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纤维支气管镜下带囊支架置入术治疗儿童气管狭窄2例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的:通过纤维支气管镜下带囊支架置入术治疗儿童气管狭窄,观察近期疗效和并发症。方法:例1,女,4月龄,因“发现心脏杂音3个月余,咳嗽10 d渐加重,伴发热、喘息3 d”入院,诊断为膜周部+肌部室间隔缺损,房间隔缺损(继发孔型),肺动脉高压,主气道下段及左右主支气管变形狭窄。行肺动脉环缩术,房间隔、室间隔缺损修补术+主动脉悬吊术成功后,术后2个月内3次撤离呼吸机均未成功。例2,女,1岁10个月,因“咳嗽1个月余”入院,诊断为左主支气管狭窄,EBV相关性噬血细胞淋巴组织细胞增生症。左侧支气管狭窄致使排痰困难,肺部反复感染,左肺气肿。2例患儿家长在充分了解纤维支气管镜下带囊支架置入术可能的风险后签署知情同意书。采用“边麻边进”方法行气道黏膜表面麻醉,例1和例2 选择带囊支架长度分别为24和29 mm,直径均为4 mm(均经雷帕霉素处理),由支架导入器送入纤维支气管镜,在纤维支气管镜直视下释放带囊支架,然后退出支架导入器。结果:2例患儿置入带囊支架后狭窄段气管扩张良好,带囊支架放置2~3个月随访,未见肉芽组织增生等并发症。结论:纤维支气管镜下带囊支架置入术治疗气管狭窄近期疗效较好,远期疗效尚待观察。 相似文献
患儿,男,20个月,咳喘1d,加重半天入院。查体:T36.5℃,P120次/min.R56次/min,神志清楚,呼吸急促,口周微绀,可见鼻扇及三凹征, 相似文献
儿童气管支气管异物临床诊治探讨 总被引:26,自引:3,他引:26
目的探讨儿童气道不同部位异物的临床特征、诊治方法及应用硬气管镜、纤维支气管镜或开胸等治疗方法的最佳时机.方法回顾性总结首都医科大学附属儿童医院纤维支气管镜(纤支镜)室1990年12月至2003年12月间诊治的下气道异物临床资料;应用纤支镜对硬气管镜难以取出、又无开胸指征的气道异物进行治疗;追踪临床转归.结果经纤支镜诊断下气道异物192例,位于Ⅱ级以下支气管159例;年龄12d至14岁;病程4h至8年,3d内仅24例.食物性异物146例,小塑料制品异物22例,仅18例可通过X线检查确诊异物.临床特点45例无确切异物史,41例有反复呼吸道感染,5例因植物性及硬果壳类异物致咯血,滞留达7个月至3年.X线表现肺炎113例(58.9%),肺不张50例(26.0%),肺透光增强及支气管阻塞征各37例(19.3%),纵隔摆动或心影反常大小28例(14.6%),胸膜炎或胸腔积液12例(6.3%),异物远端支气管扩张7例(3.6%),25例(13.0%)X线正常.转归取出异物175例开胸14例(其中6例病肺叶、段切除);硬气管镜取异物47例56次(3例未取出);纤支镜取118例并灌洗吸入性肺炎14例,共380次.治愈149例,好转41例,2例未愈.结论支气管异物临床过程不同于气管异物,是慢性肺疾患的病因之一;纤支镜检查直观、操作灵巧,可以发现硬气管镜和X线检查所不能发现的支气管异物,在治疗上弥补硬气管镜和单纯药物治疗的不足,避免慢性肺疾患的发生和发展. 相似文献
目的 了解儿童气管支气管异物的临床特征,为实施切实可行的预防措施提供依据。方法 回顾性分析2012年2月至2013年2月114例经纤维支气管镜确诊的气管支气管异物患儿的临床资料。结果 儿童气管支气管异物主要发生在1~3岁(71.9%),男童多于女童,性别比为2:1。冬季发生比例高于夏季。农村儿童气管支气管异物的发生比例较城市高。不同部位气管、支气管异物的CT阳性率存在明显差异,气管异物病例的胸部CT阳性率明显低于左、右主支气管异物(PP结论 儿童气管支气管异物的预防相关健康教育应以农村地区为重点;气管支气管异物多发于1~3岁幼儿;对于气管支气管异物疑诊病例,需尽早行支气管镜检查确诊。 相似文献
患儿,女,10岁,因间断咳嗽气喘2年,加重10d入院。2年前患儿受凉后开始出现咳嗽伴有气喘,经抗感染治疗后可缓解,但此后易反复发作,曾数次因“支气管肺炎”、“支气管哮喘”等住院治疗。10d前患儿再次出现咳嗽伴有气喘,并出现进行性呼吸困难,端坐呼吸,不能平躺,在当地治疗无好转后 相似文献
