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Paramyxovirus membrane fusion: lessons from the F and HN atomic structures   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Paramyxoviruses enter cells by fusion of their lipid envelope with the target cell plasma membrane. Fusion of the viral membrane with the plasma membrane allows entry of the viral genome into the cytoplasm. For paramyxoviruses, membrane fusion occurs at neutral pH, but the trigger mechanism that controls the viral entry machinery such that it occurs at the right time and in the right place remains to be elucidated. Two viral glycoproteins are key to the infection process-an attachment protein that varies among different paramyxoviruses and the fusion (F) protein, which is found in all paramyxoviruses. For many of the paramyxoviruses (parainfluenza viruses 1-5, mumps virus, Newcastle disease virus and others), the attachment protein is the hemagglutinin/neuraminidase (HN) protein. In the last 5 years, atomic structures of paramyxovirus F and HN proteins have been reported. The knowledge gained from these structures towards understanding the mechanism of viral membrane fusion is described.  相似文献   

Craft WW  Dutch RE 《Virology》2005,341(1):130-140
The Hendra virus fusion (HeV F) protein is synthesized as a precursor, F(0), and proteolytically cleaved into the mature F(1) and F(2) heterodimer, following an HDLVDGVK(109) motif. This cleavage event is required for fusogenic activity. To determine the amino acid requirements for processing of the HeV F protein, we constructed multiple mutants. Individual and simultaneous alanine substitutions of the eight residues immediately upstream of the cleavage site did not eliminate processing. A chimeric SV5 F protein in which the furin site was substituted for the VDGVK(109) motif of the HeV F protein was not processed but was expressed on the cell surface. Another chimeric SV5 F protein containing the HDLVDGVK(109) motif of the HeV F protein underwent partial cleavage. These data indicate that the upstream region can play a role in protease recognition, but is neither absolutely required nor sufficient for efficient processing of the HeV F protein.  相似文献   

目的了解副粘病毒融合蛋白(F)分子上的七肽重复序列(HR1、HR2)在特异性膜融合中的作用。方法采用基因定点突变方法,在新城疫病毒(NDV)F与人副流感病毒(hPIV)F基因上创造相同的酶切位点。酶切后采用基因重组方法将F的HR1基因片段相互交换,得到交换HR1的两个嵌合体(chimera),即NDVC-HR1和hPIVC-HR1。用同样的方法又得到交换HR2的两个嵌合体。即NDVC-HR2和hPIVC-HR2。将各种嵌合体DNA与同源及异源HNDNA共转染BHK21细胞后,在真核细胞中表达。Giemsa染色和指示基因法检测细胞融合功能,荧光强度分析(FACs)检测F蛋白的表达效率。结果交换HR1后,NDVC-HR1的融合功能只有野毒株的53.91%,hPIVC-HR1的融合功能达到野毒株的83.15%;交换HR2后,NDVC-HR2的融合功能略高于野毒株,达到野毒株的107.23%,hPIV C-HR2的融合功能却只有野毒株的12.01%。FACS分析表明,交换HR1后的NDVC-HR1和hPIVC-HR1的表达效率均下降。交换HR2后,NDVC-HR2的表达效率没有改变,而hPIVC-HR2的表达效率下降。结论NDVF的HR1对其特异性膜融合具有重要作用,而HR2则没有病毒特异性;hPIVF的HR1和HR2对hPIV的特异性膜融合都有重要作用。  相似文献   

Swapna Apte 《Virology》2010,405(1):214-247
Retroviral envelope glycoproteins undergo proteolytic processing by cellular subtilisin-like proprotein convertases at a polybasic amino-acid site in order to produce the two functional subunits, SU and TM. Most previous studies have indicated that envelope-protein cleavage is required for rendering the protein competent for promoting membrane fusion and for virus infectivity. We have investigated the role of proteolytic processing of the Moloney murine leukemia virus envelope-protein through site-directed mutagenesis of the residues near the SU-TM cleavage site and have established that uncleaved glycoprotein is unable either to be incorporated into virus particles efficiently or to induce membrane fusion. Additionally, the results suggest that cleavage of the envelope protein plays an important role in intracellular trafficking of protein via the cellular secretory pathway. Based on our results it was concluded that a positively charged residue located at either P2 or P4 along with the arginine at P1 is essential for cleavage.  相似文献   

