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代孕技术作为人类辅助生殖技术之一,在积极服务于不孕不育人群的同时,也引发了社会对伦理道德和现有法律之间的激烈争议。通过介绍我国代孕技术应用和立法现状,借鉴国外有关代孕技术在法律实践方面的经验,从法学、医学、社会学等角度进行理论分析,论证代孕技术在我国合法化的可行性,并从代孕技术实施条件、代孕子女归属和代孕母亲法律地位等方面,提出构建我国代孕技术立法规范化的设想。  相似文献   

代孕技术的发展和运用对医学、法学、伦理学等多学科提出了新的挑战。从伦理风险角度分析非商业化代孕对社会、家庭的不良后果,在传统孝道文化和西方“人性论”的层面探索代孕合理性的伦理基础,遵循自主、有益、公正的伦理学基本原则对其进行全面分析,进而从规范非商业化代孕技术的使用、明确代孕法律法规、完善相关政策、加强宣传教育四个维度提出代孕技术合理化实施的路径。  相似文献   

1 问题的提出在人工辅助生殖技术中的“代孕母亲”技术,就是将别人的精卵结合而成的胚胎移植到另一位有生育能力妇女的子宫腔内,让其生长发育直至分娩出新生儿,这位妇女被称之为“代孕母亲”,那么她所生的孩子就叫做“代生孩子”。通俗的说法就是“借腹生  相似文献   

李嘉欣嫁入豪门后欲借腹生子;“莎拉·杰西卡·帕克聘请代孕妈妈,成功生育一对双胞胎女儿;陈慧琳产后恢复神速,惹来“代孕”疑云……代孕成为了时下最流行的话题,并由此引发了一系列关于医学、社会伦理学的激烈争辩。我们不妨听听《健康之友》的特邀专家如何看待这件事情。  相似文献   

代孕行为自普遍化以来,一直备受社会关注。它给患有生殖功能障碍的育龄夫妻带来了希望,满足他们拥有与自己有血缘关系的下一代的渴望。此外,由于代孕行为的复杂性和不可控性,集中体现了代孕存在较为广泛、深远的伦理争议。本文试图理清代孕伦理争议的焦点以及论证代孕的合理性。旨在使代孕行为能够减少伦理纠纷,发挥其综合效能和造福社会。  相似文献   

代孕行为自普遍化以来,一直备受社会关注。它给患有生殖功能障碍的育龄夫妻带来了希望,满足他们拥有与自己有血缘关系的下一代的渴望。此外,由于代孕行为的复杂性和不可控性,集中体现了代孕存在较为广泛、深远的伦理争议。本文试图理清代孕伦理争议的焦点以及论证代孕的合理性。旨在使代孕行为能够减少伦理纠纷,发挥其综合效能和造福社会。  相似文献   

代孕技术的伦理学思考   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
人类辅助生殖技术(assistedrep roductive technique,ART)已成为治疗不孕不育夫妇的常规手段。其迅猛发展对揭示人类生命的奥秘指日可待。代孕技术是ART的一项衍生技术,代孕母亲的社会地位、随之而来的商业化、地下化、子代的归属问题引发社会激烈的争论,如何使之最大限度地造福于人类,在一定程度上可归结为如何处理好代孕技术所涉及的伦理法规等方面的问题。合理利用ART技术和制定相应的法律法规是避免出现伦理和社会混乱的有效途径。  相似文献   

代理母亲是指代人妊娠的妇女,根据胎儿与孕母之间有无遗传关系,可将代理孕母分为“遗传代孕”及“妊娠代孕”两种方式.在其作为一种解决不孕问题的方法带给不孕夫妇好处的同时,也引起了许多伦理争论.本文概括了当前代理孕母支持者和反对者的主要观点,并引述了部分学者为代理孕母所进行的伦理学辩护,他们认为:代理孕母制度本身并不存在剥削,没有将妇女的身体物化、商品化;代理孕母并不一定必然会破坏家庭和婚姻,相反出于仁慈帮助她人的、非商业化的代孕技术的合理使用会促进家庭的幸福,代理孕母与买卖婴儿也存在本质上的差别.全面禁止代理孕母的政策需要重新考虑.  相似文献   

随着医疗卫生事业的发展,“大中专”型人才在市场供求关系中已经发生了质的转变。虽然我国医疗市场仍有大的空缺,但大中专生在医疗卫生机构能毕业就就业的屈指可数。而每一位盼子成龙的家长都有一份给孩子稳定工作的急切心情。如果长此以往,我们中专院校的前途将很渺茫。因此,我们每一个成员都有责任、义务帮助我们的学生,扶持我们的学校。  相似文献   

正据新华社报道美国得克萨斯州一名女性生下一个女婴。然后……竟然晋升为外祖母了。这一让人眼晕的辈分关系是代孕所致。特蕾西·汤普森今年54岁,28岁的女儿凯利患不孕症,一直尝试治疗,但效果不佳,流产三次。尽管已经绝经7年,特蕾西主动要求为女儿代孕。去年4月,  相似文献   

