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Difficulties with doctor-patient communication continue to be recognized as a major barrier to effective patient care. A fundamental requirement for effective communication has been identified to be an understanding of the patient as an individual, yet most medical students are educationally and socially isolated from their patients and have difficulty in understanding their problems. In an attempt to encourage an understanding of the communication difficulties which follow such ignorance, a simple project was designed for, and conducted by, two groups of medical students during their initial period of clinical contact. Students first estimated the expected level of basic biological knowledge and the likely life-styles of their patients and then compared their estimates with data collected from patients. Students' initial estimates of both knowledge and life-style were poor, but improved significantly after data collection and discussion of results. In addition to improving their knowledge, students also recognized the benefit that such understanding could bring to the quality of communication. From these results, it is suggested that similar class exercises could be valuably introduced with minimum effort into the undergraduate curriculum, as the first of a series of steps in the acquisition of effective communication skills.  相似文献   

Cribb A 《Medical education》2000,34(11):916-920
This paper explores the fundamental reasons for partnership in health care and medical education. It reviews the philosophical and policy contexts of health care trends and suggests that many of these trends can be summarized as a process of diffusion relating to: (a) what is on the health agenda, (b) who sets the health agenda and (c) the increasing indeterminacy of the health agenda. Various aspects of the 'social turn' in health care are introduced and offered as a partial explanation for the diffusion of the health agenda. Finally, some of the implications of these discussions for medical education are set out, in particular the need for partnerships within and beyond the academy.  相似文献   

An extensive battery of multi-choice psychology tests was administered to Monash University medical students in 1975. Respondents were classified by sex, year and achievement level. Significant differences in parameters of psychological adaptation were detected when students in the three different achievement groups were compared. In general, the low achievers were more depressed and anxious, and less extroverted and empathic than their colleagues. In addition, their own assessment of their mental health was lower than that of their colleagues. They also tended to study less actively, were more prone to avoid the study of core material and derived less gratification overall from the medical course. It is suggested that underachieve-ment in medical students is a danger signal connoting psychological difficulties and that under-achievers constitute a potentially under-counselled group. Counselling facilities should be sufficiently comprehensive to deal with the problems outlined as it is unlikely that this particular set of observations is unique to the group studied who happened to be medical students. The lesson is there for all faculties.  相似文献   

An innovative medical course commenced in 1978 in a new medical school at the University of Newcastle. An evaluation of the student response to the first year of this course was carried out. This evaluation aimed to assess how far the students had progressed towards the attainment of the long-term Faculty objectives on which the Newcastle curriculum is based. Students' perceptions of educational innovations were obtained and compared with the Faculty's stated aims. Students felt that they could approach a problem scientifically, in a manner consistent with the Faculty's specified methods. In the area of team work, students had accepted the need for training in team skills as preparation for work after graduation. Students have adapted to the use of objectives, to assessment for competence, and to the marking of one another's papers. These methods had been introduced to facilitate the development of skills necessary for independent and continuing self-education. Patient contact was designated as the greatest strength of the first year. Students expressed concern for patient well-being and the influence of student activities on patients. This indicated that students had progressed some way towards the attainment of the Faculty objective that they should develop an humanitarian approach to patients.  相似文献   

Interprofessional training has been suggested as a means of preparing medical students for team health care, but the effects of such training have not been carefully studied. A multidisciplinary training programme in ambulatory diabetes care was developed to promote positive attitudes towards team care. Programme effects were assessed by a questionnaire which asked medical students to indicate their willingness to delegate or share 25 specific clinical tasks with a nurse. Following programme participation, students' willingness to share responsibility increased significantly for seven of the 25 tasks. To test the hypothesis that this effect resulted from the assignment of a teaching role to nurses, selected seminar content was taught by doctors or nurses on a random basis. No differences in willingness to share responsibility were related to which professional taught the seminar content. However, students were more willing to share responsibility with a nurse when they thought they had learned that topic from a nurse, suggesting that their experience in observing nurses at work may have been important in influencing attitudes towards team care.  相似文献   

Associations between language background, English language proficiency and medical communication skills were investigated in a group of 149 third year undergraduate medical students studying at an Australian university. Written and aural English proficiency were assessed with the Screening Test for Adolescent Language (STAL). Medical communication skills and the fluency of spoken language were scored during an Observed Structured Clinical Interview (OSCI), rated by a standardized patient and a clinician. An association was found between language background, performance on the STAL and spoken language proficiency. Satisfactory performance in medical communication skills was not associated with language background or overall performance on the STAL. In this study it was the global rating of unsatisfactory spoken language fluency that was associated with poorer performance in medical communication skills under examination conditions.  相似文献   

