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Objectives: Research suggests that the majority of mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) patients exhibit both cognitive and emotional dysfunction within the first weeks of injury, followed by symptom resolution 3–6 months postinjury. The neuronal correlates of said dysfunction are difficult to detect with standard clinical neuroimaging, complicating differential diagnosis and early identification of patients who may not recover. This study examined whether resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) provides objective markers of injury and predicts cognitive, emotional, and somatic complaints in mTBI patients semiacutely (<3 weeks postinjury) and in late recovery (3–5 month) phases. Methods: Twenty‐seven semiacute mTBI patients and 26 gender, age, and education‐matched controls were studied. Fifteen of 27 patients returned for a follow‐up visit 3–5 months postinjury. The main dependent variables were spontaneous fluctuations (temporal correlation) in the default‐mode (DMN) and fronto‐parietal task‐related networks as measured by fMRI. Results: Significant differences in self‐reported cognitive, emotional, and somatic complaints were observed (all P < 0.05), despite normal clinical (T1 and T2) imaging and neuropsychological testing results. Mild TBI patients demonstrated decreased functional connectivity within the DMN and hyper‐connectivity between the DMN and lateral prefrontal cortex. Measures of functional connectivity exhibited high levels of sensitivity and specificity for patient classification and predicted cognitive complaints in the semi‐acute injury stage. However, no changes in functional connectivity were observed across a 4‐month recovery period. Conclusions: Abnormal connectivity between the DMN and frontal cortex may provide objective biomarkers of mTBI and underlie cognitive impairment. Hum Brain Mapp, 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Traumatic brain injury survivors often experience cognitive deficits and neuropsychiatric symptoms.However,the neurobiological mechanisms underlying specific impairments are not fully understood.Advances in neuroimaging techniques(such as diffusion tensor imaging and functional MRI)have given us new insights on structural and functional connectivity patterns of the human brain in both health and disease.The connectome derived from connectivity maps reflects the entire constellation of distributed brain networks.Using these powerful neuroimaging approaches,changes at the microstructural level can be detected through regional and global properties of neuronal networks.Here we will review recent developments in the study of brain network abnormalities in traumatic brain injury,mainly focusing on structural and functional connectivity.Some connectomic studies have provided interesting insights into the neurological dysfunction that occurs following traumatic brain injury.These techniques could eventually be helpful in developing imaging biomarkers of cognitive and neurobehavioral sequelae,as well as predicting outcome and prognosis.  相似文献   

目的本文研究采用静息态功能磁共振成像(rfMRI)技术描述偏头痛患者静息态脑功能连接改变,为探索偏头痛的发病机制提供影像学资料。方法收集16例偏头痛患者与16例健康对照,采集rfMRI成像,计算低频振幅,找出感兴趣区做功能连接进行统计分析。结果偏头痛患者左侧岛叶、左侧额下回低频振幅显著低于对照组,右侧视觉皮质低频振幅显著高于对照组;以左侧额下回、右侧枕中回为感兴趣区,发现左侧额下回与脑干之间的功能连接增强,与双侧枕叶之间的功能连接减弱;右侧枕中回与双侧楔前叶延伸至扣带回中部区域之间的功能连接增强,与双侧中央前回、双侧缘上回、双侧颞上回及双侧额下回之间的功能连接减弱。结论偏头痛患者无头痛发作时神经元活动强度改变,大脑功能连接异常,这导致大脑整合信息过程改变,并与偏头痛发病相关。  相似文献   

Thyroid hormones epigenetically play an important role in the regularisation of neural networks and in neural differentiation during brain development. The present study aimed to explore the intra and inter network resting state functional connectivity changes underlying the neurobehavioural symptoms in thyrotoxicosis. To understand the pathophysiological changes, we investigated the correlation between functional connectivity and clinical and behavioural measures. Twenty‐eight freshly diagnosed thyrotoxicosis patients suffering with symptoms such as palpitation, loss of weight, trembling and heat intolerance from days to weeks and 28 healthy controls were recruited for the study. Thyrotoxicosis patients showed significantly decreased functional connectivity in sensorimotor network, fronto‐temporal network, default mode network, right fronto‐parietal network, left fronto‐parietal network and salience network. Inter network functional connectivity was significantly reduced between the basal ganglia network and sensorimotor network and increased between the salience network and fronto‐temporal network in thyrotoxicosis. Cognitive functions such as visual retention, recognition of objects, mental balance and performance on neuropsychological tests (ie, the Bender Gestalt test, Nahar‐Benson test and Mini Mental State Examination) also showed significant decline in thyrotoxicosis patients. The altered intrinsic resting state functional connectivity might underlie these cognitive deficits. The increased functional connectivity between the salience network and fronto‐temporal network suggests the recruitment of additional neuronal circuitry needed to compensate for the neuropathology in the primary neural network in thyrotoxicosis.  相似文献   

