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Industrial composting is a relatively new and expanding activity. Several studies indicate that compost workers are at risk to develop health symptoms. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of work-related health symptoms among compost workers compared with control subjects.


A questionnaire was distributed among 62 workers (31 exposed and 31 non-exposed workers). Data were analyzed using simple and multiple logistic regression analyses.


Workers exposed to organic dust reported significantly more often respiratory, irritation (e.g., eyes, nose and throat), gastrointestinal, and skin symptoms than the non-exposed group. Moreover, all work-related symptoms were significantly more often reported by exposed than non-exposed workers. After adjustment for smoking status and age, the associations between exposure and respiratory, gastrointestinal, and skin symptoms remained statistically significant, in particular if these symptoms were work-related.


This study confirms that workers at compost facilities are at risk to develop occupational health problems, most likely related to organic dust exposure.  相似文献   

A prospective study was conducted in order to describe the incidence of eye symptoms, nose or throat symptoms, asthma and bronchitis among cleaners compared with former cleaners and according to the 'use of sprayers'. In 1989 and in 1991 questionnaire-based studies were conducted among female cleaners employed at Danish nursing homes, schools and offices. A cohort of 1,011 females was followed over two years. At baseline in 1989, the average age was 45 years and the average of seniority was 10 years. Overall, the cleaners tended to have the same or higher risk of developing respiratory symptoms compared to former cleaners. The 'use of sprayers' during the follow-up period was associated with an increased risk of eye and respiratory symptoms.  相似文献   

Studies have indicated that cleaners are at risk for musculoskeletal symptoms (MSS). In 2001, the Norwegian Labor Inspectorate suggested improvements in cleaners' work environment to reduce MSS. We estimate prevalence of MSS among cleaners in a Norwegian hospital that had implemented improvements to reduce risk of MSS and calculate relative risk of MSS among cleaners compared to a group of office workers. Data were collected from 255 participants. MSS were investigated using the Nordic Questionnaire for Analysis of Musculoskeletal Symptoms. Cleaners reported a significantly higher prevalence of MSS compared to office workers but a lower prevalence compared to similar studies among cleaners in other countries. This may indicate that working conditions in Norway are better than in other countries; further studies are needed to compare MSS and working conditions in different settings.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to determine whether the prevalence of respiratory symptoms differed among workers exposed to different types of metal-working fluids. As part of a mandatory surveillance system for occupational illness, from 1988-1994, the Michigan Department of Public Health received, 86 occupational disease reports of work-related asthma secondary to exposure to metal-working fluids. As part of a public health program, follow-up industrial hygiene inspections, including medical interviews of the workforce, were performed at companies where the reported cases had become ill. Metal-working fluids were the second most common cause of work-related asthma reported in the state. Most of the reports were from the automobile industry. Follow-up inspections were conducted at 37 facilities where the individuals with work-related asthma had worked. Seven hundred and fifty-five workers at these facilities were interviewed. Only one facility was above the allowable oil mist standard. Despite the exposure levels being within the legal limits, approximately 20% of the fellow workers of the reported cases had daily or weekly respiratory symptoms suggestive of work-related asthma. Workers exposed to emulsified, semisynthetic, or synthetic machining coolants were more likely to have chronic bronchitis; to have visited a doctor for shortness of breath; to have visited a doctor for a sinus problem; to be bothered at work by nasal stuffiness, runny nose, or sore throat; and to have an increased prevalence of respiratory symptoms consistent with work-related asthma, compared to workers exposed to mineral oil metal-working fluids. These findings were found in individuals who currently smoked, had never smoked or were ex-cigarette smokers. Further research to determine the chemical components or microbial contaminants responsible for these findings is needed. Am. J. Ind. Med. 32:325–331, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Work-related respiratory symptoms in New Zealand farmers   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
BACKGROUND: The first national survey of the respiratory health of New Zealand farmers looked at the prevalence of respiratory symptoms by farm type and work exposure. METHODS: An 8-page questionnaire was mailed to 2,203 farmers randomly selected from all over New Zealand. RESULTS: Response rate was 77.6% of 2,203, or 1,706 participants. Breathing problems at work were reported by 17.6% of farmers. Working with oats was strongly associated with work-related breathing problems (OR = 3.3, 2.1-5.2). Dyspnea was more common in female farmers, whereas chronic bronchitis was higher in males. Orchardists (OR = 2.3, 1.3-4.0), those growing oat crops (OR = 3.0, 1.7-5.4) and using the grain mill (OR = 2.8, 1.3-6.3) reported the highest symptom rates of ODTS/FL. Having hay fever or eczema, and smoking were risk factors for all respiratory symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: Working in the areas of pigs, poultry, horses, grains, and hay are associated with respiratory symptoms in New Zealand farmers.  相似文献   



