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数字经济推动了经济增长和就业模式变革,但也使依托于数字平台的灵活就业人员面临基本医保权益缺失的风险。本文基于包容性治理理论构建了“机会—过程—结果”的参保机制三维分析框架,分析了国际上平台灵活就业人员基本医保参保机制的经验,并结合中国实际情况提出了基本医保参保机制的优化建议。研究发现,实现医疗保险之全民健康的价值取向、包容协调的参保机制、共享统一的公平待遇,是国际上处理平台灵活就业人员医疗保险参保问题的主要策略。因此,提出以下建议:首先以健康权至上的观念,拓展完善覆盖全民、统一的基本医疗保险制度;其次促进利益相关主体间的协同发展,以提升基本医保参保的制度韧性;最后强化基本医保的互助共济功能,促进基本医保的共同富裕效应。  相似文献   

《Annals of epidemiology》2014,24(7):545-550
PurposeThere is a need for empirical support of the association between the built environment and disability-related outcomes. This study explores the associations between community and neighborhood land uses and community participation among adults with acquired physical disability.MethodsCross-sectional data from 508 community-living chronically disabled adults in New Jersey were obtained from among participants in national Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems database. Participants' residential addresses were geocoded to link individual survey data with Geographic Information Systems data on land use and destinations. The influence of residential density, land use mix, destination counts, and open space on four domains of participation were modeled at two geographic scales—the neighborhood (i.e., half mile buffer) and community (i.e., five mile) using multivariate logistic regression. All analyses were adjusted for demographic- and impairment-related differences.ResultsLiving in communities with greater land use mix and more destinations was associated with a decreased likelihood of reporting optimum social and physical activity. Conversely, living in neighborhoods with large portions of open space was positively associated with the likelihood of reporting full physical, occupational, and social participation.ConclusionsThese findings suggest that the overall living conditions of the built environment may be relevant to social inclusion for persons with physical disabilities.  相似文献   

Community participation was identified as one of the key components of Primary Health Care as articulated in the Alma Ata declaration of 1978 and is enjoying a renewal of interest in both low and high income countries. There remains, however, an on-going challenge in how to assess its role in achieving health improvements. This is largely due to the multiplicity of definitions of community participation, which has made it difficult to evaluate its impact on desired programme outcomes, such as uptake and sustainability, as well as broader health improvements. This paper addresses this challenge by first defining a continuum of community participation that captures its many forms, and then incorporates this into an evaluation framework that enables an analysis of the process of participation and links this with health and programme outcomes. The continuum of participation and framework is based upon the spidergram of Rifkin, Muller, and Bichmann (1988), but modified in the light of the growing literature on community participation and also in relation to our original requirements to evaluate the role of community participation in nutrition-related child survival programmes. A case-study is presented to provide a worked example of the evaluation framework and its utility in the evaluation of community participation. While this is a literature-based and retrospective analysis, it demonstrates how the evaluation tool enables a nuanced analysis of the different ways in which communities can participate in the delivery of health-related interventions. It could be used prospectively by those involved in programme design and implementation to further our understanding of community participation and its relationship with health outcomes, as well as key programme outcomes, such as sustainability.  相似文献   

Aim: To investigate the interrater, intra‐rater and internal consistency reliability of the Theory Application Assessment Instrument, a tool for testing competency in combining multiple theoretical conceptual practice models in client evaluation and treatment planning. Methods: The assessment was administered to 27 graduate students in two phases. The principal investigator rated the participants on the assessment scale on two separate occasions. Results: Interrater and intra‐rater reliability were good for Phase 2 data. Internal consistency reliability for Phase 2 data was in the ‘questionable’ range. Conclusion: The instrument shows promise of being an efficient tool. However, this was an exploratory study with a small sample. Its replication with a larger more representative sample is needed to increase external validity.  相似文献   

