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Neurosteroids are a subclass of steroids that can be synthesized in the central nervous system independently from peripheral sources. Clinical studies in humans have associated these hormones with depression and postpartum mood disorders. In rodents, allopregnanolone (AlloP) has been shown to have anxiolytic and rewarding properties. These observations suggest that neurosteroids could interact with mood and motivation. However, the possible neural substrates of these effects remain unknown. In this report, we have studied the action of AlloP on the activity of the mesencephalic dopaminergic (DA) projection to the nucleus accumbens, which is considered one of the biological substrates of motivation and reward. This study was conducted by measuring extracellular concentrations of dopamine (DA) in the nucleus accumbens by means of microdialysis in freely moving rats. We studied both the direct effect of AlloP and the influence of this hormone on the DA response to an injection of morphine. AlloP dose-dependently increased the release of DA in the nucleus accumbens. Furthermore, this hormone doubled the DA response to morphine. These effects were observed for AlloP doses of 50 and 100 pmol injected intracerebroventricularly. These results suggest that the stimulatory effect of AlloP on DA could mediate some of the behavioural effects of neurosteroids and, in particular, the interaction of these hormones with mood and motivation.  相似文献   

Neurosteroids are a subclass of steroids that can be synthesized in the central nervous system independently of peripheral sources. Clinical studies in humans have associated some of these hormones with a generic sensation of 'well-being' and with pathologies such as depression. In rodents, the neurosteroid pregnenolone sulphate (Preg-S) has been shown to present antidepressant-like effects. These observations suggest that neurosteroids could interact with reward-related processes, mood and motivation. However, the possible neural substrates of such an effect remain unclear. In this report, we studied the action of Preg-S on the activity of the mesencephalic dopaminergic projection to the nucleus accumbens which is considered one of the biological substrates of motivation and reward. Both the direct effect of Preg-S and the influence of this hormone on the dopaminergic response to the pharmacological reward provided by the opiate morphine, were studied by means of microdialysis. Pregnenolone sulphate dose-dependently increased dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens. Furthermore, this hormone doubled the dopaminergic response to morphine. These effects were observed for Preg-S doses of 100, 200, and 400 pmol injected intracerebroventricularly. The stimulant effect of Preg-S on dopamine could mediate some of the behavioural effects of neurosteroids and in particular the interaction of these hormones with mood and motivation.  相似文献   

We examined the changes in nucleus accumbens (NAcc) dopamine (DA) transmission associated with non-contingent meal presentations under conditions of high (fixed time-, FT-schedule) and low (variable time-, VT-schedule) predictability. Of interest were the changes in NAcc DA transmission associated with discrepancies between the time food is expected and when it is actually presented. We used in vivo voltammetry to monitor NAcc DA levels as rats received, on the first and second test days, 30-s meals of condensed milk on a VT-52 schedule (inter-meal intervals of 32, 35, 40, 45, 52, 64, and 95 s). On the third and subsequent days meals were presented first on a VT-52 s schedule and then on an FT-52 s schedule. On day 1, monotonic increases in NAcc DA signals were observed during both meal consumption and the intervals between VT meal presentations. By day 2, however, meal presentations on the VT schedule elicited biphasic DA signal fluctuations; DA signals increased prior to each meal presentation but then started to decline during the feeding bout that followed. Fixed-time meal presentations on day 3 disrupted this pattern, resulting in a concurrent escalation of DA signal fluctuations upon subsequent VT meal presentations. These findings provide further evidence that, in trained animals, NAcc DA transmission is activated by conditioned incentive cues rather than by primary rewards. They also suggest that the increases in NAcc DA transmission associated with reward expectancy are sensitive to temporal cues (e.g. interval timing) and to discrepancies between expected and actual outcomes.  相似文献   

