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000648造纸废水污染环境对人体健康影响的调查/吴传业…//环境与健康杂志.一1999,16(1).一24~25 为了解造纸废水污染地面水及土壤环境对人群健康的影响,对常德市中河口镇生活在造纸废水污染环境中的399名村民和非污染区的104名村民进行了健康状况的调查,结果表明呼吸系统、消化系统、神经系统的症状、体征及皮肤色素沉着、皮炎、皮疹、搔痒的检出率污染区明显高于非污染区,经统计学分析差异均有显著性(J『)<0.01)。提示造纸废水的污染对人体健康已构成威胁。图0表3参1000649 北大园区室内空气质量卫生学研究/陆思华…//环境与健康杂志.199…  相似文献   

通过污染源调查、地下水源污染调查和污染区村民体检,证实是一起由化学试剂和金属制品厂含苯胺、铬废水渗漏引起地下水源污染的事故。  相似文献   

2003年1月4日至2月9日,重庆市某村发生一起毒鼠强污染饮用水源的中毒事件。该村45名村民饮用水后,21名村民陆续出现头痛、头昏、无力、恶心、呕吐、腹痛等症状,个别出现四肢抽搐,并有1名村民死亡。采水样检测出毒鼠强。经流行病学调查发现,部分村民自加工毒鼠强出售,在水井上方小堰塘旁冲洗加工工具,洗涤衣服,导致毒鼠强污染井水而使饮用该井水  相似文献   

摘要:目的 通过一起饮用污染水引起亚急性砷中毒事件的调查处置,总结经验,为今后类似事件处置提供参考。方法 对饮用污染水的村民有342人进行入户调查、体检并对其尿样进行检测,开展现场流行病学调查,对饮用水进行检测。结果 废弃矿洞水砷含量为2.40 mg/L,末梢水砷含量0.63 mg/L,水源水砷含量0.01 mg/L,水源水、末梢水、废弃矿洞水检测汞含量未超过国家饮用水标准限值;对342名饮用污染水村民尿砷检测,均值为(1.089±1.64)mg/L,临村45名没有饮用污染水村民尿样进行砷对比检测,均值为(0.134±0.163)mg/L。结论 结合病人临床表现、流行病学调查和实验室检验结果,共诊断亚急性砷中毒病例8例,判断本次事件为一起饮用水污染引起的砷中毒事件。  相似文献   

1985年5月,市郊北塘六队的饮用井水突然变味(臭荸荠味),呈淘米水色,村民即行淘干,发现井壁有白色水流渗出。调查证实,是油脂厂废水污染所致。 水井现况调查:水井建于1973年,供水  相似文献   

编辑同志: 我们村附近有一家联营的肉制品加工厂,经常排放废水和废气,严重污染农田和空气。我们曾向环保部门反映过,环保部门调查后责令该厂采取措施治理,但他们至今没有行动,村民们意见很大,准备自己动手,堵塞这家工厂排放废水和废气的管道。请问,我们这样做可以吗? 宁夏灵武市:刘宝玉  相似文献   

热污染是现代生活和工业生产中排放废热所造成的环境污染,主要污染对象是大气和水体,而涉及的领域却是方方面面。 据测定,火力发电厂、核电站和钢铁厂的冷却系统排出的热水,以及石油、化工、造纸等工厂排出的生产性废水中均含有大量废热。美国每天所排放的冷却用水达4.5亿立方米,接近全国用水量的  相似文献   

[目的]查明饮用水中毒事件的原因,为防止类似事件发生提供依据。[方法]对事件进行流行病学调查、实验室检测和临床资料分析。[结果]75名村民误食被农药污染水源,11名村民出现不同程度的中毒症状。水质检测结果:丙溴磷含量为0.0006-0.035mg/L,对硫磷含量为0.0012-0.12mg/L。[结论]本次是一起由有机磷农药污染饮用水水源的饮用水中毒事件。  相似文献   

1994年11月间,本市店口镇某自然村金属加工厂,在金属酸洗过程中,将未经处理的含铬废水任意排放,结果污染了附近井水,导致村民发生恶心、呕吐、腹痛等铬中毒症状.据查,该口水井位于厂下游60m左右处,水体外观混浊呈黄绿色,PH6.4,检出六价铬含量3.1mg/L,硫酸盐190.0 mg/L,进而对附近其它11  相似文献   

我们曾于1978年对会理锌矿含镉废水污染环境进行过调查,发现该矿废水对下游云甸公社的土壤、粮食、蔬菜和河水等污染严重。为了解该矿废水对社员健康是否有影响,我们于1980—1981年对该地社员健康状况进行了调查。  相似文献   