Background:  The Personal Care Participation Assessment and Resource Tool (PC-PART), formerly the Handicap Assessment and Resource Tool (HART), assesses the domains of clothing, hygiene, nutrition, mobility, safety, residence and supports.
Aim:  To examine the interrater reliability of the PC-PART in a rehabilitation setting.
Methods:  Assessments made by the researcher were compared to the interdisciplinary rehabilitation team. The research and standard assessments occurred within three working days. Raters were blind to each other's scores. Sample participants were a consecutive case-series of rehabilitation clients with varied diagnoses, activity limitations and participation restrictions. Of 66 consecutive patients seen during the a priori determined enrolment period, 25 were included in the study (nine males and 16 females, aged 44–85 years). The remaining 41 patients did not meet the inclusion criteria.
Conclusion:  The PC-PART has good interrater reliability. Clinicians, administrators and researchers can be reassured about this aspect of the validity of the tool.  相似文献   

Background In this article constructions of identity, occupation, and performance are explored with a particular focus on the interrelatedness of these concepts. Insights were derived from a study in which the influences that impact on the work-lives of people with a psychiatric disability were explored. Method An interpretive biography design was utilised. Data construction took the form of narrative interviews and a combination of paradigmatic narrative analysis and narrative analysis was used. Participants, selected by means of purposive maximum variation sampling, had been diagnosed with psychiatric impairment and lived in the Western Cape, South Africa. Findings and discussion Identity construction processes were explored, with a particular focus on how these impacted on decisions regarding participation in work. Conclusions Performance elements of identity, called forth by occupational demands, occurring within work environments were found to be shaped through, and expressed as, doing. The notion of Punctualized Identity was shown to provide a lens that is able to capture the dynamic interplay of identity constructs and provide a synthesised perspective on participation.  相似文献   


The term “participation” is widely used to refer to the involvement of children and young people in decision-making on issues that affect their lives. The Health and Information Quality Authority (HIQA) is the national inspectorate for social care in Ireland. HIQA monitors Tusla, Ireland’s child and family agency, for compliance with national children’s standards, including standards on children and young people’s participation rights. This paper outlines findings of a secondary analysis of data in relation to participation standards in HIQA foster care, residential care and special care inspection reports over a two-year period from 2013 to 2015 (n?=?40). The thematic analysis explores the degree to which the reports found that children in care are provided with the opportunity to influence decisions in relation to their everyday lives, to participate in child in care reviews, receive information, avail of advocacy services and have access to a complaints mechanism. While there is much evidence of good practice across all sectors, some notable differences between the realisation of participation standards in residential care and foster care were found. This baseline analysis was undertaken prior to the implementation of a comprehensive participation strategy by Tusla across the organisation and highlights areas in which practice can be improved or mainstreamed in this work programme.  相似文献   

目的:了解中西部地区新农合可持续发展现状。方法:利用中西部地区7省10县的农户调查数据,运用描述统计分析和logistic回归分析方法进行了实证研究。结果:中西部地区农民三年持续参合率为95.7%,未来意愿参合率为79.9%,47.9%的农民了解新农合的相关内容,19.3%的农民认为住院报销起到了非常大的作用。Logistic回归结果表明,农民参合行为与年龄、职业、家庭规模、健康状况、新农合了解程度、补偿比等变量有关。结论:中西部地区农民持续参合率较高,但是部分人员参合意愿并不高;农民对新农合的了解程度相对偏低;中西部地区新农合住院补偿水平相对偏低。建议:进一步提高新农合住院补偿比,兼顾起付线和封顶线的同步调整,保持不同机构之间的平衡关系;加强政策宣传和简化政策设计。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The measurement of patient and professional views of quality are important components in the evaluation of health care delivery. OBJECTIVE: To describe the development and evaluation of the GPs' Experiences Questionnaire (GPEQ) for assessing the quality of community mental health clinics in Norway. METHODS: Design: Literature review, GP interviews, pre-testing of questionnaire items and a cross-sectional national survey. Setting: Postal survey of GPs in Norway evaluating 73 community mental health clinics in the five health regions in Norway during spring of 2006. Subjects: Three thousand four hundred and sixty-three GPs were sent a postal questionnaire with the GPEQ and were asked to assess their community mental health clinic responsible for general adult psychiatric services. RESULTS: Two thousand one hundred and thirty (61.5%) GPs returned a completed questionnaire. Low levels of missing data suggest that the questionnaire is acceptable. Factor analysis identified five scales: workforce situation (four items), discharge letter (three items), competence (four items), guidance (three items) and emergency situations (two items). All scales met the criterion of 0.7 for Cronbach's alpha and test-retest correlations were 0.72-0.87. The results of validity testing were as hypothesized with scale scores significantly related to knowledge of the community mental health clinic, overall satisfaction, negative experiences with the clinic, waiting time and acceptance of referrals. CONCLUSIONS: The GPEQ is a self-administered questionnaire that includes the most important aspects of the GPs' experience of quality at community mental health clinics. All scales have good evidence for internal consistency, test-retest reliability and validity.  相似文献   