The paramyxovirus F protein is a class I viral membrane fusion protein which undergoes a significant refolding transition during virus entry. Previous studies of the Newcastle disease virus, human parainfluenza virus 3 and parainfluenza virus 5 F proteins revealed differences in the pre- and post-fusion structures. The NDV Queensland (Q) F structure lacked structural elements observed in the other two structures, which are key to the refolding and fusogenic activity of F. Here we present the NDV Australia-Victoria (AV) F protein post-fusion structure and provide EM evidence for its folding to a pre-fusion form. The NDV AV F structure contains heptad repeat elements missing in the previous NDV Q F structure, forming a post-fusion six-helix bundle (6HB) similar to the post-fusion hPIV3 F structure. Electrostatic and temperature factor analysis of the F structures points to regions of these proteins that may be functionally important in their membrane fusion activity.  相似文献   

Hendra virus (HeV) and Nipah virus (NiV) are recently-emerged, closely related and highly pathogenic paramyxoviruses. We have analysed here the pathogenesis of the acute HeV infection using the new animal model, golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus), which is highly susceptible to HeV infection. HeV-specific RNA and viral antigens were found in multiple organs and virus was isolated from different tissues. Dual pathogenic mechanism was observed: parenchymal infection in various organs, including the brain, with vasculitis and multinucleated syncytia in many blood vessels. Furthermore, monoclonal antibodies specific for the NiV fusion protein neutralized HeV in vitro and efficiently protected hamsters from HeV if given before infection. These results reveal the similarities between HeV and NiV pathogenesis, particularly in affecting both respiratory and neuronal system. They demonstrate that hamster presents a convenient novel animal model to study HeV infection, opening new perspectives to evaluate vaccine and therapeutic approaches against this emergent infectious disease.  相似文献   

Liao M  Kielian M 《Virology》2005,332(1):430-437
The alphavirus Semliki Forest virus (SFV) infects cells via a low pH-triggered fusion reaction mediated by the viral E1 protein. Both the E1 fusion peptide and transmembrane (TM) domain are essential for membrane fusion, but the functional requirements for the TM domain are poorly understood. Here we explored the role of the five TM domain glycine residues, including the highly conserved glycine pair at E1 residues 415/416. SFV mutants with alanine substitutions for individual or all five glycine residues (5G/A) showed growth kinetics and fusion pH dependence similar to those of wild-type SFV. Mutants with increasing substitution of glycine residues showed an increasingly more stringent requirement for cholesterol during fusion. The 5G/A mutant showed decreased fusion kinetics and extent in fluorescent lipid mixing assays. TM domain glycine residues thus are not required for efficient SFV fusion or assembly but can cause subtle effects on the properties of membrane fusion.  相似文献   

Barnard RJ  Elleder D  Young JA 《Virology》2006,344(1):25-29
For over 40 years, avian sarcoma and leukosis virus (ASLV)-receptor interactions have been employed as a useful model system to study the mechanism of retroviral entry into cells. Pioneering studies on this system focused upon the genetic basis of the differential susceptibilities of different lines of chickens to infection by distinct subgroups of ASLV. These studies led to the definition of three distinct autosomal recessive genes that were predicted to encode cellular receptors for different viral subgroups. They also led to the concept of viral interference, i.e. the mechanism by which infection by one virus can render cells resistant to reinfection by other viruses that use the same cellular receptor. Here, we review the contributions that analyses of the ASLV-receptor system have made in unraveling the mechanisms of retroviral entry into cells and focus on key findings such as identification and characterization of the ASLV receptor genes and the subsequent elucidation of an unprecedented mechanism of virus-cell fusion. Since many of the initial findings on this system were published in the early volumes of Virology, this subject is especially well suited to this special anniversary issue of the journal.  相似文献   

