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Monnin P Marshall NW Bosmans H Bochud FO Verdun FR 《Physics in medicine and biology》2011,56(14):4221-4238
Assessment of image quality for digital x-ray mammography systems used in European screening programs relies mainly on contrast-detail CDMAM phantom scoring and requires the acquisition and analysis of many images in order to reduce variability in threshold detectability. Part II of this study proposes an alternative method based on the detectability index (d') calculated for a non-prewhitened model observer with an eye filter (NPWE). The detectability index was calculated from the normalized noise power spectrum and image contrast, both measured from an image of a 5 cm poly(methyl methacrylate) phantom containing a 0.2 mm thick aluminium square, and the pre-sampling modulation transfer function. This was performed as a function of air kerma at the detector for 11 different digital mammography systems. These calculated d' values were compared against threshold gold thickness (T) results measured with the CDMAM test object and against derived theoretical relationships. A simple relationship was found between T and d', as a function of detector air kerma; a linear relationship was found between d' and contrast-to-noise ratio. The values of threshold thickness used to specify acceptable performance in the European Guidelines for 0.10 and 0.25 mm diameter discs were equivalent to threshold calculated detectability indices of 1.05 and 6.30, respectively. The NPWE method is a validated alternative to CDMAM scoring for use in the image quality specification, quality control and optimization of digital x-ray systems for screening mammography. 相似文献
This paper reports on an investigation into the differences in image quality of different components used in a digital image processing system for chromosome analysis. As chromosome aberrations are important tools in the cloning of genes, it is important to know if the introduction of computerized analysis systems increases the risk of missing small aberrations. In this investigation the number of visible bands on a number of chromosomes has been used as a measure of quality. The images compared are microscope ocular images, photographs from a microscope builtin camera, digital images from a high and from a standard resolution camera, presented both on screen and print-out on paper. The main conclusions are that: (1) the view in the microscope ocular gives the best resolution, (2) there are risks of losing vital information using the digital image processing system for chromosome analysis, and (3) this risk is significantly reduced when using a high resolution camera. 相似文献
Image feature analysis and computer-aided diagnosis in digital radiography. I. Automated detection of microcalcifications in mammography 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
We have investigated the application of computer-based methods to the detection of microcalcifications in digital mammograms. The computer detection system is based on a difference-image technique in which a signal-suppressed image is subtracted from a signal-enhanced image to remove the structured background in a mammogram. Signal-extraction techniques adapted to the known physical characteristics of microcalcifications are then used to isolate microcalcifications from the remaining noise background. We employ Monte Carlo methods to generate simulated clusters of microcalcifications that are superimposed on normal mammographic backgrounds. This allows quantitative evaluation of detection accuracy of the computer method and the dependence of this accuracy on the physical characteristics of the microcalcifications. Our present computer method can achieve a true-positive cluster detection rate of approximately 80% at a false-positive detection rate of one cluster per image. The potential application of such a computer-aided system to mammographic interpretation is demonstrated by its ability to detect microcalcifications in clinical mammograms. 相似文献
Yaffe MJ Bloomquist AK Mawdsley GE Pisano ED Hendrick RE Fajardo LL Boone JM Kanal K Mahesh M Fleischman RC Och J Williams MB Beideck DJ Maidment AD 《Medical physics》2006,33(3):737-752
The Digital Mammography Imaging Screening Trial (DMIST), conducted under the auspices of the American College of Radiology Imaging Network (ACRIN), is a clinical trial designed to compare the accuracy of digital versus screen-film mammography in a screening population [E. Pisano et al., ACRIN 6652-Digital vs. Screen-Film Mammography, ACRIN (2001)]. Part I of this work described the Quality Control program developed to ensure consistency and optimal operation of the digital equipment. For many of the tests, there were no failures during the 24 months imaging was performed in DMIST. When systems failed, they generally did so suddenly rather than through gradual deterioration of performance. In this part, the utility and effectiveness of those tests are considered. This suggests that after verification of proper operation, routine extensive testing would be of minimal value. A recommended set of tests is presented including additional and improved tests, which we believe meet the intent and spirit of the Mammography Quality Standards Act regulations to ensure that full-field digital mammography systems are functioning correctly, and consistently producing mammograms of excellent image quality. 相似文献
