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Using a double-labeling method that combines retrograde tracing and immunocytochemistry, we demonstrated the presence of a hippocampofugal γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-like immunoreactive (GABA-LI) neuron system in the rat. As a preliminary experiment, knife-cut of the dorsal fornix was made and it resulted in a remarkable accumulation of GABA-LI fibers caudal to the section. This suggested the presence of a hippocampofugal GABAergic projection. The hypothesis was confirmed by the double-labeling method: injection of the biotinylated wheat germ agglutinin (B-WGA) into the septum resulted in labeling numerous neurons in the hippocampus and some of them also showed GABA-like immunoreactivity by the simultaneous immunostaining with the antiserum against GABA.  相似文献   

The optic tectum in the lamprey midbrain, homologue of the superior colliculus in mammals, is important for eye movement control and orienting responses. There is, however, only limited information regarding the afferent input to the optic tectum except for that from the eyes. The objective of this study was to define specifically the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-ergic projections to the optic tectum in the river lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis) and also to describe the tectal afferent input in general. The origin of afferents to the optic tectum was studied by using the neuronal tracer neurobiotin. Injection of neurobiotin into the optic tectum resulted in retrograde labelling of cell groups in all major subdivisions of the brain. The main areas shown to project to the optic tectum were the following: the caudoventral part of the medial pallium, the area of the ventral thalamus and dorsal thalamus, the nucleus of the posterior commissure, the torus semicircularis, the mesencephalic M5 nucleus of Schober, the mesencephalic reticular area, the ishtmic area, and the octavolateral nuclei. GABAergic projections to the optic tectum were identified by combining neurobiotin tracing and GABA immunohistochemistry. On the basis of these double-labelling experiments, it was shown that the optic tectum receives a GABAergic input from the caudoventral part of the medial pallium, the dorsal and ventral thalamus, the nucleus of M5, and the torus semicircularis. The afferent input to the optic tectum in the lamprey brain is similar to that described for other vertebrate species, which is of particular interest considering its position in phylogeny.  相似文献   

Previous work showed that GABAergic differentiation in developing chick retina depends on insulin and cell interactions. Here, we investigated whether it depended on cell signaling mediated by retina cognin, a 50 kDa cell recognition molecule. Cognin mediates cell adhesion in vitro and occurs on retinal neurons that become both GABAergic and cholinergic. We investigated two markers of GABAergic differentiation: glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) activity and high-affinity GABA uptake. Both increase during differentiation of retinal neurons in culture and can be easily measured. We blocked cognin-mediated cell signaling with cognin antibody and found a reduction of the developmental increase in GAD activity in cultures of retinal neurons from 7 and 11 day chick embryos. There was no reduction of high-affinity GABA uptake. This suggested that cognin-mediated signaling was necessary for the normal developmental increase in GAD but not for high-affinity GABA uptake. These results contrasted with our previous observations on cholinergic differentiation in cultured retinal neurons. We found that cognin antibody blocked the normal developmental increase in choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) only if the cells were exposed before embryonic day 7. Thus, while both GAD and ChAT activity appear to be controlled by cell signaling involving cognin, the periods of developmental sensitivity for the two differentiation markers are different. Antibodies to other adhesion molecules, Ng-CAM, and N-cadherin, did not similarly affect GAD activity. Antibodies to laminin at a 10-fold higher concentration inhibited GAD activity only in early embryonic retina. Tests for protein synthesis and “housekeeping” enzyme activity demonstrated that the cognin antibody effect was selective for neuronal differentiation pathways. Thus, GABAergic differentiation in developing retina is sensitive to cell signaling mediated in part by cognin.  相似文献   

The immunocytochemical distribution of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), GABA synthesizing enzyme; L-glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) and degradative enzyme; GABA transaminase (GABA-T) in the chicken vestibular endorgans and the vestibular ganglion was investigated. GABA and GAD-like immunoreactivity were confined to the sensory hair cell cytoplasm, suggesting that GAD synthesizes GABA in the hair cell. GABA-T-like immunoreactivity, indicative of GABA degradation, was found around hair cells, along nerve fibers running through the stroma and within the ganglion cell. These immunocytochemical findings indicate that the GABAergic system exists in the chicken vestibular endorgans and that GABA may function as an afferent neurotransmitter at the level of hair cells.  相似文献   

The thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN) of the rat has been studied immunocytochemically using an antiserum against the inhibitory neurotransmitter γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Combined light and electron microscopic investigations by means of peroxidase-antiperoxidase and immunogold labeling show that this nucleus contains a homogeneous population of GABA-immunoreactive neurons receiving extensive GABAergic connections suggestive of self-inhibitory inputs.  相似文献   

[3H]Nipecotic acid was shown to be preferentially accumulated by the same cochlear structures which selectively accumulate [3H]γ- aminobutyric acid ([3H]-GABA), including the terminals of a subset of olivocochlear neurons. With both amino acids, olivocochlear fibers selectively transported label in a retrograde direction, from cochlea to brainstem. However, only [3H]nipecotic acid produced dense labeling, and labeling of cell bodies in the superior olive, presumably because it is metabolized very slowly. Nipecotic acid appears to provide a selective retrograde tracer, specific to neurons whose terminals exhibit preferential GABA uptake.  相似文献   

Purkinje cell degeneration (pcd) mutant mice, 3-4 months old, were used to identify and quantify the non-Purkinje cell GABAergic innervation of deep cerebellar nuclei. Glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) immunoreactive structures appeared as dark dots throughout the 4 nuclei. Ultrastructural examination confirmed that each dot corresponded to an axon terminal. GAD-labeled boutons were large, contained tightly packed flattened vesicles and established Gray type II synapses with all nuclear neuronal populations. Thus, cytological criteria did not distinguish between Purkinje cell and non-Purkinje cell GAD-positive nerve terminals, since they shared many common features. The number of GAD-immunoreactive axon terminals in the deep nuclei of pcd cerebella was compared to that of normal C57BL mice. Despite an almost complete disappearance of Purkinje cells in the pcd mouse (less than 0.05% of these neurons remained in the mutants), the surface density of GAD-positive nerve terminals in the deep nuclear region was 37% of control value. Taking into account a volumetric decrease of 58% for the deep nuclei of the mutant cerebellum, we estimated the percentage of GAD-positive boutons innervating these nuclei to be 15% of normal values. This important residual innervation of the deep nuclei might arise from local GABAergic neurons, which were identified in the normal and mutant cerebella by immunostaining with an anti-GABA antibody.  相似文献   

Depolarization by K+ (50 mM) of cultured chick retina cells released 1.14 +/- 0.28% of the accumulated [3H] gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the absence of Ca2+, but when 1.0 mM Ca2+ was present, the internal free calcium ion concentration [Ca2+]i rose by about 750 nM and the [3H]GABA release about doubled to a value of 2.22 +/- 0.2% of the total [3H]GABA. Nitrendipine (0.1 microM), a blocker of the L-type Ca2+ channels, blocked the [Ca2+]i response to K+ depolarization by about 65%, and the omega-Conotoxin GVIA (omega-CgTx) (0.5 microM), a blocker of the N-type of Ca2+ channels, inhibited by 27% the [Ca2+]i rise due to K+ depolarization. Parallel experiments showed that nitrendipine inhibits [3H]GABA release to the level observed in the absence of Ca2+, whereas omega-CgTx did not inhibit significantly the release of [3H]GABA. The results also show that the release of [3H]GABA due to K(+)-depolarization in the absence of Ca2+ can be totally blocked by 1-(2-(((Diphenylmethylene) amino)oxy)ethyl)-1,2,5,6-tetrahydro-3-pyridine-carboxylic acid hydrochloride (NNC-711), an inhibitor of the GABA carrier. However, in the presence of Ca2+, NNC-711 blocks the release only by about 66%, corresponding to the Ca(2+)-independent release. Thus, it is concluded that [3H]GABA is released in chick retina cells by the exocytotic mechanism, which is Ca(2+)-dependent, and by reversal of the carrier, which is Ca(2+)-independent, in much the same way as has been found for other GABAergic neurons.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Many recent studies have implicated the mesolimbic dopaminergic pathway as the central neurotransmitter system which is most likely responsible for the euphoria and abuse potential associated with cocaine self-administration. Nevertheless, cocaine also has well established interactions with the norepinephrine- and serotonin-containing pathways of the brain. In order to begin assessing potential non-dopamine-mediated actions of cocaine in central circuits, we have initiated a series of experiments using the cerebellar Purkinje neuron as an electrophysiological test system. The strategy was to use the same experimental protocols employed in previous investigations of noradrenergic influences on putative amino acid transmitter action to examine the effects of exogenously applied cocaine on gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-induced depressant responses of Purkinje cells. Accordingly, the inhibitory responses of Purkinje neurons to microiontophoretically applied GABA were examined before and after systemic or local iontophoretic administration of cocaine. Drug-induced changes in the spontaneous firing rate and GABA responsiveness of individual cells were assessed by quantitative analysis of perievent histograms. The results indicate that, like norepinephrine, cocaine at parenteral or iontophoretic doses subthreshold for producing direct suppression of spontaneous discharge can augment Purkinje neuron responses to GABA. Such potentiating effects of cocaine on GABA-mediated inhibition were not evident in animals pretreated with the selective noradrenergic toxins DSP-4. These findings indicate that cocaine can enhance central neuronal responsiveness to GABA in a manner identical to that shown previously for norepinephrine. Such actions in noradrenergic target circuits throughout the brain could contribute to the net behavioral response observed following cocaine administration.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effects on the GABAergic system, Wistar rats were raised on a chronically protein- and tryptophan-restricted diet with 8% protein, based on either Purina chow or corn. There was a significant decrease in both body and cerebral weight in the restricted animals compared with the control group fed with a 23% protein diet. In animals fed mainly corn, glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) activity increased significantly at the ages studied (14, 30, and 60 days) in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. In the same way, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) release decreased significantly in early life in both brain regions, then increased in 30-60-day-old animals corn-fed predominantly in the cerebral cortex. The reduction in GABA release may be attributable to a decrease in GABAergic cell density, which could induce an over-activation of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HTergic) receptors, leading in turn to the observed enhancement of GAD activity. Taken together, these results may represent a plastic response by GABAergic neurons to (5-HTergic under-stimulation in mainly corn-fed animals.  相似文献   

