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Almost five decades ago, the Chinese Communist Party wished to abolish all "remnants of feudalism," including the patriarchal social order. Just one year after the revolution, the Marriage Law endorsed women's rights within the family, but no operative measures were taken to enforce it. Some of the economic reforms since independence even strengthened patrilocality and, possibly, patriarchal values. The purpose of this study was to explore the degree to which patrilocality served to maintain the traditional patriarchal stratification among women in the household by exploring women's health patterns and utilization of health services. Data were collected from 3859 women residing in rural Hebei, and variation in health and help seeking of six categories of relation to household head--mothers, wives, daughters, daughters-in-law, family heads, and other relatives--were explored. Utilization of health services is not dependent on women's position in the household, but primarily on per-capita income. Health patterns seem to indicate that mothers of the head of the household still have a considerable power to define their roles and share of household work. Women head of family, most of whom are married, appear to be under strain, which could be a result of their culturally "deviant" position. We conclude that old patriarchal values are intertwined with values of equality in current rural China.  相似文献   

Respiratory illness and diarrhoea continue to be the leading causes of paediatric morbidity and mortality in the Dominican Republic. An important first step in alleviating this disease burden is to understand patterns and predictors of health services utilization for these conditions. This study examines the predictors of (a) health services utilization, and (b) public versus private sector use, for respiratory illness in the under-five population in the Dominican Republic. The DHS-2 dataset (1991) was utilized for analysis. Logistic regression models for predicting use and non-use, and for predicting private versus public sector use, were constructed using the Andersen Behavioural Model as the conceptual framework. Our findings indicate that sex, location and possession index quartile are factors that influence the decision to seek care or not for respiratory illness in under-fives. In contrast, the choice between the public and private sector is determined by location and insurance status. From the policy perspective, if the Dominican Republic were to undertake steps to increase private insurance coverage, our results indicate that this would lead to increased utilization of private sector providers for respiratory illness by children having private insurance, but would not have an impact on overall utilization (i.e. use vs. non-use). On the other hand, one of the ways to deliver cost-effective interventions by the publicly financed system would be to improve facilities in the rural areas.  相似文献   

Dao HT  Waters H  Le QV 《Public health》2008,122(10):1068-1078
OBJECTIVES: Vietnam started its health reform process two decades ago, initiated by economic reform in 1986. Economic reform has rapidly changed the socio-economic environment with the transition from a centrally planned economy to a market-oriented economy. Health reform in Vietnam has been associated with the introduction of user fees, the legalization of private medical practices, and the commercialization of the pharmaceutical industry. This paper presents the user fees and health service utilization in Vietnam during a critical period of economic transition in the 1990s. STUDY DESIGN: The study is based on two national household surveys: the Vietnam Living Standard Survey 1992-1993 and 1997-1998. METHODS: The concentration index and related concentration curve were used to measure differences in health service utilization as indicators of health outcomes of income quintiles, ranking from the poorest to the richest. RESULTS: User fees contribute to health resources and have helped to relieve the financial burden on the Government. However, comparisons of concentration indices for hospital stays and community health centre visits show that user fees can drive people deeper into poverty, widen the gap between the rich and the poor, and increase inequality in health outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: An effective social protection and targeting system is proposed to protect the poor from the impact of user fees, to increase equity and improve the quality of healthcare services. This cannot be done without taking measures to improve the quality of care and promote ethical standards in health care, including the elimination of unofficial payments.  相似文献   

Using household level data and double-bounded dichotomous choice contingent valuation method, the article investigates the prospect of community health insurance schemes in mitigating the health shock effects of economic reforms and deregulations on the poor rural households of Ethiopia. The results demonstrate that the introduction of such schemes can help to protect the poor against the adverse impacts of economic reforms on health. It is also demonstrated that enough and sustainable resources can be generated from such schemes without obstructing the current economic reforms and evicting the poor and the socially disadvantaged section of the population out of the health care market.  相似文献   