Providing health care for a woman with a surrogate pregnancy involves unique challenges. Although the ethical debate surrounding surrogacy continues, Canada has banned commercial, but not altruistic, surrogacy. In the event of a custody dispute between a surrogate mother and the individual(s) intending to parent the child, it is unclear how Canadian courts would rule. The prenatal health care provider must take extra care to protect the autonomy and privacy rights of the surrogate. There is limited evidence about the medical and psychological risks ofsurrogacy. Whether theoretical concerns about these risks are clinically relevant remains unknown. In the face of these uncertainties, the prenatal health care provider should have a low threshold for seeking obstetrical, social work, ethical and legal support.  相似文献   

New legislation can be oppressive for a significant population depending upon the politics of its drafters. The current upsurge of the surrogacy trade in India, and the label of a "win-win" situation that it has acquired, points towards an unfettered commercialisation of assisted reproductive technology and the practice of surrogacy that is blinding its middle class users as well as providers, policy makers and law makers, and charging an imagination that is already caught up in spiralling consumerism. This paper analyses the Draft Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Bill and Rules, 2008, in the Indian socioeconomic context. It identifies the interests of the affected women, and examines the contradictions of the proposed Bill with their interests, as well as with current health and population policies, confining itself to the handling of surrogacy and not the entire content of the Bill. The bases of the analytical perspective used are: the context of poverty and the health needs of the Indian population; the need to locate surrogacy services within the overall public health service context and its epidemiological basis; the need to restrain direct human experimentation for the advancement of any technology; the use of safer methods; and, finally, the rights of surrogate mothers and their babies, in India, as opposed to the compulsion or dynamics of the medical market and reproductive tourism.  相似文献   

The ethics of surrogacy: women's reproductive labour.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The aim of this article is to establish whether there is anything intrinsically immoral about surrogacy arrangements from the perspective of the surrogate mother herself. Specific attention is paid to the claim that surrogacy is similar to prostitution in that it reduces women's reproductive labour to a form of alienated and/or dehumanized labour.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the questions "What does it mean to be a surrogate mother?" and "What would be an appropriate perspective for a surrogate mother to have on her pregnancy?" In response to the objection that such contracts are alienating or dehumanising since they require women to suppress their evolving perspective on their pregnancies, liberal supporters of surrogate motherhood argue that the freedom to contract includes the freedom to enter a contract to bear a child for an infertile couple. After entering the contract the surrogate may not be free to interpret her pregnancy as that of a non-surrogate mother, but there is more than one appropriate way of interpreting one''s pregnancy. To restrict or ban surrogacy contracts would be to prohibit women from making other particular interpretations of their pregnancies they may wish to make, requiring them to live up to a culturally constituted image of ideal motherhood. We examine three interpretations of a "surrogate pregnancy" that are implicit in the views and arguments put forward by ethicists, surrogacy agencies, and surrogate mothers themselves. We hope to show that our concern in this regard goes beyond the view that surrogacy contracts deny or suppress the natural, instinctive or conventional interpretation of pregnancy. Key Words: Surrogate motherhood ? parental rights and responsibilities  相似文献   

Based on a critical interpretative review of existing qualitative research investigating accounts of ‘lived experience’ of surrogates and intended parents from a relational perspective, this article proposes a typology of surrogacy arrangements. The review is based on the analysis of 39 articles, which belong to a range of different disciplines (mostly sociology, social psychology, anthropology, ethnology, and gender studies). The number of interviews in each study range from as few as seven to over one hundred. Countries covered include Australia, Canada, Greece, India, Iran, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Norway, Russia, Sweden, UK, Ukraine, and the USA. Most studies focus only on surrogacy practices in one country (although often with intended parents from other countries), and some include several countries (e.g. interviewees from several countries or fieldwork in different field-sites). The proposed typology goes beyond the division between altruistic versus commercial, and traditional versus gestational surrogacy, in order to inform further research and to contribute to bioethical and policy debates on surrogacy in a transnational context. Four types of relations are identifiable: open, restricted, structured, and enmeshed. The criteria which influence these relationships are: the frequency and character of contact pre- and post-birth; expectations of both parties; the type of exchange involved in surrogacy arrangements; and cultural, legal, and economic contexts. The theoretical contribution of the article is to further the development of a relational justice approach to surrogacy.  相似文献   

Assisted reproductive technology has helped many childless couples. It has also raised questions about how appropriate the technology might be in different situations. How we understand parenthood is crucial in taking a stand on such scientific intervention. It is suggested that physicians should decide on offering artificial insemination, surrogacy and in-vitro fertilisation only after considering if the child will have good parents and if there will be legal complications from the use of the technology.  相似文献   

随着辅助生殖技术的广泛应用,由此引发的伦理问题日益增多。因涉及到卵子、精子及胚胎,故辅助生殖技术需要更加注重生命伦理道德及法律行为。针对辅助生殖技术中常见的伦理问题:精子捐赠、卵母细胞捐赠、冻存胚胎在夫妻离异或死亡情况下的处理、高龄、代孕及多胎妊娠与减胎的伦理冲突等问题进行讨论,寻求从法律保障、规范管理、伦理监督、行业自律4个方面全面解决这些问题, 促进我国辅助生殖技术的健康有序发展,使辅助生殖技术的研究和应用惠及民生。  相似文献   

笔者首先就患者隐私权的概念、内容进行了阐述;随后介绍了我国法律对患者隐私权的规定;最后对侵害患者隐私权的法律特征及其法律责任进行了探讨:侵害患者隐私权应承担行政法律责任和民事法律责任。  相似文献   

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