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护士法律意识缺乏原因分析及对策探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
结合案例,对护士法律意识缺乏的原因进行分析,主要与护理教育中法律相关课程不足或缺位,以及护士学法意识不强等有关。提出应当从3个层面加强普法教育,做到依法执业,以保障护士的合法权益。  相似文献   

目的 分析护士离职原因,找出对策,为减少护士离职的发生,稳定护理队伍提供依据.方法 采用调查问卷法,对我院2009年1月至2012年1月的资料进行回顾性分析.结果自愿离职护士存在年玲小,学历高的特点.离职的主妥原因是:缺少情感寄托、工作压力大、无编制.结论 护理管理人员在帮助年轻护士解决生活困难;增加人员编制;提高待遇等方面给予足够重视.  相似文献   

职业倦怠是一种情绪衰竭、人格解体、个人成就感降低、心理能量在长期奉献给别人的过程中被索取过多而产生极度的心身疲惫和情感耗竭的综合征。护士作为服务于人群的职业群体,容易在工作中逐渐出现自卑、冷漠、厌恶工作、失去同情心等表现,并导致工作效率下降、缺勤和辞职的倾向增加,研究表明,护理是卫生保健行业中压力最大的职业之一。为评估和认识护士职业倦怠,保障护士的身心健康,本文将护士职业倦怠的相关心理社会影响因素、有效的干预措施作一综述。护士职业倦怠的形成因素大致可以把它们归纳为3类:工作和职业特征因素、社会因素和个体特征因素。护士职业倦怠的应对措施主要有:改善工作环境,管理者的支持,培养健康人格及工作态度。  相似文献   

美国护士短缺问题及对我国的借鉴意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国现有护士124万人,分布在全国各个医疗卫生机构,在医疗、预防、保健、康复等工作中发挥着重要作用.我国的护士短缺是长期以来一直没有妥善解决的老问题.其实,护士短缺已经成为一个世界性的问题,很多国家都面临着反复出现护士短缺的问题.以美国为例,从1964年起,美国联邦政府花去了数十亿美元去缓解护士短缺问题.美国政府和民间组织不断试图去定量分析这种短缺,并想办法去解决[1].了解美国护士短缺问题的发展历程及其采取的应对措施对我国护士短缺问题的解决将会起到借鉴和帮助的作用.  相似文献   

南卫红 《健康大视野》2007,15(4):109-110
笔者报道ICU护士产生压力的主要原因及对策。分析原因有:工作环境、工作负荷、人际关系、个人价值期望与现实冲突、媒体不恰当的宣传、学习及职称评定等因素。采取相应对策:认识自身价值,处理好各种关系,加强自身防护及普法教育,从而使ICU护士从容面对压力,提高护理质量。  相似文献   

梁丽娥 《现代保健》2010,(11):123-124
急诊护士作为急诊队伍的重要组成部分,长期处于应急状态,体力、精力等严重透支,工作却得不到应有的肯定,存在极大的不稳定性,导致急诊护理人才严重流失。本文分析其流失的原因及相关的防范对策,以稳定急诊护理队伍,加快急诊医学的发展。  相似文献   

影响手术室护士健康的原因及对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
谢萍  王永起 《职业与健康》2004,20(12):47-48
手术室护士的工作具有较强的特殊性。由于工作性质决定了手术室护士必须集中精力全力以赴地持续工作。在手术全过程中要连续站立若干小时配合手术 ,高度的紧张状态、无规律的饮食和睡眠以及多种职业危害因素的损伤 ,直接影响了手术室护士的身体健康。1 影响手术室护士身体健康的原因1.1 工作性质 手术室护士不仅要有较强的专业知识 ,还要有精湛的操作技术及快速准确的应对能力。长期持续站立若干小时配合手术 ,可造成下肢负荷过重静脉曲张、头痛。因精神长期处于紧张状态、责任压力过重、生活无规律而出现消化不良、消化性溃疡、睡眠障碍…  相似文献   

随着新的护理模式的转变,现代护士已不仅仅是起到执行医嘱的作用,而要求她们要把所掌握的护理专业理论知识及操作技能,与医学、心理、社会、伦理、法律等方面的知识结合起来,遵循一把钥匙开一把锁的原则,用不同的方法解决不同疾病的护理问题。为此,现代的医学护理模式对护士的心理素质提出了更高的要求。若护理人员的心理健康失调,将对临床护理工作产生极大的影响。  相似文献   

目的调查分析手术室护士下腰痛原因,并提出相应对策。方法自设调查问卷,对81名手术室护士进行关于下腰痛的发病状况调查。结果随着工龄的增加,下腰痛的发病率增加;下腰痛的发病率与生育、心理因素、不正确的坐姿、用力方法不当、工作疲劳感有关。结论手术室护士是下腰痛高危人群,加强下腰痛的相关防护知识培训,纠正工作不良姿势,加强组织管理等措施可降低下腰痛发生率。  相似文献   

感染科护士针刺伤的原因分析及预防对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:通过对感染科护士针刺伤的调查,了解感染科护士被针刺伤的情况及针刺伤发生的时机,并进行原因分析,提出预防对策.方法:对感染科80名护士进行回顾性问卷调查.结果:被调查的80名护士中,75人曾发生过针刺伤,发生率93.8%,其中针刺伤2次的5人占6.7%,≥3次的40人占53%3%,针刺伤发生多见于处置针头时、注射或轴血后套回针帽时、处理医疗废物时等,是造成针刺伤的主要原因,与护士防范意识淡薄,护士操作不当等原因有关.因此,加强职业防护知识培训,大力提倡接种乙肝疫苗,保护易感人群,规范护士操作行为,广泛应用新技术,针刺伤后的正确处理,以促进医疗职业安全.  相似文献   

