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春去冬来,瑞雪丰年,纷繁的2006年将要逝去,辉煌的2007年即将来临,回顾过去,我们对热爱的事业信心更加坚定,展望未来,我们对光辉的前程充满了憧景和希望。2006年,中药材人沐浴了阳光和风雨,面对了真诚与虚伪;在风与火的洗札中,喜与悲交集;在机遇和挑战的选择中,得与失共存;有的升华提高,有的出局另就,现实再次给我们上了一堂严肃的市场经济课。一年来,药材人走过了彷徨的春季,迎来了火热的夏日,送走了沉闷的秋霾,认识了风霜雪雨。中药材生产经营,在倒春寒的淫威下籽仁类损失惨重,花搬、连翘、杏仁、西五味子等星光点燃了药市之火,川芎、泽泻、板蓝根、大小茴、黑白胡椒、国内外壳砂风助火威,在人与自然的相互作用下风起云涌;盛夏的烈焰不仅烤煳了重庆,也使甘肃的根茎类药材大幅减产,沥沥秋雨浸卷西风,川芎、泽泻退去了光环,当归如一匹黑马纵横秋冬,独领风骚;独活、川贝、半夏不甘寂寞,奋发成为后起之秀;冬虫夏草更是身价如金,成为四季当红明星。[第一段]  相似文献   

随着现代科学技术的不断发展,人们认识到知识、技术更新的重要性,懂得了过去、现在、未来知识技术的差异和学习、借鉴、创新所发挥的巨大效能。学习和利用微机技术,是培养护理必备的技能。本院自2004年1月在全院采用网络化管理以来,药剂科与病房摆药室改变了过去手抄医嘱,人工统计、划价、记帐现象,形成了从药品出库,记帐,清领,发放,统计工作的自动化运行程序,提高了工作效率,取得了良好的社会效益,现介绍如下。  相似文献   

(2):144,148 79 82,82月片一7 IC,n,,乙-﹃/O入︸.4)件内、︸.4,‘,‘,一,‘......……、,声、,J、.J飞、..矛、‘.,月峙IJ斗月任,J,j了.‘、‘l了汀.t了r‘、l了we A ABTS Aceelerated release in vitro Aeylhydrazine l一Alkyl一5一amino一6一phenylethyluraci  相似文献   

在人类的发展史,人类改造自然,从自然中获取了大量物质,与此同时,人类也或多或少地破坏自然,打破自然界的平衡,遭到了来自自然界的报复,特别是传染性疾病如鼠疫、霍乱、天花、爱滋病、非典型性肺炎、结核病等,给人类带来了极大的危害。  相似文献   

目的探讨“五常法”管理老年病科日常工作的方法。方法找出老年病科护理管理中存在的问题,对照“五常法”标准,进行常组织、常整顿、常规范、常清洁、常自律。结果营造了整洁、有序、舒适、安全的住院环境,提高了工作效率,保证了护理安全,提升了护士的整体素质,提高了病人的满意度,塑造了良好的科室形象。结论“五常法”是维持整洁、舒适、安全的住院环境,提高医疗服务质量,保证医疗护理工作顺利进行的有效方法之一。  相似文献   

其实,被人雅称为“卫生间”、“洗手间”的地方,就是指厕所。当年“马桶”的诞生,使肮脏、简陋的粪坑、茅房,变得卫生、方便,并进入了城市的酒店、宾馆等公共场所,进入了城乡的私人住宅,成了居室中最重要、且必不可少的部分。但是,很多人却不知道,这种变革竟经历了2000多年的艰辛历程。  相似文献   

在人类的发展史,人类改造自然,从自然中获取了大量物质,与此同时,人类也或多或少地破坏自然,打破自然界的平衡,遭到了来自自然界的报复,特别是传染性疾病如鼠疫、霍乱、天花、爱滋病、非典型性肺炎、结核病等,给人类带来了极大的危害。随着科技和经济的发展,人  相似文献   

