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With the objectives of clarifying the concepts related to "cardiometabolic risk," "metabolic syndrome" and "risk stratification" and presenting practical strategies to identify and reduce cardiovascular risk in multiethnic patient populations, the Cardiometabolic Working Group presents an executive summary of a detailed analysis and position paper that offers a comprehensive and consolidated approach to the identification and management of cardiometabolic risk. The above concepts overlap and relate to the atherogenic process and development of type 2 diabetes. However, there is confusion about what these terms mean and how they can best be used to improve our understanding of cardiovascular disease treatment and prevention. The concepts related to cardiometabolic risk, pathophysiology, and strategies for identification and management (including health behaviours, pharmacotherapy, and surgery) in the multiethnic Canadian population are presented. "Global cardiometabolic risk" is proposed as an umbrella term for a comprehensive list of existing and emerging factors that predict cardiovascular disease and/or type 2 diabetes. Health behaviour interventions (weight loss, physical activity, diet, smoking cessation) in people identified at high cardiometabolic risk are of critical importance given the emerging crisis of obesity and the consequent epidemic of type 2 diabetes. Vascular protective measures (health behaviours for all patients and pharmacotherapy in appropriate patients) are essential to reduce cardiometabolic risk, and there is growing consensus that a multidisciplinary approach is needed to adequately address cardiometabolic risk factors. Health care professionals must also consider ethnicity-related risk factors in order to appropriately evaluate all individuals in their diverse patient populations.  相似文献   

《Digestive and liver disease》2019,51(11):1522-1536
Multichannel intraluminal impedance pH (MII-pH) monitoring currently represents the gold standard diagnostic technique for the detection of gastro-esophageal reflux (GER), since it allows to quantify and characterize all reflux events and their possible relation with symptoms. Over the last ten years, thanks to its strengths and along with the publication of several clinical studies, its worldwide use has gradually increased, particularly in infants and children. Nevertheless, factors such as the limited pediatric reference values and limited therapeutic options still weaken its current clinical impact. Through an up-to-date review of the available scientific evidence, our aim was to produce a position paper on behalf of the working group on neurogastroenterology and acid-related disorders of the Italian Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (SIGENP) on MII-pH monitoring technique, indications and interpretation in pediatric age, in order to standardise its use and to help clinicians in the diagnostic approach to children with GER symptoms.  相似文献   

Neonatal and infantile cholestasis (NIC) can represent the onset of a surgically correctable disease and of a genetic or metabolic disorder worthy of medical treatment. Timely recognition of NIC and identification of the underlying etiology are paramount to improve outcomes.Upon invitation by the Italian National Institute of Health (ISS), an expert working grouped was formed to formulate evidence-based positions on current knowledge about the diagnosis of NIC.A systematic literature search was conducted to collect evidence about epidemiology, etiology, clinical aspects and accuracy of available diagnostic tests in NIC. Evidence was scored using the GRADE system. All recommendations were approved by a panel of experts upon agreement of at least 75% of the members. The final document was approved by all the panel components.This position document summarizes the collected statements and defines the best-evidence diagnostic approach to cholestasis in the first year of life.  相似文献   

Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) is increasingly used to assess medical patients. It has many uses in daily clinical practice, including improved diagnostic timeliness and accuracy, and providing information about a patient's prognosis and follow-up. It has been integrated into numerous specialities, but remains relatively undefined in internal medicine training programs. Ultrasonography is a useful tool in the standard clinical practice of internists in numerous clinical scenarios (Emergency Department, hospital ward, general and specific consultations, and home care). Although POCUS has been recently included in the European curriculum of internal medicine, there are differences between European internists in its use, ranging from not at all to well structured educational programs. The use of POCUS needs to be widespread in internal medicine departments, and to accomplish this we must encourage structured training. This document details the consensus-based recommendations by the European Federation of Internal Medicine (EFIM) Ultrasound working group. We establish POCUS core competencies and clinical settings for internists in a symptom-based approach. We also propose training requirements, providing a framework for training programs at a national level.  相似文献   

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a fatal progressive lung disease occurring in adults. In the last decade, the results of a number of clinical trials based on the updated disease classification have been published. The registration of pirfenidone and nintedanib, the first two pharmacological treatment options approved for IPF, marks a new chapter in the management of patients with this disease. Other nonpharmacological treatments such as lung transplantation, rehabilitation and palliation have also been shown to be beneficial for these patients. In this review, past and present management is discussed based on a comprehensive literature search. A treatment algorithm is presented based on available evidence and our overall clinical experience. In addition, unmet needs with regard to treatment are highlighted and discussed. We describe the development of various treatment options for IPF from the first consensus to recent guidelines based on evidence from large‐scale, multinational, randomized clinical trials, which have led to registration of the first drugs for IPF.  相似文献   

