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目的探讨手术治疗钙化型肝细粒棘球蚴病的临床效果。方法回顾性分析2015年11月-2019年2月于石河子大学医学院第一附属医院行手术治疗(外囊完整剥除术、外囊次全切除术及内囊摘除术)的16例共20个钙化型肝细粒棘球蚴囊肿的临床特点及治疗效果。结果 1例患者行外囊完整剥除术,5例患者行内囊摘除术,10例患者行外囊次全切除术。除1例患者因术前囊肿已破入胆道且外囊壁已存在胆瘘而于术后发生胆漏之外,其余患者术后均未发现残腔积液、感染等残腔并发症及胆漏、黄疸。术后均无死亡、复发病例。结论对于非静止期的钙化型肝细粒棘球蚴病必须手术治疗,外囊完整剥除术并不适用,可优先选用外囊次全切除术,尤其是当出现钙化型肝细粒棘球蚴囊肿邻近肝门部、邻近肝内外大血管及外膜与外囊之间的潜在性腔隙不明显时。而当出现肝细粒棘球蚴囊肿破裂时,可酌情选择内囊摘除术。  相似文献   

本文报道1例原发性肝癌合并肝囊型棘球蚴病病例的诊治经过。患者因“间断性上腹部不适半月余”收治入院,行辅助检查提示原发性肝癌合并肝囊性棘球蚴病,行肝动脉灌注化疗栓塞术,囊型棘球蚴病病灶未处理,术后患者肝功能明显好转。  相似文献   

目的 回顾性分析79例肝棘球蚴病患者的影像学表现,为该病诊断与鉴别诊断提供参考。方法 收集2014-2017年在青海省人民医院行影像学检查并经病理检查证实的79例肝棘球蚴病患者病历资料,对其影像学表现进行回顾性分析。结果 79例肝棘球蚴病患者中,细粒棘球蚴病57例,多房棘球蚴病22例;细粒棘球蚴病患者中,单囊型21例,多子囊型16例,内囊塌陷型9例,实变型4例,钙化型7例。79例患者中,62例为常见影像学征象。单囊型细粒棘球蚴病表现为肝内囊性水样病灶,囊壁薄厚均匀、无强化;多子囊型表现为“囊中囊”、“玫瑰花瓣”、“轮辐征”等;当内囊塌陷分离时表现为“飘带征”、“双环征”等征象;囊壁钙化时呈弧线状、蛋壳状,囊内容物呈现絮状或者整个病灶钙化。多房棘球蚴病表现为肝内实性肿块,密度及信号不均匀,边缘不规则;病灶强化不明显,病灶内散在或者群簇状分布的“小囊泡”,常伴有钙化,整个病灶呈“地图样”外观。另外17例患者表现为复杂少见的影像征象;其中6例细粒棘球蚴病囊内含脂肪,影像表现为囊内单发或多发脂肪密度结节灶,CT值为-28~-84 HU;4例病灶破入胆管,邻近胆管密度增高,胆管壁增厚,周围胆管扩张;4例合并原发性肝癌,影像表现为肝内细粒或多房棘球蚴病合并实性强化肿块,增强呈“快进快出”表现;3例合并感染,影像学表现为囊壁明显增厚且强化明显,其中2例囊内见气体影,1例囊肿合并感染并侵及腹壁。结论 肝棘球蚴病影像学表现复杂多样,在临床工作中需认真分析,做好鉴别诊断。  相似文献   

目的 探讨手术治疗邻近肝门部的肝细粒棘球蚴病的效果。方法 回顾性分析2015年 11月至 2019年1月行外囊完整剥除术、外囊次全切除术及内囊摘除术的 20例共36个邻近肝门部的肝棘球蚴囊肿的手术疗效。结果 4个肝棘球蚴囊肿成功行外囊完整剥除术,30个肝棘球蚴囊肿成功行外囊次全切除术,2个肝棘球蚴囊肿因外囊与肝门血管粘连过于紧密且已经破裂入胆道而行内囊摘除术。肝门部大血管均保存完整,除1例因术前肝棘球蚴囊肿破裂入胆道(行内囊摘除术)而出现术后胆漏以外,余均无残腔并发症发生。结论 对于邻近肝门部的肝细粒棘球蚴病的手术治疗,外囊次全切除术与外囊完整剥除术较传统的内囊摘除术,术后胆漏、残腔感染等并发症发生率相对较低,可优先选择。但是还应根据囊肿的部位、大小及手术中具体情况选择具体的手术方式。  相似文献   