孕产妇以往待产方式多采取卧位、立位或仰卧位,产妇易疲劳、精神紧张,尤其在第一产程末期和第二产程,造成宫缩乏力、产程延长、新生儿窒息等,给孕产妇和新生儿造成一定损伤。本文利用胎儿纵轴与母体产轴一致、骨盆径线增加等,采用了蹲位或蹲坐位待产,通过200例病例分析,结果明显缩短了产程,降低了手术产率,提高了自然分娩率。  相似文献   

《中国乡村医药》第三届编委会暨专家委员会于2012年12月5日在京召开成立大会,编委会名誉顾问朱庆生、张自宽,北京新闻出版局的有关领导,以及部分专家、编委出席了会议。会议由杂志社社长兼总编辑朱宝铎主持。李德霖主编首先做了杂志工作汇报,介绍了本刊的基本情况、主要特点,以及当前存在的问题和打算,演示了微课件。中国乡村医药网合作主办单位、环球医学网总经理伊贵业介绍了网站。随后,编辑部主任张晓阳对本届编委会成员的组成及编委会条例作了说明。本届编委会实力雄厚,包括名誉顾问、顾问17名,社长(兼总编)、主编各1名,管理专家组、临床专家组和教育技术专家组编委61名,特约编委8名,总干事1名,体现了老中青结合的原则,汇集了一批富有爱心、热心农村卫生、关心农民健康的领导、专家、学者,其中包括4名工程院院士和数名德高望重的老前辈,以及活跃在一线的临床医生。会上,编委们争先恐后踊跃发言,对纸版杂志和中国乡村医药网的发展积极建言献策。最后,由卫生部原副部长、中国农村卫生协会会长朱庆生作总结讲话。  相似文献   

我院自行设计研究开发了“妇女保健信息化管理电话自动查询系统”软件。该软件采用了Windows2000、Foxpro、VC语言编程,分析与设计了相应的模块,利用电讯技术与计算机技术的有机结合,软件选题正确实用,设计科学,方法先进,界面友好,操作方便,具有创新性、先进性、科学性和实用性,填补了国内空白,达到国内领先水平。在妇女保健管理中应用此软件,提高了服务质量及管理水平,减少了医疗纠纷的发生,复诊率比自动查询系统使用前提高了21.6%,此研究于2003年已通过泰安市科技局鉴定。  相似文献   

This review briefly summarizes the information on the molecular mechanisms of action, pharmacokinetic profiles and drug interactions of novel (third-generation) antiepileptic drugs, including brivaracetam, carabersat, carisbamate, DP-valproic acid, eslicarbazepine, fluorofelbamate, fosphenytoin, ganaxolone, lacosamide, losigamone, pregabalin, remacemide, retigabine, rufinamide, safinamide, seletracetam, soretolide, stiripentol, talampanel, and valrocemide. These novel antiepileptic drugs undergo intensive clinical investigations to assess their efficacy and usefulness in the treatment of patients with refractory epilepsy.  相似文献   

目的建立HPLC法同时测定消风止痒颗粒中毛蕊花糖苷、焦地黄苯乙醇苷B1、升麻素苷、升麻素、5-O-甲基维斯阿米醇苷、亥茅酚苷、苍术素醇、白术内酯Ⅱ和苍术素,并采用化学计量学方法对检测结果进行综合评价。方法采用Agilent Zorbax SB-C18色谱柱(250 mm×4.6 mm,5μm);以乙腈-0.2%磷酸溶液为流动相,梯度洗脱;检测波长:330 nm(0~14 min检测毛蕊花糖苷和焦地黄苯乙醇苷B1)、254 nm(14~31 min检测升麻素苷、升麻素、5-O-甲基维斯阿米醇苷和亥茅酚苷)、270 nm(31~55 min检测苍术素醇、白术内酯Ⅱ和苍术素);体积流量0.9 mL/min;柱温25℃;进样量10μL。采用SPSS26.0统计软件对消风止痒颗粒中9种成分进行聚类分析和主成分分析。结果毛蕊花糖苷、焦地黄苯乙醇苷B1、升麻素苷、升麻素、5-O-甲基维斯阿米醇苷、亥茅酚苷、苍术素醇、白术内酯Ⅱ和苍术素分别在2.53~63.25、1.09~27.25、8.17~204.25、2.38~59.50、4.07~101.75、1.74~43.50、0.66~16.50、1.47~36.75、2.86~71.50μg/m L线性关系良好;平均回收率分别为99.01%、98.17%、100.13%、97.63%、98.72%、97.22%、96.93%、99.24%、100.01%,RSD值分别为1.42%、1.26%、0.72%、1.55%、0.84%、1.06%、1.18%、0.67%、0.95%;11批样品聚类分析为3类,主成分1~3是影响消风止痒颗粒质量评价的主要因子。结论该方法操作简便、重复性好,可作为消风止痒颗粒中多指标成分质量评价模式。  相似文献   