This report presents (1) a broad topical review and a tutorial of the possibilities for image quality control (IQC) with digital systems, and (2) results and initial experience for IQC with two commercial digital imaging systems, but with limited discussion on any particular method. Digital imaging systems used for mammographically guided digital stereotactic breast biopsy were evaluated extensively at the University of Arizona. Measurements were made of linearity, sensitivity, signal-to-noise ratio, and square-wave modulation. Images of phantoms such as the American College of Radiology Accreditation Phantom and the contrast detail mammography Phantom were evaluated as well as images of the x-ray source’s focal spot. The evaluation also included the cathode ray tubes for the imaging systems. The data collected show that digital imaging systems have an important advantage over film-screen systems because they provide a digital signal as output that can be used for quantitative analysis. As a result, IQC can become a much more quantitative discipline than presently practiced, providing more information on the imaging systems under evaluation, and providing better control over their properties during actual operation. 相似文献
An objective analysis of image quality parameters was performed for six digital mammography systems. The presampled modulation transfer function (MTF), normalized noise power spectrum (NNPS), and detective quantum efficiency (DQE) for the systems were determined at different doses, for 28 kVp with a Mo/Mo or W/Al target/filter combination and 2 mm of additional aluminium filtration. The flat-panel units have higher MTF and DQE in the mid to high frequency range than standard CR systems. The highest DQE, over the whole dose range, is for the slit-scanning direct photon counting system. Dual-side read CR can overcome the inherent x-ray absorption and signal collection limitations of standard CR mammography, improving the low-frequency DQE by 40%, to the same level as full-field systems, but it does not improve the poor spatial resolution of phosphor. 相似文献
Marshall NW 《Physics in medicine and biology》2007,52(18):5545-5568
Quantitative image quality results in the form of the modulation transfer function (MTF), normalized noise power spectrum (NNPS) and detective quantum efficiency (DQE) are presented for nine full field digital mammography (FFDM) systems. These parameters are routinely measured as part of the quality assurance (QA) programme for the seven FFDM units covered by our centre. Just one additional image is required compared to the standard FFDM protocol; this is the image of an edge, from which the MTF is calculated. A variance image is formed from one of the flood images used to measure the detector response and this provides useful information on the condition of the detector with respect to artefacts. Finally, the NNPS is calculated from the flood image acquired at a target detector air kerma (DAK) of 100 microGy. DQE is then estimated from these data; however, no correction is currently made for effects of detector cover transmission on DQE. The coefficient of variation (cov) of the 50% point of the MTF for five successive MTF results was 1%, while the cov for the 50% MTF point for an a-Se system over a period of 17 months was approximately 3%. For four a-Se based systems, the cov for the NNPS at 1 mm(-1) for a target DAK of 100 microGy was approximately 4%; the same result was found for four CsI based FFDM units. With regard to the stability of NNPS over time, the cov for four NNPS results acquired over a period of 12 months was also approximately 4%. The effect of acquisition geometry on NNPS was also assessed for a CsI based system. NNPS data acquired with the antiscatter grid in place showed increased noise at low spatial frequency; this effect was more severe as DAK increased. DQE results for the three detector types (a-Se, CsI and CR) are presented as a function of DAK. Some reduction in DQE was found for both the a-Se and CsI based systems at a target DAK of 12.5 microGy when compared to DQE data acquired at 100 microGy. For the CsI based systems, DQE at 1 mm(-1) fell from 0.49 at 100 microGy to 0.38 at 12.5 microGy. For the a-Se units, there was a slightly greater reduction in average DQE at 1 mm(-1), from 0.53 at 100 microGy to 0.31 at 12.5 microGy. Somewhat different behaviour was seen for the CR unit; DQE (at 1 mm(-1)) increased from 0.40 at 100 microGy to 0.49 at 12.5 microGy; however, DQE fell to 0.30 at 420 microGy. DQE stability over time was assessed using the cov of DQE at 1 mm(-1) and a target DAK of 100 microGy; the cov for data acquired over a period of 17 months for an a-Se system was approximately 7%. For comparison with conventional testing methods, the cov was calculated for contrast-detail (cd) data acquired over the same period of time for this unit. The cov for the threshold contrast results (averaged for disc diameters between 0.1 mm and 2 mm) was 6%, indicating similar stability. 相似文献