发达国家应对药品短缺问题的经验及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
药品短缺在世界各国都普遍存在。为应对药品短缺问题,欧美发达国家设立了专门国家机构、通过与药品供需各方的合作和协调、努力早期发现药品短缺、并通过市场和政府两方面的努力来应对药品短缺问题。这些经验启发我国:必须设置完备的管理机构、建立起良好的预警机制、并应基于市场机制恰当的介入政府力量,方能有效的应对药品短缺问题。  相似文献   



Global climate change will have multiple effects on human health. Vulnerable populations—children, the elderly, and the poor—will be disproportionately affected.


We reviewed projected impacts of climate change on children’s health, the pathways involved in these effects, and prevention strategies.

Data sources

We assessed primary studies, review articles, and organizational reports.

Data synthesis

Climate change is increasing the global burden of disease and in the year 2000 was responsible for > 150,000 deaths worldwide. Of this disease burden, 88% fell upon children. Documented health effects include changing ranges of vector-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue; increased diarrheal and respiratory disease; increased morbidity and mortality from extreme weather; changed exposures to toxic chemicals; worsened poverty; food and physical insecurity; and threats to human habitation. Heat-related health effects for which research is emerging include diminished school performance, increased rates of pregnancy complications, and renal effects. Stark variation in these outcomes is evident by geographic region and socioeconomic status, and these impacts will exacerbate health disparities. Prevention strategies to reduce health impacts of climate change include reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and adaptation through multiple public health interventions.


Further quantification of the effects of climate change on children’s health is needed globally and also at regional and local levels through enhanced monitoring of children’s environmental health and by tracking selected indicators. Climate change preparedness strategies need to be incorporated into public health programs.  相似文献   

李原  虞华  吴艳 《中国卫生产业》2014,(16):174-175
现代医疗器械是结合生物医学技术、生物信息技术、化学检测技术、检测传感技术、核磁技术、放射技术、激光技术、精密仪器技术等多学科高科技产品,其基本特征为计算机化及数字化,是跨领域、多学科的现代高新技术。专业医疗器械人才的培养及引进是医学器械与国际接轨、快速更新及医学诊疗技术快速发展的先决条件。目前我国医疗器械人才出现大量流失及短缺现象,本文以浙江省为例阐述我国医疗器械人才短缺的原因,提出改善医疗器械短缺的建议,现报道如下。  相似文献   

Abstract In this paper we suggest that it is a mistake to understand the current situation in nursing as primarily a problem of 'shortage', a problem which may be solved through supplying 'more nurses, faster'. This way of thinking is understood as reflecting an invalidation of nurses and nursing and, by fostering false beliefs about nursing, as functioning to exacerbate rather than resolve the current situation. Unlike many mainstream conceptualizations of the current situation in nursing, we begin by understanding the experiences and concerns of nurses as meaningful. Feminist and hermeneutic philosophies, as well as Foucauldian perspectives on discourse, encourage us to take seriously the gender relations of power through which nursing comes to be articulated and to cultivate ways of thinking which can generate more productive analyses of the current situation in nursing. Rather than accepting instrumental understandings of nursing as adequate, we question the everyday beliefs and assumptions, the dominant discourses at work both in the world and in ourselves, which allow the suffering of nurses to be thought irrelevant and their concerns to remain unheard. We theorize both why the suffering of nurses can be considered irrelevant in this way and the difference it would make were we to take the experiences of nurses seriously. This undertaking requires that we reflect on that which constrains – and enables – the ways we are able to write, speak and think about nursing.  相似文献   

Godager G  Lurås H 《Health economics》2009,18(10):1133-1145
In 2001, a listpatient system with capitation payment was introduced in Norwegian general practice. After an allocation process where each inhabitant was listed with a general practitioner (GP), a considerable share of the GPs got fewer persons listed than they would have preferred. We examine whether GPs who experience a shortage of patients to a larger extent than other GPs seek to hold a second job in the community health service even though the wage rate is low compared with the wage rate in general practice. Assuming utility maximization, we model the effect of patient shortage on a GP's decision to contract for a second job in the community health service. The model predicts a positive relationship between patient shortage and participation in the community health service. This prediction is tested by means of censored regression analyses, taking account of labour supply as a censored variable. We find a significant effect of patient shortage on the number of hours the GPs supply to community health service. The estimated marginal effect is 1.72 hours per week.  相似文献   

目的:分析造成社区卫生服务中心人才短缺问题的原因并为其人才的吸引与留用提供参考。方法:收集政府卫生行政部门与统计部门公布的2007—2009年政府办医疗机构收入与支出数据,进行描述性分析。结果:社区卫生服务中心财政补助平均收入呈增长趋势,但医师人均年业务收入、人员离退休费平均支出和人员经费平均支出呈下降趋势。上述四项指标,社区卫生服务中心均低于综合医院,且差距逐年扩大。结论:社区卫生服务中心人才短缺问题较为突出,需深化改革,建立稳定优质的医务人才队伍。  相似文献   

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