Limited data exist for appropriate drug dosing in obese children. This comprehensive review summarizes pharmacokinetic (PK) alterations that occur with age and obesity, and these effects on antimicrobial dosing. A thorough comparison of different measures of body weight and specific antimicrobial agents including cefazolin, cefepime, ceftazidime, daptomycin, doripenem, gentamicin, linezolid, meropenem, piperacillin‐tazobactam, tobramycin, vancomycin, and voriconazole is presented. PubMed (1966–July 2015) and Cochrane Library searches were performed using these key terms: children, pharmacokinetic, obesity, overweight, body mass index, ideal body weight, lean body weight, body composition, and specific antimicrobial drugs. PK studies in obese children and, if necessary, data from adult studies were summarized. Knowledge of PK alterations stemming from physiologic changes that occur with age from the neonate to adolescent, as well as those that result from increased body fat, become an essential first step toward optimizing drug dosing in obese children. Excessive amounts of adipose tissue contribute significantly to body size, total body water content, and organ size and function that may modify drug distribution and clearance. PK studies that evaluated antimicrobial dosing primarily used total (or actual) body weight (TBW) for loading doses and TBW or adjusted body weight for maintenance doses, depending on the drugs’ properties and dosing units. PK studies in obese children are imperative to elucidate drug distribution, clearance, and, consequently, the dose required for effective therapy in these children. Future studies should evaluate the effects of both age and obesity on drug dosing because the incidence of obesity is increasing in pediatric patients.  相似文献   

国内对头孢克肟的临床研究与评价   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
头孢克肟是第1种第3代口服头孢菌素类抗生素,由日本藤泽制药株式会社于1987年研制成功并首先在日本上市应用于临床,1989年在美国上市。1999年已在80多个国家得到广泛的临床使用。头孢克肟的制剂剂型的研究已发展有胶囊剂、颗粒剂、混悬剂、片剂(普通片剂、咀嚼片、分散片)等。笔者综述了国产头孢克肟与日本产头孢克肟在胶囊剂、颗粒剂、混悬剂、片剂(普通片剂、咀嚼片、分散片)等的药动学比较,以及头孢克肟与头孢泊肟、头孢克洛、头孢呋辛、头孢美他酯、头孢噻肟、头孢地尼、头孢特仑、头孢妥仑匹酯等体外抗菌活性及临床药效学比较。  相似文献   

This article provides a summary of an assessment of the occurrence and impact of hormesis in the neurosciences, including the areas of neuroprotection, neurite outgrowth, and drugs for Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, anxiety, pain, seizures, stroke, as well as in the areas of behavioral pharmacology, addictive drugs, stress biology including the Yerkes–Dodson law, and p-glycoprotein efflux activity. The findings indicate that the hormetic dose response has a common, if not dominant, presence in each of these diverse areas of neuroscience and further strengthens the conclusion that hormesis is highly generalizable, being independent of biological model, endpoint, and chemical class.  相似文献   

