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[目的]通过对教学方法和教学管理的改革,提高医学生的临床急救技能.[方法]选择昆明医学院1999~2004级临床实习的本科学生614名,按是否进行严格的急诊医学基本理论培训和时徒手心肺复苏等常用急救技术反复模拟操作和训练,将学生分为观察组(316名)和对照组(298名);实习结束进行徒手心肺复苏和急诊医学理论考核和评分.[结果]观察组学生的徒手心肺复苏得分为(91±6.43)分,对照组学生得分为(81±8.1 3)分;观察组学生的急诊医学理论得分为(92±7.21)分,对照组学生得分为(80±7.77)分;两组比较差异有统计学意义(p<0.05).[结论]严格的理论培训和反复模拟操作和训练可提高医学生的临床急救技能.  相似文献   

临床技能教学改革初探   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对传统医学教育模式的反思,汕头大学医学院借鉴国内外先进的教学理念,大胆改革以独立学科为体系的教学模式为系统整合,形成新的教学模式。将以往内科《诊断学》和外科基本操作,妇产科基本检查,临床沟通技能,临床常用诊疗操作,眼科及耳鼻喉科一些专科检查等内容进行整合,在教学中引入模拟技术,虚拟技术,网络数字技术及标准化病人,变学生被动学习为主动学习,改革考试方法,探索有效提高医学生临床技能水平的教学方法。  相似文献   

外科临床技能是医学生必须掌握的医学基本技能之一,但目前医学生的实际动手操作能力差却是不争的事实。作者通过观察和思考提出了自己的见解。  相似文献   

临床基本技能是医学生必须掌握的基本技能,是临床诊疗的基础,也是临床医生的基本功。为了加强学生毕业实习管理,检查毕业实习效果,保证毕业实习质量,强化临床基本技能的学习和训练,我们对91级本科、92级本科在我院实习的学生进行临床技能方面的考核,并对92级学生进行了临床技能方面的强化,现对强化前后临床技能考核情况报告如下:1对象91级、92级临床医学专业五年制本科在我院进行毕业实习的学生。2内容对学生在临床工作中的病史采集、体格检查、病历书写、X光片、ECG、各种穿刺、插管、换药、拆线等临床基本技能及操作进行全面的…  相似文献   

我国医学临床技能教学现状及其策略分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
社会的进步、科技的发展、知识经济的来临、医学模式的转变.对高等医学教育提出了更新更高的要求。临床医学课程教学必须与时俱进.才能培养全面发展的医学人才。临床技能是医学生专业素质的核心内容.加强临床技能教学是高等医学教育发展的客观需要.也是世界各国高等医学教育教学改革的共识。  相似文献   

为了解卫生监督员开展食物中毒调查处理的能力 ,上海市宝山区卫生局卫生监督所组织一次以科室、分所为单位 ,采取模拟现场食物中毒业务技能考核 ,主要考核处理的及时性 ,开展现场调查的全面性、规范性、准确性 ,食物中毒调查报告科学性及行政处罚合法性等方面。通过调查 ,要求完成食物中毒调查报告 ,制作行政处罚决定书。通过考核 ,发现食物中毒处理及时性 ,准确性及依法处理方面均做得较好 ,而在流行病学调查 ,统计分析运用上存在薄弱环节 ,有待加以改进。并提出了必须加强卫生监督员业务培训 ,运用流行病学专业知识、食品卫生学知识及统计学方法 ,更好地开展食物中毒调查处理工作。  相似文献   

计划生育政策是我国的基本国策之一,坚持以避孕为主的节育措施,已经取得了显著的成绩。我国育龄期妇女,主要选择宫内节育器(intrauterine device,IUD)作为主要的避孕措施,我国妇女IUD使用率占世界IUD避孕总人数的80%。  相似文献   

浅析怎样培养医学生的临床思维能力及沟通技能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从儿科临床教学中阐述了培养医学生临床思维能力及沟通技能的重要性、方法、内容。  相似文献   

计划生育政策是我国的基本国策之一,坚持以避孕为主的节育措施,已经取得了显著的成绩。我国育龄期妇女,主要选择宫内节育器(intrauterine device,IUD)作为主要的避孕措施,我国妇女IUD使用率占世界IUD避孕总人数的80%[1]。  相似文献   

本文分析了我院临床技能大赛的开展效果及其在全面提升医学生专业素质中的作用。我院自2011年开始参加全国临床技能大赛,经过几年的培训实践经验的积累总结和沉淀,临床技能大赛培训确实对提高临床医学生的临床实践能力、临床思维能力、心理素质、医患沟通技巧和团队协作能力等方面的提升起到了推动作用,同时临床技能大赛也推动了临床实践教学模式的改革与创新。  相似文献   