PURPOSE: The effect of image processing, specifically Bayesian image estimation (BIE), on digital mammographic images is studied. BIE is an iterative, nonlinear statistical estimation technique that has previously been used in chest radiography to reduce image scatter content and improve the contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR). We adapt this technique to digital mammography and examine its effect. METHODS/MATERIALS: Images of the American College of Radiologists (ACR) breast phantom were acquired on a calibrated digital mammography system at a normal mammographic exposure both with and without a grid. An iterative Bayesian estimation algorithm was formulated and used to process the images acquired without a grid. Quantitative scatter fractions were measured and compared for the image acquired with the grid, the image acquired without the grid, and the image acquired without the grid and processed by the Bayesian algorithm. CNR values were also computed for the four visible masses in the ACR phantom before and after processing and compared to a grid. RESULTS: Initial images acquired without an antiscatter grid had scatter fractions of 0.46. Processing this image with BIE reduced the scatter content to under 0.04. In comparison, the image acquired with a grid had scatter of 0.19. BIE processing accounted for CNR improvements from 29% to 219% for the masses seen in the ACR phantom as compared to the unprocessed image. Visibility of the four masses in the phantom was improved. CONCLUSIONS: Bayesian image estimation can be used with digital mammography to reduce scatter fractions. This technique is very useful as it can reduce scatter content effectively without introducing any adverse effects, such as grid line aliasing. Bayesian processing can also increase image CNR, which may potentially increase the visualization of subtle masses. Preliminary work shows an improvement in CNR to values greater than that provided by a standard grid. 相似文献
Carton AK Vandenbroucke D Struye L Maidment AD Kao YH Albert M Bosmans H Marchal G 《Medical physics》2005,32(6):1684-1695
The modulation transfer function (MTF) describes the spatial resolution properties of imaging systems. In this work, the accuracy of our implementation of the edge method for calculating the presampled MTF was examined. Synthetic edge images with known MTF were used as gold standards for determining the robustness of the edge method. These images simulated realistic data from clinical digital mammography systems, and contained intrinsic system factors that could affect the MTF accuracy, such as noise, scatter, and flat-field nonuniformities. Our algorithm is not influenced by detector dose variations for MTF accuracy up to 1/2 the sampling frequency. We investigated several methods for noise reduction, including truncating the supersampled line spread function (LSF), windowing the LSF, applying a local exponential fit to the LSF, and applying a monotonic constraint to the supersampled edge spread function. Only the monotonic constraint did not introduce a systematic error; the other methods could result in MTF underestimation. Overall, our edge method consistently computed MTFs which were in good agreement with the true MTF. The edge method was then applied to images from a commercial storage-phosphor based digital mammography system. The calculated MTF was affected by the size (sides of 2.5, 5, or 10 cm) and the composition (lead or tungsten) of the edge device. However, the effects on the MTF were observed only with regard to the low frequency drop (LFD). Scatter nonuniformity was dependent on edge size, and could lead to slight underestimation of LFD. Nevertheless, this negative effect could be minimized by using an edge of 5 cm or larger. An edge composed of lead is susceptible to L-fluorescence, which causes overestimation of the LFD. The results of this work are intended to underline the need for clear guidelines if the MTF is to be given a more crucial role in acceptance tests and routine assessment of digital mammography systems: the MTF algorithm and edge object test tool need to be publicly validated. 相似文献
The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare the physical characteristics of five clinical systems for digital mammography (GE Senographe 2000D, Lorad Selenia M-IV, Fischer Senoscan, Agfa DM 1000, and IMS Giotto) currently in clinical use. The basic performances of the mammography systems tested were assessed on the basis of response curve, modulation transfer function (MTF), noise power spectrum, noise equivalent quanta (NEQ), and detective quantum efficiency (DQE) in an experimental setting closely resembling the clinical one. As expected, all the full field digital mammography systems show a linear response curve over a dynamic range from 3.5 to 500 microGy (0.998相似文献
Suryanarayanan S Karellas A Vedantham S Onishi SK 《Physics in medicine and biology》2005,50(17):3957-3969