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) in childhood and adolescence can interrupt expected development, compromise the integrity of the social brain network (SBN) and impact social skills. Yet, no study has investigated functional alterations of the SBN following pediatric TBI. This study explored functional connectivity within the SBN following TBI in two independent adolescent samples. First, 14 adolescents with mild complex, moderate or severe TBI and 16 typically developing controls (TDC) underwent resting‐state functional magnetic resonance imaging 12–24 months post‐injury. Region of interest analyses were conducted to compare the groups' functional connectivity using selected SBN seeds. Then, replicative analysis was performed in an independent sample of adolescents with similar characteristics (9 TBI, 9 TDC). Results were adjusted for age, sex, socioeconomic status and total gray matter volume, and corrected for multiple comparisons. Significant between‐group differences were detected for functional connectivity in the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex and left fusiform gyrus, and between the left fusiform gyrus and left superior frontal gyrus, indicating positive functional connectivity for the TBI group (negative for TDC). The replication study revealed group differences in the same direction between the left superior frontal gyrus and right fusiform gyrus. This study indicates that pediatric TBI may alter functional connectivity of the social brain. Frontal‐fusiform connectivity has previously been shown to support affect recognition and changes in the function of this network could relate to more effortful processing and broad social impairments.  相似文献   

Functional brain imaging studies have shown abnormal neural activity in individuals recovered from anorexia nervosa (AN) during both cognitive and emotional task paradigms. It has been suggested that this abnormal activity which persists into recovery might underpin the neurobiology of the disorder and constitute a neural biomarker for AN. However, no study to date has assessed functional changes in neural networks in the absence of task‐induced activity in those recovered from AN. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate whole brain resting state functional connectivity in nonmedicated women recovered from anorexia nervosa. Functional magnetic resonance imaging scans were obtained from 16 nonmedicated participants recovered from anorexia nervosa and 15 healthy control participants. Independent component analysis revealed functionally relevant resting state networks. Dual regression analysis revealed increased temporal correlation (coherence) in the default mode network (DMN) which is thought to be involved in self‐referential processing. Specifically, compared to healthy control participants the recovered anorexia nervosa participants showed increased temporal coherence between the DMN and the precuneus and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex/inferior frontal gyrus. The findings support the view that dysfunction in resting state functional connectivity in regions involved in self‐referential processing and cognitive control might be a vulnerability marker for the development of anorexia nervosa. Hum Brain Mapp 35:483–491, 2014. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Obesity is a key risk factor for the development of insulin resistance, Type 2 diabetes and associated diseases; thus, it has become a major public health concern. In this context, a detailed understanding of brain networks regulating food intake, including hormonal modulation, is crucial. At present, little is known about potential alterations of cerebral networks regulating ingestive behavior. We used "resting state" functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate the functional connectivity integrity of resting state networks (RSNs) related to food intake in lean and obese subjects using independent component analysis. Our results showed altered functional connectivity strength in obese compared to lean subjects in the default mode network (DMN) and temporal lobe network. In the DMN, obese subjects showed in the precuneus bilaterally increased and in the right anterior cingulate decreased functional connectivity strength. Furthermore, in the temporal lobe network, obese subjects showed decreased functional connectivity strength in the left insular cortex. The functional connectivity magnitude significantly correlated with body mass index (BMI). Two further RSNs, including brain regions associated with food and reward processing, did not show BMI, but insulin associated functional connectivity strength. Here, the left orbitofrontal cortex and right putamen functional connectivity strength was positively correlated with fasting insulin levels and negatively correlated with insulin sensitivity index. Taken together, these results complement and expand previous functional neuroimaging findings by demonstrating that obesity and insulin levels influence brain function during rest in networks supporting reward and food regulation.  相似文献   