Accumbens dopamine (DA) depletions produce deficits that are related to the ratio requirement of the operant schedule; however, it is also possible that time without reinforcement is a factor. The present study examined the effects of accumbens DA depletions in rats using variable interval (VI) schedules with additional fixed ratio (FR) requirements. Four VI schedules were used (VI 60/FR 1, VI 120/FR 1, VI 60/FR 10, VI 120/FR 10). Attachment of the additional work requirement increased response rates under control conditions. After surgery, there was no interaction between interval level (i.e. 60 vs. 120 s) and DA depletion, but there was a significant interaction between ratio requirement (i.e. 1 vs. 10) and DA depletion within the first week after surgery. DA depletions substantially impaired performance on the schedules with added FR 10 requirements, an effect that was largely dependent upon a reduction in fast responses (i.e. inter-response times less than 1.0 s). There was little effect of DA depletion on overall responding on VI 60/FR 1 and VI 120/FR 1 schedules. DA depletions also increased the tendency to take long pauses in responding (i.e. > 20.0 s), and this effect was evident across all schedules tested. Thus, accumbens DA depletions interact with work requirements and blunt the rate-enhancing effects of moderate size ratios, and also enhance the tendency to pause. Attachment of ratio requirements to interval schedules is a work-related response cost that provides a challenge to the organism, and DA in nucleus accumbens appears to be necessary for adapting to this challenge.  相似文献   

The nucleus accumbens (Acb) shell and core are essential components of neural circuitry mediating the reward and motor effects produced by activation of dopamine D2 or cannabinoid-1 (CB1) receptors. D2 receptors can form heterodimeric complexes with cannabinoid-1 (CB1) receptors and are also involved in control of the availability of both dopamine and endocannabinoids. Thus, the subcellular locations of D2 and CB1 receptors with respect to each other are implicit to their physiological actions in the Acb. We used electron microscopic immunocytochemistry to determine these locations in the Acb shell and core of rat brain. In each region, many neuronal profiles showed endomembrane and plasmalemmal distributions of one or both receptors. Approximately one-third of the labeled profiles were somata and dendrites, some of which showed overlapping subcellular distributions of D2 and CB1 immunoreactivities. The remaining labeled profiles were small axons and axon terminals containing CB1 and/or D2 receptors. Of the labeled terminals forming recognizable synapses, approximately 20% of those containing CB1 receptors contacted D2-labeled dendrites, while conversely, almost 15% of those containing D2 receptors contacted CB1-labeled dendrites. These results provide the first ultrastructural evidence that D2 and CB1 receptors in the Acb shell and core have subcellular distributions supporting both intracellular associations and local involvement of D2 receptors in making available endocannabinoids that are active on CB1 receptors in synaptic neurons. These distributions have direct relevance to the rewarding and euphoric as well as motor effects produced by marijuana and by addictive drugs enhancing dopamine levels in the Acb.  相似文献   

18-Methoxycoronaridine (18-MC), a novel iboga alkaloid congener, is a potential treatment for drug addiction. 18-MC has been shown to decrease self-administration of drugs (e.g., morphine, methamphetamine, nicotine) and attenuate opioid withdrawal in rats. In previous studies, systemic pretreatment with 18-MC abolished the sensitized increase in accumbens dopamine levels induced by chronic morphine administration. In vitro studies have shown that 18-MC is a potent antagonist of alpha3beta4 nicotinic receptors, and alpha3beta4 antagonism is believed to be the primary mechanism responsible for 18-MC's effects on drug self-administration and possibly on morphine-induced changes in mesolimbic dopamine. While there are very low densities of alpha3beta4 nicotinic receptors in the mesolimbic pathway, these receptors are prominently localized in the medial habenula (MHb) and in the interpeduncular nucleus (IPN). These nuclei and the habenulo-interpeduncular pathway connecting them are believed to function as part of an alternate reward pathway modulating the dopaminergic mesolimbic pathway known to be involved in drug addiction. In the present study, to determine if 18-MC acts in the MHb or in the IPN, the effects of local infusion of 18-MC into these brain areas were assessed on mesolimbic dopamine responses to acute and repeated morphine treatment. Administration of 18-MC (10 mug) into either the IPN or MHb blocked the sensitized dopamine response to repeated morphine in the nucleus accumbens; 18-MC had no effect on the dopamine response to acute morphine. The results suggest that 18-MC acts in the habenulo-interpeduncular pathway to modulate the effects of repeated morphine in the dopaminergic mesolimbic system.  相似文献   