This paper describes the third stage in the evolution of methods of teaching on audit in general practice at the Department of General Practice, University of Glasgow. The authors asked the final year students to develop, carry out and submit a written report on an audit project devised by themselves, after briefing and with continued support. Every student asked was successful in producing a report and the standard was generally very high, although only two students completed the audit cycle in the 4 week period. More than half the students (51.7%) found the project valuable or very valuable. As many as 90.6% understood audit better or much better after doing the project and 83.4% thought that the project should continue to be part of the GP attachment. Seventy-eight per cent of the GP tutors thought that teaching audit to undergraduates in general practice was valuable or very valuable, 64.4% reported that the audit had been of benefit to their practice, and 89.9% thought that audit should continue to be part of the GP attachment. This method of teaching students about audit was the most successful of three methods tried. It has produced benefits both for students and for the general practices to which they were attached, ultimately producing benefits for patients.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Converging sources suggest that patient-provider relationships in primary care are generally of greater intensity and duration than those in non-primary care specialties. In this study, we hypothesised that Year 2 medical students whose close relationships were characterised by security and flexibility would be more likely than students who were less comfortable in close relationships to plan to pursue primary over non-primary care postgraduate training. METHODS: We determined the relationship styles and demographic characteristics of 144 Year 2 medical students. We also gathered information regarding their predicted choices of postgraduate training, which were clustered into primary or non-primary care categories. We compared student choices with respect to their interpersonal relationship styles based on attachment theory. RESULTS: Prevalences of attachment styles were similar to those found in the general population, with 56% of students rating themselves as having a secure relationship style. Students with a secure style were more likely to choose primary care (61%) over non-primary care compared to those whose styles were characterised by self-reliance, support-seeking or caution (41% chose primary care). Compared to those with a secure relationship style, students with a cautious style [OR = 5.9 (1.9, 18.7)] and students with a self-reliant style [OR = 2.4 (0.96, 5.9)] were more likely to choose non-primary over primary care, after controlling for gender. CONCLUSIONS: Assessing relationship styles using attachment theory is a potentially useful way to understand and counsel medical students about specialty choice.  相似文献   

Context The growing emphasis on teamwork within the National Health Service (NHS) has made it a priority to understand how health care teams learn together and cope with change. Objectives This study aimed to explore how collective learning and change happen in primary care teams and how the process varies across the disciplines of general medical practice, pharmacy and dentistry. Methods This study reports on qualitative data gathered from 10 primary care teams over 1 year, by means of observational visits and 38 semi‐structured interviews. Results Informal collective learning is a powerful team coping mechanism that develops through experiential, evolving and implicit learning processes. These processes are predominantly relational in that they rely on the extent to which team members know and understand one another as people. This makes shared learning an effective but ‘messy’ dynamic, the motivation for which is internally generated by the team itself. Teams report that if they cannot learn together, they cannot meet patient needs. Conclusions These findings demonstrate that teams share their knowledge because they believe it has value, not because they are driven by external incentives or are monitored. This challenges the prevailing assumption that, to be effective, interprofessional learning should be externally managed. As health care develops, it will become increasingly important to consider how to support the internal learning processes of care teams as they navigate complex organisational changes and the shared learning experiences that characterise those changes. Those who support learning and development within the NHS should therefore focus on how relational processes, as well as educational content, contribute to a team’s collective learning capability and the quality of care its members provide.  相似文献   

Summary. Dissatisfaction with the traditional methods of selecting Australian medical students, which use only secondary school achievement, led to an innovative alternative method at the Newcastle Medical School. This multistage approach uses tests of problem-solving ability, empathy, creativity and moral dilemmas to screen applicants otherwise suitable on academic achievement. In the 5-year trial since its inception, this process appears reasonably reliable and valid. There is some merit in using a composite score for ranking applicants, based on weighted contributions from the psychological tests used in its multifactorial battery. However, the ultimate effectiveness of individual tests of a composite score will depend on their predictive validity, which is yet unmeasured.  相似文献   

A study was carried out to investigate the change in attitudes towards physically disabled people of a group of fifty-eight medical students during the first 3 years of their course. The students attended a newly established medical school which has developed a curriculum without the traditional division into preclinical and clinical years and where contact with patients occurs from the first year. Results demonstrated that, as expected, at the start of the course the attitudes of females towards disabled people were more positive than those of males. Also, a significant change in attitudes was found after 3 years, both males and females demonstrating more positive attitudes toward physical disability. The differences between males and females were maintained. The relationship between these students' attitudes and their behaviour was discussed and proposals for further research to investigate this are outlined.  相似文献   