This review summarizes functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) research done over the past decade that examined changes in the function and organization of brain networks across human adolescence. Its over-arching goal is to highlight how both resting state functional connectivity (rs-fcMRI) and task-based functional connectivity (t-fcMRI) have jointly contributed – albeit in different ways – to our understanding of the scope and types of network organization changes that occur from puberty until young adulthood. These two approaches generally have tested different types of hypotheses using different analysis techniques. This has hampered the convergence of findings. Although much has been learned about system-wide changes to adolescents’ neural network organization, if both rs-fcMRI and t-fcMRI approaches draw upon each other's methodology and ask broader questions, it will produce a more detailed connectome-informed theory of adolescent neurodevelopment to guide physiological, clinical, and other lines of research.  相似文献   

Many studies have shown that schizophrenia patients have aberrant functional network connectivity (FNC) among brain regions, suggesting schizophrenia manifests with significantly diminished (in majority of the cases) connectivity. Schizophrenia is also associated with a lack of hemispheric lateralization. Hoptman et al. (2012) reported lower inter-hemispheric connectivity in schizophrenia patients compared to controls using voxel-mirrored homotopic connectivity. In this study, we merge these two points of views together using a group independent component analysis (gICA)-based approach to generate hemisphere-specific timecourses and calculate intra-hemisphere and inter-hemisphere FNC on a resting state fMRI dataset consisting of age- and gender-balanced 151 schizophrenia patients and 163 healthy controls. We analyzed the group differences between patients and healthy controls in each type of FNC measures along with age and gender effects. The results reveal that FNC in schizophrenia patients shows less hemispheric asymmetry compared to that of the healthy controls. We also found a decrease in connectivity in all FNC types such as intra-left (L_FNC), intra-right (R_FNC) and inter-hemisphere (Inter_FNC) in the schizophrenia patients relative to healthy controls, but general patterns of connectivity were preserved in patients. Analyses of age and gender effects yielded results similar to those reported in whole brain FNC studies.  相似文献   

In this work, we focus on explicitly nonlinear relationships in functional networks. We introduce a technique using normalized mutual information (NMI) that calculates the nonlinear relationship between different brain regions. We demonstrate our proposed approach using simulated data and then apply it to a dataset previously studied by Damaraju et al. This resting‐state fMRI data included 151 schizophrenia patients and 163 age‐ and gender‐matched healthy controls. We first decomposed these data using group independent component analysis (ICA) and yielded 47 functionally relevant intrinsic connectivity networks. Our analysis showed a modularized nonlinear relationship among brain functional networks that was particularly noticeable in the sensory and visual cortex. Interestingly, the modularity appears both meaningful and distinct from that revealed by the linear approach. Group analysis identified significant differences in explicitly nonlinear functional network connectivity (FNC) between schizophrenia patients and healthy controls, particularly in the visual cortex, with controls showing more nonlinearity (i.e., higher normalized mutual information between time courses with linear relationships removed) in most cases. Certain domains, including subcortical and auditory, showed relatively less nonlinear FNC (i.e., lower normalized mutual information), whereas links between the visual and other domains showed evidence of substantial nonlinear and modular properties. Overall, these results suggest that quantifying nonlinear dependencies of functional connectivity may provide a complementary and potentially important tool for studying brain function by exposing relevant variation that is typically ignored. Beyond this, we propose a method that captures both linear and nonlinear effects in a “boosted” approach. This method increases the sensitivity to group differences compared to the standard linear approach, at the cost of being unable to separate linear and nonlinear effects.  相似文献   

Many women with breast cancer, especially those treated with chemotherapy, experience cognitive decline due in part to neurotoxic brain injury. Recent neuroimaging studies suggest widespread brain structural abnormalities pointing to disruption of large-scale brain networks. We applied resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging and graph theoretical analysis to examine the connectome in breast cancer survivors treated with chemotherapy relative to healthy comparison women. Compared to healthy females, the breast cancer group displayed altered global brain network organization characterized by significantly decreased global clustering as well as disrupted regional network characteristics in frontal, striatal and temporal areas. Breast cancer survivors also showed significantly increased self-report of executive function and memory difficulties compared to healthy females. These results suggest that topological organization of both global and regional brain network properties may be disrupted following breast cancer and chemotherapy. This pattern of altered network organization is believed to result in reduced efficiency of parallel information transfer. This is the first report of alterations in large-scale functional brain networks in this population and contributes novel information regarding the neurobiologic mechanisms underlying breast cancer-related cognitive impairment.  相似文献   