This study used in vivo microdialysis to examine the release of dopamine (DA) in the nucleus accumbens (nAc) during the performance of a previously learned, signalled sucrose reward task, and during conditioning of a neutral tone stimulus to this reward. Behavioural measures (magazine entries) confirmed that stimuli associated with sucrose presentation became secondary rewarding stimuli, and DA release was also monitored during subsequent presentation of these stimuli alone. Perhaps surprisingly, during magazine entry for consumption of sucrose, i.e. in conditions similar to routine training, dialysate DA levels in the nAc did not increase. In contrast, during conditioning of the tone with light-sucrose, dopamine levels increased consistently and significantly. Interestingly, DA levels were somewhat, but significantly, increased when tone alone was presented in a test session, i.e. two hours after conditioning, and even more so when tone was combined with the light previously associated with sucrose. In this latter case the number of magazine entries increased to a level similar to that seen during conditioning. Presentation of light alone resulted in a similar level of magazine entries to tone alone, but no significant increase in DA. In summary, these studies confirm that a neutral stimulus can acquire the behavioural properties of reward when conditioned. The neurochemical data, on the other hand, suggest that increases of DA in nAc are more likely to be related to new associative learning than to established incentive or consumatory processes. The increase in DA release in the test session may be related either to the secondary reinforcing properties acquired by the stimulus, or to the change in contingencies, or to the aversive effects of the omission of reward.  相似文献   

The mesolimbic dopamine projection from the ventral tegmental area (VTA) to the nucleus accumbens (NAc) is critical in mediating reward-related behaviors, but the precise role of dopamine in this process remains unknown. We completed a series of studies to examine whether coincident changes occur in NAc cell firing and rapid dopamine release during goal-directed behaviors for sucrose and if so, to determine whether the two are causally linked. We show that distinct populations of NAc neurons differentially encode sucrose-directed behaviors, and using a combined electrophysiology/electrochemistry technique, further show that it is at those locations that rapid dopamine signaling is observed. To determine causality, NAc cell firing was recorded during selective pharmacological inactivation of dopamine burst firing using the NMDA receptor antagonist, AP-5. We show that phasic dopamine selectively modulates excitatory but not inhibitory responses of NAc neurons during sucrose-seeking behavior. Thus, rapid dopamine signaling does not exert global actions in the NAc but selectively modulates discrete NAc microcircuits that ultimately influence goal-directed actions.  相似文献   

Microdialysis experiments in rodents indicate that ethanol promotes dopamine release predominantly in the nucleus accumbens, a phenomenon that is implicated in the reinforcing effects of drugs of abuse. The aim of the present study was to test the hypothesis in humans that an oral dose of ethanol would lead to dopamine release in the ventral striatum, including the nucleus accumbens. Six healthy subjects underwent two [(11)C]raclopride PET scans following either alcohol (1 ml/kg) in orange juice or orange juice alone. Subjective mood changes, heart rate, and blood-alcohol levels were monitored throughout the procedure. Personality traits were evaluated using the tridimensional personality questionnaire. PET images were co-registered with MRI and transformed into stereotaxic space. Statistical parametric maps of [(11)C]raclopride binding potential change were generated. There was a significant reduction in [(11)C]raclopride binding potential bilaterally in the ventral striatum/nucleus accumbens in the alcohol condition compared to the orange juice condition, indicative of increased extracellular dopamine. Moreover, the magnitude of the change in [(11)C]raclopride binding correlated with the alcohol-induced increase in heart rate, which is thought to be a marker of the psychostimulant effects of the drug, and with the personality dimension of impulsiveness. The present study is the first report that, in humans, alcohol promotes dopamine release in the brain, with a preferential effect in the ventral striatum. These findings support the hypothesis that mesolimbic dopamine activation is a common property of abused substances, possibly mediating their reinforcing effects.  相似文献   

Discriminative stimuli (DSs) inform animals that reward can be obtained contingent on the performance of a specific behavior. Such stimuli reinstate drug-seeking behavior, evoke dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) and excite and inhibit specific subpopulations of NAc neurons. Here we show in rats that DSs can reinstate food-seeking behavior. In addition, we compare the effects of injecting dopamine receptor antagonists into the NAc with those of general NAc inactivation on the performance of a DS task. Selective antagonism of D1 receptors reduced responding to the DS and increased the latency to respond, whereas general inactivation of NAc neuronal activity increased the latency to respond to the DS and increased behaviors extraneous to the task, such as responding in the absence of cues and responding on the inactive lever. Based on these results and our previous findings that NAc neuronal responses to DSs are dependent on the ventral tegmental area, we propose a model for the functional role of NAc neurons in controlling behavioral responses to reward-predictive stimuli.  相似文献   