Background and aimsTotal fruit consumption is important for cardiovascular disease prevention, but also the variety and form in which is consumed. The aim of the study was to assess the associations between total fruit, subgroups of fruits based on their color and fruit juices consumption with different cardiometabolic parameters.Methods and resultsA total of 6633 elderly participants (aged 55–75 years) with metabolic syndrome from the PREDIMED-Plus study were included in this analysis. Fruit and fruit juice consumption was assessed using a food frequency questionnaire. Linear regression models were fitted to evaluate the association between exposure variables (total fruit, subgroups based on the color, and fruit juices) and different cardiometabolic risk factors. Individuals in the highest category of total fruit consumption (≥3 servings/d) had lower waist circumference (WC) (β = ?1.04 cm; 95%CI:-1.81, ?0.26), fasting glucose levels (β = ?2.41 mg/dL; 95%CI(-4.19, ?0.63) and LDL-cholesterol (β = ?4.11 mg/dL; 95%CI:-6.93, ?1.36), but, unexpectedly, higher systolic blood pressure (BP) (β = 1.84 mmHg; 95%CI: 0.37, 3.30) and diastolic BP (β = 1.69 mmHg; 95%CI:0.83, 2.56) when compared to those in the lowest category of consumption (<1 servings/d). Participants consuming ≥1 serving/day of total fruit juice had lower WC (β = ?0.92 cm; 95%CI:-1.56, ?0.27) and glucose levels (β = ?1.59 mg/dL; 95%CI:-2.95, ?0.23) than those consuming <1 serving/month. The associations with cardiometabolic risk factors differed according to the color of fruits.ConclusionFruit consumption is associated with several cardiometabolic risk factors in Mediterranean elders with metabolic syndrome. The associations regarding BP levels could be attributed, at least partially, to reverse causality bias inherent to the cross-sectional design of the study.  相似文献   

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, spreading in Italy during the first months of 2020, abruptly changed the way of practicing medicine in this country. As a consequence of the lockdown, the diagnostic and therapeutic management of paediatric chronic conditions, such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) has been affected. During the peak of COVID-19 pandemic, elective visits, endoscopies and infusions have been postponed, with potential clinical and psychological impact on disease course and a high likelihood of increasing waiting lists. While slowly moving back towards normality, clinicians need to recognize the best ways to care for patients with IBD, carefully avoiding risk factors for new potential epidemic outbreaks. In this uncertain scenario until the development and spread of COVID-19 vaccine, it is necessary to continue to operate with caution. Hereby we provide useful indications for a safer and gradual restarting of routine clinical activities after COVID-19 peak in Italy.  相似文献   

Mounting evidence supports the hypothesis that functional foods containing physiologically-active components may be healthful. Longitudinal cohort studies have shown that some food classes and dietary patterns are beneficial in primary prevention, and this has led to the identification of putative functional foods. This field, however, is at its very beginning, and additional research is necessary to substantiate the potential health benefit of foods for which the diet–health relationships are not yet scientifically validated. It appears essential, however, that before health claims are made for particular foods, in vivo randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials of clinical end-points are necessary to establish clinical efficacy. Since there is need for research work aimed at devising personalized diet based on genetic make-up, it seems more than reasonable the latter be modeled, at present, on the Mediterranean diet, given the large body of evidence of its healthful effects.The Mediterranean diet is a nutritional model whose origins go back to the traditional diet adopted in European countries bordering the Mediterranean sea, namely central and southern Italy, Greece and Spain; these populations have a lower incidence of cardiovascular diseases than the North American ones, whose diet is characterized by high intake of animal fat. The meeting in Naples and this document both aim to focus on the changes in time in these two different models of dietary habits and their fall out on public health.  相似文献   

As an adjunct to transthoracic, transesophageal and stress echocardiography, contrast echocardiography (CE) improves the diagnostic accuracy of technically suboptimal studies when used in conjunction with harmonic imaging. Intravenous ultrasound contrast agents are indicated for left ventricular (LV) opacification and improvement of LV endocardial border delineation in patients with suboptimal acoustic windows. Demonstrated benefits of CE include improvement in the accuracy of LV measurements, regional wall motion assessment, evaluation of noncompaction cardiomyopathy, thrombus detection, Doppler signal enhancement and conjunctive use with stress echocardiography. Studies have shown the value of CE in the assessment and quantification of myocardial perfusion, and recent clinical trials have suggested a role for contrast perfusion imaging in the stratification of patients with suspected coronary artery disease. While it adds some time and cost to the echocardiographic study, CE frequently obviates the need for additional specialized, expensive and less accessible cardiac investigations, and allows for prompt and optimal subsequent patient management. Despite its proven advantages, CE is presently underused in Canada, and this situation will, unfortunately, not improve until several barriers to its use are overcome. Resolving these important hurdles is vital to the future of CE and to its eventual implementation into clinical practice of promising contrast-based diagnostic and therapeutic applications, including the assessment of perfusion by myocardial CE.  相似文献   