Although antigenic and genetic variations were shown to occur both in the G and F protein of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), few studies looked at the variation of F gene. The F genotypes were determined by the evaluation of clustering patterns, via the phylogenetic analysis of the nucleotide sequences of a variable region in the F gene. One hundred seventy-nine strains obtained from a children's hospital in Korea over nine consecutive epidemics were included. The relationship between the F and G genotypes was analyzed with the G genotypes previously published by the authors. The phylogenetic analysis of the variable region from the F gene revealed 9 genotypes among 129 group A RSVs and 4 genotypes among 50 group B RSVs. In each of the epidemics, the dominant genotypes were replaced with new genotypes in consecutive epidemics. In each of the epidemics of group B RSVs, the predominant genotype alternated between genotypes. Most of the strains which clustered to a particular F genotype were assigned to particular G genotype(s). By determining the nearly entire sequences of the F genes, we revealed the percentage of the nucleotide differences which resulted in amino acid coding changes was determined to be much great in two distinct variable regions of the F gene. Our results indicated that the F gene of the RSVs may be continuously evolving under selective pressure in a distinct pattern, and that the genetic variability of the F protein is associated with that of the G protein.  相似文献   

Ikenna G. Madu 《Virology》2009,393(2):265-22763
The S2 domain of the coronavirus spike (S) protein is known to be responsible for mediating membrane fusion. In addition to a well-recognized cleavage site at the S1-S2 boundary, a second proteolytic cleavage site has been identified in the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) S2 domain (R797). C-terminal to this S2 cleavage site is a conserved region flanked by cysteine residues C822 and C833. Here, we investigated the importance of this well conserved region for SARS-CoV S-mediated fusion activation. We show that the residues between C822-C833 are well conserved across all coronaviruses. Mutagenic analysis of SARS-CoV S, combined with cell-cell fusion and pseudotyped virion infectivity assays, showed a critical role for the core-conserved residues C822, D830, L831, and C833. Based on available predictive models, we propose that the conserved domain flanked by cysteines 822 and 833 forms a loop structure that interacts with components of the SARS-CoV S trimer to control the activation of membrane fusion.  相似文献   

Yuan P  Leser GP  Demeler B  Lamb RA  Jardetzky TS 《Virology》2008,378(2):282-291
The mechanism by which the paramyxovirus hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) protein couples receptor binding to activation of virus entry remains to be fully understood, but the HN stalk is thought to play an important role in the process. We have characterized ectodomain constructs of the parainfluenza virus 5 HN to understand better the underlying architecture and oligomerization properties that may influence HN functions. The PIV 5 neuraminidase (NA) domain is monomeric whereas the ectodomain forms a well-defined tetramer. The HN stalk also forms tetramers and higher order oligomers with high α-helical content. Together, the data indicate that the globular NA domains form weak intersubunit interactions at the end of the HN stalk tetramer, while stabilizing the stalk and overall oligomeric state of the ectodomain. Electron microscopy of the HN ectodomain reveals flexible arrangements of the NA and stalk domains, which may be important for understanding how these two HN domains impact virus entry.  相似文献   

Taylor GM  Sanders DA 《Virology》2003,312(2):295-305
The cytoplasmic domains of viral glycoproteins influence the trafficking and subcellular localization of the glycoproteins and their incorporation into virions. They also promote correct virus morphology and viral budding. The cytoplasmic domains of murine-leukemia-virus envelope-protein TM subunits regulate membrane fusion. During virion maturation the carboxy-terminal 16 amino acid residues of the TM protein are removed by the retroviral protease. Deletion of these residues activates envelope-protein-mediated membrane fusion. Our quantitative analysis of the effects of Moloney murine leukemia virus TM mutations on envelope-protein function support the proposition that a trimeric coiled coil in the TM cytoplasmic domain inhibits fusion. The data demonstrate that cleavage of the TM cytoplasmic domain is not required for viral entry and provide evidence for a model in which fusogenic and nonfusogenic conformations of the envelope protein exists in an equilibrium that is regulated by the cytoplasmic domain. In addition, a conserved tyrosine residue in the TM cytoplasmic domain was shown to play an important role in envelope-protein incorporation into retroviral particles.  相似文献   