The physical performance characteristics of a high-resolution sensor module for digital mammography were investigated. The signal response of the imager was measured at various detector entrance air kerma and was found to be linear. The spatial resolution was determined by measuring the presampling modulation transfer function, MTF(f), of the system. The noise power spectra, NPS(f), of the system were estimated using 26 kVp: Mo/Mo, 28 kVp: Mo/Rh and 30 kVp: Rh/Rh, with polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) 'tissue equivalent material' of thickness 20, 45 and 57 mm for each of three x-ray spectra at detector entrance air kerma in the range between approximately 80.2 and 92.3 microGy. The noise equivalent quanta, NEQ(f), and detective quantum efficiencies, DQE(f), for the various spectral conditions were computed. In addition, dose dependence of NPS(f) and DQE(f) was studied at various detector entrance air kerma ranging from 9.4 to 169.7 microGy. A spatial resolution of about 10 cycles mm(-1) was obtained at the 10% MTF(f) level. A small increase in NEQ(f)was observed under higher energy spectral conditions while the DQE(f) decreased marginally. For a given spectrum, increasing PMMA filtration produced negligible change in DQE(f). The estimated DQE values at zero frequency were in the range between 0.45 and 0.55 under the conditions investigated in this study. 相似文献
Our objective is to describe a new test phantom that permits the objective assessment of image quality in conventional and digital mammography for different types of breast tissue. A test phantom, designed to represent a compressed breast, was made from tissue equivalent materials. Three separate regions, with different breast tissue compositions, are used to evaluate low and high contrast resolution, spatial resolution and image noise. The phantom was imaged over a range of kV using a Contour 2000 (Bennett) mammography unit with a Kodak MinR 2190-MinR L screen-film combination and a Senograph 2000D (General Electric) digital mammography unit. Objective image quality assessments for different breast tissue compositions were performed using the phantom for conventional and digital mammography. For a similar mean glandular dose (MGD), the digital system gives a significantly higher contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) than the screen-film system for 100% glandular tissue. In conclusion, in mammography, a range of exposure conditions is used for imaging because of the different breast tissue compositions encountered clinically. Ideally, the patient dose-image quality relationship should be optimized over the range of exposure conditions. The test phantom presented in this work permits image quality parameters to be evaluated objectively for three different types of breast tissue. Thus, it is a useful tool for optimizing the patient dose-image quality relationship. 相似文献
Monnin P Gutierrez D Bulling S Lepori D Valley JF Verdun FR 《Physics in medicine and biology》2005,50(11):2617-2631
This work compares the detector performance and image quality of the new Kodak Min-R EV mammography screen-film system with the Fuji CR Profect detector and with other current mammography screen-film systems from Agfa, Fuji and Kodak. Basic image quality parameters (MTF, NPS, NEQ and DQE) were evaluated for a 28 kV Mo/Mo (HVL = 0.646 mm Al) beam using different mAs exposure settings. Compared with other screen-film systems, the new Kodak Min-R EV detector has the highest contrast and a low intrinsic noise level, giving better NEQ and DQE results, especially at high optical density. Thus, the properties of the new mammography film approach those of a fine mammography detector, especially at low frequency range. Screen-film systems provide the best resolution. The presampling MTF of the digital detector has a value of 15% at the Nyquist frequency and, due to the spread size of the laser beam, the use of a smaller pixel size would not permit a significant improvement of the detector resolution. The dual collection reading technology increases significantly the low frequency DQE of the Fuji CR system that can at present compete with the most efficient mammography screen-film systems. 相似文献
Grosenick D Moesta KT Möller M Mucke J Wabnitz H Gebauer B Stroszczynski C Wassermann B Schlag PM Rinneberg H 《Physics in medicine and biology》2005,50(11):2429-2449
Using a triple wavelength (670 nm, 785 nm, 843/884 nm) scanning laser-pulse mammograph we recorded craniocaudal and mediolateral projection optical mammograms of 154 patients, suspected of having breast cancer. From distributions of times of flight of photons recorded at typically 1000-2000 scan positions, optical mammograms were derived displaying (inverse) photon counts in selected time windows, absorption and reduced scattering coefficients or total haemoglobin concentration and blood oxygen saturation. Optical mammograms were analysed by comparing them with x-ray and MR mammograms, including results of histopathology, attributing a subjective visibility score to each tumour assessed. Out of 102 histologically confirmed tumours, 72 tumours were detected retrospectively in both optical projection mammograms, in addition 20 cases in one projection only, whereas 10 tumours were not detectable in any projection. Tumour contrast and contrast-to-noise ratios of mammograms of the same breast, but derived from measured DTOFs by various methods were quantitatively compared. On average, inverse photon counts in selected time windows, including total photon counts, provide highest tumour contrast and contrast-to-noise ratios. Based on the results of the present study we developed a multi-wavelength, multi-projection scanning time-domain optical mammograph with improved spectral and spatial (angular) sampling, that allows us to record entire mammograms simultaneously at various offsets between the transmitting fibre and receiving fibre bundle and provides first results for illustration. 相似文献