肝包虫病是棘球绦虫的幼虫棘球蚴寄生于人体肝脏所导致的一种慢性寄生虫病,可分为肝细粒棘球蚴病及肝泡状棘球蚴病,以肝细粒棘球蚴病多见。本病多见于畜牧区,是我国西北地区及西南地区常见病,患病率在0.5%~5.0%。肝包虫囊肿破入胆道临床表现易与其他疾病混淆,  相似文献   

肝棘球蚴病是一种由棘球属绦虫幼虫所致的人畜共患性疾病。我国主要致病绦虫类型为细粒棘球绦虫和多房棘球绦虫,分别引起细粒棘球蚴病和多房棘球蚴病。目前,棘球蚴病治疗已经取得重大进展,但对于部分就诊时已出现一种或多种并发症以及病灶侵及肝门、重要血管及胆管的复杂性棘球蚴病病例的治疗仍存在一定困难。本文根据近年来文献报道,结合临床经验,对复杂性肝棘球蚴病的外科治疗策略进行综述。[关键词]  相似文献   

肝泡状棘球蚴病的超声及病理表现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的: 分析肝泡状棘球蚴病患者的临床、病理及超声图像特征.方法: 回顾性分析2002-2007年我院经手术病理证实的肝泡状棘球蚴病患者15例的超声图像特征并分型.结果: 15例肝泡状棘球蚴病单发12例,多发3例,共发现肿块20个;超声特征:多位于左肝,大小多为5 cm以上,形态多不规则,边界多清晰,内部回声多呈高回声、不均匀、无液化、无钙化,后方回声多衰减,无声晕、无内部血流多见,未见肝门及腹腔淋巴结肿大;根据声像图特征分为:实性肿块型(13个,65%)、肿块液化型(7个,35%)、肿块钙化型(8个,40%).结论: 超声检查肝泡球蚴病超声影像具有特征性,是肝泡球蚴病重要的影像学检查方法.  相似文献   

腐蚀性硬化性胆管炎是一种肝囊型棘球蚴病术后罕见并发症,此类疾病虽罕见但病情进展迅速、缺乏有效治疗措施,病人往往预后较差。本文回顾性分析1例肝囊型棘球蚴病术后腐蚀性硬化性胆管炎患者诊疗过程,从而为腐蚀性硬化性胆管炎诊治提供参考。  相似文献   

新疆伊犁河谷肝棘球蚴病临床资料分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 探讨新疆伊犁河谷肝棘球蚴病流行病学特点及临床诊治方法。 方法 对 1993~ 2003年伊犁河谷多家医院经手术确诊并治疗的肝棘球蚴病病例进行回顾性分析。 结果 共 2049例肝棘球蚴病患者 ,其中细粒棘球蚴病 1965例占 96% ,泡球蚴病 84例占 4%。所有病例经棘球蚴皮内过敏试验、B超、彩超、X线检查、X线断层照相术 (CT)、磁共振成像术 (MRI)、血清学免疫试验均可确诊。确诊病例经手术治疗2 034例占 99.2 %。其中 ,行肝叶切除术、肝棘球蚴外囊膜内完整切除术、肝棘球蚴囊肿外囊外切除术共 3 0 2例占 14.7% ,无术后复发及并发症。术后服药 (吡喹酮、阿苯达唑、阿苯达唑脂质体 ) 754例占 36.7% ,均有一定疗效。肝棘球蚴病流行病学特点是沿伊犁河谷流行、散布。患者均生活在农牧区 ,均有与牛、羊、狗密切接触史 ,当地各民族人群均有发病 ,女性 1 125例占 5 4%。25~49岁发病率较高为 982例占 48%。 1993-2003年发病率呈逐年下降趋势。 结论 肝棘球蚴病是新疆伊犁地区高发病、多发病 ,沿伊犁河谷流行、散布。应进一步加强病畜管理、改良手术治疗方法 ,积累临床经验。  相似文献   

