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综讯 《中国中医药现代远程教育》2006,4(1):16-17
中医药防治人禽流感的研究有新突破我国对中医药防治禽流感及人禽流感的研究正紧张地进行,日前中国中医科学院召开了中医药防控人禽流感研究特别专项课题汇报会。在我国多个省份出现禽流感疫情的情况下, 国家中医药管理局对中国中医科学院紧急布置了“人禽流感防治方药的安全性评价和药效学研究”、“中医药防治人禽流感有效药物筛选”和“中医药防治流感样疾病安全性与有效性评价研究”等课题,现各课题在该院院长曹洪欣教授的参与 相似文献
12例干燥综合征临床观察 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
12例干燥综合征临床观察上海市第八人民医院中医科洪庆祥(200233)关键词:干燥综合征,清热解毒,大补阴丸干燥综合征(Sjogren’sSyndrome)是以外分泌腺损害为主的一种慢性炎症性自身免疫性疾病,中医将本病归为“燥证”范畴。刘完素《素问玄... 相似文献
解毒清络生津方治疗原发性干燥综合征33例 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
原发性干燥综合征是一种侵犯外分泌腺体尤以唾液腺为主的慢性全身免疫性疾病,临床以口干、眼干为主要症状[1]。笔者自2003年2月~2004年7月,采用自拟解毒清络生津方治疗本病33例,疗效满意,现报告如下。1临床资料本组33例均为我院门诊及住院病人,其中男性2例,女性31例;年龄32~71岁,平均43.1岁;病程1~25年,平均6.2年。诊断标准符合2002年干燥综合征国际诊断标准[2]。2治疗方法全部病例均予内服解毒清络生津方加减。处方:白花蛇舌草60g菊花12g连翘12g忍冬藤30g莪术30g生地30g玉竹10g乌梅9g五味子15g枸杞子20g桔梗6g玄参15g桑椹子10g白芍15g木… 相似文献
从毒瘀论治干燥综合征辨析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
干燥综合征(Sjogrens Syndrome,SS)亦称口眼干燥关节炎综合征或关节-眼-唾液腺综合症.本病根据其临床表现当属中医"燥证""燥毒""燥痹"等范畴.笔者近年来对本病进行深入的研究和分析,认为毒瘀在本病的发病中有重要作用,"津枯血瘀,燥热成毒"是本病的根本病机所在.所以,解毒化瘀药的正确配伍应用能收到一定的疗效,兹分析如下: 相似文献
从毒瘀论治干燥综合征辨析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
干燥综合征(Sjogrens Syndrome,SS)亦称口眼干燥关节炎综合征或关节一眼一唾液腺综合症。本病根据其临床表现当属中医“燥证”“燥毒”“燥痹”等范畴。笔者近年来对本病进行深入的研究和分析,认为毒瘀在本病的发病中有重要作用,“津枯血瘀,燥热成毒”是本病的根本病机所在。所以,解毒化瘀药的正确配伍应用能收到一 相似文献
活血化瘀化在干燥综合征中的应用 总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19
干燥综合征(Sjogren Syndrome简称SS)是常见的自身免疫性疾病之一,属于中医的燥正、痹证等范畴.笔者临床观察到,有相当一部分SS患者不仅可表现瘀血征象,而且实验室检查存在着血液流变学异常,以活血化瘀法为主治疗取得了较好效果,现将粗浅体会介绍如下. 相似文献
三段三方治疗干燥综合征 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
三段三方治疗干燥综合征苑丽娟辽宁中医学院附院(沈阳110032)干燥综合征(SS)是自身免疫性疾病,由于腺体被破坏和分泌功能缺陷引起的干燥症。中医虽然没有明确记载此病,但根据干燥综合征的临床表现为皮肤干涩、口干、鼻干、眼干、舌面或口唇裂纹、大便干燥等... 相似文献
中医典籍研究与英译工程启动中国社会科学院罗希文研究员从上世纪70年代初开始进行《本草纲目》的英译工作,前期准备工作用了20年,正式翻译用了10年。此书最近由外文出版社出版。译著共6卷,600多万字。罗希文1983年获得中国社会科学院研究生院法学硕士学位,1985年获得美国洛杉矶中西医科大学东方医学哲学博士学位,现为中国社会科学院哲学所研究员,国家级有突出贡献专家,享受国务院政府津贴。1979年至1982年就读中国社科院研究生院期间,罗希文翻译了中医学经典之一的《伤寒论》。1985年,由英国著名学者李约瑟作序,英文本《伤寒论》在中国大陆… 相似文献
本刊编辑 《中国中医药现代远程教育》2006,4(3)
中国中医科学院中药研究所 50年获奖达200多项 2005年12月18日,从中国中医科学院中药研究所成立 50周年庆祝大会上获悉,经过几代人的不懈努力,该所已发展成为学科比较齐全、技术力量比较雄厚、具有相当规模现代仪器设备的全国中医药重点科研单位之一。50年来,中药所共获 相似文献
Three new malyngamides, U (1), V (2), and W (3), all possessing an uncommon oxygenation pattern, have been isolated from the marine cyanobacterium Lyngbya majuscula collected in Papua New Guinea. The planar structures of these compounds were deduced from NMR data. Aspects of their relative stereochemistry were investigated using selective (1)H decoupling, 1D and 2D NOESY, and E-COSY experiments in three different NMR solvents. 相似文献
A new malyngamide, S (1), was isolated from a New Zealand collection of the sea hare Bursatella leachii and structurally characterized by spectroscopic methods and chemical degradation. Malyngamide S exhibited cytotoxicity and antiinflammatory properties. 相似文献
The guineamides (1-6) are novel cyclic depsipeptides isolated and characterized from a Papua New Guinea collection of the marine cyanobacterium Lyngbya majuscula. The planar structures of these new natural products were established using an extensive array of 1D and 2D NMR experiments, including HSQC, TOCSY, and HMBC. Absolute stereochemistry was determined using a combination of chemical manipulations as well as Marfey's method. These metabolites all contain beta-amino or beta-hydroxy carboxylic acid residues, an increasingly