Dental assistants help the dentist in preparing material for filling teeth. Amalgam was the filling material mostly commonly used in Norway before 1980, and declined to about 5% of all fillings in 2005. Amalgam is usually an alloy of silver, copper, tin and mercury. Copper amalgam, giving particularly high exposure to mercury was used in Norway until 1994. Metallic mercury is neurotoxic. Few studies of the health of dental assistants exist, despite their exposure to mercury. There are questions about the existence of possible chronic neurological symptoms today within this working group, due to this exposure. The aim of this study was to compare the occurrence of neurological symptoms among dental assistants likely to be exposed to mercury from work with dental filling material, compared to similar health personnel with no such exposure.  相似文献   



Research on the respiratory effect of exposure to solder fumes in electronics workers has been conducted since the 1970s, but has yielded inconsistent results. The aim of this meta-analysis was to clarify the potential association.


Effect sizes with corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for odds of respiratory symptoms related to soldering and spirometric parameters of solderers were extracted from seven studies and pooled to generate summary estimates and standardized mean differences in lung function measures between exposed persons and controls.


Soldering was positively associated with wheeze after controlling for smoking (meta-odds ratio: 2.60, 95% CI: 1.46, 4.63) and with statistically significant reductions in forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) (−0.88%, 95% CI: −1.51, −0.26), forced vital capacity (FVC) (−0.64%, 95% CI: −1.18, −0.10), and FEV1/FVC (−0.35%, 95% CI: −0.65, −0.05). However, lung function parameters of solderers were within normal ranges [pooled mean FEV1: 97.85 (as percent of predicted), 95% CI: 94.70, 100.95, pooled mean FVC: 94.92 (as percent of predicted), 95% CI: 81.21, 108.64, and pooled mean FEV1/FVC: 86.5 (as percent), 95% CI: 78.01, 94.98].


Soldering may be a risk factor for wheeze, but may not be associated with a clinically significant impairment of lung function among electronics workers.  相似文献   

Work-related respiratory disorders among Finnish farmers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several research projects on work-related respiratory diseases have been conducted in Finland. One of the largest, "Farmers' Occupational Health Programme," was conducted by the Social Insurance Institution of Finland during 1973-1983 in cooperation with Kuopio Regional Institute of Occupational Health and the National Board of Health. The main objective of the program was to develop a model for occupational health services for farmers. As a part of the program, postal surveys were conducted in 1979 and 1982. The surveys allowed an analysis of both the prevalence and the mean annual incidence of asthma, farmer's lung, and chronic bronchitis as well as of background variables related to the diseases. More than every tenth farmer suffered from these respiratory diseases. The occurrence of chronic bronchitis (the most common disease) was, in general, related to farming types in which grain crops (including animal feeds) were handled. Chronic bronchitis was most prevalent among farmers who worked in piggeries, implying a combined effect of grain dusts, dusts of animal origin, and development of the disease. Atopy predisposed to and had an additive effect with smoking on chronic bronchitis.  相似文献   