Subcommissural organ (SCO) is a highly specialized ependymal gland located in the roof of the third ventricle. The secretory products of the SCO, which condense to form Reissner's fiber (RF), were recently found to cross-react with the anti-calcitonin antibody. To understand the mechanisms regulating the formation of the RF and the possible function of these discrete structures, we studied the response of the SCO–RF complex to intracranially administered GABA, using immunocytochemical labeling with anti-calcitonin antibody. Although the SCO–RF complex of control fish was intensely immunostained, 1 h after GABA treatment, the ependymal cells revealed partial loss of immunoreactivity; the RF showed occasional loss of immunoreactivity with its diameter increased by about 56% of the control value. Following 2 h of GABA treatment, the SCO revealed dramatic loss of calcitonin-like immunoreactivity from the ependymal cells. The RF showed a dual response in this group, while in some segments the RF appeared conspicuously thick, elsewhere it appeared thin. The mean diameter was, however, not significantly different from the normal. Following 4 h of GABA treatment, while calcitonin-like immunoreactive material made its reappearance in the SCO, the RF diameter was uniformly reduced to about 35% of the control value. The responses by the RF as well as the SCO to intracranially administered GABA were blocked by pretreatment with bicuculline, a GABAA receptor antagonist. The results suggest that GABA, acting via GABAA receptors, may trigger the release of secretory material from the SCO and induce histomorphological changes in the RF indicative of discharge of stored material.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemical localization of glutamic acid decar☐ylase (GAD), the synthesizing enzyme for the neurotransmitter γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), has been used to study the time course of the decrease in putative GABAergic synaptic terminals that occurs in an alumina gel-induced model of focal epilepsy. Monkeys were studied at progressive intervals following unilateral application of alumina gel to sensorimotor cerebral cortex, and were categorized into 3 different experimental groups depending upon their clinical status. These groups respectively exhibited: (1) no abnormal bioelectrical (EEG and ECoG) activity; (2) abnormal bioelectrical activity, but no clinical seizures; and (3) both abnormal bioelectrical activity and clinical seizures. Normal and sham-operated monkeys were also studied. The amounts of GAD-positive terminal-like structures were determined on control and experimental sides of motor cortex (layer V) of all specimens with an image analysis system. This quantitative study revealed that monkeys from the 3 experimental groups showed reductions of GAD-positive terminals on the experimental cortical side, with greater losses occurring at progressively longer times following alumina gel implants. Statistical tests showed that there were no significant cortical side differences for the normal and sham groups, but that cortical side variations were significantly different for each of the 3 experimental groups. Conventional electron microscopy of an early experimental stage revealed degenerating axon terminals in layer V of motor cortex, as well as phagocytosis of degenerating material and astrogliosis. Similar findings were obtained from a chronically epileptic specimen, except that degenerating terminals were observed less often and fibrous astrocytic scarring was more prevalent, especially surrounding the somata of pyramidal neurons. The main conclusion drawn from the results of this investigation is that significant decreases of GAD-positive terminals occur prior to the onset of clinical seizures, and this is consistent with a causal role for a loss of GABAergic innervation in the development of seizure activity in this primate model of focal epilepsy.  相似文献   

