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营养性贫血患者十二指肠降部粘膜组织学和超微结构观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用常规胃镜下十二指肠降部粘膜活检,对降部粘膜绒毛组织学及微绒毛超微结构进行观察并行相应图像定量分析。营养性贫血组21例,包括9例巨幼细胞贫血,12例缺铁性贫血,其中6例行电镜观察。对照组26例,其中11例行电镜观察。结果,营养性贫血组绒毛长度显著缩短(P<0.01),绒毛宽度显著增宽(P<0.01),隐窝深度明显加深(P<0.01),本组多有不同程度的萎缩,中、重度萎缩占14/21(χ ̄2=6.01,P<0.05)。组织学观察还可见不同程度的绒毛融合、扭曲和消失,核增大,粘膜下炎性细胞浸润。其中7例贫血纠正后复查十二指肠降部,粘膜活检表明粘膜萎缩和炎症程度明显减轻(P<0.01)。超微结构及图像定量观察表明微绒毛密度稀疏(P<0.01)、高度减低(P<0.01),表面积缩小(P<0.01),其它可见微绒毛长短不一、排列不齐、融合及萎缩、核变大。结果揭示了从绒毛到微绒毛的一系列改变,表明营养性贫血可以引起吸收不良的病理改变,纠正贫血后这种改变是可以恢复的。  相似文献   

目的观察高强度聚焦超声损伤幼猪肌肉组织后即时和延迟的超声影像学改变和病理学改变,为临床应用提供依据。方法实验幼猪后肢皮下肌内层高强度聚焦超声照射后即刻和存养2周后,观察照射靶区超声影像学改变和病理改变。结果高强度聚焦超声(HIFU)照射后靶区灰度明显增加,与正常组织界限清晰。光镜下靶区组织呈凝固性坏死。HIFU照射2周后凝固灶回声较前减弱,靶区灰度强弱不等,凝固灶体积较前有缩小。与正常组织的界限清晰度较前下降。光镜下发现靶区肉芽组织生成。结论高强度聚焦超声能有效地损伤幼猪肌肉组织,使之发生凝固性坏死,治疗2周后靶区肉芽组织生成。为HIFU治疗软组织肿瘤提供了实验依据。  相似文献   

高强度聚焦超声定位损伤幼猪肌肉组织的即时和延迟反应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 观察高强度聚焦超声损伤幼猪肌肉组织后即时和延迟的超声影像学改变和病理学改变,为临床应用提供依据。方法 实验幼猪后肢皮下肌内层高强度聚焦超声照射后即刻和存养2周后,观察照射靶区超声影像学改变和病理改变,结果高强度聚焦超声(HIFU)照射后靶区灰度明显增加,与正常组织界限清晰。光镜下靶区组织呈凝固性坏死。HIFU照射2周后凝固灶回声较前减弱,靶区灰度强弱不等,凝固灶体积较前有缩小。与正常组织的界限清晰度较前下降。光镜下发现靶区肉芽组织生成。结论高强度聚焦超声能有效地损伤幼猪肌肉组织,使之发生凝固性坏死,治疗2周后靶区肉芽组织生成。为HIFU治疗软组织肿瘤提供了实验依据。  相似文献   

In Bartonella muris carrier stock certain changes are observed in the lymphoblastic and reticular and endothelial elements after splenectomy and recovery from the anemia. These changes appear 3 to 5 months after splenectomy and are associated with immunity to further infection with Bartonella muris. The changes consist primarily of hyperplasia of hemolymph tissue, hyperplasia of reticular and endothelial elements of lymph nodes, the formation of lymphoblastic foci periportally in the liver and peribronchially and perivascularly in the lung, regeneration of all elements of the thymus and marked hyperplasia of all elements of the bone marrow (increased hematopoiesis).  相似文献   