目的了解江苏南部农民急性生产性农药中毒情况和影响因素。方法采用分层整群随机抽样方法,在江苏南部抽取3个村庄共1 380名农民进行现场问卷调查,采用SPSS 16.0软件进行多因素非条件logistic回归分析。结果3个村庄农民的急性生产性农药中毒率为8.6%;性别、年龄、喷洒农药前不阅读标签、药械滴漏、用手擦汗、打药时身体受污染以及身体感到不适仍继续打药是急性生产性农药中毒的影响因素(P<0.05);使用农药中的危险行为得分与急性生产性农药中毒之间存在剂量-反应关系(R2=0.9840)。结论江苏南部农民急性生产性农药中毒发生率较高,使用农药中危险行为较多。  相似文献   

We report results of two pilot studies of the relationship between musculoskeletal disorders and work tasks in sheet metal workers. These two studies were undertaken as pilot investigations to determine if symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome or other work-related musculoskeletal symptoms are present in sheet metal workers, and to determine if we could begin to identify the factors in sheet metal work that cause them. In the first study, telephone interviews were conducted with 18 disabled sheet metal workers; the second survey entailed self-administered questionnaires completed by 47 active and retired sheet metal workers. Among the disabled workers, rotator cuff cases reported the greatest percent of time spent hanging duct, an overhead task commonly carried out during field work. Carpal tunnel cases reported more hand tool use than the rotator cuff cases. The questionnaire survey of active and retired workers found the proportion of time spent in a sheet metal shop (contrasted with field work) to be positively associated with hand symptoms; sheet metal workers who spent at least 65% of their time in the shop had an odds ratio of 3.4 for symptomatic hand cumulative trauma disorder (CTD) (p = 0.12). The proportion of time spent hanging duct was positively associated with both neck and shoulder symptoms, with odds ratios of 7.9 (p = 0.08) and 2.7 (p = 0.16), respectively. The results show that symptoms of neck, arm, and hand pain are common in sheet metal workers who are actively working, that carpal tunnel syndrome or hand pain is positively associated with more time spent working in the shop, and that shoulder pain or shoulder injuries is associated with work overhead (hanging duct). Ergonomic risks and cumulative trauma disorders have not been well characterized in the construction industry; these data strongly suggest that a subset of work tasks in construction increase the risk of cumulative trauma disorders.  相似文献   


The occupational hazards and respiratory symptoms of domestic cleaners in USA are largely unknown. We conducted a cross-sectional study among 56 Hispanic female domestic cleaner on their health status and frequency of cleaning products used and tasks performed. While women used multi-use products (60.0%) and toilet bowl cleaners (51.8%) most days of the week, many (39.3%) reported not using personal protective equipment while cleaning. Itchy/watery eyes (61.8%) and itchy nose (56.4%) were the most frequently reported symptoms. A history of physician-diagnosed asthma was reported by 14.3% while 33.9% had symptoms of bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BHR). In conclusion, this vulnerable population has high prevalence of physician-diagnosis asthma and BHR symptoms and is potentially exposed to myriad occupational hazards. Further research exploring associations between products use, cleaning tasks and respiratory symptoms is warranted.  相似文献   

Sewage operatives at five sewage treatment plants (n = 59) and controls not exposed to sewage (n = 55) were examined to determine work-related symptoms and inflammatory responses. Symptoms were elicited using a questionnaire, and spirometry was performed. Inflammatory markers were determined in blood and nasal lavage. Workplace endotoxin and hydrogen sulfide were measured and adeno- and enterovirus antibodies were evaluated in blood. Gastrointestinal and airway symptoms, joint pains, unusual tiredness, and toxic pneumonitis were more common among operatives, and the proportion of blood neutrophils was higher among operatives as compared with controls. A relationship was found between several reported symptoms and the inflammatory markers. Hydrogen sulfide levels were very low. Endotoxin levels were generally low, but high at some work sites.  相似文献   

