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Light- and electronmicroscopic and some histochemical investigations on the major excretory ducts of pancreas and liver was carried out on 24 adult chicken. The epithelium of both ducts was shown to include: cells with apical secretory granules, non-differenciated duct cells, ciliated cells and migrating cells. In addition the epithelium of the pancreatic ducts included goblet cells. The distal plasmalemm and the microvilli are covered with surfacecoat, which like the secretory granules produces precipitate with PA-silver. This area of the cell also shows a strong reaction to M++ and Ca++ activated ATPase.  相似文献   

Question: In the pathogenesis of some forms of chronic pancreatitis an immunological influence has been discussed. Therefore, experimental studies of the exocrine pancreas after immunological damage should be done. In this communication histological findings on the mouse exocrine pancreas are presented after treatment with anti-mouse pancreas rabbit serum. Material and methods: a total of 71 adult male white mice was divided into 4 groups treated in the following way: 1. 35 animals with anti-mouse pancreas rabbit serum 2. 14 animals with normal rabbit serum 3. 16 animals with physiological saline 4. 6 animals remained untreated. The sera under study and the saline were, without exception, administered intraperitoneally with single doses of 0.3 ml once, resp. twice daily for 0 up to 16 days. Constantly, 3 hours before sacrifice, the animals received the last injection. For histological examination, the fresh pancreas was fixed in formaline. After embedding in paraffin, sections were stained by the following methods: hematoxyline-eosin, trichrome according to Goldner, Giemsa staining, PAS-reaction, and tryptophane demonstration according to ADAMS (1957).  相似文献   

Too often neglected, dosage of phosphatemia should yet be kept on mind. The role of phosphorus in bone mineralisation and regulation of acid-base balance is well known. Phosphorus is also an energy purveyor during numerous biologic reactions, and depp deprivation may lead to a lot of pathologic situations, sometimes severe. Mild hypophosphatemia is not rare and occurs in various clinical or therapeutic circumstances; deep hypophosphatemia is rather uncommon, occuring chiefly during hyperalimentation or realimentation of starving patients, especially alcoolics. Deep hypophosphatemia (by depletion or transfert) mainly induces clinical and pathological manifestations; they are subsequent to alterations of glucose metabolism, leading to a failure in ATP and 2,3 DPG synthesis. these metabolic events particularly explain muscular and hematological manifestations of hypophosphatemia. Phosphorus loading per os, or in severe cases intravenously corrects the biological abnormalities and improves clinical manifestations.  相似文献   

Cystinosis (syn. crystine storage disease) is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. The severety of clinical symptoms may vary considerably. The most severe form of nephropathic cystinosis causes death of the affected patients at the age of 2 to 4 years (subacute course) or before puberty (primary chronical course). Three autopsy cases are demonstrated. Each of these children died from complications of chronic renal failure, caused by kidney contraction as a sequela of chronic interstitial nephritis. Cristalline cystine deposits were found in the renal interstium as well as in the RES cells of spleen and liver. Because of water solubility of L-cystine aqueous fixation and staining solutions must be avoided. Diagnostic doubly refractive brick- or needle-shaped cystine cristals can be demonstrated in frozen sections or tissue smears from spleen, liver, lymphnode and bone marrow.  相似文献   

Report of two cases of polysplenia with the typical syndrome of bilateral leftsidedness. Besides the typical findings hallmarking the syndrome in one child esophageal atresia and in the other the atresia of extrahepatic bile ducts were found. The authors point out the possibilities for a clinical premortem diagnosis of the polysplenia syndrome.  相似文献   

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