The attribution of incentive salience to reward‐paired cues is dependent on dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens core (NAcC). These dopamine signals conform to traditional reward‐prediction error signals and have been shown to diminish with time. Here we examined whether the diminishing dopamine signal in the NAcC has functional implications for the expression of sign‐tracking, a Pavlovian conditioned response indicative of the attribution of incentive salience to reward‐paired cues. Food‐restricted male Sprague Dawley rats were trained in a Pavlovian paradigm in which an insertable lever predicted delivery of food reward in a nearby food cup. After 7 or 14 training sessions, rats received infusions of saline, the dopamine antagonist flupenthixol, or the GABA agonists baclofen and muscimol into the NAcC or the dorsal lateral striatum (DLS). Dopamine antagonism within the NAcC attenuated sign‐tracking, whereas reversible inactivation did not affect sign‐tracking but increased non‐specific food cup checking behaviors. Neither drug in the DLS affected sign‐tracking behavior. Critically, extended training did not alter these effects. Although extended experience with an incentive stimulus may reduce cue‐evoked dopamine in the NAcC, this does not remove the dependence on dopamine in this region to promote Pavlovian cue approach nor result in the recruitment of dorsal lateral striatal systems for this behavior. These data support the notion that dopamine within the mesoaccumbal system, but not the nigrostriatal system, contributes critically to incentive motivational processes independent of the length of training.  相似文献   

Nicotine directly regulates striatal dopamine (DA) neurotransmission via presynaptic nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) that are α6β2 and/or α4β2 subunit‐containing, depending on region. Chronic nicotine exposure in smokers upregulates striatal nAChR density, with some reports suggesting differential impact on α6‐ or α4‐containing nAChRs. Here, we explored whether chronic nicotine exposure modifies striatal DA transmission, whether the effects of acute nicotine on DA release probability persist and whether there are modifications to the regulation of DA release by α6‐subunit‐containing (*) relative to non‐α6* nAChRs in nucleus accumbens (NAc) and in caudate‐putamen (CPu). We detected electrically evoked DA release at carbon‐fiber microelectrodes in striatal slices from mice exposed for 4–8 weeks to nicotine (200 μg/mL in saccharin‐sweetened drinking water) or a control saccharin solution. Chronic nicotine exposure subtly reduced striatal DA release evoked by single electrical pulses, and in NAc enhanced the range of DA release evoked by different frequencies. Effects of acute nicotine (500 nm ) on DA release probability and its sensitivity to activity were apparent. However, in NAc there was downregulation of the functional dominance of α6‐nAChRs (α6α4β2β3), and an emergence in function of non‐α6* nAChRs. In CPu, there was no change in the control of DA release by its α6 nAChRs (α6β2β3) relative to non‐α6. These data suggest that chronic nicotine subtly modifies the regulation of DA transmission, which, in NAc, is through downregulation of function of a susceptible population of α6α4β2β3 nAChRs. This imbalance in function of α6:non‐α6 nAChRs might contribute to DA dysregulation in nicotine addiction.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms influence cocaine-seeking behavior in rats, and this behavior may be mediated by variability in the rate of extracellular dopamine clearance across the day:night cycle. We used rotating disk electrode voltammetry to examine dopamine clearance and inhibition of clearance by cocaine in the rat medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and nucleus accumbens (NAc). Rats were housed under light:dark conditions (LD, 12 h:12 h) or in constant darkness (DD), the latter given just prior to the day of sacrifice. Tissue was collected at 4-h intervals under LD and DD conditions. Under LD, dopamine clearance in both brain regions was greatest at 4h after lights on. Under DD, there was a blunted but still rhythmic pattern of dopamine clearance across the 24-h cycle. Cocaine-induced inhibition of dopamine clearance in the mPFC was not different across the day:night cycle in rats under LD. Paradoxically, under DD, dopamine clearance in the mPFC was enhanced by cocaine at ZT16, 4 h into the subjective night, and only minimally inhibited at other times. In the NAc, cocaine inhibition of dopamine clearance was lowest at ZT4 under LD, and did not vary under DD. We conclude that dopamine clearance varies both in a diurnal and possibly in a circadian manner in the mPFC, and in a diurnal manner in the NAc. These results indicate that light itself may be used to manipulate molecules implicated in drug addiction.  相似文献   

