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2002年5月-2004年5月共收治踝关节损伤50例,其中行外科手术处理14例,手术中除骨折内固定及脱位复位后均细心修复损伤的踝关节周围韧带,近期及远期疗效满意,报告如下. 相似文献
[目的]探讨下胫腓联合损伤对踝关节稳定性的生物力学影响。[方法]采用6例新鲜尸体标本,制作踝关节旋前外旋损伤模型,逐步离断下胫腓联合各韧带、骨间膜和三角韧带。对标本进行600 N轴向加载,同时对踝关节施加扭矩为5 Nm的外旋力。测量下胫腓联合不同程度损伤情况下,下胫腓联合的相对位移和踝关节外旋扭转角度。[结果]随着下胫腓联合韧带和三角韧带的序贯性离断,下胫腓联合的远端腓骨相对内外位移、前后位移、腓骨转角以及踝关节扭转角度呈逐渐增加趋势。[结论]下胫腓联合韧带维持踝关节稳定。在旋转稳定性方面,下胫腓后韧带的作用最为突出。下胫腓联合韧带离断后,再离断三角韧带,踝关节的稳定性进一步丢失。 相似文献
目的 :调查分析体育学院学生踝关节扭伤的流行情况、风险因素与早期治疗情况,以期获得准确的流行病学资料。方法:自2019年3月至2019年5月对西安体育学院在校大学生展开研究,根据纳排标准共纳入552名(1 104侧踝关节)在校体育学院学生,其中男309名,女243名;年龄16~24(20.9±3.7)岁。记录年龄、性别、身体质量指数(body mass index,BMI)等数据。通过自制踝关节扭伤调查问卷表评估体育学院学生急性和陈旧性踝关节扭伤的患病率与发生率,首次扭伤后治疗方案(冷敷、石膏或支具制动和药物)、目前行走时踝关节疼痛视觉模拟评分(visual analogue scale,VAS);采用Cumberland踝关节不稳评分问卷(Cumberland ankle instability tool,CAIT)和Maryland足部功能评分评估踝关节功能。通过踝关节外侧韧带超声检查评估踝关节不稳运动员外侧韧带损伤情况。结果:至少有1次踝关节扭伤的急性踝关节扭伤(acute ankle sprain,AAS)的患病率为96.20%(531/552),AAS的发生率为59.96%(... 相似文献
踝关节三角韧带损伤占踝关节损伤的10%~15%,其中单独三角韧带损伤较为少见,常合并有踝关节骨折及下胫腓联合韧带的损伤[1-3],踝关节也是体育活动中最常受伤的关节之一[4]。预计到2030年踝关节受伤的发生率将增加3倍[5]。在Lauge-Hansen[6]描述的踝关节骨折分型中,三角韧带损伤或内侧踝骨折,是以环形方式围绕踝关节而发生。三角韧带的损伤最常发生在旋前外和旋后外上,旋后外损伤是最常见的骨折类型。三角韧带结构的命名和解剖形态一直存在争议,它是一个坚强的多层复合体,由浅层和深层组成,是踝关节内侧重要稳定结构[7]。浅层的三角韧带包括胫舟韧带、胫跟韧带和胫距后韧带浅层,跨过踝关节和距下关节[8-9]。最近发表的有关于三角韧带组成的解剖学研究显示,弹簧韧带被认为是三角韧带浅层的一个组成部分[10-11]。三角韧带深层包括胫距前韧带深层和胫距后韧带深层,仅与踝关节相连[8-9](见图1~2)。 相似文献
踝关节严重骨折及脱位的修复重建 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的 总结踝关节严重骨折及脱位的手术方法及临床疗效.方法 2003年3月-2006年2月,采用一期骨折切开复位、经皮钢板内固定治疗76例踝关节严重骨折及脱位患者.男47例,女29例;年龄18~65岁,平均36.4岁.根据AO分型C3-1型13例,C3-2型45例,C3-3型18例.23例开放骨折按Gustilo-Anderson分型Ⅱ型17例,ⅡⅢA型6例.均为新鲜骨折,伤后至手术时间1~24 h.结果 术后4例伤口浅表感染,经对症处理后痊愈;其余伤口均Ⅰ期愈合.72例获随访12~35个月,平均18.5个月.骨折愈合时间为12~24周.2例分别于术后16、20周复诊时发现固定下胫腓关节的螺钉断裂,术后1年取出内固定;28例于术后12周单独取出固定下胫腓关节的螺钉;余患者均于术后1年完整取出内固定.术后患者踝关节活动范围背伸21.7~26.8°,屈曲38.5~44.7°按美国足踝外科评分系统评定疗效,优23例,良36例,中13例,优良率81.94%.结论 手法恢复踝关节力线,及时切开减张复位,结合微创经皮钢板内固定技术修复重建踝关节严重骨折及脱位,可获满意疗效. 相似文献
踝关节外侧副韧带损伤是临床中常见的运动损伤,因失治、误治可致慢性踝关节失稳及创伤性关节炎.自2009年6月~2010年8月,笔者采用同种异体半腱肌腱修复重建术治疗陈旧性踝关节外侧副韧带损伤8例,效果良好.现报告如下.1 临床资料1.1一般资料本组8例,其中男5例,女3例;年龄19~48岁,平均29岁.其中行走时扭伤6例,运动伤2例;左踝4例,右踝4例. 相似文献
目的 探讨踝关节骨折伴有三角韧带损伤的手术方法和临床疗效.方法 2008年8月至2011年3月,治疗伴有三角韧带损伤的踝关节骨折16 例,均采用切开复位内固定,同时应用带线锚钉修复重建三角韧带.结果 所有患者术后随访10~20个月,平均13.2个月,按Baird-Jackson评分系统评价,优5 例,良8 例,可2 例,差1 例,优良率81.3%.术后无相关并发症发生.术后1年X线片测得患侧重力应力位下内踝间隙为(3.54±0.40) mm,与健侧(3.46±0.39) mm比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 合并三角韧带损伤的踝关节骨折在行骨折切开复位内固定的同时行三角韧带的修复重建具有重要意义,应用带线锚钉修复三角韧带的效果可靠,值得推广. 相似文献