Objective The aim of this follow‐up study was to examine whether the legislative changes that took place in Finland in 2004 had an impact on the interactions between pharmaceutical companies and medical students. According to a previous survey, information provided by pharmaceutical companies represented one of the most important sources of information on pharmaceutical products for medical students and students frequently attended promotional events. Methods The authors collected the survey data using questionnaires distributed to medical students in Finland’s five medical departments in spring 2005. A total of 1523 students (44% of all medical students in Finland) responded to the questionnaire. Results were compared with the findings of a previous study conducted in 2000. Results We found a dramatic drop in how often students attended promotions given by pharmaceutical company representatives (PCRs), with 17% versus 68% of students in the clinical phase of study attending at least twice a month (P < 0.001). Other educational events organised by pharmaceutical companies were attended by 3% versus 22% of clinical students (P < 0.001). In addition, presentations by PCRs and industry‐sponsored educational events were not regarded as such important sources of information as they had been earlier and the perceived influence of promotion on future prescribing habits had decreased (12% versus 25% indicated that promotion influences prescribing; P < 0.001). Almost two‐thirds of the students indicated that basic medical education should provide them with more efficient tools for critical assessment of the claims made by pharmaceutical marketing departments. Conclusions Legislative reform has decreased the amount of contact between the pharmaceutical industry and medical students and diminished the role of industry‐sponsored promotion as a source of information on pharmaceutical products.  相似文献   

It is often said that medical school admits students who are compassionate, nurturant and person-oriented, and transforms them into cold, impersonal graduates. These attributes describe two ends of a personality trait continuum referred to as psychological femininity. The Femininity Scale of the Personal Attributes Questionnaire was administered to a class of medical students four times over 3 years. Measures of empathy, attitudes towards doctor-patient relations and attitudes towards professional psychological help were also obtained. Femininity appears to be normally distributed, remarkably stable over a 28-month interval and predictive of attitudinal measures of empathy, readiness to make psychiatric referrals, recognition of one's own need for psychological help, and a non-cynical, person-oriented approach to patient care. Such findings suggest a different state of affairs within medical training than is usually portrayed. Rather than viewing medical school as having a universally adverse effect on student compassion, medical school has virtually no effect on self-reports of warmth, kindness, helpfulness, etc. Students at different ends of the femininity continuum may require different interventions aimed at teaching communication skills and interpersonal sensitivity.  相似文献   

Summary. This study evaluated the effectiveness of a communication programme taught to medical students at the University of Melbourne in their preclinical years. The effectiveness of the programme was assessed by comparing videotaped history-taking interviews completed by a cohort of first-year clinical students in 1986, who had not undertaken the communication programme, with a similar cohort of first-year clinical students in 1992 who had undertaken the programme. The students from the 1986 cohort who had not undertaken communication training in their preclinical course completed their videotaped interviews as part of the experimental evaluation of a consulting skills training programme carried out in 1986-87. A comparison of ratings given by two experimentally naive, independent observers revealed that the 1992 student cohort demonstrated some significantly better skills at questioning and facilitating communication with patients. By contrast, the 1986 student cohort showed significantly greater skills at maintaining relevance in their interviews and greater capacity to explore patients' psychosocial concerns. These data suggest that students acquire the most effective interview skills when interacting with patients during their clinical training.  相似文献   