Antigen presentation to CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) usually involves proteolytic cleavage of antigen in the cytosol and the delivery of epitope peptides onto major histocompatibility complex class I molecules in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) via the heterodimeric peptide transporter TAP1/TAP2. In the few exceptional cases where TAP-independent presentation of an endogenously expressed protein has been observed, the epitope-containing domain of the protein either has naturally accessed or has been directed into the ER lumen where it is thought to become susceptible to ER proteases. Here, we describe a novel example of TAP-independent processing involving the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) latent membrane protein LMP2, a multiple membrane-spanning protein with minimal projection into the ER. Expression of LMP2 in the TAP T2 cell line, whether from the resident EBV genome or from a recombinant vaccinia virus vector vacc-LMP2, rendered the cells sensitive to recognition by CTL clones specific for two HLA-A2.1-restricted peptide epitopes, LMP2 329–337 or 426–434. Vacc-LMP2-mediated sensitization to lysis required expression of the antigen de novo in T2 cells and was blocked by brefeldin A. In the same experiments, two other EBV-specific CTL epitopes, one derived from LMP2 but restricted through a different HLA allele (A11), the other restricted through A2.1 but derived from a different viral protein (BMLF1), did not display TAP-independent processing. The results are discussed in relation to the unusual topology of LMP2 in the membrane and the position of the epitope peptides within that structure.  相似文献   

Influenza virus entry occurs in endosomes, where acidification triggers irreversible conformational changes of the hemagglutinin glycoprotein (HA) that are required for membrane fusion. The acid-induced HA structural rearrangements have been well documented, and several models have been proposed to relate these to the process of membrane fusion. However, details regarding the role of specific residues in the initiation of structural rearrangements and membrane fusion are lacking. Here we report the results of studies on the HA of A/Aichi/2/68 virus (H3 subtype), in which mutants with changes at several ionizable residues in the vicinity of the "fusion peptide" were analyzed for their effects on the pH at which conformational changes and membrane fusion occur. A variety of phenotypes was obtained, including examples of substitutions that lead to an increase in HA stability at reduced pH. Of particular note was the observation that a histidine to tyrosine substitution at HA1 position 17 resulted in a decrease in pH at which HA structural changes and membrane fusion take place by 0.3 relative to WT. The results are discussed in relation to possible mechanisms by which HA structural rearrangements are initiated at low pH and clade-specific differences near the fusion peptide.  相似文献   

We have recently reported the X-ray crystal structure of a fragment of the fusion protein (F) of Newcastle disease virus (NDV). This work describes the methodology involved in the production and crystallization of that protein in recombinant form. The full-length cDNA of NDV-F was cloned and the ectodomain expressed in both CHO-K1 and Lec- cells. The recombinant protein, secreted as a single-chain polypeptide F0', was purified using a c-myc antibody affinity column followed by gel filtration chromatography. Electron microscopic imaging showed the F0' product to consist of unaggregated club-shaped particles. Trypsin treatment of F0' could be used to produce disulfide-linked F2 and F1' chains. However, imaging revealed extensive rosette-like aggregation of the trypsin-treated material, indicative of a conformational change. Only the non-trypsin-treated product was thus suitable for crystallization and two crystal forms were obtained, diffracting to ca. 3.5 and 4.0 A, respectively. Both crystal forms were used in the structure determination.  相似文献   