目的探讨儿童气管支气管异物的临床特征。方法回顾性分析天津市儿童医院2011年6月至2016年6月行支气管镜诊断和治疗的84例气管支气管异物患儿的一般情况、吸入史、病程、异物种类、异物滞留部位、临床表现及影像学特征。结果儿童气管支气管异物好发于男童(男∶女为2.23∶1),主要发病年龄为6个月至3岁(89.29%),患儿居住地农村多于城市(城市30.95%,农村69.05%),尤以农村男童为高发人群(P0.05)。能够准确提供异物吸入病史有助于早期确诊及治疗(P0.05)。吸入异物种类以可食性异物为主,以坚果类多见。气管支气管异物滞留于左、右主支气管的比例差别不大,但滞留于右侧叶支气管病例数多于左侧。不同的气道滞留部位所引起的临床症状有区别。最常见症状为咳嗽(98.81%)和喘息(58.33%),影像学有肺气肿(55.95%)表现。结论气管支气管异物重点防控对象为农村3岁以下的男童,应加强监护人对于气管支气管异物的重视,减少幼儿对坚果类食物的接触。对于反复咳嗽、喘息、查体单侧呼吸音减弱,影像学伴有肺气肿、肺不张的患儿,应重视异物吸入史或呛咳史,积极行支气管镜检查以明确诊断及治疗。 相似文献
目的分析经支气管镜检查诊断的气管性支气管患儿的临床特征。方法回顾分析20例接受支气管镜检查而确诊的气管性支气管患儿的镜下结果、临床表现、治疗与转归。结果先天性气管性支气管患儿20例,右侧气管性支气管19例,移位型18例,其中6例为2种或2种以上气道异常;左侧气管性支气管1例,为移位型。20例患儿的临床症状包括持续或反复的喘息,持续性局限性肺炎、肺不张,局限性肺气肿。大部分患儿经临床对症治疗后症状缓解。结论气管性支气管异常在临床上并不少见,其临床表现为治疗反应不佳的反复喘息、肺炎、肺不张以及肺气肿等,对可疑患儿应及时进行支气管镜检查以明确诊断。 相似文献
儿童呼吸道梗阻是一种少见却棘手的临床问题.随着支架置入术成功应用于成年人治疗,它在儿童中的应用也越来越受到关注,但严重的并发症甚至死亡也随之而来.因此,严格把握适应证,选择合适大小及材料的支架,仔细随访、评估疗效,及时处理并发症,并掌握熟练的支架置入方法和技术,具有重要的意义. 相似文献
儿童呼吸道梗阻是一种少见却棘手的临床问题。随着支架置人术成功应用于成年人治疗,它在儿童中的应用也越来越受到关注,但严重的并发症甚至死亡也随之而来。因此,严格把握适应证,选择合适大小及材料的支架,仔细随访、评估疗效,及时处理并发症,并掌握熟练的支架置入方法和技术,具有重要的意义。 相似文献
Among pediatric urologists, there is a debate whether to drain the upper system after pyeloplasty in children. In a prospective,
randomized clinical study we compared the early and late results of patients operated upon for ureteropelvic junction obstruction
(UPJO) with or without a transanastomotic stent. Anderson-Hynes pyeloplasty was performed in 31 children during a 5-year period.
In 15 a transanastomotic stent with multiple holes was used; the upper system was not drained in 16. A Penrose drain was placed
in the perinephritic area in all patients. Patients were evaluated in regard to the time of removal of the stent and the Penrose
drain, duration of urine leakage, and duration of hospital stay in the early postoperative period, and favorable or unfavorable
outcome during follow-up. The statistical analysis showed no significant difference in regard to the removal time of the stent
and Penrose drain, duration of drainage, duration of hospitalization, and early or late complications between the groups.
Although stenting does not increase morbidity, we believe that pyeloplasty can be performed in children without upper-tract
drainage. A feeding tube with multiple holes at the tip is recommended.