工业氟化物污染对环境与居民健康的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解工业氟化物污染对环境及人群健康的影响,方法:对某化工厂周围地区(污染区)环境介质(包括大气、土壤、蔬菜、杂草、树枝叶)的氟化物含量进行监测,对在污染区居住5年以上且无工业氟化物接触史的87人及对照区132人进行氟斑牙患病情况,头发和指甲氟化物含量的调查,结果:污染区的环境介质氟化物含量,人群氟斑牙发病率以及头发,指甲氟化物含量均明显高于对照区,结论:该化工厂的氟化物污染已周围环境及人群健康造成了危害。  相似文献   

蟒河沿岸居民健康状况的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用环境流行病学调查方法,以污染严重的黄河支流蟒河沿岸居民作为研究对象,以蟒河武陟段为污染区及与之相距10km的9个村庄为对照区对居民健康进行了调查研究。该研究结果显示,蟒河的污染造成了沿岸居民健康损害。  相似文献   

氟污染对人群健康影响调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究氟污染对人群健康的影响.方法对某大型化工厂厂区及周围水的氟化物含量进行监测,对氟污染区工人和儿童545人及周边村民对照组75人进行上呼吸道慢性炎症、尿氟、氟斑釉、SIgA、皮肤碱抗力的调查.结果工人咽炎和鼻炎高于儿童及对照区,工人、儿童氟斑釉高于村民对照组而SIgA低于村民对照组.结论氟污染已对周围人群健康造成了一定的影响.  相似文献   

矿山废水对饮用水水质及人群肿瘤死亡的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 评价某矿山废水对农村居民饮用水水质及肿瘤死亡的影响。方法对观察村和对照村分别进行家庭自用井水的水质分析和全人口死因调查。结果 某矿山废水在污染附近河流的同时,也对附近农村居民饮用井水水质产生影响,其铅、砷、汞元素含量分别高于对照点;观察村居民5a死亡率(3.09%)是对照村(1.55%)的1.99倍,其中观察村死亡以肿瘤为主(占50%),食道癌死亡占肿瘤死亡的54.24%;而对照村死亡以其他原因为主,肿瘤死亡仅占20%,多见于肝癌。结论 矿山废水已对附近农村居民饮用水水质和健康产生影响。  相似文献   

石门雄黄矿附近地区慢性砷中毒流行病学特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为研究石门雄黄矿附近地区人群慢性砷中毒的患病率及其分布特点,采用现况调查研究方法,以雄贡矿排放洗矿水河流下游的三个村庄为污染区,另选一个远离矿区无污染的村庄为对照,每个村子各选取在当地居住五年以上,无职业性砷接触史的居民约200人,进行体检并填写健康调查问卷。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the presence of exposure to inorganic mercury and its health effects among people living near a sewage sludge dumping site in Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan. In this area, sewage sludge and industrial waste have been dumped since 1975, and total mercury levels exceeding the water quality standards (0.0006-0.0020 mg/l) have been detected in seeping water and river water since July 1997. METHODS: The population for the present study comprised 48 subjects (aged 11-91 years) living near a sewage sludge dumping site and 49 subjects (aged 10-82 years) living in a non-polluted area. In November and December 1998, subjective symptoms of inorganic mercury exposure, history of occupational exposure to inorganic mercury, frequency of fish intake, sources of drinking water and other health habits were inquired by a self-administered questionnaire. Total mercury and total protein levels and N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase (NAG) activity in morning urine specimens were also measured. RESULTS: Among males, the proportion of subjects who complained of tremor in the hands (P = 0.02) and increased irritability (P = 0.10) was higher in the polluted area than in the control area. In addition, the proportion of those who did not report being easily fatigued was lower in the polluted area than in the control area (P = 0.07). Among females there was no significant difference in the prevalence of self-reported symptoms related to the central nervous system disturbance between the two areas. After adjustment for gender and age using logistic regression analysis, the prevalence of increased irritability was significantly higher (P = 0.05) and the proportion of those who did not report being easily fatigued was significantly lower (P = 0.03) in the polluted area than in the control area. However, there was no significant difference in the geometric mean of urinary total mercury concentration (microgram/g creatinine) between the polluted area (0.66, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.48-0.91 for men and 0.96, 95% CI 0.70-1.33 for women) and the control area (0.81, 95% CI 0.60-1.09 for men and 0.83, 95% CI 0.57-1.22 for women). There was no individual whose total mercury concentration in urine exceeded 30 micrograms/g creatinine, at which level of urinary total mercury toxic effects on the central nervous system have been reported in industrial workers. There was also no significant difference in the geometric means of urinary total protein level and NAG activity. CONCLUSION: There was no evidence of excessive exposure to inorganic mercury among residents in the polluted area. Thus, we concluded that the difference in the prevalence of subjective symptoms was not due to the direct effect of exposure to inorganic mercury. To prevent the contamination of water by taking measures against pollution sources, monitoring of the quality of drinking water, and finally to secure safe water supply by public waterworks are required.  相似文献   

