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Nonnutritive, thermotactile induction of filial huddling in rat pups   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Norway rat pups, 15 days of age and older, huddle preferentially with members of their own species. This normal filial response can be reassigned, however, by altering the olfactory characteristics of the mother. The present series of experiments was designed to isolate those aspects of maternal stimulation that establish the filial huddling preferences of rat pups. Results of two-choice huddling tests indicated that daily, 4-hr exposures to a perfumed foster dam induced filial preferences for odors associated with maternal care. Similar effects were also achieved with equal amounts of "mere exposure" (familiarization) to odors. Different kinds of odor-experience pairings were evaluated with a within-subject regime of alternating, daily exposures. It was found that preferences induced by maternal contact are stronger than those resulting from familiarization. We rejected the hypothesis that the nursing relationship is a necessary or contributory factor in the establishment of the rat's filial attraction; preferences for odors associated with a nonlactating foster mother were as strong as those derived from maternal contact that included nutritive nursing. Contact interactions with an inanimate, warm, scented tube induced preferences as strong as those induced by maternal care. It was concluded that thermotactile stimulation during mother-young interactions induces olfactory preferences in the weanling rat.  相似文献   

Olfactory-guided huddling is learned and expressed by postnatal day (PND) 15, when rat pups huddle preferentially with conspecifics or with targets bearing an odor previously associated with maternal care. Experiment 1 replicated this induction of an odor-guided huddling preference with a truncated regime of conditioning with a scented foster dam. Pups exposed to an odor in association with foster maternal care during five daily 2-hr sessions on PNDs 1-5, 5-9, or 10-14, but not pups merely exposed to the odor, displayed a huddling preference for the conditioned odor, but only when conditioning commenced after PND5. Experiment 2 demonstrated that a single, 2-hr exposure to a scented foster dam can induce a huddling preference in pups. Analysis of maternal behavior during the 2-hr conditioning sessions on PND14 revealed that frequency of maternal hovering over pups, but not licking/grooming or duration of contact, was associated with induction of the odor preference.  相似文献   

The effect of spontaneous feeding, drinking, running, general activity, and inactivity on peritoneal temperature in rats is reported for eight 3-hr periods during the diurnal cycle. Heat generating behaviors were found to produce a greater increase in core temperature during the night than during the day, while inactivity was found to produce a greater reduction in core temperature during the night than during the day. These results suggest that the diurnal variation in core temperature results from the combined effects of diurnal rhythms of activity and of the thermoregulatory upper limit. These findings demonstrate that, not only do behavioral and physiological variables have diurnal rhythms, but their interaction is also cyclic.  相似文献   

Summary Daily mean core temperature ( ) in huddling Zucker rat pups reared at 25°C revealed the onset of a significantly lower in fa/fa pups on day 6. The difference between any pup's and the mean of that half of the litter with the highest on any given day was an early marker for genotype. Calculating the mean difference for any 2 consecutive days from day 6 onwards gave values for each fa/fa pup that were outside the 99% confidence limits for the individual observations in the Fa/-pups.  相似文献   

During separation in a novel cage, guinea pig pups exhibit passive behavior that appears due to increased proinflammatory activity. To determine if separation also produces a febrile response, the present study used telemetry to provide continuous core temperature measurement of pups exposed to a novel cage for 3 h while either alone or with their mother on two consecutive days. Separation from the mother increased core temperature, with the clearest effects occurring early during separation the second day. The increased temperature was not associated with an increase in locomotor activity. Further, passive behavior during isolation exhibited pronounced sensitization from the first to second day of separation. These results show that separation produces an increase in core temperature in our testing situation, and suggest that this increase represents true fever. The findings also provide further support for the hypothesis that maternal separation induces aspects of an acute phase response in guinea pig pups. The potential role of proinflammatory activity in promoting change across days in temperature and behavior is discussed.  相似文献   