Using Vietnam's latest National Household Survey data for 2001-2002 this paper assesses the influence of individual, household and commune-level characteristics on a woman's decision to seek prenatal care, on the number of prenatal visits, and on the choice between giving birth at a health facility or at home. The decision to use any care and the number of prenatal visits is modeled using a two-part model. A random intercept logistic model is used to capture the influence of unobserved commune-specific factors found in the data regarding a woman's decision to give birth at a health facility rather than at home. The results show that access to prenatal care and delivery assistance is limited by observed barriers such as low income, low education, ethnicity, geographical isolation and a high poverty rate in the community. More specifically, more prenatal visits increase the likelihood of giving birth at a health facility. Having compulsory health insurance increases the odds of giving birth at a health facility for middle and high income women. In contrast, health insurance for the poor increases the likelihood of having more prenatal visits but has little effect on the place of delivery. These results suggest that the existing safe motherhood programs should be linked with the objectives of social development programs such as poverty reduction, and that policy makers need to view both the individual and the commune as appropriate units for policy targeting.  相似文献   

Current studies on the utilization of maternal care services in India focus on individual factors. In the present study, we use the theoretical model developed by Andersen and Newman [1973. Societal and individual determinants of medical care utilization in the United States. Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly, 51(1), 95-124] to understand the utilization of maternal care services in rural areas of India. This theoretical model uses individual and welfare program-or system factors-to study health care utilization. Data collected through the National Family Health Survey-2 are used in the present study. The results suggest that in addition to individual characteristics, program and system factors influence the utilization of maternal care in rural areas. Program factors, particularly educational activities promoting the benefits of maternal care services carried out through mahila mandal and anganwadi centers, are important in increasing the use of maternal care services in rural areas. Additionally, the results indicate that the mere presence of a private health care facility need not necessarily improve utilization. Increase in utilization is observed among households if the health worker visited these households during pregnancy. More state-specific studies incorporating both program and individual characteristics are recommended to further strengthen our understanding of the utilization of health care services in general and maternal care services specifically.  相似文献   

Reducing rural–urban disparities in health and health care has been a key policy goal for the Chinese government. With mental health becoming an increasingly significant public health issue in China, empirical evidence of disparities in the use of mental health services can guide steps to reduce them. We conducted this study to inform China’s on-going health-care reform through examining how health insurance might reduce rural–urban disparities in the utilization of mental health inpatient services in China. This retrospective study used 10 years (2005–2014) of hospital electronic health records from the Shandong Center for Mental Health and the DaiZhuang Psychiatric Hospital, two major psychiatric hospitals in Shandong Province. Health insurance was measured using types of health insurance and the actual reimbursement ratio (RR). Utilization of mental health inpatient services was measured by hospitalization cost, length of stay (LOS), and frequency of hospitalization. We examined rural–urban disparities in the use of mental health services, as well as the role of health insurance in reducing such disparities. Hospitalization costs, LOS, and frequency of hospitalization were all found to be lower among rural than among urban inpatients. Having health insurance and benefiting from a relatively high RR were found to be significantly associated with a greater utilization of inpatient services, among both urban and rural residents. In addition, an increase in the RR was found to be significantly associated with an increase in the use of mental health services among rural patients. Consistent with the existing literature, our study suggests that increasing insurance schemes’ reimbursement levels could lead to substantial increases in the use of mental health inpatient services among rural patients, and a reduction in rural–urban disparities in service utilization. In order to promote mental health care and reduce rural–urban disparities in its utilization in China, improving rural health insurance coverage (e.g., reducing the coinsurance rate) would be a powerful policy instrument.  相似文献   

Measuring the inappropriate utilization of accident and emergency services?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Accident and Emergency (A&E) departments are increasingly popular venues for primary care, causing a serious threat to healthcare quality. This paper reports the development of a comprehensive research method for identifying primary care patients attending A&E. Patients were randomly selected from the four A&E departments across different time periods and different regions in Hong Kong. The definition of GP cases was based on a retrospective record review conducted by a panel of emergency physicians using the standard laid down by the Hong Kong College of Family Physicians. The patients sampled were similar in sex and age distribution to A&E attendees for the whole territory. The level of GP cases was found to be 57 per cent, with a significantly higher proportion of patients in the younger age group. The high level of use reflects the lack of a well co-ordinated development of primary care services and interfacing with secondary care.  相似文献   