A.-P. Uzel R. Massicot M. Jean 《European journal of orthopaedic surgery & traumatology : orthopedie traumatologie》2002,12(2):115-116
. We are reporting on a case of traumatic ankle penetration by the sting of a stingray that occurred in the West Indies. Clinical presentation, management and revue of the literature are also presented. Résumé. Les auteurs rapportent un cas de plaie pénétrante de la cheville due à une raie pastenague aux Antilles. Ces lésions ne sont pas exceptionnelles. Une conduite à tenir est proposée en s'appuyant sur ce cas et une revue récente de la littérature. 相似文献
踝关节稳定性与本体感受器 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
踝关节机械性稳定结构受损.控制关节运动的神经反射弧受损均可导致慢性踝关节不稳.临床上踝关节机械性不稳与功能性不稳并非截然分开.踝关节本体感受器感受并向中枢传入位置觉、运动觉、力觉、震动觉信息.参与神经系统反馈调节.研究发现,恢复受损的本体感受器功能可为关节提供保护性感觉信息.预防关节不稳.修补关节囊和断裂韧带是常用手术方法 .平衡与协调性康复及功能训练能改善患者姿势控制功能.药物干预是近年研究热点.该文就踝关节本体感受器对踝关节稳定性作用的近期研究进展作一综述. 相似文献
O Petrov K Blocher R L Bradbury A Saxena M L Toy 《Clinics in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery》1988,5(2):275-290
Ankle stability in basketball players is affected by footwear. Athletic shoe manufacturers have introduced specialized lacing systems and high-top performance shoes to improve ankle stability. These performance shoes not only aid in preventing ankle injuries, but also protect injured ankles. 相似文献
K K Dittel 《Archives of orthopaedic and traumatic surgery. Archiv für orthop?dische und Unfall-Chirurgie》1986,105(3):191-192
A rare injury in young children at the ankle joint is described. In two cases a chronic fibular ligament insufficiency was found. Both children were treated operatively by extraepiphyseal plate ligament plasty, which gave excellent stabilization and no permanent disability. 相似文献
K. K. Dittel 《Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery》1986,105(3):191-192
Summary A rare injury in young children at the ankle joint is described. In two cases a chronic fibular ligament insufficiency was found. Both children were treated operatively by extraepiphyseal plate ligament plasty, which gave excellent stabilization and no permanent disability.