An expansive literature describes the links between social support and health. Though the bulk of this evidence emphasizes the health-enhancing effect of social support, certain aspects can have negative consequences for health (e.g., social obligations). In the Canadian context, the geographically small and socially interconnected nature of First Nation and Inuit communities provides a unique example through which to explore this relationship. Despite reportedly high levels of social support, many First Nation and Inuit communities endure broad social problems, thereby leading us to question the assumption that social support is primarily health protective. We draw from narrative analysis of interviews with 26 First Nation and Inuit Community Health Representatives to critically examine the health and social support relationship, and the social structures through which social support influences health. Findings indicate that there are health-enhancing and health-damaging properties of the health-social support relationship, and that the negative dimensions can significantly outweigh the positive ones. Social support operates at different structural levels, beginning with the individual and extending toward family and community. These social structures are important as they reinforce an individual's sense of belonging, however, these high-density networks can also exert conformity pressures and social obligations that promote health-damaging behaviours such as domestic violence and smoking. The poor material circumstances that characterize so many First Nation and Inuit communities add another layer of complexity as limited resources can trap individuals within the confines of their immediate social contexts. Research and policy interventions must pay close attention to the social context within which social support, health behaviours and material circumstances interact to influence health outcomes among First Nation and Inuit communities.  相似文献   

《Global public health》2013,8(9):983-999
Research on the linkage between social capital and health has grown in recent years; however, there is a dearth of evidence from resource-poor countries. This review examines the association between social capital and physical health (including health behaviours) in the least developed countries (LDCs). Citations were searched using three databases from 1990 to 2011 using the keyword ‘social capital’ combined with the name of each of the 48 LDCs. Of the 14 studies reviewed, 12 took place in Africa and 2 in South Asia. All used cross-sectional study designs, including five qualitative and nine quantitative studies. The literature reviewed suggests that social capital is an important factor for improving health in resource-poor settings; however, more research is needed in order to determine the best measures for social capital and elucidate the mechanisms through which social capital affects health in the developing world. Future research on social capital and health in the developing world should focus on applying appropriate theoretical conceptualisations of social capital to the developing country context, adapting and validating instruments for measuring social capital, and examining multilevel models of social capital and health in developing countries.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The new public health rejects old individualist attempts at improving health and embraces community-based approaches in reducing health inequalities. Primary Care Trusts in England face the challenge of converting community participation in health into reality. This study explores differences in perception of participation between lay and professional stakeholders of a community health project for a South Asian population in Greater Manchester. METHODS: In-depth interviews and focus groups were used to explore the views of professional and lay stakeholders. All data were audio-taped, transcribed and analysed for emerging themes using a qualitative framework. RESULTS: Professionals talked of working in partnership with the community but lay stakeholders did not feel that they had control over the project. There were problems in engaging the community and local health professionals in the project. Lack of cultural awareness hampered participation in the project. There was agreement that the project improved the self-confidence of participants and created a more informed population. However, there was little support for claims of improvements in social cohesion and changes in lifestyle directly as a result of the project. CONCLUSION: Converting the rhetoric of community participation in health into reality is a greater challenge than was envisaged by policy makers. Marginalized communities may not be willing participants and issues of language and cultural sensitivity are important. Project outcomes need to be agreed to ensure projects are evaluated appropriately. Projects with South Asian communities should not be seen to be dealing with all 'ethnic health' issues without addressing changes in statutory organizations and other wider social determinants of health.  相似文献   