The nucleus accumbens (NAc) plays a central role in motivation and reward. While there is ample evidence for sex differences in addiction‐related behaviors, little is known about the neuroanatomical substrates that underlie these sexual dimorphisms. We investigated sex differences in synaptic connectivity of the NAc by evaluating pre‐ and postsynaptic measures in gonadally intact male and proestrous female rats. We used DiI labeling and confocal microscopy to measure dendritic spine density, spine head size, dendritic length, and branching of medium spiny neurons (MSNs) in the NAc, and quantitative immunofluorescence to measure glutamatergic innervation using pre‐ (vesicular glutamate transporter 1 and 2) and postsynaptic (postsynaptic density 95) markers, as well as dopaminergic innervation of the NAc. We also utilized electron microscopy to complement the above measures. Clear but subtle sex differences were identified, namely, in distal dendritic spine density and the proportion of large spines on MSNs, both of which are greater in females. Sex differences in spine density and spine head size are evident in both the core and shell subregions, but are stronger in the core. This study is the first demonstration of neuroanatomical sex differences in the NAc and provides evidence that structural differences in synaptic connectivity and glutamatergic input may contribute to behavioral sex differences in reward and addiction. J. Comp. Neurol. 518:1330–1348, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Distinct subsets of nucleus accumbens (NAc) neurons differentially encode goal-directed behaviors for natural vs. drug rewards [R. M. Carelli et al. (2000)The Journal of Neuroscience, 20, 4255-4266], and the encoding of cocaine-seeking is altered following cocaine abstinence [J. A. Hollander & R. M. Carelli (2007) The Journal of Neuroscience, 27, 3535-3539]. Here, electrophysiological recording procedures were used to determine if the selective encoding of natural vs. cocaine reward by NAc neurons is: (i) maintained when the natural reinforcer is a highly palatable sweet tastant and (ii) altered by cocaine abstinence. Rats (n = 14) were trained on a multiple schedule of sucrose reinforcement and cocaine self-administration (2-3 weeks) and NAc activity was recorded during the task before and after 30 days of cocaine abstinence. Of 130 cells recorded before abstinence, 82 (63%) displayed patterned discharges (increases or decreases in firing rate, termed phasic activity) relative to operant responding for sucrose or cocaine. As in previous reports, the majority of those cells displayed nonoverlapping patterns of activity during responding for sucrose vs. cocaine. Specifically, only 17 (21%) showed similar patterns of activity (i.e. overlapping activity) across the two reinforcer conditions. After abstinence, this pattern was largely maintained, 23 of 70 phasic cells (33%) were overlapping. However, cocaine abstinence altered the overall percentage of selectively active neurons across reinforcer conditions. Specifically, significantly more neurons became selectively activated during cocaine-directed behaviors than during sucrose-directed behaviors. The results indicate that, although the selective encoding of cocaine and natural rewards is maintained even with a highly palatable substance, 30 days of cocaine abstinence dynamically alters the overall population encoding of natural and drug rewards by NAc neurons.  相似文献   

Mesolimbic dopamine neurons projecting from the ventral tegmental area to the nucleus accumbens (NAc) are part of a complex circuit mediating cocaine-directed behaviors. However, the precise role of rapid (subsecond) dopamine release within the primary subregions of the NAc (the core and shell) and its relationship to NAc cell firing during this behavior remain unknown. Here, using fast-scan cyclic voltammetry in rats we report rapid dopamine signaling in both the core and shell; however, significant differences were observed in the timing of dopamine release events within seconds of the cocaine-reinforced response during self-administration sessions. Importantly, simultaneous voltammetric and electrophysiological recordings from the same electrode reveal that, at certain sites within both subregions, neurons exhibiting patterned activation were observed at locations where rapid dopamine release was present; the greater the strength of the neural signal the larger the dopamine release event. In addition, it was at those locations that electrically-evoked stimulated release was greatest. No changes in dopamine were observed where nonphasic neurons were recorded. Thus, although differences are evident in dopamine release dynamics relative to cocaine-reinforced responding within the core and shell, dopamine release is heterogeneous within each structure and varies as a function of precise neuronal targets during cocaine-seeking behavior.  相似文献   

