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舟骨切除并四角融合术是指完整切除舟骨,做头状骨、月骨、三角骨和钩骨的有限腕关节融合术。该术式主要适用于舟月进行性塌陷治疗(ScapholunateAdvancedCollapse,SLAC)。禁忌证包括:Kienbock病(月骨无菌性坏死)、桡月关节退行性改变、腕骨向尺侧移位等。1984年Watson等系统报道了SLAC的临床表现和诊治方法,此后备受手外科医生重视。  相似文献   

目的提出衡量腕关节四角融合术后融合体稳定性的指标,探讨术后如何改善腕功能。方法12具新鲜尸体前臂标本,男8具,女4具,左右各6肢,模拟行四角融合术后,固定于腕关节动力学测试仪上,模拟腕关节的掌屈、背伸、尺倾、桡倾等运动,运动前后摄腕关节正、侧位X线片,测量并观察头月角(α)、桡月角(β)、头月正位角(θ)、融合体高度(H)和融合体宽度(W)的变化,并行统计学分析。结果腕关节由运动前中立位至掌屈50°时,α、β、H值与运动前相比,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01);背伸至40°时,α、β、H值与运动前相比,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。腕关节由中立位至桡倾15°时,θ与W与运动前比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);至尺倾25°时,θ与W的运动前比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论头月角、桡月角、头月正位角、融合体高度和融合体宽度等指标可用于衡量四角融合术后融合体的稳定性。  相似文献   

腕骨骨间韧带损伤与舟月骨分离的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨实验条件下腕骨骨间韧带损伤与舟月骨分离形成的关系。方法8具新鲜尸体肘关节以远标本,左右各4具。将标本用夹具固定于腕关节动力学参数测试仪,作模拟屈、伸、尺、桡偏运动。并拍摄腕关节中立、前后、侧位片。分别依次切断桡舟月韧带、舟月骨间韧带掌侧部、舟月骨间韧带背侧部及桡舟头韧带。测量舟月角、头月角、舟月间距。结果随着依次切断韧带,舟月角、头月角分别增大至[(B0.0±8.7)°,(?)±s,下同]、(22.0±7.O)°,舟月间距增宽至(2.25±0.46)mm,以上差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论实验中舟骨周围骨间韧带切断的顺序及入路符合舟月骨分离背伸、旋后、尺偏的损伤机制,舟月骨间韧带、桡舟月、桡舟头韧带损伤可产生静态舟月骨分离。  相似文献   

目的测量头状骨、月骨、三角骨、钩骨,为研制适于腕骨四角融合术的内固定器械提供解剖学依据,并设计镍钛记忆合金腕骨四角融合器(NiTi shape memory alloy four—comer arthrodesis concentrator,NT—FCAC)。方法解剖45侧成人腕骨标本,保留腕掌、背侧韧带,切除大、小多角骨和手舟骨,游标卡尺测量头状骨、月骨、三角骨、钩骨各骨间距;然后,解剖出上述四腕骨,观察各骨形态,游标卡尺测量各参数;最后,依据测量结果及四腕骨解剖形态特点,结合镍钛记忆合金的特性,设计镍钛记忆合金腕骨四角融合器。结果头月间距最小为(24.75±3.13)mm,钩月间距(29.46±2.85)mm,月三角间距(26.48±2.08)mm;三角骨厚度最小为(8.76±0.91)mm;依据测量结果及镍钛记忆合金的特性,设计出了镍钛记忆合金腕骨四角融合器。结论依据头状骨、月骨、三角骨和钩骨解剖特点及测量结果,结合镍钛记忆合金的特性,能够设计出适于腕骨四角融合术的内固定器械。  相似文献   

对腕关节不稳的研究成为近年来手外科的热门课题,其中舟月骨分离(又称腕舟骨旋转性半脱位、舟月不稳定)是临床上最常见的一种腕关节不稳定形式,动态性舟月骨分离是引起青壮年腕部疼痛最常见的原因[1]。目前对该病的研究较为深入,但在其诊断及治疗上,尤其是对不伴关节炎的慢性舟  相似文献   

目的:介绍治疗舟骨旋转性半脱位(rotatory subluxation of the scaphoid,RSS)的新术式。方法:根据临床表现及病因,舟骨旋转性半脱位分为5型,I型(动态前期型)1例,Ⅱ型(动态型)2例,Ⅲ型(静态型)7例,Ⅳ型(退行性型)3例,Ⅴ(继发型)5例。18例患者入院后均行舟骨、大、小多角骨局限性腕骨融合术(scapho-trapezio-trapezoeid arthrodesis,STT融合术)。结果:术后随访个月-3年,18例的舟骨旋转性半脱位均得到纠正,并获得满意的骨融合。腕痛均消失,握力平均恢复至健侧的90%,腕关节活动范围平均恢复至侵侧的62%。结论:舟骨、大、小多角骨局限性腕骨融合术是一种治疗慢性、静态性舟骨旋转性半脱位的可靠、有效的疗法。  相似文献   