The multi-elementary quantitation method using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry has been widely developed for use with biological fluids. Many elements can be quantified simultaneously in biological fluids, including: Li, Be, B, Al, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Ge, As, Se, Rb, Sr, Mo, Pd, Cd, Sn, Sb, Te, Ba, W, Pt, Hg, Tl, Pb, Bi, U. The validation procedure is described by the French Society of Clinical Biology. Results for urine are corrected after creatinine determination.We report applications in clinical toxicology and forensic toxicology. Advances in inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry in the field of clinical biology are particularly important for toxicological analysis. This powerful tool is helpful for better patient care and for the search for cause of death.  相似文献   

方既明  章怀奋 《中南药学》2011,9(5):342-346
目的建立麻仁丸中大黄素、大黄酚、大黄酸、大黄素甲醚、芦荟大黄素的含量测定方法。方法采用奥泰ALLTIMA-C18色谱柱(4.6 mm×250 mm,5μm),以甲醇(A)-0.1%磷酸溶液(B)为流动相,梯度洗脱[0~9min,60%A;9~20 min,60%→80%A;20~45 min,80%A];流速:1.0 mL.min-1;柱温:30℃;检测波长254 nm。结果大黄素、大黄酸、大黄酚、大黄素甲醚、芦荟大黄素线性范围分别为在9.08~81.72、8.4~75.6、13.42~120.7、7.56~68.04、8.2~73.8μg.mL-1,与峰面积线性关系良好,平均回收率分别为99.1%、99.6%、99.4%、99.8%、99.2%,RSD分别为2.0%、1.8、3.2%、1.1%、1.5%。结论本方法可作为麻仁丸中大黄素、大黄酚、大黄酸、大黄素甲醚、芦荟大黄素含量测定的一种准确、灵敏、可行的方法。  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(7):877-890
The study examines groups of 15–16-year-old students whose attitudes toward drug use are out of line with the prevailing norms. It analyzes data from eight countries from the 2003 European School Survey on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD): Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, France, Malta, Slovenia, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. In those countries, 22,900 15–16-year-old pupils answered the ESPAD questionnaire. Groups of subjects whose responses are far removed from the modal value are sought and studied. The aim is to explore “rare answers” compared to what is perceived by the majority of students. In order to explore what can lead a pupil to an atypical perception of risk, a cluster analysis, based on the risk perceptions of alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis use, was run to isolate the groups in which pupils tend to answer differently. Six clusters were established classifying students into those who failed to respond, deny the risks, do not know about the risks, see any drug use as great risk, see regular use as great risk, and who see a moderate risk for most frequencies of use. The nonresponders, risk deniers, and those ignorant of the risks are infrequent making up, in all, only 16.9% of the total sample. Gender, country, alcohol use, cannabis use, tobacco use, and friends’ consumption were used to describe both the individual risk perceptions and the clusters based on them. Both global context (country) and “micro” context (frequencies of drug use, peers lifestyle, and parental permissiveness) appear to play a major role in the risk perception of drug use.  相似文献   

Self-injection of barbiturates and benzodiazepines in baboons   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Self-injection of three barbiturates, six benzodiazepines, and chlorpromazine was examined in baboons. Intravenous injections of drug were dependent upon completion of 160 lever presses (a 160-response fixed-ratio schedule). A 3-h time-out period followed each injection, permitting a maximum of eight injections per day. Prior to testing each dose of drug, self-injection performance was established with cocaine. Subsequently, a test dose was substituted for cocaine. Amobarbital, pentobarbital, and secobarbital maintained the highest levels of self-injection, which were similar to those maintained by cocaine. Clonazepam, clorazepate, diazepam, flurazepam, medazepam, and midazolam maintained relatively modest levels of self-injection, while chlorpromazine maintained only low levels, which were in the range of vehicle control. Of the six benzodiazepines, midazolam produced the highest levels of self-injection. At the highest self-injected doses, the barbiturates produced anesthesia in contrast to the benzodiazepines, which produced only sedation. None of the drugs affected food intake except for chlorpromazine, which produced dose-related decreases. The differences among the drug classes (i.e., barbiturate, benzodiazepine, phenothiazine) with respect to the maintenance of self-injection correspond well with the results of previous animal and human drug self-administration studies.  相似文献   

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