目的 利用杆状病毒表达系统对RSV A型Long株F基因进行表达研究,为RSV重组亚单位疫苗的研制奠定基础.方法 用反转录聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)扩增F基因,将其克隆到pFastBacHT A载体中,阳性重组质粒转化DH10Bac感受态细胞,PER鉴定获得阳性克隆,碱裂解法提取阳性质粒,转染Sf9昆虫细胞,获得含F基因的重组杆状病毒质粒,重组病毒感染Sf9细胞72 h后,进行SDS-PAGE电泳、间接免疫荧光和Western-blot试验.免疫Balb/c小鼠,用ELISA测定抗体滴度,MTT试验检测T淋巴细胞增殖.结果 目的 蛋白F在昆虫细胞中有特异性表达,能被F蛋白单克隆抗体所识别,该蛋白诱导了高滴度的RSV特异性抗体.结论成功克隆RSV F基因,并在Sf9昆虫细胞中获得表达,该蛋白具有良好的免疫原性,为进一步研究开发RSV重组亚单位疫苗奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Tsurudome M  Ito M  Nishio M  Kawano M  Komada H  Ito Y 《Virology》2006,347(1):11-27
The fusion (F) protein of simian virus 5 strain W3A induces syncytium formation independently of coexpression of the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase protein. This property can be transferred to the F protein of strain WR by replacing the leucine at position 22 with the W3A F counterpart, proline. The resulting mutant L22P has a conformation that is distinct from that of the WR F protein. Se-L22P is a cleavage site mutant of L22P that is cleavable only by addition of exogenous trypsin. We showed here that the cell surface-localized L22P was internalized with a t1/2 of 25 min and degraded in the cell, while the WR F protein was not. The cell surface-localized Se-L22P underwent a significant conformational change upon cleavage. Intriguingly, it disappeared from the cell surface due to its internalization, while inducing extensive syncytium formation. These results indicate that L22P may display an internalization signal during the course of fusion induction.  相似文献   

Ikeda M  Longnecker R 《Virology》2007,360(2):461-468
Latent membrane protein 2A (LMP2A) of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) plays a key role in regulating viral latency and EBV pathogenesis by functionally mimicking signals induced by the B cell receptor (BCR) altering normal B cell development. LMP2A specifically associates with Nedd4 family ubiquitin-protein ligases which downmodulate LMP2A activity by ubiquitinating LMP2A and LMP2A-associated protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs). Since specific ubiquitin tags provide an endocytic sorting signal for plasma membrane proteins which traffic to membrane vesicles, we examined LMP2A localization and trafficking. We found that LMP2A is secreted through exosomes, small endocytic membrane vesicles, as previously demonstrated for LMP1. Interestingly, the treatment of cells with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin (MCD), which depletes cholesterol from plasma membrane, dramatically increased LMP2A abundance and LMP2A exosome secretion. Cholesterol depletion also blocked LMP2A endocytosis resulting in the accumulation of LMP2A on plasma membrane. LMP2A phosphorylation and ubiquitination were blocked by cholesterol depletion. LMP2A in the exosomal fraction was ubiquitinated but not phosphorylated. These results indicate that cholesterol-dependent LMP2A trafficking determines the fate of LMP2A degradation.  相似文献   

Irie T  Nagata N  Yoshida T  Sakaguchi T 《Virology》2008,371(1):108-120
Sendai virus (SeV) is unique in that one of the viral accessory proteins, C, enhances budding of virus-like particles (VLPs) formed by SeV matrix protein M by physically interacting with Alix/AIP1. C protein itself does not have the ability to form VLPs, while M protein provides viral budding force, like other enveloped viruses. Here we show that SeV C protein recruits Alix/AIP1 to the plasma membrane (PM) to facilitate VLP budding. SeV M-VLP budding is sensitive to overexpression of a dominant-negative (DN) form of VPS4A only in the presence of the C proteins, which is able to recruit Alix/AIP1 to the PM. Our results indicate that SeV M and C proteins play separate roles in the budding process: M protein drives budding and C protein enhances the efficiency of the utilization of cellular MVB sorting machinery for efficient VLP budding.  相似文献   

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