Deprived and nondeprived 3- and 6-day-old rat pups were tested on a thermal gradient for thermotaxis. Deprived 3-day olds demonstrated a marked thermotaxic responsiveness that was not observed in nondeprived 3-day olds or in deprived and nondeprived 6-day olds. Deprived 3-day olds did not show a strong thermal orientation immediately, but the distance moved by pups increased with repeated trials on the gradient. These findings demonstrate that neonatal rats are capable of thermotaxis, but that factors of age, deprivation and repeated handling determine pups' responsiveness to thermal gradients.  相似文献   

We have studied diurnal changes in mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR) and body temperature (Tb) during wake (W), non-rapid eye movement sleep (NREMS) and REM sleep (REMS) in the rat. Although HR and Tb show a similar sinusoidal diurnal variation during all vigilance states, the diurnal profile for the MAP is vigilance-state dependent. During W, MAP values are higher during the dark phase, during NREMS, no significant diurnal change is seen, and during REMS, the MAP exhibits a reversed diurnal change, being higher during the light phase. The low frequency component (0.25–0.725 Hz) in the power spectral density of the blood pressure, an index of sympathetic activity, is also higher during the light phase than the dark phase in REMS. The present findings suggest that diurnal changes in MAP in the rat result from the wake rhythm, and that the mechanism for the diurnal control of MAP may be different from that for HR or Tb.  相似文献   

The contribution of diet and surgery to the brain weight deficits observed in artificially reared rats was investigated. Four day old Long Evans rat pups were assigned to an artificially reared (AR) or mother reared (MR) group. AR pups were encannulated and fed either rat milk (AR-MOM) or replacement formula (AR-MES). MR pups received a sham encannulation (MR-SHAM) or no surgery (MR-CONT) before being returned to their dam for rearing. On day 7 all the animals were killed. Brain weights and visceral organ weights were obtained. There was no significant difference between the MR groups on any measure except stomach weights. AR-MOM pups had larger visceral organ weights than pups in the other groups. AR-MOM and AR-MES pups had similar whole brain weights, smaller than those of the MR pups. However, the cerebellar weights, and to a lesser extent, brainstem weights, showed improvements in the AR-MOM group, over the AR-MES group. Neither the effect of surgery nor of diet alone can account for the organ weight differences that have been described in AR rats. The possibility that normal growth may be primarily dependent on diet at one stage of development, with other factors gaining importance at later stages is discussed.  相似文献   

Diurnal cycle of mother-young contact in Norway rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mother rats maintained on a LD 12:12 photoperiod (lights on 0800 hrs) had longer contact bouts with their offspring during the day than during the night and maternal brain temperature peaked during the night. When the daily temperature cycle was suppressed by removal of adrenal and ovarian hormones, the daily maternal contact cycle was also suppressed. These data are consistent with a thermal model for the limitation of mother-young contact bout duration.  相似文献   

Rat pups aged 10 to 19 days were implanted with chronic electrodes and recorded while freely moving in the litter situation, during nursing and throughout naturally occurring maternal absences. Heart rates were significantly higher in the mother's presence (p<.01) while respiratory rates and percent of time spent active were identical under the 2 conditions. Pups' inactive heart rates progressively increased during the 20 min of nursing, while no such time trends were evident in other measures. Inactive heart rates decreased significantly (p<.01) as a function of age; respiratory rates and activity during nursing showed similar trends. A histogram of number of periods of activity bursts of different durations while pups were nursing showed a preponderance of 1- to 5-sec bursts which were observed to be associated with active sucking and pawing movements. This pattern of short bursts of spontaneous activity was repeated almost identically when the mother was absent, although the behavior was qualitatively different. In a second experiment, increases in pups' body temperature of .2°C to 1.0°C were found to accompany active nursing. If such increases were imposed by an artificial heat source, heart rates of pups actually fell slightly. In a third study, heart rates were recorded from nursing mothers and found to be relatively unaffected by stimulation from the pups.  相似文献   

The suckling behavior of hamster pups was observed to undergo several transitions during the preweaning period. Pups 10 days of age and younger attached to the nipples of their anesthetized mothers and suckled. After 10 days of age, however, only animals which had been deprived of suckling (and food and water) reliably attached to their mothers' nipples. By 25 days of age, deprived pups no longer suckled. The pattern of response after nipple attachment also changed during development: pups younger than 5 days of age remained on 1 nipple after initial attachment, whereas older pups shifted from 1 nipple to another. The development of suckling in hamster pups resembles that in rat pups, although certain changes or transitions occur at different ages in the 2 species. These changes may provide important markers for neural and behavioral development in each species and for comparisons between the two.  相似文献   