common feature in marine cyanobacterial metabolites. The identification of 2,2-dimethyl-3-hydroxyhexanoic acid (Dmhha) in guineamides E (5) and F (6) represents the first report of such a residue in a natural product. In addition, characterization of the unique beta-amino acid 2-methyl-3-aminopentanoic acid (Mapa) in guineamide A (1), which has also been reported as a component of several marine molluscan metabolites, especially from those of Dolabella auricularia, further supports the diet-derived nature of such compounds as isolated from marine invertebrates. Guineamides B (2) and C (3) possess moderate cytotoxicity to a mouse neuroblastoma cell line with IC(50) values of 15 and 16 microM, respectively. 相似文献
Han B McPhail KL Ligresti A Di Marzo V Gerwick WH 《Journal of natural products》2003,66(10):1364-1368
Semiplenamides A (1) to G (7), a series of new anandamide-like fatty acid amides, were isolated from a 1997 Papua New Guinea collection of the marine cyanobacterium Lyngbya semiplena. The planar structures of these lipids were determined using standard 1D and 2D NMR methods. The relative stereochemistry of the aliphatic portion of the new metabolites was deduced from 1D NOE data and (1)H-decoupling experiments, while the absolute stereochemistry of the amino alcohol moieties was assigned by chemical derivatization and chiral GC-MS methods. All of these new metabolites displayed toxicity in the brine shrimp model system, while semiplenamides A, B, and G showed weak affinity for the rat cannabinoid CB(1) receptor and semiplenamide A was a moderate inhibitor (IC(50) = 18.1 muM) of the anandamide membrane transporter (AMT). 相似文献
Cytotoxicity-guided fractionation of a strain of the marine cyanobacterium Lyngbya majuscula collected from Papua New Guinea led to the isolation of aurilides B (1) and C (2). The planar structures of 1 and 2 were established by spectroscopic analysis, including HR-FABMS, 1D (1)H and (13)C NMR, and 2D COSY, HSQC, HSQC-TOCSY, and HMBC spectra. The absolute configuration was determined by spectroscopic analysis and chiral HPLC analysis of acid hydrolysates of 1 and 2. Both aurilides B and C showed in vitro cytotoxicity toward NCI-H460 human lung tumor and the neuro-2a mouse neuroblastoma cell lines, with LC(50) values between 0.01 and 0.13 microM. Aurilide B (1) was evaluated in the NCI 60 cell line panel and found to exhibit a high level of cytotoxicity (the mean panel GI(50) concentration was less than 10 nM) and to be particularly active against leukemia, renal, and prostate cancer cell lines. 相似文献
于敬 《中华实用中西医杂志》2005,18(24):1900-1900
目前临床上习惯用一次性空针采血后分别注入各试管内,不足:1、如管内加有抗凝剂必须混匀,然后再送检验科检查。2、采血量不足或过多,选用抗凝剂不对或由于抗凝剂不够而发生凝块现象,不但延误检测,而且造成检验误差。3、开放性采血试管带来的污染也是造成误差原因之一。就目前我院刚刚开展的真空采血管讲解一下它与传统试管的区别和它的应用优点。 相似文献
A collection of 32 botanically identified medicinal plants from the slopes of Mt. Cameroon made by two Swedish settlers in the beginning of the last century is described and the literature is followed up. The drug names were found to be unaltered during the century passed. 相似文献
目的:探讨采血环境霉菌生长情况、生长原因与规律,找出预防和控制措施,确保血液质量,保障献血者和受血者安全。方法:统计2005—2009年每月站内采血室、流动采血车空气和物表霉菌检出情况,探讨采血环境霉菌生长规律。结果:(1)霉菌生长与季节有关:每年4—971份是采血环境霉菌生长时间,其中7—8月份最易滋生霉菌;(2)霉菌生长与采血环境有关:流动采血车较站内采血室容易生长霉菌;(3)霉菌生长与管理有关:加强管理可降低霉菌的检出率,2005—2009年采血环境霉菌生长逐年下降就证明了这点。结论:每年4—9月份,特别是每年7—8月份要加强采血环境的消毒灭菌工作;流动采血车更要加强消毒管理工作;建立采血环境的感染管理体系,加强采血环节全面质量管理工作,可有效控制采血环境的霉菌生长,提高采血环境的质量,避免和减少交叉感染的发生。 相似文献