Summary. A group of senior medical school staff concerned about the short-lived effects of communication training formed the Medical Interview Teaching Association. They felt that communication training needed to be reinforced throughout the curriculum and that this would need active involvement by large numbers of consultants. To achieve this they planned a series of workshops. Seventeen consultants and eight other senior staff agreed to participate in the pilot workshop. This was a 3 1/2-day residential workshop. The structure was adapted from a ‘faculty development’ model used successfully in the USA. Participants worked mostly in small groups helped by experienced facilitators. The teaching style was learner centred and therefore the details of the problem-based agenda and the choice of working methods were largely determined by the participants themselves. There were also some conventional lectures and demonstrations. Evaluation was by postal questionnaire 2 weeks later. This requested both qualitative comments and Likert scale ratings about every aspect of process and outcome. Most responses were strongly positive. Participants felt they made good progress in developing new skills and new curriculum ideas. They also felt more motivated and self-aware as teachers. The learner-centred approach and the diversity of learning activities were seen as very useful. The unstructured approach to self-awareness training was felt to be less useful. It is concluded that such workshops could well lead to more effective communication training and may also have wider implications for medical education.  相似文献   

Basic clinical skills: don't leave teaching to the teaching hospitals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVE: To compare student perception of teaching in general practice (GP), district general hospitals (DGHs) and teaching hospitals (THs) and their examination results. SETTING: The medical school at Queen's University, Belfast. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: A total of 161 medical and 34 dental students completed an objective structured clinical examination and questionnaire at the end of their second semester of basic skills teaching. They scored the course for teaching style, educational value and enjoyment. Teaching attributes of the tutors were similarly recorded. Students were also asked to quantify how time was used and to comment on the course. INTERVENTIONS: A new programme for teaching first- and second-year students basic clinical skills in the community. RESULTS: Teaching in GP and DGHs was reported to be more educational and enjoyable than in the TH. In GP most time was spent being lectured, in DGHs most time was spent with the patient, and in THs, waiting for the tutor. General practitioners and doctors in DGHs were more likely to model positive teaching attitudes such as showing interest in students and providing feedback. The most common complaints related to insufficient time spent with patients in GP and poor tutor preparation in THs. All teaching sites achieved similar examination results. CONCLUSION: Clinical skills can be taught to medical students early in their curriculum using GP tutors. Student preference was strongly for being taught by GPs rather than in THs. Simple steps such as prior preparation and the locating of a suitable patient could markedly improve student experience both in GP and in hospitals.  相似文献   

This report describes the procedures for and feasibility of an evaluation program that provides a direct assessment of the use of specific clinical skills during an interview with a simulated patient. The specific aims of this evaluation were to assess untrained graduate students in nutrition on their application of a set of 31 specific clinical skills for resolving dietary adherence problems. Each student conducted two interviews with each of two different simulated patients with hyperlipidemia presenting typical problems following a diet low in saturated fat and cholestrol. The evaluation program provided analyses that identified the strengths and deficits of each student and the performance of the entire group. It is suggested that the evaluation program offers a practical, objective method for examining the entry-level clinical skills of students in training and may be useful in other educational programs (eg, in-service, continuing education workshops).  相似文献   

对2003年以来我校机能学实验教学方面进行一系列改革,如:实验室教学模式的改革、教学仪器设备的改进、建设实验教学师资队伍及实验室管理方面措施以及取得的成效进行探讨。  相似文献   

Summary. This study addressed three evaluation questions about the effectiveness of a workshop to teach residents how to teach: (1) How do residents evaluate their own teaching skills? (2) How do students evaluate residents' teaching skills? (3) Do residents of various specialties differ in their teaching skills? One hundred and five residents rated their skills on the Inventory of Teaching Behavior significantly higher after attending the workshop than before it. Third-year students evaluated the teaching skills of both residents who had attended the workshop and those who had not. On four of the nine items of the Clinical Teaching Assessment Form, students rated residents who had attended significantly higher than the control residents. Some differences in teaching skills among the various specialties were found as were differences between resident self-rating and student rating. These data suggest that giving residents instruction can improve their teaching skills. By doing so, both the residents and the programme can benefit.  相似文献   

为了解和评价粘胶长丝车间通风排毒设施的防护效果,在通风系统整改前后,对该车间现场进行了二硫化碳浓度检测。结果显示,通风系统整改前后二硫化碳浓度平均值分别为40.1 mg/m3、29.0 mg/m3。说明粘胶长丝车间通气系统整改方案有效。  相似文献   

This report describes the procedures for and feasibility of an evaluation program that provides a direct assessment of the use of specific clinical skills during an interview with a simulated patient. The specific aims of this evaluation were to assess untrained graduate students in nutrition on their application of a set of 31 specific clinical skills for resolving dietary adherence problems. Each student conducted two interviews with each of two different simulated patients with hyperlipidemia presenting typical problems following a diet low in saturated fat and cholestrol. The evaluation program provided analyses that identified the strengths and deficits of each student and the performance of the entire group. It is suggested that the evaluation program offers a practical, objective method for examining the entry-level clinical skills of students in training and may be useful in other educational programs (eg, in-service, continuing education workshops).  相似文献   

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