Laboratory studies have found that short-term sleep restriction is associated with impairments in glucose metabolism, appetite regulation and blood pressure regulation. This chapter reviews the epidemiologic evidence for an association between habitual sleep duration and quality and risk of cardiometabolic diseases including obesity, diabetes and hypertension. Multiple studies observed a cross-sectional association between short sleep duration (generally <6 h per night) and increased body mass index or obesity, prevalent diabetes and prevalent hypertension. Many studies also reported an association between self-reported long sleep duration (generally >8 h per night) and cardiometabolic disease. There have been a few prospective studies and several, but not all, have found an association between short sleep and incident diabetes, hypertension and markers of cardiovascular disease. Future prospective epidemiologic studies need to include objective measures of sleep, and intervention studies are needed in order to establish a causal link between impaired or insufficient sleep and cardiometabolic disease risk.  相似文献   

Ageing is the greatest challenge that health-care systems will have to deal with this century. This is because a wide spectrum of pathological impairments emerge in the later part of the human life course which sharply increase mortality and reduce quality of life. Dysfunction of the immune system with advancing age is of crucial importance to the development of disability in later life and finally death. Understanding immune ageing, immunosenescence, has long been recognised as an essential prerequisite for the delivery of effective interventions which will improve late life health. Ten years ago, the ImAginE consortium undertook a broad ranging series of projects which added significantly to our understanding of how fundamental ageing mechanisms drove immune decline. In the decade which followed, abundant evidence has accumulated from nonhuman model systems that ageing results from the progressive operation of a relatively few common processes which act across the major organ systems. These advances in fundamental understanding both allow better clarification of the potential cross-system dysregulation that occurs in ageing and open new avenues for intervention. Over the course of a 2-day workshop, the original ImAginE participants have considered these issues and present some suggestions for current priority areas in immunosenescence.  相似文献   

戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)是一种单链、无包膜的RNA病毒,属于肝炎病毒属戊型肝炎病毒科.目前已知的可感染人类的HEV有4种不同的基因型(1~4型),详见表1.HEV基因1型主要在亚洲、非洲流行,而基因2型主要在非洲、中美洲流行.最近有报道显示猪可作为基因1型的动物宿主,目前尚不知基因2型的动物宿主.基因3型主要流行于欧洲和北美,它能感染多种动物,被认为是一种人畜共患感染的病毒.基因4型已在东南亚与欧洲的马蝇中被发现.  相似文献   

The cardiovascular risk associated with the polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) has recently attracted much interest. Women with PCOS are more likely to fulfill the diagnosis of the metabolic syndrome, a cluster of related cardiometabolic factors known to predict long-term risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. We review the literature pertaining to the link between the metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, and PCOS. We focus on the influence of obesity and hyperandrogenemia, and on strategies for identifying cardiovascular risk in PCOS.  相似文献   

We defined respiratory sarcopenia as a coexistence of respiratory muscle weakness and decreased respiratory muscle mass. Although respiratory muscle function is indispensable for life support, its evaluation has not been included in the regular assessment of respiratory function or adequately evaluated in clinical practice. Considering this situation, we prepared a position paper outlining basic knowledge, diagnostic and assessment methods, mechanisms, involvement in respiratory diseases, intervention and treatment methods, and future perspectives on respiratory sarcopenia, and summarized the current consensus on respiratory sarcopenia. Respiratory sarcopenia is diagnosed when respiratory muscle weakness and decreased respiratory muscle mass are observed. If respiratory muscle mass is difficult to measure, we can use appendicular skeletal muscle mass as a surrogate. Probable respiratory sarcopenia is defined when respiratory muscle weakness and decreased appendicular skeletal muscle mass are observed. If only respiratory muscle strength is decreased without a decrease in respiratory function, the patient is diagnosed with possible respiratory sarcopenia. Respiratory muscle strength is assessed using maximum inspiratory pressure and maximum expiratory pressure. Ultrasonography and computed tomography are commonly used to assess respiratory muscle mass; however, there are insufficient data to propose the cutoff values for defining decreased respiratory muscle mass. It was jointly prepared by the representative authors and authorized by the Japanese Society for Respiratory Care and Rehabilitation, Japanese Association on Sarcopenia and Frailty, Japanese Society of Respiratory Physical Therapy and Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Nutrition. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2023; 23: 5–15 .  相似文献   

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