As part of the Semiconductor Health Study, we performed a cross-sectional survey to assess prevalence of specific nonreproductive health outcomes and their association with occupational exposures. A total of 3,175 persons from eight manufacturing sites across the U.S. completed a health and work questionnaire (78% participation rate). After adjusting for confounders, responses from fabrication room (fab) workers indicated a greater risk than those of nonfab workers for upper respiratory symptoms (relative risk [RR] = 1.08; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.03-1.13); a dose-response effect with hours per day spent in fabs was observed. Fab workers also had greater prevalence for persistent wheezing (RR = 1.82; 95% CI = 1.15-2.87), Dermatitis within the past year (RR = 1.19; 95% CI = 1.04-1.35), and alopecia (RR = 1.73; 95% CI = 1.16-2.54). Female sex, a somatization index score, and smoking were important nonoccupational covariates. Increased respiratory symptoms MAy result from occupational exposures in fabs; further research is needed to identify causal agents and develop prevention strategies.  相似文献   

Although the main hazard in cement processing is dust and respiratory tract disorders are the most important group of occupational diseases in this industry, evidence for associations between exposure to cement dust and either respiratory symptoms or functional impairment has not been conclusive. This study was, therefore, undertaken to more thoroughly examine the effects of occupational exposure to cement dust on the respiratory system. The study population consisted of a group of 88, randomly selected, male workers with current exposure to cement dust and 80 healthy male office workers without present or past history of exposure to dust that served as the referent group. Subjects were interviewed and were given respiratory symptom questionnaires to answer. They also underwent chest X-ray and lung function tests. Additionally, personal dust monitoring for airborne inhalable and respirable dust was carried out at nine different worksites. Moreover, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) techniques were performed to determine the silica phases and the SiO2 contents of the dust samples. Levels of exposures to inhalable and respirable cement dust were estimated to be 53.4+/-42.6 and 26+/-14.2 mg/m3, respectively (Mean+/-SD). Statistical analysis of the data revealed that symptoms like regular cough, phlegm, wheezing and shortness of breath were significantly (p<0.05) more prevalent among exposed workers. Similarly, chest radiographs of exposed workers showed various degrees of abnormalities including emphysematous changes, old calcified granulomas, emphysematous changes associated with inflammatory processes, evidence of chronic inflammatory processes, focusal calcification of the lungs and infiltrative changes. However, no significant changes were noted in the radiographs of the referent group. Furthermore, exposed workers compared to their referent counterparts showed significant reductions in the parameters of lung function. In conclusions, our data provide corroborative evidence further substantiating the contention that exposure to cement dust is associated with respiratory symptoms and functional impairments.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a study carried out in Basrah during 1992 on the pattern of case management as a control measure of acute respiratory infection among children aged under five years. The study involved a detailed observation of cases attending 12 health centres in Basrah city and its suburbs. A total of 392 cases were included. The cases were almost equally distributed according to sex, a fact which may reflect that acute respiratory infections do not discriminate between sexes and that our society pays the same attention for males and females when they fall ill. Regarding severity, most of the cases were mild or moderate, only 5% were severe. The doctors were generally competent to handle cases of acute respiratory infection but they had a tendency to overprescribe antibiotics. They were very good in excluding non-severe cases but they tended to miss some severe cases. The implications of these findings were discussed and it was recommended that further specific studies be carried out.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: We examined the prevalence of work-related pain and injury and explored barriers to and experiences of reporting among workers. METHODS: We surveyed 941 unionized hotel room cleaners about work-related pain, injury, disability, and reporting. RESULTS: During the past 12 months, 75% of workers in our study experienced work-related pain, and 31% reported it to management; 20% filed claims for workers' compensation as a result of work-related injury, and 35% of their claims were denied. Barriers to reporting injury included "It would be too much trouble" (43%), "I was afraid" (26%), and "I didn't know how" (18%). An estimated 69% of medical costs were shifted from employers to workers. CONCLUSIONS: The reasons for underreporting and the extent of claim denial warrant further investigation. Implications for worker health and the precise quantification of shifting costs to workers also should be addressed.  相似文献   

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