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) frequently produces impairments of attention in humans. These can result in a failure to maintain consistent goal-directed behavior. A predominantly right-lateralized frontoparietal network is often engaged during attentionally demanding tasks. However, lapses of attention have also been associated with increases in activation within the default mode network (DMN). Here, we study TBI patients with sustained attention impairment, defined on the basis of the consistency of their behavioral performance over time. We show that sustained attention impairments in patients are associated with an increase in DMN activation, particularly within the precuneus and posterior cingulate cortex. Furthermore, the interaction of the precuneus with the rest of the DMN at the start of the task, i.e., its functional connectivity, predicts which patients go on to show impairments of attention. Importantly, this predictive information is present before any behavioral evidence of sustained attention impairment, and the relationship is also found in a subgroup of patients without focal brain damage. TBI often results in diffuse axonal injury, which produces cognitive impairment by disconnecting nodes in distributed brain networks. Using diffusion tensor imaging, we demonstrate that structural disconnection within the DMN also correlates with the level of sustained attention. These results show that abnormalities in DMN function are a sensitive marker of impairments of attention and suggest that changes in connectivity within the DMN are central to the development of attentional impairment after TBI.  相似文献   

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The focus of this review is outcome from mild traumatic brain injury. Recent literature relating to pathophysiology, neuropsychological outcome, and the persistent postconcussion syndrome will be integrated into the existing literature. RECENT FINDINGS: The MTBI literature is enormous, complex, methodologically flawed, and controversial. There have been dozens of studies relating to pathophysiology, neuropsychological outcome, and the postconcussion syndrome during the past year. Two major reviews have been published. Some of the most interesting prospective research has been done with athletes. SUMMARY: The cognitive and neurobehavioral sequelae are self-limiting and reasonably predictable. Mild traumatic brain injuries are characterized by immediate physiological changes conceptualized as a multilayered neurometabolic cascade in which affected cells typically recover, although under certain circumstances a small number might degenerate and die. The primary pathophysiologies include ionic shifts, abnormal energy metabolism, diminished cerebral blood flow, and impaired neurotransmission. During the first week after injury the brain undergoes a dynamic restorative process. Athletes typically return to pre-injury functioning (assessed using symptom ratings or brief neuropsychological measures) within 2-14 days. Trauma patients usually take longer to return to their pre-injury functioning. In these patients recovery can be incomplete and can be complicated by preexisting psychiatric or substance abuse problems, poor general health, concurrent orthopedic injuries, or comorbid problems (e.g. chronic pain, depression, substance abuse, life stress, unemployment, and protracted litigation).  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Fatigue is one of the most frequently reported symptoms after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (MTBI). To date, systematic and comparative studies on fatigue after MTBI are scarce, and knowledge on causal mechanisms is lacking. OBJECTIVES: To determine the severity of fatigue six months after MTBI and its relation to outcome. Furthermore, to test whether injury indices, such as Glasgow Coma Scale scores, are related to higher levels of fatigue. METHODS: Postal questionnaires were sent to a consecutive group of patients with an MTBI and a minor-injury control group, aged 18-60, six months after injury. Fatigue severity was measured with the Checklist Individual Strength. Postconcussional symptoms and limitations in daily functioning were assessed using the Rivermead Post Concussion Questionnaire and the SF-36. RESULTS: A total of 299 out of 618 eligible (response rate 52%) MTBI patients and 287 out of 482 eligible (response rate 60%) minor-injury patients returned the questionnaire. Ninety-five MTBI patients (32%) and 35 control patients (12%) were severely fatigued. Severe fatigue was highly associated with the experience of other symptoms, limitations in physical and social functioning, and fatigue related problems like reduced activity. Of various trauma severity indices, nausea and headache experienced on the ED were significantly related to higher levels of fatigue at six months. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, one third of a large sample of MTBI patients experiences severe fatigue six months after injury, and this experience is associated with limitations in daily functioning. Our finding that acute symptoms and mechanism of injury rather than injury severity indices appear to be related to higher levels of fatigue warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

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