Zusammenfassung An zwei Fallbeispielen wird dargestellt, dafß auch beim Kleinkind klinisch und röntgenologisch Außenbandrisse mit derselben Sorgfalt wie beim Erwachsenen diagnostiziert und operativ versorgt werden sollten. Zerreßungen des Außenbandapparates werden wegen der fehlenden knöchernen Schädigung gerade im Kindesalter nicht selten verkannt oder unterschätzt, obwohl auch bei ihnen Kapselbandverletzungen aller Schweregrade auftreten können. Bei insuffizienter Diagnostik und daraus resultierender unzulänglicher Therapie kann eine chronische Instabilität des oberen Sprunggelenkes verbleiben, die zu rezidivierenden Distorsionen Anlaß gibt und die schließlich bis zur Spiel- und Sportbehinderung führen kann. Bei der seltenen chronischen fibularen Bandinsuffizienz im Wachstumsalter läßt sich durch eine einfache modifizierte Bandplastik, die distal der Wachstumsfuge erfolgt, eine gute Stabilisierung erreichen.相似文献
Vaes P De Boeck H Handelberg F Opdecam P 《The Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy》1985,7(3):110-114
A comparative radiological study was carried out to test the stabilizing value of ankle strapping and taping on unstable tibiotalar joints. Unstable ankle joints of 51 sportsmen were examined without bandages, with strapping, and with taping before and after an activity program. The use of taping proved to give the greatest decrease of the talar tilt angle. This improvement was still greater, even after activity, than the stabilization obtained by strapping, before any activity. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 1985;7(3):110-114. 相似文献
The effect of ankle injury on subtalar motion 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Michelson J Hamel A Buczek F Sharkey N 《Foot & ankle international / American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society [and] Swiss Foot and Ankle Society》2004,25(9):639-646
BACKGROUND: Injuries to the medial and lateral ankle ligaments have been implicated in subtalar joint instability. Lateral injury increased subtalar joint varus and anterior translation, while deltoid injury increased external rotation and valgus in studies using static, non-physiologic testing. METHODS: The current study employed a physiologically accurate ankle model using phasic force-couples attached to the muscle-tendon units to reproduce ankle motion. Six-degree-of-freedom kinematics of the tibia, talus, and calcaneus were measured using a VICON motion analysis system under the following experimental conditions: 1) intact ligaments 2) complete lateral ligament injury with subsequent repair, 3) superficial deltoid injury with subsequent repair, and 4) deep deltoid injury without repair in eight harvested lower extremities. Statistical analysis was by repeated measures analyses of variance. RESULTS: At heel-strike, the subtalar joint is in internal rotation, dorsiflexion, and varus. As the leg progresses to foot-flat, there is external rotation, plantarflexion, and valgus rotation. From foot-flat to heel-rise, there is little subtalar joint motion, while at toe-off, there is slight internal rotation, dorsiflexion, and varus rotation. The total rotations amounted to 9.0 degrees (SD 5.0 degrees) external rotation, 6.1 degrees (SD 2.5 degrees) plantarflexion, and 7.8 degrees (SD 5.5 degrees) valgus. Disruption of the superficial deltoid increased plantarflexion (p < .001) and valgus (p < .05). The additional lateral injury increased both external rotation (p < .001) and valgus (p < .02). Lateral injury alone had no significant effect on subtalar joint motion. CONCLUSION: Unlike most previous reports, this study showed no significant influence of isolated lateral ankle injury on subtalar joint motion, probably because the current study examined subtalar joint motion under physiologic loading and motion rather than by static stress testing. This calls into question the relevance of static stress testing to the in situ function of the subtalar joint. The increased external rotation and valgus seen with deltoid injury in the current study is consistent with previous reports. 相似文献