Diurnal cycle in salivary cortisol levels in common marmosets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A noninvasive method of saliva sampling was used to assess the diurnal cortisol rhythm from 0900 to 1700 hr in the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). The levels of cortisol were highest in the morning and declined significantly over the day. Individual marmosets varied in the magnitude of the cycle, and the greatest individual variability occurred in the morning levels. The decrease in cortisol levels was more rapid after than before the midday feeding period in subordinate marmosets (aged 53-63 months) compared to dominant marmosets (aged 79-80 months), and overall, the levels of cortisol were higher in the subordinate marmosets. We found no effect of sex on cortisol levels across the cycle.  相似文献   

Neonatal maternal separation (NMS) is a form of stress that has persistent, sex-specific effects on respiratory control development. In adult male (but not female) rats, NMS increases the hypoxic ventilatory response and augments respiratory instability during sleep; however, the effects of NMS on respiratory control prior to puberty are unknown. This study tested the hypothesis that NMS augments respiratory instability and the O(2) chemosensitivity in 12 days old rats. Pups subjected to NMS were placed in an incubator 3h/day from P3 to P12. Controls were undisturbed. Breathing and apnea index were measured in normoxia with plethysmography. The ventilatory chemoreflex was assessed by measuring the increase in breathing frequency upon brief exposure to a hypoxic challenge ( [Formula: see text]; 5 min). In normoxia, NMS augments the coefficient of variation (CV; an index of respiratory instability) of respiratory frequency and the number of apneas; this effect was more pronounced in male pups. We conclude that disruption of respiratory regulation by NMS is already apparent at P12. Based on results showing that plasma corticosterone levels of NMS pups were still elevated one day after the last NMS episode and the lack of effect of NMS on the O(2) chemoreflex index, we propose that disruption of hypothalamic regulation contributes to respiratory instability in NMS pups.  相似文献   

Methylmercury (MeHg) is an organic form of mercury with toxic effects in multiple organs. The aim of the present investigation was to evaluate the in vivo effects of MeHg (1 and 4 mg/kg) given orally for seven consecutive days on adenosine deaminase (ADA), n-acetyl-β-d-glucosaminidase (NAG) and ecto-nucleoside triphosphate phosphohydrolase (NTPDase) activities, and on lipid peroxidation in hippocampus, cerebral cortex, kidney and liver of suckling rat pups. The results showed that NAG activity and lipid peroxidation levels increased in the kidney in both treatments, whereas urinary NAG activity increased only in the 1 mg/kg treatment. Despite the fact that the lipid peroxidation increased in both cerebral cortex and hippocampus, the latter appeared to be more vulnerable to MeHg exposure as it also had an increase in ADA activity. Thus, although dietary MeHg modified renal cell function, it did not alter histological features in suckling rat pups. The results of our investigation are of significant importance because they demonstrated responses to exposition to low doses of MeHg in target organs during the development of the rat. Especially the kidney was affected by the oral exposure to MeHg, suggesting the vulnerability of this organ at this stage of development. Moreover, the urinary NAG may provide important data that could serve as basis for risk assessment purposes following MeHg exposure.  相似文献   