白洋淀污染一直是国家和河北省所关注的问题,对白洋淀上游蓄污工程沿岸小环境调查表明;饮用深层地下水受到城市工业废水的污染,主要污染物为有机物。污染区儿童贫血率、白细胞计数、舒张压高于非污染区,白细胞吞噬率低于非污染区,居民恶性肿瘤标化死亡比高于非污染区,肝癌标化死亡比明显上升。  相似文献   

Various human activities result in the release of significant quantity of cadmium to the environment. The study population included adults (230) and children (100) residing near the tobacco plant and a control group, unexposed to elevated cadmium concentrations, living in unpolluted area in the same city. Biomonitoring methods were used to assess the effects of contaminated air on the health of the public (urine samples). Ambient air samples were collected near the cadmium-related plant and in unpolluted area during the last ten years. Values of cadmium concentrations in urine found in polluted area were in range of 0.05-0.42 microg/g creatinine for children and 0.15-1.96 microg/g creatinine for adults. The results indicated statistical significant age-dependent differences in urine cadmium concentration between polluted and unpolluted area for adults. Boys and men had significantly higher urine cadmium levels than girls and women, but in children there were no significant gender-dependent differences in cadmium excretion found out. In conclusion, the results from the present study indicate that cadmium urine concentration in polluted area are very high, particularly in children.  相似文献   

镉污染对育龄妇女生殖健康的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 探讨福建省政和县环境镉污染对女性生殖健康的影响。方法 根据环境镉污染检测结果,对镉污染较严重的2个自然村育龄妇女的生殖健康状况作调查,并与非污染区育龄妇女的生殖健康状况作对比。结果 污染区育龄妇女中,未婚女性的月经周期异常率、痛经发生率(分别为19.1%和42.6%)均高于非污染区(分别为5.7%和18.9%);污染区已婚妇女不孕症发生率(6.3%)高于非污染区已婚妇女(1.1%);已婚妇女前两胎妊娠时频发恶心、频发呕吐的发生率,前两胎早产发生率及前两胎死胎死产发生率(分别为44.7%、31.7%、10.27%和4.23%)高于非污染区已婚妇女(分别为26.5%、17.8%、2.85%和1.05%),差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);累积比数模型分析表明:在控制其他因素的影响后,居住在污染区的育龄妇女,其生殖功能受到损害的可能性更大,其相对危险度是居住在非污染区育龄妇女的2.072倍(95%CI:1.526~2.813)。结论 污染区育龄妇女生殖健康的各个方面已受到不同程度的影响。  相似文献   

The aim of the environmental epidemiological study was to determine possible adverse effects on the health of children in the environmentally polluted areas of Bitterfeld and Hettstedt compared to the less polluted area of Zerbst (Eastern Germany). The changes of the health parameters were recorded together with the environmental changes during the time period of 6 years. The study design consisted of three repeated regional cross-sectional studies in 1992/93, 1995/96 and 1998/99. In total, 7,611 questionnaires could be analysed (participation rate: 89%, 75% and 75%). Children living in the most polluted area of Hettstedt had a noticeable higher risk for non-allergic respiratory diseases and symptoms compared to children living in the control area of Zerbst. From 1992 to 1999 a statistically significant decrease in the prevalences of these health outcomes was found. Children without indoor pollutants in their homes had the greatest benefit by the improvement of ambient air quality. The increase in lung function (FVC, FEV1) also underlines the improvement of the respiratory health. Children living in the polluted areas reported allergies more often (physician's diagnosis, allergy specific antibodies). The prevalence of asthma, the bronchial hyperreactivity and atopic eczema was increased within the observational period of 6 years. An increased prevalence was also shown for more severe allergic sensitisation (RAST classes > 17.5 kU/l), while the prevalence of hay fever increased slightly on a non-significant level. The burden with lead and cadmium was higher in children living in polluted areas and decreased during the study period except for 1997 where the lead concentration in blood increased according to the higher lead concentration in settled dust in Hettstedt at that time.  相似文献   

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