1. Three different inbred lines of rats were found to vary in their response to antikidney serum: rats of the Whelan strain were most susceptible to nephrotoxin and most prone to develop chronic glomerulonephritis immediately following the acute injury induced by this agent; animals of the Evans strain were almost as vulnerable to the acute effects of nephrotoxin; Wistar rats were the least affected. 2. Both Evans and Wistar rats usually recovered quickly from the acute injury, and between the 2nd and 5th months after injection they excreted normal or only slightly abnormal urines. During this period of absence of clinical signs of disease, histopathological examination of their kidneys revealed only minor scarring in the glomerular tufts. 3. Most of these apparently recovered rats subsequently developed a slowly progressing chronic glomerulonephritis irrespective of whether they were fed a basal or high protein diet. 4. Histopathologically similar renal lesions were present in all three strains of rats with active chronic nephritis regardless of whether the chronic disease followed immediately the acute nephrotoxic injury or was separated from it by an interval of months. These lesions were somewhat more severe, however, in Whelan rats. 5. Some intraglomerular scarring was present in the kidneys of all rats which survived acute nephrotoxic nephritis. It was especially prominent in those animals that remained clinically cured for as long as a year. 6. The permanent clinical recovery of certain animals, which were found to have moderate glomerular fibrosis on postmortem examination, suggests that factors other than this residual scarring contributed to the development of the recurrent nephritis observed in most of the Evans and Wistar rats. These unknown factors may produce varying degrees of renal functional trauma affecting both glomeruli and tubules.  相似文献   

1. In vitamin A deficiency, the replacement stratified keratinizing epithelium is morphologically identical in all locations. 2. All cells of the lowermost layer of the replacement epithelium have proliferative power as in the stratum germinativum of epidermis. 3. In recovery, in spite of the complete morphological masking, the epithelium in each region returns to its normal type. 4. The important histological features of repair involve removal of the layers of cells irreversibly differentiated towards keratinization and direct differentiation of the stratum germinativum into the normal type. These take place simultaneously. 5. The histological sequences observed in the removal of cells above the stratum germinativum indicate that autolysis as shown by vacuolar degeneration and heterolysis as shown by leucocytic infiltration are involved. 6. The cycle of A deficiency metaplasia and recovery affords an experimental method available for the correlation of nuclear chromatin and types of cytoplasmic activities.  相似文献   

Non-absorbable antibiotics, neomycin sulfate or polymyxin B, prevent death from an otherwise lethal dose of whole body radiation by suppressing the activity of the Gram-negative bacterial flora of the intestinal tract. The protective effect of such suppression has been evaluated over a range of radiation exposure from 325 to 675 r. Coliform-free animals uniformly survive exposure to 550 r, a dose which is regularly lethal for coliform bearing animals. When antibiotic treatment is begun within 1 hour after 550 r whole body radiation, survival is the rule. Delay in starting treatment is critical, for the longer the delay, the higher the mortality, even though the stool cultures meanwhile become coliform-free. When antibiotic is started prior to or immediately after radiation exposure, it must be continued for at least 3 weeks if maximum effectiveness is to be obtained. The shorter the postradiation period of treatment, the greater the mortality. This suggests that the defense systems involved require protection for at least 3 weeks in order to permit return of maximal function. The non-absorbable intestinal antibiotics are effective only when cultural data demonstrate successful elimination of the coliform flora in the gut.  相似文献   

The protective substances produced by vaccinia virus in swine are transmitted repeatedly to the young by way of the colostrum of the sow. In 2 instances suckling immunity was demonstrable in the young of 6 successive farrowings which numbered 37 and 57 individuals, respectively. The immunity acquired by suckling began to decline during the 2nd month and was practically negligible by the end of the 3rd month. Vaccinia virus introduced cutaneously during the first few days of life in the passively protected pigs exerted little or no immunizing effect.  相似文献   

The data derived from the above described investigations indicate that dogs do not develop hypersensitivity to the pneumococcus as the result of experimental lobar pneumonia. This inference is based on the following findings: 1. Fifteen dogs were given Type I and Type II pneumococcus lobar pneumonia and following recovery were tested for hypersensitiveness by means of intrabronchial and intracutaneous injections of the autolysate made from the homologous pneumococcus. 2. Seven dogs showed a pulmonary lesion discernible with the X-ray at site of the autolysate inoculation; three of these dogs were normal controls. 3. No evidence of a positive skin reaction was found in any of the fifteen dogs, many of which received repeated infections and intradermal autolysate injections. 4. Subsequent infections in the same animals were definitely milder than the initial infection. 5. The infections following the administration of intrapulmonary and cutaneous autolysate were practically of the same intensity as the initial infection. 6. Temperature, pulse rates, white blood counts and differential blood pictures showed no significant variations following intrapulmonary injection of autolysate. 7. Tests for the acquisition of humoral immune bodies following autolysate injection and recovery from the experimental disease showed the presence of these substances in some of the dogs and their absence in others. 8. Study of the pathology of the pulmonary lesions produced by the autolysate failed to reveal histological changes characteristic of an allergic reaction. However, the presence of perivascular accumulations of large mononuclear cells observed in the lesions of the recovered dogs does suggest a locally accelerated reactivity of the fixed tissue cells to the products of the pneumococcus.  相似文献   

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