目的 了解中国中老年人身体健康状况,分析在三种基本社会医疗保险下卫生服务利用的不平等性.方法 基于中国健康与养老追踪调查2013年数据,采用多元Logistic回归等方法分析拥有不同基本医保的中老年人在身体健康状况和卫生服务利用方面的差异.结果 城镇职工医疗保险、城镇居民医疗保险和新型农村合作医疗保险人员自评健康状况得分分别为2.74分、2.59分和2.49分;慢性病患病率分别为52.07%、55.66%和57.78%;4周患病率分别为12.74%、16.49%和13.92%.相对于城镇职工医疗保险参保人群,新型农村合作医疗参保人群对门诊服务(OR=0.82)和住院服务(OR=0.79)的利用以及城镇居民医疗保险参保人群对门诊服务(OR=0.77)和住院服务(OR=0.69)的利用均处于较低水平;对其中慢性病参保人群进行回归分析其结果相似,以上OR值差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 不同医保的中老年人在健康状况和卫生服务利用上存在不平等性,应通过统筹发展城乡医保、提高筹资及报销比例来缩小不同医保保障水平的差异.  相似文献   

医保基金按人头总额预付,交由医共体包干使用,是县域医共体建设的杠杆。文章通过对肥西县城乡居民住院患者流向及基本医保资金支出实证分析,认为紧密型县域医共体建设实施过程中应避免补偿标准与付费政策的矛盾、实行精细化分级诊疗、提升县域医疗服务能力、发挥医联体作用。  相似文献   


There has been increased recognition of the importance of hearing the views of children and young people in and from care about the services and decisions that affect their lives. The emphasis on young people's voices aims to give weight to, and raise awareness of, their experiences and outcomes, and the need for policy and practice improvements. This paper discusses the development of methodologies for hearing and acting upon the voices of care-experienced children and young people. It charts the journey towards increased levels of active involvement, from research participation and consultation to peer research and co-production. Using examples from our own empirical studies, the paper outlines key features of these different techniques and the opportunities, challenges and impact they engender. It looks at the recent transition towards greater participation through co-production and peer research in which children and young people are active and equal agents in the production of services to address their needs, and in the design and production of research aiming to evaluate those services. Finally, we provide our reflections and those of some of the young people we have worked with on how to achieve meaningful and authentic engagement with care-experienced children and young people.  相似文献   

目的:分析社区卫生服务中心通过不同方式参与医养结合服务的主要做法,为社区卫生服务中心参与医养结合服务提供建议。方法:采取目的抽样法,在东、中、西部各选取开展医养结合服务且具有代表性的上海市、武汉市、重庆市共6家社区卫生服务中心进行现场调查。运用主题框架分析法对资料进行分析。结果:调研地区社区卫生服务中心参与医养结合服务主要包括社区卫生服务中心参与居家养老、社区养老、养老机构养老以及社区卫生服务中心提供养老服务等。每个调研地区社区卫生服务中心参与不同种类医养结合服务的服务对象、主体、方式和内容均有所不同。目前社区卫生服务中心参与医养结合尚缺乏统一的行业标准,部门间仍需要进一步协同,社区卫生服务中心参与医养结合服务的程度有限。结论:顶层设计需要考虑到社区卫生服务中心辖区居民的需求以及机构服务能力,制定老年人统一照护需求评估标准,确定社区卫生服务中心提供服务的内容与对象,同时加强信息化建设,提高社区卫生服务中心的服务效率。  相似文献   