目的通过应用藏药25味铜灰散治疗小鼠继发性棘球蚴病的疗效观察,探讨藏药治疗棘球蚴病的免疫机理及为临床更好的应用药物治疗棘球蚴病奠定一个良好基础。方法给予药物治疗90d后,解剖小鼠,检测各小鼠棘球蚴囊的湿重,对棘球蚴囊进行超微结构的观察。结果治疗90d后,棘球蚴囊病理及超微结构都有明显的变化。结论藏药25味铜灰散对小鼠棘球蚴有比较好的治疗作用,这将为棘球蚴病的临床治疗提供一个新的前景与思路。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Biliary complications of hepatic hydatidosis are often difficult to detect and manage. The aim of this study was to present our experience on the effectiveness of endoscopic treatment modalities in cases of biliary complications of hepatic hydatid cysts. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Over the past 10 years, 15 patients diagnosed with hepatic hydatidosis and manifesting symptoms and signs indicative of biliary involvement were examined by means of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) in our Gastroenterology Endoscopic Unit; 7 patients had already been operated on for hepatic hydatid cysts; one of them had a concomitant hydatid cyst in the lung. Diagnosis of the disease was based on a combination of ultrasonography (US), computed tomography (CT) and specific immunologic and/or microbiologic studies. RESULTS: Biliary complications of hydatid cysts were detected by ERCP in 9 patients (60%). Eight (88.9%) patients displayed a communication between the hydatid cyst or its residual cavity and the biliary tree; 5 patients had daughter cysts or residual hydatid material within the biliary tree, 1 patient had a biliocutaneous fistula, 1 patient a postoperative biliary leakage and 1 patient had only an opacification of the hydatid cyst during ERCP. In one patient, ERCP showed stenoses of both of the main hepatic ducts due to their compression by the cyst. Jaundice (88.9%), fever (33.3%) and right upper quadrant abdominal pain (88.9%) were the most frequent manifestations. These complications were demonstrated by US and CT imaging in only 25% of the cases. Four patients underwent ERCP before surgery and 5 after surgery. Endoscopic management was successful in all patients, resulting in clearance of the biliary tree, closure of fistulas, stopping of biliary leakage and jaundice remission. No serious endoscopy-related complications were recorded, with the exception of a pulmonary hydatid cyst rupture during ERCP. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that endoscopic treatment modalities are helpful and safe methods in the treatment of biliary complications of hepatic hydatidosis before and after definitive surgical management of the hydatid cysts.  相似文献   

Objective. Biliary complications of hepatic hydatidosis are often difficult to detect and manage. The aim of this study was to present our experience on the effectiveness of endoscopic treatment modalities in cases of biliary complications of hepatic hydatid cysts. Material and methods. Over the past 10 years, 15 patients diagnosed with hepatic hydatidosis and manifesting symptoms and signs indicative of biliary involvement were examined by means of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) in our Gastroenterology Endoscopic Unit; 7 patients had already been operated on for hepatic hydatid cysts; one of them had a concomitant hydatid cyst in the lung. Diagnosis of the disease was based on a combination of ultrasonography (US), computed tomography (CT) and specific immunologic and/or microbiologic studies. Results. Biliary complications of hydatid cysts were detected by ERCP in 9 patients (60%). Eight (88.9%) patients displayed a communication between the hydatid cyst or its residual cavity and the biliary tree; 5 patients had daughter cysts or residual hydatid material within the biliary tree, 1 patient had a biliocutaneous fistula, 1 patient a postoperative biliary leakage and 1 patient had only an opacification of the hydatid cyst during ERCP. In one patient, ERCP showed stenoses of both of the main hepatic ducts due to their compression by the cyst. Jaundice (88.9%), fever (33.3%) and right upper quadrant abdominal pain (88.9%) were the most frequent manifestations. These complications were demonstrated by US and CT imaging in only 25% of the cases. Four patients underwent ERCP before surgery and 5 after surgery. Endoscopic management was successful in all patients, resulting in clearance of the biliary tree, closure of fistulas, stopping of biliary leakage and jaundice remission. No serious endoscopy-related complications were recorded, with the exception of a pulmonary hydatid cyst rupture during ERCP. Conclusions. This study suggests that endoscopic treatment modalities are helpful and safe methods in the treatment of biliary complications of hepatic hydatidosis before and after definitive surgical management of the hydatid cysts.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Surgery for liver hydatidosis can result in serious morbidity and mortality. The role and efficacy of ERCP in the management of these complications was reviewed. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of 79 patients with liver hydatidosis who underwent ERCP for postoperative complications. RESULTS: All patients with biliary fistulas (n = 50) were managed by endoscopic sphincterotomy, although 9 (18%) also required a biliary endoprosthesis. Surgical reintervention was avoided in 46 (92%) patients with subsequent surgery required in only in 4 (8%). The mean time to fistula closure was 13.3 days. Patients with daughter cysts in the bile ducts (n = 7) were also treated by endoscopic sphincterotomy and evacuation of obstructing cyst material. Seven patients with elevated liver enzymes or biliopancreatic symptoms but normal ERCP findings also underwent endoscopic sphincterotomy with normalization of biochemical tests. CONCLUSIONS: ERCP is valuable for detecting and treating postoperative biliary complications after surgery for hepatic echinococcal disease. In the majority of patients, endoscopic sphincterotomy allows healing of postoperative external biliary fistulas, and should be performed as early as possible. In some cases, a biliary prosthesis may be required. Endoscopic sphincterotomy also enables clearing of the bile ducts of hydatid remnants.  相似文献   