Active medullary control of atonia in week-old rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Muscle atonia is a central feature of adult REM sleep which has recently been demonstrated to be a component of sleep in rats as young as 2 days of age (P2). The neural generation of atonia, which depends on mesopontine and medullary structures, is not fully understood in adults and has never been described in infants. In the present experiments we used electrical stimulation in decerebrated pups to identify an inhibitory area within the medial medulla of P7-10 rats. Muscle tone inhibition was consistently found on or near the midline within the ventromedial medulla, dorsal to the inferior olive, in an area that includes the nucleus gigantocellularis, nucleus paramedianus, and raphe obscurus. Chemical infusions in the same region revealed inhibitory responses to quisqualic acid but not to carbachol or corticotropin-releasing factor. Next, extracellular recordings within the medullary inhibitory area revealed neurons with atonia-on profiles; tone-on neurons were also found, typically at more lateral sites. Finally, in non-decerebrated pups, chemical lesions within the inhibitory area resulted in significant reductions in atonia durations, as well as decoupling of atonia from a second component of infant sleep, myoclonic twitching; specifically, twitches occasionally occurred during periods of high muscle tone, a condition reminiscent of "REM without atonia" as described in adults. In summary, we document the existence of an area within the ventromedial medulla of infant rats that (i) causes atonia when stimulated; (ii) contains units that exhibit atonia-related discharge profiles during sleep-wake cycling; and (iii) when lesioned, results in the partial loss of atonia and decoupling of the components of sleep. All together, these findings demonstrate that muscle atonia is actively regulated very early in ontogeny.  相似文献   

Development of locomotor activity of rat pups in figure-eight mazes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a series of four experiments, social and experiential factors that influence the development of motor activity in rat pups were examined. Motor activity was monitored from postnatal Days 13 to 21 as photocell interruptions in figure-eight mazes and comparisons were made between pups maintained in a nest box containing a dam and siblings and allowed access to the maze for 23 hr/day, pups tested daily for 1 hr/day vs pups tested only on postnatal Days 15, 18, or 21, pups tested daily for either 5 min, 30 min, or 1 hr/day, and pups tested daily for 30 min/day either singly in a maze, paired with a littermate, or paired with an anesthetized pup of the same age. A monotonic increase in activity was seen for nest-box testing, minimal developmental change was seen for pups tested on only a single day or for pups tested with an anesthetized pup, whereas all other groups showed an inverted U-shaped profile of activity which was influenced by the duration of testing and/or the presence of a littermate. These data emphasize the relevance of environmental factors as determinants of preweaning behavior.  相似文献   

Behavioral displays to gustatory stimuli in newborn rat pups   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
These experiments examine behavioral responses to taste stimuli in newborn rat pups during the first 4 postnatal days. Motor displays in the face and head regions of 90 neonate rats were recorded during 60-sec observation periods in a double-blind setting. Stimuli, presented as single droplets to the lips, included 2 concentrations each of sucrose, sodium saccharin, citric acid, quinine, and distilled water. Results from 5 different judges making "blind" and independent observations on different animals were compared for concordance. It was agreed that certain features were consistently associated with one stimulus more than another. Licking and rhythmic mouth movements were found to be the most salient features elicited by sweet stimuli, while head movements and gaping most accurately identified quinine. The sour reaction often contained components characterizing both sweet and bitter. Salient features differed not only by their association with certain stimuli, but by their repetitive frequencies as well as by their likelihood to initiate a behavioral sequence. Intensity and hedonic values assigned to taste-induced behaviors were usually different from water and accurately related to stimulus type. Results suggest that the gustatory system becomes functionally mature during the first postnatal days, and that this functionality occurs before the structural development of all taste buds is complete.  相似文献   

Harp seals are born on the drifting ice of the North Atlantic Ocean during arctic winter when temperatures of -20 degrees C, occasionally in combination with wind of 10 m/s, might prevail for days. At birth the pups lack subcutaneous blubber and the wet infantile fur has a conductance value of 30.0 W . m-2 . degrees C-1, as compared with only 2.0 W . m-2 . degrees C-1 when dry. While still wet immediately after birth the pups are nevertheless able to retain body core temperature by shivering. This activity leads to reduction of muscle fat and glycogen stores. Nonshivering thermogenesis commences in thermogenic adipose tissue by virtue of loosely coupled mitochondria. Thermogenic adipose tissue is found at birth both as a subcutaneous layer along the back and as internal deposits around venous plexuses in the neck, on the pericardium, on the kidneys, and the abdominal walls. After about 3 days of suckling the subcutaneous adipose tissue loses its thermogenic function being gradually transformed into blubber, whereas the internal deposits persist at least until the pups venture into water at the age of 3-4 wk.  相似文献   

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