We report the effects of i.p. administration of sodium valproate (VPA) on extracellular concentrations of various amino acids in the rat ventral hippocampus studied using in vivo microdialysis, followed by HPLC with fluorometric detection. At the doses used (100, 200 and 400 mg/kg), VPA had no effect on extracellular aspartate, glutamine and taurine, whilst inducing a small, but not statistically significant increase in glutamate at 200 and 400 mg/kg. In contrast, VPA administration produced a biphasic effect on extracellular GABA levels which was dependent on the dose used. At 100 mg/kg, VPA reduced GABA concentrations by 50% when compared to basal. 200 mg/kg VPA had virtually no effect, whilst 400 mg/kg VPA raised extracellular GABA levels to 200% of basal. The results are discussed in relation to the known pharmacological and anticonvulsant actions of VPA.  相似文献   

The superior colliculus and ventromedial nucleus of the thalamus have been examined in rats following damage of the frontal cortex and underlying striatum with immunohistochemical staining using an antiserum directed against γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Following such lesions, at a time when the cell bodies of the neurones in the ipsilateral pars reticulata of the substantia nigra are known to be significantly enlarged, there is substantially more immunostaining of GABAergic fibres in both sites when compared with the contralateral side and with normal littermate control animals. The increase in immunoreactivity may indicate sprouting of the axons of the enlarging pars reticulata neurones or an increase in immunoreaction of existing fibres.  相似文献   

The effect of ascorbate (1.5 mM)/Fe2+ (7.5 μM)-induced oxidative stress on the release of pre-accumulated [3H]γ-aminobutyric acid ([3H]GABA) from cultured chick retina cells was studied. Depolarization of control cells with 50 mM K+ increased the release of [3H]GABA by 1.01 ± 0.16% and 2.5 ± 0.3% of the total, in the absence and in the presence of Ca2+, respectively. Lipid peroxidation increased the release of [3H]GABA to 2.07 ± 0.31% and 3.6 ± 0.39% of the total, in Ca2+-free or in Ca2+-containing media, respectively. The inhibitor of the GABA carrier, 1-(2-(((diphenylmethylene)amino)oxy)ethyl)-1,2,5,6-tetrahydro-3-pyridine-carboxylic acid hydrochloride (NNC-711) blocked almost completely the release of [3H]GABA due to K+-depolarization in the absence of Ca2+, but only 65% of the release occurring in the presence of Ca2+ in control and peroxidized cells. Under oxidative stress retina cells release more [3H]GABA than control cells, being the Ca2+-independent mechanism, mediated by the reversal of the Na+/GABA carrier, the most affected. MK-801 (1 μM), a non-competitive antagonist of the NMDA receptor-channel complex, blocked by 80% the release of [3H]GABA in peroxidized cells, whereas in control cells the inhibitory effect was of 40%. The non-selective blocker of the non-NMDA glutamate receptors, 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX), inhibited the release of [3H]GABA by 30% and 70% in control and peroxidized cells, respectively. Glycine (5 μM) stimulated [3H]GABA release evoked by 50 mM K+-depolarization in control but not in peroxidized cells. The release of -[3H]aspartate (a non-metabolized analog of -glutamate) evoked by 50 mM K+, in the absence of Ca2+, was significantly higher in peroxidized cells (6.76 ± 0.64% of the total) than in control cells (3.79 ± 0.27% of the total). The results suggest that oxidative stress induced by ascorbate/Fe2+ causes an excessive release of endogenous excitatory amino acids upon K+-depolarization. The glutamate released may activate NMDA and non-NMDA receptors, raising the intracellular Na+ concentration and consequently stimulating the release of [3H]GABA by reversal of the Na+/GABA carrier.  相似文献   