作者对38例Colles骨折登工舟月骨分离患者,采用适当延长对抗牵引时间,闭合手法得位,整复后中立位或轻度背伸位固定的治疗,经6-18个月的随访,优良率86.84%。认为舟月分离是腕不稳定的主要因素之一。治疗首先要力急使骨折解剖复位,以纠正腕关节的动力性不稳定。  相似文献   

创伤性舟月骨分离的腕动力学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 通过生物力学研究,探讨腕创伤性舟月骨分离及临床并发症的生物力学机制和治疗要求。方法 采用7只新鲜冷冻尸体上肢,分别在腕关节完整、舟月骨间韧带切断、中度及重度舟月骨间隙增大四个实验测定腕关节屈伸和尺桡偏运动时,腕主要运动肌腱的滑动距离,并根据滑动距离和关节运动角度与力臂之间的关系计算机肌腱力臂。结果 在舟月骨间韧带切断后腕屈伸运动时桡侧伸腕肌腱的力臂明显增大;在舟月骨间韧带切断及舟月骨间隙增大  相似文献   

作者对38例Colles骨折合并舟月骨分离患者,采用适当延长对抗牵引时间.闭合手法复位,整复后中立位或轻度背伸位固定的治疗,经6~18个月的随访,优良率86.84%.认为舟月分离是腕不稳定的主要因素之一.治疗首先要力争使骨折解剖复位.以纠正腕关节的动力性不稳定:同时要恢复舟月骨之间正常的解剖关系,传统的掌屈尺偏位固定,不利于改善腕关节不稳定的状态.  相似文献   

Four-corner arthrodesis and proximal row carpectomy are motion-preserving salvage solutions for the scapholunate advanced collapse wrist. We compared both procedures in a non-randomised, retrospective study of 30 cases with a mean follow-up of 3(1/2) years. Pain relief and functional gain were equal in both treatment groups. However, the complication rate was higher in the four-corner arthrodesis group, partly because of the need for internal fixation. The higher incidence of carpal tunnel syndrome following four-corner arthrodesis is intriguing. We also found significant differences in the duration of hospital stay and of postoperative sick leave in favour of proximal row carpectomy. If the cartilage on the capitate head is well preserved (Stages I-II), we prefer proximal row carpectomy because of the socio-economic benefits, the lower complication rate and the ease of the procedure. Degenerative changes following proximal row carpectomy may be a concern in young manual labourers, but have not been observed.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Evaluate the influence of the position of the lunate on postoperative wrist motion in four-corner arthrodesis. METHODS: Six upper cadaveric limbs were evaluated, comparing the total arc of motion in each wrist after simulating four-corner arthrodesis. The lunate was fixed in 3 different positions: neutral (0 degrees ), extended (30 degrees ), and flexed (20 degrees ). Statistical analyses (ANOVA and Bonferroni tests) were carried out to establish the significance of differences in articular motion in these 3 positions. RESULTS: Significant statistical differences were observed in full wrist extension. No significant differences, however, were found in flexion-extension total arc of motion, radial deviation, or ulnar deviation. CONCLUSIONS: According to our results in this cadaveric model, the position of the lunate affects postoperative wrist flexion and extension after four-corner arthrodesis. The flexed lunate position increases postoperative wrist extension and restrains wrist flexion. Inversely, the extended lunate position improves articular flexion and limits extension. Total arc of motion of the fused wrist does not vary in the 3 lunate positions.  相似文献   

