrombocytopenia. At the age of two years, his developmental quotient is around 50. His height, weight and head circumference are below the third centile. We speculate on the mechanism of origin of the complementary trisomy cell lines based on molecular cytogenetic studies that showed no evidence for a chimera.  相似文献   

We describe a term infant with facioauriculo-vertebral “dysplasia” (Goldenhar sequence), hypertelorism, and mosaic trisomy 22: peripheral blood, 46, XY/47, XY, +22 (72%/28%); skin fibroblasts, 47, XY, +22 (100%). This is the second report of Goldenhar anomaly with epibulbar dermoids in a live-born infant with aneuploidy. Hypertelorism is rare in Goldenhar sequence, but typical of trisomy 22. We recommend chromosome analysis in all patients with Goldenhar sequence. Those with hypertelorism may be more likely to have aneuploidy as well. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We describe two patients, a 19-year-old girl and a 19-year-old boy, with mosaic trisomy 18 and pigmentary dysplasias. Both patients had profound growth and mental retardation, marked kyphoscoliosis, bushy eyebrows, bulbous nose, simple ears, and joint contractures - clinical manifestations of long survivors with mosaic or non-mosaic trisomy 18. In addition, the boy showed total asymmetry. Pigmentary dysplasias of the skin with hypopigmented whorls and streaks, initially absent or overlooked at the ages 2 and 15 years, were detected on close examination. It is advisable to check closely every long survivor with mosaic or purportedly non-mosaic trisomy 18 for pigmentary dysplasias.  相似文献   

Skewed X-chromosome inactivation (XCI) is frequently found in the diploid fetal tissues of individuals with mosaic trisomy that originated from a 'trisomic zygote rescue' event. This may result from a high number of trisomic cells in the embryonic cell pool at the time of XCI, which are subsequently eliminated by selection. We hypothesize that extremely skewed XCI in these mosaic cases will be associated with a poor fetal outcome due to failure to completely eliminate the trisomy from all fetal tissues. To test this hypothesis, XCI status was evaluated in 17 cases of prenatally detected trisomy 16 mosaicism. Ten of the 15 informative cases showed extreme XCI skewing ( > or = 90% inactivation of one allele) in blood or other diploid fetal tissues compared to six of the 111 controls (p < 0.001). Among these 10 'skewed' cases, 6 showed an abnormal outcome, defined as developmental abnormalities and/or intrauterine or neonatal death. In contrast, of the 5 cases without extreme skewing, none showed abnormal outcome, although outcome information was incomplete in 1 case. An additional 6 cases analyzed, involving trisomy mosaicism for other chromosomes, showed similar results. Further studies are warranted to determine if XCI status adds useful information to the prediction of pregnancy outcome in prenatally detected mosaic trisomy.  相似文献   

We report on a fetus presenting with an increased nuchal translucency, in which chorionic villus sampling led to the diagnosis of mosaic trisomy 8. Ultrasound scan performed at 15(+6) weeks revealed bilateral cleft lip and palate, flat facial profile, and arrhinia. Pregnancy was terminated at 16(+6); postmortem examination showed additional findings including hypospadias, bilateral renal dysplasia, and focal portal fibrosis of the liver. In order to confirm the presence of trisomy 8, FISH analysis was performed in abnormal renal and hepatic tissue, which, unexpectedly, showed a higher fraction of cells with only one fluorescent probe signal (43% and 23%, respectively), if compared with normal fetal liver and kidney (3-10%). This finding is consistent with the survival in this fetus of a monosomic cell line after mitotic non-disjunction, which is in contrast with what is generally thought about mosaic trisomy genesis. We hypothesize that the possible persistence of the monosomic cell line, in addition to the variable distribution of aneuploid cells in the body tissues, could explain the high heterogeneity of mosaic trisomy 8 phenotype.  相似文献   

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