There has been a growing interest in the role of the private for-profit sector in health service provision in low- and middle-income countries. The private sector represents an important source of care for all socioeconomic groups, including the poorest and substantial concerns have been raised about the quality of care it provides. Interventions have been developed to address these technical failures and simultaneously take advantage of the potential for involving private providers to achieve public health goals. Limited information is available on the extent to which these interventions have successfully expanded access to quality health services for poor and disadvantaged populations. This paper addresses this knowledge gap by presenting the results of a systematic literature review on the effectiveness of working with private for-profit providers to reach the poor.


The search topic of the systematic literature review was the effectiveness of interventions working with the private for-profit sector to improve utilization of quality health services by the poor. Interventions included social marketing, use of vouchers, pre-packaging of drugs, franchising, training, regulation, accreditation and contracting-out. The search for published literature used a series of electronic databases including PubMed, Popline, HMIC and CabHealth Global Health. The search for grey and unpublished literature used documents available on the World Wide Web. We focused on studies which evaluated the impact of interventions on utilization and/or quality of services and which provided information on the socioeconomic status of the beneficiary populations.


A total of 2483 references were retrieved, of which 52 qualified as impact evaluations. Data were available on the average socioeconomic status of recipient communities for 5 interventions, and on the distribution of benefits across socioeconomic groups for 5 interventions.


Few studies provided evidence on the impact of private sector interventions on quality and/or utilization of care by the poor. It was, however, evident that many interventions have worked successfully in poor communities and positive equity impacts can be inferred from interventions that work with types of providers predominantly used by poor people. Better evidence of the equity impact of interventions working with the private sector is needed for more robust conclusions to be drawn.

India accounts for about one-quarter of maternal deaths world wide, with the most recent statistics showing an average maternal mortality ratio of 407 per 100 000 live births at the national level. The government had hoped to reduce maternal mortality to 200 by 2000, but it is clear that this was not achieved. This paper explores the reasons why the most populous state of Uttar Pradesh continues to have one of the highest reported maternal mortality ratios in India. Data from two districts of Uttar Pradesh on mother and child health-care utilization and the readiness of the public sector to provide antenatal and emergency obstetric services are used to illustrate the reasons why maternal mortality has not declined. While blueprints for safe motherhood programmes exist, the equipment and technical competence to provide services is weak at the present moment. Reductions in maternal mortality would require interventions to improve service delivery as well as community mobilization to improve utilization of services, especially in life-threatening situations.  相似文献   

This paper analyses likely implications of two recent European Court rulings on the provision of health care across borders within the European Union. We argue that the two cases have fundamental implications for the provision of health services as free access to care across borders conflicts with the principle of subsidiarity. We then explore the potential short- and long-term implications of the two cases for all involved in the provision of health services, namely patients, different types of purchasers and different types of providers. We argue that the short-term implications relating to freedom to provide goods and services may lead to re-thinking how services are financed and provided. At the same time, the rulings may lead to greater transparency in health services, with attempts to compare efficiency and prices between providers in different countries. Consumers may benefit directly by gaining access to a product or service that is not available in their country of residence or is available but at a higher cost or lower quality. They may also benefit indirectly in the long term, through greater transparency and efficiency.  相似文献   

Objective:  This study investigates the relationship between levels of mental health and well-being (in terms of self-reported levels of distress) with employment and occupational status of rural residents, to better inform the provision of mental health services to those in greatest need in rural communities.
Method:  A stratified random sample of community residents in rural and remote New South Wales with over-sampling of remote areas as first stage of a cohort study. Psychological distress was measured using Kessler-10, inclusive of additional items addressing functional impairment (days out of role). Occupational data were classified using Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations categories.
Results:  A total of 2639 adults participated in this baseline phase. Among them, 57% were in paid employment, 30% had retired from the workforce, 6% were permanently unable to work and 2% were unemployed. The highest levels of distress and functional impairment were reported in those permanently unable to work and the unemployed group with rates of 'caseness' (likely mental health disorder) varying from 57% to 69%, compared with 34% of farmers and farm managers and 29% of health workers ( P <  0.01).
Conclusion:  The rural unemployed suffer considerable psychological distress and 'disability', yet they are not the target of specific mental health promotion and prevention programs, which are often occasioned by rural adversity, such as drought, and delivered through work-based pathways. Policy-makers and health service providers need to consider the needs of the rural unemployed and those permanently unable to work and how they might be addressed.  相似文献   