Four thousand wrist x-ray films were reviewed to establish the pattern of sequential changes in degenerative arthritis of the wrist. After eliminating all other arthritides, we studied 210 cases of degenerative arthritis. The most common pattern (57%) was arthritis between the scaphoid, lunate, and radius; 27% of cases occurred between the scaphoid, trapezium, and trapezoid; a combination of these two patterns occurred in 15%. Twenty operations were performed on 19 patients with the scapholunate advanced collapse pattern. Eighteen of 19 patients had less pain postoperatively and none required pain medication. Flexion-extension and radial-ulnar deviation motions showed considerable improvement after the operation.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical outcomes of the memory plates for four-corner fusion (FCF) of scaphoid non-union advanced collapse (SNAC). From 2005–2010, 11 cases of SNAC received FCF with the memory plate designed by the authors. At an average follow-up of 21 months, there were no non-unions and postoperative infections. One patient complained of dorsal impingement. The pain relief rate was 100% and the average grip strength increased from 11.3% preoperatively to 56.3% postoperatively of the contralateral side. The primary results of FCF with memory plates are promising. By its compressive property, the memory plate facilitates the arthrodesis with a lower complication rate.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Outcome evaluation of midcarpal arthrodesis in the treatment of scaphoid nonunion advanced collapse (SNAC-wrist) and scapholunate advanced collapse (SLAC-wrist). PURPOSE: Scaphoid nonunion or scapholunate ligament instability results in carpal collapse and subsequent arthrosis. These conditions, termed SLAC-wrist and SNAC-wrist, are the most common patterns of arthrosis in the wrist. The purpose of this retrospective study was the evaluation of functional outcomes following midcarpal arthrodesis and of patients' satisfaction with these outcomes. METHODS: Forty-nine patients were reexamined at a mean follow-up time of 47 months. Active range of motion (AROM) was verified with a goniometer; grip strength was measured with a JAMAR-Dynamometer II. Pain was evaluated by a visual analogue scale from zero to 100 (VAS 0-100) for stress and under resting conditions. Patients' upper-extremity functioning was captured with the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) questionnaire. Radiographic evaluation of bony consolidation was verified by conventional x-ray. RESULTS: Postoperative AROM was 56% and grip strength was 76% compared with the contralateral side. The DASH score was 29 points. Pain relief was 34% at rest and 31% after stress. Forty-five patients demonstrated bony consolidation in x-ray control. Six patients (12%) further required a total arthrodesis of the wrist because of pain or absence of bony consolidation. CONCLUSION: Our data demonstrate that midcarpal arthrodesis is a reliable procedure for treating SLAC- and SNAC-wrists in stages II and III and, furthermore, one which preserves some range of motion. Total wrist fusion should only be used in exceptional circumstances.  相似文献   

This study reports the outcome of 16 patients treated with a modified four-bone fusion for symptomatic stage II and III advanced carpal collapse. The technique is based on fusion of the capitate, lunate, hamate and triquetrum using an autogenous corticocancellous bone-graft fixed with screws. The void left behind after scaphoid excision was filled with an extensor carpi radialis longus anchovy. After an average follow up of 3 years; there were 13 excellent and three good outcomes. In every patient pain relief was achieved with preservation of joint motion and grip strength. All the patients were able to return to their previous activities and jobs. Radiographic evaluation showed bone fusion in all 16 patients with a slight decrease in carpal height but a well preserved radiolunate joint space. In conclusion, this technique provides immediate stable fixation and early mobilization and assures bone fusion.  相似文献   



The wrist is involved early in rheumatoid arthritis and is often severely affected. A stable wrist is crucial to good hand function, which often necessitates a fusion. One of the most commonly used techniques in rheumatoid patients is the Mannerfelt arthrodesis. In this retrospective study the outcome and the patient’s subjective satisfaction are presented and compared to other techniques. Also the influence of the position of the wrist following a fusion procedure is analysed.


Thirty-four wrists were retrospectively analysed using radiological measurements, functional scores such as the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) and a pain assessment. The objective function of the hand with the fused wrist was assessed.


In 92.6 % of wrists the patients rated their satisfaction as good or excellent. The mean DASH score post-operatively was 63.3. Of the wrists, 17 were fixed in a median flexed position of 13° and 17 wrists in a median extended position of 8°. There was no statistically significant correlation between the position of the wrist and the satisfaction or objective function. The rate of fusion was 94.1 %.


The Mannerfelt arthrodesis achieves good results and provides a high rate of satisfaction and pain relief in our study. It has major advantages compared to other wrist fusion techniques in the rheumatoid patient. We could not show clear statistical evidence for better results in either a flexed or an extended position, but the ratings of the patients indicated better subjective results with a slightly extended position of the arthrodesis.  相似文献   

Thirty-six patients with stage II or III SNAC and SLAC wrists were treated by midcarpal arthrodesis and complete scaphoid excision. When assessed at a mean follow-up of 25 months, pain was significantly reduced both under resting and stress conditions. The active range of motion was 54% of the contralateral wrist and grip strength was 65% of the non-operated hand. The mean DASH score was 28 points, the Mayo wrist score was 63 points, and the Krimmer wrist score was 68. Correlation of the wrist scores with the DASH values demonstrated a significant correlation. Our data demonstrate that midcarpal fusion with complete excision of the scaphoid is a reliable procedure for treating advanced carpal collapse.  相似文献   

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