Between 1977 and 1995, 495 patients were operated on for hepatic hydatidosis. Total pericystectomy was performed in 26 patients (closed technique in 21 and open technique in 5). Twenty-one patients had single cysts and 5 had two cysts. The median cyst diameter was 8cm (range; 3–20cm). The requirements for total pericystectomy were: (1) the cyst(s) should be located away from the hepatic veins, large bile ducts, or major branches of the portal vein and hepatic artery and (2) the patient should be fit to undergo a major operation. There was no procedure-related morbidity. One patient developed a biliary fistula that closed after endoscopic sphincterotomy. The median hospital stay was 7 days (range; 3–22 days). The median follow up was 24 months (range; 9–114 months). There was disease recurrence in a non-adjacent segment in 1 patient at 4 years. Pericystectomy is a potentially dangerous operation, but it avoids problems with cavity management and has low rates of biliary fistula, spillage, and recurrence. Its success stems primarily from careful patient selection.  相似文献   

An unusual case of hepatic hydatidosis complicated by transphrenic migration of the hydatid cyst passing through the right hemidiaphragm, and penetrating the inferior pulmonary lobe causing a bronchial fistula, is presented. The computed tomographic (CT) study permitted the correct preoperative diagnosis.  相似文献   

AIM: Intrabiliary rupture (IBR) is a common and serious compli-cation of hepatic hydatid cyst. The incidence varies from 1% to 25%. The treatment of IBR is still controversial. We aimed to design an algorithm for the treatment of hepatic hydatidosis with IBR by reviewing our cases. METHODS: Eight cases of IBR were analyzed retrospectively. Patients were evaluated according to age, sex, clinical findings, cyst number and stage, abdominal ultrasonography and CT-scan, surgical methods, complica-tions, results and coincidental diseases. RESULTS: Female/male ratio was 1/7. Mean age was 52.12±18.26 years (range 24-69 years). Right upper quadrant pain, flatulence, palpable hepatic mass were symptoms common in all patients. Cholestatic jaundice was found in four cases. In all patients, cyst evacuation and omento-plasty were performed, followed by either choledochod-uodenostomy, T-tube drainage, intracavitary suturing of the orifice, two cases in each. Whereas in two patients diagnosed post-operatively percutaneous drainage of biliary collection or ERCP and sphincteroplasty were added. Morbidity and hospital stay were higher in these cases. CONCLUSION: When the diagnosis of IBR can be done pre-or intra-operatively, morbidity decreases. If a biliary fistula is seen post-operatively, endoscopic procedures such as ERCP, sphincteroplasty or nasobiliary drainage can be applied.  相似文献   