More than 20 countries in Africa are scaling up performance‐based financing (PBF), but its impact on equity in access to health services remains to be documented. This paper draws on evidence from Rwanda to examine the capacity of PBF to ensure equal access to key health interventions especially in rural areas where most of the poor live. Specifically, it focuses on maternal and child health services, distinguishing two wealth groups, and uses data from a rigorous impact evaluation. Difference‐in‐difference technique is used, and different model specifications are tested: control for unobserved heterogeneity and common random error using linear probability model, seemingly unrelated regression equations, and clustering and fixed effects. Results suggest that in Rwanda, PBF improved efficiency rather than equity for most health services. We find that PBF achieved efficiency gains by improving access to health services for those easier to reach, generally the relatively more affluent. It turns out to be less effective in reaching the poorest. Our results illustrate the advantages of rigorous randomized impact evaluation data as results published earlier using a nationally representative survey (Demographic and Health Survey) were not able to capture the pro‐rich nature of the PBF scheme in Rwanda. Our paper advocates for building mechanisms targeting the vulnerable groups in PBF strategies. It also highlights the need to understand the impact of PBF together with the specific development of health insurance coverage and the organization of the health system.  相似文献   

The impact of health behaviors on Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) and HealthCare Utilization (HCU) was examined in a sample of male veterans. We examined the relationship between health behaviors (cigarette smoking, alcohol use, exercise, seat belt use, cholesterol level, and body mass index [BMI]), and HRQoL and HCU, among Veterans Health Study participants providing complete baseline (t0) and 12-month follow-up (t12) data. (Respective sample sizes were 1242 and 1397.) HRQoL measures were derived from the SF-36, expressed as physical component summary (PCS) and mental component summary (MCS) scores. Prospective 12-month outpatient and inpatient utilization data were obtained from a VA administrative database. Exercise and BMI were significant PCS predictors at t0 and t12, adjusting for age, social supports, education, employment status, and comorbidities. Smoker status was negatively associated with PCS only at t0. Nonproblem (no abuse) alcohol users had significantly higher t0 PCS scores than nonusers. Only current problem alcohol use was associated with lower MCS at t0 and t12 in multivariate analyses. Regarding HCU, current smokers had fewer medical visits than never smokers; alcohol nonusers had more medical visits than current alcohol users, current problem users, and former problem users. No behaviors were associated with mental health visits or inpatient stays. HRQoL is negatively affected by poor health behaviors. HRQoL and physical health may be improved by practitioners targeting these behaviors for preventive interventions. This study did not support an association between poor health behaviors and higher HCU. Future research should consider the effect of moderating variables on this relationship.  相似文献   

This paper examines the issue of targeting primary health-care benefits in favour of low-income recipients and other high users of health care. Specifically we examine the New Zealand case where, despite the introduction of such benefits in 1992, financial barriers appear to remain a significant determinant of utilization. We address this issue through a case study conducted in the city of Christchurch. Through a survey-based research design, we seek to determine the extent to which price barriers remain important by comparing patient utilization of a free community health clinic (n = 202) with a low-income control sample of patients who continue to use conventional (for New Zealand) fee-for-service providers (n = 148). We found that a large proportion of respondents delayed seeking care because of cost. Further, for respondents using the fee-for-service providers, levels of use were not related to need, whereas at the free clinic there was an inverse relationship between income and consultation rates. We conclude that if a universality of benefits is not possible, then there is a need for better targeting of primary care benefits. We believe there is a danger in such initiatives being evaluated primarily in terms of their validity as funding mechanisms, rather than in terms of their success in meeting the health-care needs of the disdavantaged.  相似文献   

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