Intracellular recordings from hippocampal pyramidal cells in the CA1 subfield of the 'in vitro' slice in the presence of 4-aminopyridine (4-AP, 5-50 microM) revealed a long-lasting (up to 1.5 s) depolarizing potential which occurred either spontaneously or following orthodromic stimulation. This potential was: capable of blocking both direct and synaptic activation of the cell; sensitive to bath application of low concentrations of bicuculline methiodide; and associated to an extracellular current sink in the dendrites as suggested by the extracellular field potentials recorded at different levels along an axis perpendicular to the stratum pyramidale. It is concluded that the long-lasting depolarizing potential evoked by 4-AP is caused by the activation of GABA receptors localized in the dendritic region of the CA1 subfield.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the feline caudate nucleus contains DPI-sensitive (caput nuclei caudati, anterodorsal part; r-CRM) and DPI-insensitive (caput nuclei caudati, rostromedial part; CRM) regions. Stimulation of dopamine receptors within the r-CRM by dopamine or DPI are known to elicit oro-facial dyskinesia (OFD), i.e. a syndrome of tic-like contractions of the facial muscles in combination with tongue protrusions. OFD is also elicited from the sub-commissural part of the globus pallidus (scGP), a first order output station of the r-CRM, but not from the CRM. On the basis of these data it has been hypothesized that (1) OFD is a specific feature of the r-CRM, but not the CRM; (2) effects elicited from the r-CRM are funneled via the scGP, and that (3) r-CRM and CRM are differentially innervated. Cats were bilaterally equipped with cannulas directed at the CRM or r-CRM and scGP. Following recovery from the operation the cats received bilateral injections of DPI into CRM (5 micrograms/5 microliter) or r-CRM (5 and 10 micrograms/5 microliter), the latter in combination with muscimol (50 and 100 ng/1 microliter) into the scGP or its solvent. Subsequently, behaviour was analyzed. OFD, quantified in number of tongue protrusions, was only elicited from the r-CRM, but not from the CRM confirming previously reported data in this respect. Furthermore the effect varied according to the dose used. The OFD elicited from the r-CRM was found to be blocked at the level of the scGP by local injections of muscimol, a GABA agonist.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The organization of the GABAergic system in the rat main olfactory bulb was investigated immunohistochemically using antisera against glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), parvalbumin (PV) and methionin-enkephalin-Arg6-Gly7-Leu8 (ENK). Some GABAergic neurons were shown to contain TH immunoreactivity in the glomerular layer, PV immunoreactivity in the external plexiform layer and ENK-like immunoreactivity in the granule cell layer, indicating the stratified organization of the GABAergic subsystems.  相似文献   

Two different antigens in the same ultrathin section of brain tissue can be revealed by 'double immunocytochemistry' in which one antigen is detected by horseradish peroxidase and the other by silver intensification of colloidal gold (SIG) adsorbed to Protein A. By means of this procedure it has been possible to show that GABAergic axon terminals (containing glutamate decarboxylase) are in synaptic contact with the cell bodies and dendrites of dopaminergic neurons (containing tyrosine hydroxylase) in the substantia nigra of the rat. Thus, several of the physiological and pharmacological effects of GABA and GABAergic drugs in this part of the brain are likely to be mediated by a direct action via postsynaptic GABAergic receptors located on dopaminergic nigrostriatal neurons.  相似文献   

The effects of CPA (a selective A1 receptor agonist), NECA (a mixed A1 and A2 receptor agonist), and CGS 21680 (a selective A2 receptor agonist) on the ischemia-evoked release of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) from rat cerebral cortex was investigated with the cortical cup technique. Cerebral ischemia (20 min) was elicited by four vessel occlusion. In control animals, superfusate GABA increased from a basal level of 206 +/- 26 nM (mean +/- S.E.M., n = 18) to 10,748 +/- 3,876 nM during the reperfusion period. Pretreatment with adenosine receptor agonists failed to affect basal levels of GABA release. However, CPA (10(-10) M), NECA (10(-9) M), and CGS 21680 (10(-8) M) significantly suppressed the ischemia-evoked release of GABA. The ability to block the ischemia-evoked release of GABA was not evident when the adenosine receptor agonists were administered at higher concentrations. Thus, the selective activation of either A1 or high-affinity A2a adenosine receptors results in an inhibition of ischemia-evoked GABA release.  相似文献   

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