Home and Community Care (HACC) is a funding programme of the Commonwealth and State governments of Australia which supports the vast majority of community care services. Gaining access to basic community care services is via an assessment process undertaken by workers in roles that may be comprised partially or solely of assessment and care planning tasks. Arguably, the role of assessor in the HACC programme has become increasingly professionalised in recent years, and the complexity and demands of the role have increased. However, to date, little information has been available about the composition of this workforce, making initiatives to improve practice difficult to plan and implement. This paper reports findings of research from Victoria in which interviews were conducted with a range of key informants, and staff employed in client assessment roles. Results indicate considerable diversity on issues such as: the professional backgrounds of HACC assessment staff; the education, training and support they receive; how they learn their role; and what they draw upon to assist decision‐making. A significant theme to emerge is that the nature of their practice derives substantially from the local contexts in which they work. In the absence of a single profession or narrative that guides their practice, they draw from a diverse range of knowledge sources. The significance of the workplace as a site of professional learning, which may provide the basis for the development of a new qualification for this workforce, is highlighted, as is the need for a professional body for this group of workers.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Despite pharmacists having increased involvement in managing minor illness, many patients continue to attend their GP with problems that could be managed by community pharmacists. OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to investigate the prevalence of visits to the GP that GPs felt could be managed by a pharmacist, and to explore patients' reasons for such visits. METHODS: This cross-sectional questionnaire study was conducted at 13 general practices in West Sussex, UK. A questionnaire was given to all patients attending appointments with their GP in these practices over a 1-week period, asking what the presenting problem was and whether the advice of a pharmacist had been sought. If patients had not sought the advice of a pharmacist, they were asked why not. The GP was then asked to indicate whether, in their opinion, the patient's problem could have been managed by a community pharmacist. RESULTS: The response rate was 94% (3984), representing 87% of all patients consulting their doctor during the week of the study. GPs felt that only 7% (260) of these visits could have been managed by a community pharmacist. The proportion of 'unnecessary' visits was significantly higher (P < 0.001) amongst young adults, those presenting with new medical problems and those consulting about a child's health. Skin and musculoskeletal problems were the most common causes of 'unnecessary' visits to the GP. The majority of patients making 'unnecessary' visits (59%) disagreed with the GP and felt that the pharmacist would not have been appropriate for their problem. CONCLUSIONS: GPs and patients were, on the whole, in agreement over which conditions were appropriate for GP attention. There is, however, a need for education to increase awareness of the roles of pharmacists, aimed particularly at young adults and at those with children.  相似文献   

Healthcare workers are at a high risk of violence all over the world. The hostility toward nurses, physicians, and hospital staff has reached the point that it can be considered a public health problem. In this paper, we focus on the harassment, aggression, and violence that many healthcare workers have encountered while treating unstable psychiatric patients in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. We present a case with a history of violence toward mental health workers, review psychopathological and clinical aspects, and discuss how both the COVID-19 pandemic and current challenges in psychiatric hospital settings increase the frequency and severity of these attacks and how this affects the team on inpatient psychiatric units. We used the CARE guidelines to provide the most accurate and transparent information about the patient and relevant psychosocial aspects. We also pooled more than 20 unique sources to cover all aspects of violent behaviors in all psychiatric settings for all age groups. We concluded that a lack of nursing staff, the mental burden imposed by difficult patients, and poor communication between team members are some of the factors contributing to patient violence. An incomplete understanding of the problem creates barriers to change on both personal and systematic levels. Constant violence and abuse against healthcare workers cause stress, decreased productivity, and work dissatisfaction. To improve the safety of healthcare professionals, especially in inpatient psychiatric settings, several system-based changes should be implemented.  相似文献   

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