Context Structured case‐based oral examinations are widely used in medical certifying examinations in the USA. These orals assess the candidate’s decision‐making skills using real or realistic patient cases. Frequently mentioned but not empirically evaluated is the potential bias introduced by the candidate’s communication ability. Objective This study aimed to assess the relationship between candidate communication ability and medical certification oral examination scores. Methods Non‐doctor communication observers rated a random sample of 90 candidates on communication ability during a medical oral certification examination. The multi‐facet Rasch model was used to analyse the communication survey and the oral examination data. The multi‐facet model accounts for observer and examiner severity bias. anova was used to measure differences in communication ability between passing and failing candidates and candidates grouped by level of communication ability. Pearson’s correlations were used to compare candidate communication ability and oral certification examination performance. Results Candidate separation reliability values for the communication survey and the oral examination were 0.85 and 0.97, respectively, suggesting accurate candidate measurement. The correlation between communication scores and oral examination scores was 0.10. No significant difference was found between passing and failing candidates for measured communication ability. When candidates were grouped by high, moderate and low communication ability, there was no significant difference in their oral certification examination performance. Conclusions Candidates’ communication ability has little relationship to candidate performance on high‐stakes, case‐based oral examinations. Examiners for this certifying examination focused on assessing candidate decision‐making ability and were not influenced by candidate communication ability.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Faculty attitudes are believed to be a barrier to successful implementation of interprofessional education (IPE) initiatives within academic health sciences settings. The purpose of this study was to examine specific attributes of faculty members, which might relate to attitudes towards IPE and interprofessional teamwork. METHODS: A survey was distributed to all faculty members in the medicine, nursing, pharmacy and social work programmes at our institution. Respondents were asked to rate their attitudes towards interprofessional health care teams, IPE and interprofessional learning in an academic setting using scales adopted from the peer-reviewed literature. Information on the characteristics of the respondents was also collected, including data on gender, prior experience with IPE, age and years of practice experience. RESULTS: A total response rate of 63.0% was achieved. Medicine faculty members reported significantly lower mean scores (P < 0.05) than nursing faculty on attitudes towards IPE, interprofessional teams and interprofessional learning in the academic setting. Female faculty and faculty who reported prior experience in IPE reported significantly higher mean scores (P < 0.05). Neither age, years of practice experience nor experience as a health professional educator appeared to be related to overall attitudinal responses towards IPE or interprofessional teamwork. CONCLUSIONS: The findings have implications for both the advancement of IPE within academic institutions and strategies to promote faculty development initiatives. In terms of IPE evaluation, the findings also highlight the importance of measuring baseline attitudinal constructs as part of systematic evaluative activities when introducing new IPE initiatives within academic settings.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the factors influencing medical students' communication skills. The sample comprised all first-year clinical students. Thirty-two received teaching in communication skills during the year; the remaining 56 did not. Students' career preferences, attitudes towards communication skills and confidence in their ability to communicate with patients were assessed by questionnaire at the beginning and end of the year. At the end of the year each student was videotaped interviewing a simulated patient. Students' communication skills were assessed on the basis of this interview by raters using a standardized rating scale, and by patient questionnaires. While there was some evidence that brief communication skills training improved skills, sex of student was a more significant predictor of level of skill. Students who perceived communication skills as less relevant to medicine and those who were more confident about their own communication skills were more likely to prefer a career in hospital medicine. Students' judgements of their ability to communicate effectively were poor. In the main there was no relationship between confidence and level of skill: where they were related, the association was negative. The benefits from communication skills training might be enhanced by involving hospital doctors in the teaching, and providing students with detailed video feedback on their skills at the outset.  相似文献   

Most research into medical communication has had a western setting. It has been undertaken by western researchers and been influential in shaping communication skills curricula. However we know much less about what communication is effective under other circumstances. This article highlights gaps in our knowledge from research in this field, and poses attendant questions for debate by medical educators. We consider the following key aspects of debate on cross‐cultural work. (i) To what extent can our understanding of general principles in other cultures be summarized and presented for teaching in a way which does not descend into caricature? Alternatively, can features of other cultures be presented in ways which do not descend into particularity? (ii) Can such paradigms as ‘patient‐centredness’ be transferred from culture to culture? Should they be presented across cultures as features of ‘good’ consultations? (iii) What use can be made of the role of interpreters for teaching purposes? What importance does it have to the educator that a doctor may not be a native speaker of the majority language of the culture in which s/he is operating? (iv) Although the language of illness, and particularly metaphors associated with illness, are studied in other cultures, the way in which illness is metaphorized in British English is seldom discussed. What can educators learn and teach from a study of such matters? (v) What are the implications for communication skills teachers of the need to present materials within a culturally diverse environment?  相似文献   

Teaching about tobacco and related diseases is essential in the undergraduate medical course in order for students to gain knowledge about smoking and how to intervene with patients who smoke. The objective of the study was to assess students'smoking-related behaviour, knowledge and attitudes towards tobacco, and perceptions of their future role as doctors. Data were collected from two consecutive years of year 1 and year 5 medical students at the University of New South Wales, Sydney. A total of 594 (79%) of students across the 2 years completed the survey: 90% of year 1 students, and 69% of year 5 students. The daily smoking rate among the total medical students was 2.9%: 11.8% in year 1 (2.3% daily, 9.5% occasional) and 13.7% in year 5 (3.3% daily, 10.4% occasional). There were significantly more male than female smokers in year 5 (P < 0.05). The overall smoking rates for males in years 1 and 5 were 12.4% and 19.3%, and the smoking rates for females were 11.2% and 8%. Knowledge about the causal role of tobacco in the development of specific diseases improved significantly from year 1 to year 5 (P < 0.001). Nevertheless, in year 5 there remained a lack of knowledge about the relationship of smoking and some diseases. Fifty-seven per cent of students thought that their current knowledge was sufficient to counsel smokers, with year 5 students (89%) being far more positive than year 1 students (34%) (P < 0.001). Teaching medical students about smoking-related diseases and a patient-centred smoking cessation intervention results in an increase in knowledge, as well as positive perceptions about their future role in intervening with smokers.  相似文献   

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