AIM:To investigate clinical features,treatment strategies and outcomes of patients with hepatolithiasis(HL)undergoing surgical treatment,using a new clinicalclassification.METHODS:Sixty-eight HL patients were hospitalized and treated surgically from August 2011 to December2012 and they were classified into four HL types according to pathological evolution of the disease.These four HL types included typeⅠprimary type(defined as no previous biliary tract surgery),typeⅡinflammatory type(with previous biliary tract surgery and cholangitis),typeⅢmass-forming type(HL complicated by hepatic mass-forming lesion),and typeⅣterminal type(with secondary biliary cirrhosis and resultant portal hypertension).The perioperative data including general information,imaging data,postoperative complications,and immediate and final stone clearance rate were obtained and analyzed.RESULTS:In all 68 patients,the proportion of HL typeⅠ-Ⅳwas 50%(34/68),36.8%(25/68),10.3%(7/68)and 2.8%(2/68),respectively.Abdominal pain was the main clinical manifestation in typeⅠ(88.2%),fever was predominant in typeⅡ(52.0%),the malignancy rate in typeⅢwas high(71.4%),and portal hypertension and spleen enlargement were common in typeⅣ(2/2,100.0%).Liver resection rate for typesⅠ-Ⅲwas 79.4%,72.0%and 71.4%,respectively.The overall incidence of postoperative complications was23.5%(16/68).There were no perioperative deaths.The average length of hospital stay was 12.7±7.3 d.Immediate and final stone clearance rate was 73.5%(50/68)and 89.7%(61/68),respectively.Fifty-nine of68 patients(86.8%)were followed-up for1 year after surgery,and 96.6%of these patients(57/59)had a good quality of life according to a criterion recommended for postoperative evaluation of quality of life.CONCLUSION:The pathological evolution-based clinical classification of HL has a role in optimizingtreatment strategy,and patients can benefit from thisclassification when it is used properly.  相似文献   

本文报道1例肝棘球蚴病合并胆瘘、梗阻性黄疸患者的诊断与治疗。  相似文献   

Three patients are described with hepatic involvement by Echinococcus granulosus, complicated by spontaneous rupture into the biliary tract. Clinical features consisted of upper abdominal pain, jaundice, fever, anorexia, and vomiting. Hepatomegaly and marked epigastric tenderness were consistently observed. Laboratory findings included obstructive liver function tests, leucocytosis, eosinophilia, and hyperamylasemia. Abdominal computed tomography, showing the cystic wall, the presence of wall calcifications, daughter cysts and wall enhancement, provided a correct diagnosis of hepatic hydatidosis in all patients. Dilatation of the bile ducts with the presence of intraluminal material was clearly shown by sonography and endoscopic retrograde cholangiography. These abnormalities were most frequently found in the common bile duct and in the left hepatic duct. On sonography, the intraluminal material appeared as amorphous, sludge-like hydatid sand, and as daughter cysts. On ERCP, the intrabiliary parasitic material appeared as non-homogeneous, irregularly shaped and mobile filling defects. Other findings at ERCP were displacement and distortion of intrahepatic bile ducts by the hepatic cysts and a mild dilatation of the pancreatic duct. In one occasion, evacuation of a daughter cyst through the papilla was observed. The therapeutic value of mebendazole and endoscopic sphincterotomy in our patients is discussed.  相似文献   

Biliovascular fistulas are abnormal communications with two types of clinical manifestations depending on type of flow in fistulous tract: 1) hemorrhage into biliary tract known as hemobilia, or 2) bile into bloodstream, known as bilhemia. Historically, this complication has been treated with surgery; however, technological progress at present allows treatment with intervention techniques without surgery being mandatory. In 1975, Clemens and Wittrin introduced the term bilhemia, a rare complication of hepatic damage producing excessively high levels of serum bilirubin and moderate rise of hepatic enzymes secondary to post-traumatic intrahepatic biliovenous fistula. Although this pathology is rare, it is considered dangerous; of 50 patients reported in the literature, 25 died due to this problem. The main purpose of treatment is to release tract obstruction by endoscopic sphincterotomy of Vater's papilla or, if the process is localized in proximal areas of biliary tract, through percutaneous biliary drainage or preferably nasobiliary drainage with continuous suction. This procedure can at least produce temporary relief and occasionally fistula closure. A longer effect can be achieved with biliary stent placement. We describe what is, to our knowledge, the first case of diagnosis and successful treatment of non-traumatic bilhemia with endoscopic sphincterotomy and nasobiliary catheter placement.  相似文献   

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