Here we challenge the view that reward-guided learning is solely controlled by the mesoaccumbens pathway arising from dopaminergic neurons in the ventral tegmental area and projecting to the nucleus accumbens. This widely accepted view assumes that reward is a monolithic concept, but recent work has suggested otherwise. It now appears that, in reward-guided learning, the functions of ventral and dorsal striata, and the cortico-basal ganglia circuitry associated with them, can be dissociated. Whereas the nucleus accumbens is necessary for the acquisition and expression of certain appetitive Pavlovian responses and contributes to the motivational control of instrumental performance, the dorsal striatum is necessary for the acquisition and expression of instrumental actions. Such findings suggest the existence of multiple independent yet interacting functional systems that are implemented in iterating and hierarchically organized cortico-basal ganglia networks engaged in appetitive behaviors ranging from Pavlovian approach responses to goal-directed instrumental actions controlled by action-outcome contingencies.  相似文献   

In the cocaine self‐administering rat, individual nucleus accumbens (NAcc) neurons exhibit phasic changes in firing rate within minutes and/or seconds of lever presses (i.e. slow phasic and rapid phasic changes, respectively). To determine whether neurons that demonstrate these changes during self‐administration sessions are differentially distributed in the NAcc, rats were implanted with jugular catheters and microwire arrays in different NAcc subregions (core, dorsal shell, ventromedial shell, ventrolateral shell, or rostral pole). Neural recording sessions were typically conducted on days 13–17 of cocaine self‐administration (0.77 mg/kg per 0.2‐mL infusion; fixed‐ratio 1 schedule of reinforcement; 6‐h daily sessions). Pre‐press rapid phasic firing rate changes were greater in lateral accumbal (core and ventrolateral shell) than in medial accumbal (dorsal shell and rostral pole shell) subregions. Slow phasic pattern analysis revealed that reversal latencies of neurons that exhibited change + reversal patterns differed mediolaterally: medial NAcc neurons exhibited more early reversals and fewer progressive/late reversals than lateral NAcc neurons. Comparisons of firing patterns within individual neurons across time bases indicated that lateral NAcc pre‐press rapid phasic increases were correlated with tonic increases. Tonic decreases were correlated with slow phasic patterns in individual medial NAcc neurons, indicative of greater pharmacological sensitivity of neurons in this region. On the other hand, the bias of the lateral NAcc towards increased pre‐press rapid phasic activity, coupled with a greater prevalence of tonic increase firing, may reflect particular sensitivity of these neurons to excitatory afferent signaling and perhaps differential pharmacological influences on firing rates between regions.  相似文献   

Conditions of increased cognitive or emotional demand activate dopamine release in a regionally selective manner. Whereas the brief millisecond response of dopamine neurons to salient stimuli suggests that dopamine's influence on behaviour may be limited to signalling certain cues, the prolonged availability of dopamine in regions such as the prefrontal cortex and nucleus accumbens is consistent with the well described role of dopamine in maintaining motivation states, associative learning and working memory. The behaviourally elicited terminal release of dopamine is generally attributed to increased excitatory drive on dopamine neurons. Our findings here, however, indicate that this increase may involve active removal of a tonic inhibitory control on dopamine neurons exerted by the lateral habenula (LHb). Inhibition of LHb in behaving animals transiently increased dopamine release in the prefrontal cortex, nucleus accumbens and dorsolateral striatum. The inhibitory influence was more pronounced in the nucleus accumbens and striatum than in the prefrontal cortex. This pattern of regional dopamine activation after LHb inhibition mimicked conditions of reward availability but not increased cognitive demand. Electrical or chemical stimulation of LHb produced minimal reduction of extracellular dopamine, suggesting that in an awake brain the inhibition associated with tonic LHb activity represents a near-maximal influence on dopamine neurotransmission. These data indicate that LHb may be critical for functional differences in dopamine neurons by preferentially modulating dopamine neurons that project to the nucleus accumbens over those neurons that primarily project to the prefrontal cortex.  相似文献   

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