The purpose of this study was to measure experimentally the physical performance of a prototype mammographic imager based on a direct detection, flat-panel array design employing an amorphous selenium converter with 70 microm pixels. The system was characterized for two different anode types, a molybdenum target with molybdenum filtration (Mo/Mo) and a tungsten target with rhodium filtration (W/Rh), at two different energies, 28 and 35 kVp, with approximately 2 mm added aluminum filtration. To measure the resolution, the presampled modulation transfer function (MTF) was measured using an edge method. The normalized noise power spectrum (NNPS) was measured by two-dimensional Fourier analysis of uniformly exposed mammograms. The detective quantum efficiencies (DQEs) were computed from the MTFs, the NNPSs, and theoretical ideal signal to noise ratios. The MTF was found to be close to its ideal limit and reached 0.2 at 11.8 mm(-1) and 0.1 at 14.1 mm(-1) for images acquired at an RQA-M2 technique (Mo/Mo anode, 28 kVp, 2 mm Al). Using a tungsten technique (MW2; W/Rh anode, 28 kVp, 2 mm Al), the MTF went to 0.2 at 11.2 mm(-1) and to 0.1 at 13.3 mm(-1). The DQE reached a maximum value of 54% at 1.35 mm(-1) for the RQA-M2 technique at 1.6 microC/kg and achieved a peak value of 64% at 1.75 mm(-1) for the tungsten technique (MW2) at 1.9 microC/kg. Nevertheless, the DQE showed strong exposure and frequency dependencies. The results indicated that the detector offered high MTFs and DQEs, but structured noise effects may require improved calibration before clinical implementation. 相似文献
Internal quality assurance in a clinical virology laboratory. I. Internal quality assessment.

J J Gray T G Wreghitt T A McKee P McIntyre C E Roth D J Smith G Sutehall G Higgins R Geraghty R Whetstone et al. 《Journal of clinical pathology》1995,48(2):168-173
AIMS--In April 1991 an internal quality assessment scheme (IQAS) was introduced into the virology section of the Clinical Microbiology and Public Health Laboratory, Cambridge. The IQAS was established to identify recurring technical and procedural problems, to check the adequacy of current techniques, and to calculate the frequency of errors. METHODS--Between April 1991 and December 1993, 715 anonymous clinical serum samples were submitted to the laboratory to test 3245 individual procedures of diagnostic viral serology. RESULTS--A total of 485 (14.9%) procedural and 61 (1.9%) technical discrepancies were observed, the technical discrepancies mainly being recorded in complement fixation tests. Twenty two (0.7% of total procedures) of the technical discrepancies were diagnostically significant. CONCLUSIONS--Evaluation criteria developed with the introduction of IQAS to viral serology, and technical and procedural discrepancies are assessed. As yet, IQAS has not been introduced to other sections of the diagnostic virology laboratory (virus isolation, electron microscopy, immunofluorescence, and enzyme linked immunosorbent assays for viral and chlamydial antigens). 相似文献
In mammography, thick or dense breast regions persistently suffer from reduced contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) because of degraded contrast from large scatter intensities and relatively high noise. Area x-ray beam equalization can improve image quality by increasing the x-ray exposure to under-penetrated regions without increasing the exposure to other breast regions. Optimal equalization parameters with respect to image quality and patient dose were determined through computer simulations and validated with experimental observations on a step phantom and an anthropomorphic breast phantom. Three parameters important in equalization digital mammography were considered: attenuator material (Z = 13-92), beam energy (22-34 kVp) and equalization level. A Mo/Mo digital mammography system was used for image acquisition. A prototype 16 x 16 piston driven equalization system was used for preparing patient-specific equalization masks. Simulation studies showed that a molybdenum attenuator and an equalization level of 20 were optimal for improving contrast, CNR and figure of merit (FOM = CNR2/dose). Experimental measurements using these parameters showed significant improvements in contrast, CNR and FOM. Moreover, equalized images of a breast phantom showed improved image quality. These results indicate that area beam equalization can improve image quality in digital mammography. 相似文献