Accepted: 21 March 2001 相似文献
儿童重症哮喘气道中性粒细胞凋亡的研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Objective To investigate the changes of neutrophils in airway inflammation in children with severe asthma. Method Children with mild to moderate asthma (n=23), severe asthma (n=16) and healthy control subjects (n=16) underwent lung function tests and sputum induction. The sputum specimens were assayed for cellular differential count, the supematant and peripheral blood were assayed for the concentrations of IL-8 by "sandwich" enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Sputum supernatant, IL-8 and mifepristone were assessed for their abilities to prolong the in vitro survival of blood-derived neutrophils. Result The percentage of sputum neutrophils was significantly higher in severe asthmatics [59.54 (41.99-74.65) %] than mild-moderate asthmatics [30.03 (15.94-47.71)%] and healthy control subjects [29.72 (16.53-45.74)%] (P<0.01) ; the level of IL-8 in sputum was significantly higher in severe asthmatics [2907.78 (331.67-3457.93) ng/L] than mild-moderate asthmatics [287.58 (130.75-656.84) ng/L] and healthy control subjects [179.2 (58.55-346.59) ng/L] (P<0.01) ; the percentages of neutrophilic apoptosis respectively cultured with LPS [(10.57±1.97) % ], severe asthmatics supematant [ (11.82±2.96) % ], IL-8 [(10.47±1.93) % ], dexamethasone [(9.93±1.95)% ] ,severe asthma supernatant + mifepristone [(12.15±2.86)% ] in vitro were lower than that cultured with PBS [(17.98±2.27) % ], healthy control supernatant [(17.37±2.50) % ], mild-moderate asthmatics supematant [ (16.35±3.26) % ], mifepristone [(17.89±2.38) % ], and dexamethasone + mifepristone [ ( 17.06±2.59) % ] ( P<0.01 ). Conclusion Suppression of neutrophilic apoptosis seems to play a potential role in airway neutrophilic inflammation in severe asthmatics, and the level of IL-8 in sputum was significantly higher in patients with severe asthmatics. 相似文献
K N Chan C M Noble-Jamieson A Elliman E M Bryan V R Aber M Silverman 《Archives of disease in childhood》1988,63(8):905-910
In a prospective study on a cohort of 7 year old children of low birth weight (under 2000 g at birth), we observed an increased prevalence of airway responsiveness to histamine compared with a reference population of unselected, local schoolchildren. The airway responsiveness to histamine was significantly related to a history of asthma in first degree relatives (natural parents and siblings) in both groups of children, but not to that of the mothers. There was no increase in the prevalence of maternal asthma, a family history of asthma, or airway responsiveness in the mothers of low birthweight children. We were unable to find evidence to support the hypothesis that maternal smooth muscle irritability (uterine and airway) has a causative role in the premature labour in the mothers and in subsequent bronchial hyper-responsiveness in their prematurely born children. 相似文献
Dr. A. E. Schlesinger E. M. Caoili A. M. Mendelsohn E. L. Bove R. H. Beekman 《Pediatric radiology》1993,23(2):113-116
Seventeen balloon expandable stents were placed in thoracic vessels in eleven children with vascular stenoses related to congenital heart lesions. We describe the normal radiographic appearance of three types of balloon expandable stents implanted in pulmonary arteries, pulmonary veins, and the superior vena cava of these children as well as the appearance of the complications we encountered. Knowledge of the radiographic appearance of these devices is important as chest radiography is a primary method of follow-up in children with balloon expandable stents placed to treat stenoses of intrathoracic vessels related to congenital heart disease. 相似文献
Airway hyper-responsiveness (AHR) to adenosine 5'-monophosphate (AMP) is closely associated with airway inflammation; however, not all asthmatic patients are responsive to it. This study was planned to investigate the predictive factors of AHR to AMP in asthmatic children aged between 3 and 6 yr. We performed a retrospective analysis of data from 63 asthmatic preschool-age children who were challenged by AMP in our department. All children were characterized by skin-prick tests, serum immunoglobulin E (IgE) levels, peripheral blood eosinophil percentage and bronchial challenge with methacholine (MCH) and AMP. Potential determinants for AHR to AMP were assessed within the group. AHR to AMP was found in 46% of preschool-age children with asthma, while that of MCH was 93.7%. All children responsive to AMP were also responsive to MCH. The geometric mean provocative concentration of MCH and AMP causing a 15% fall in transcutaneous oxygen tension (PC(15)PtcO(2)MCH and AMP) were 0.55 mg/ml (0.004-9.19) and 10.53 mg/ml (0.59-342.89), respectively. AMP-responsive children did not differ from non-responsive ones with respect to demographic factors, geometric mean PC(15)PtcO(2)MCH and atopic status. The median serum IgE level was significantly higher in AMP-responsive group than the non-responsive ones (p = 0.011). The peripheral blood eosinophilia was more frequent among responsive children (p = 0.019), and it was found as the only predictive factor for AMP responsiveness in preschool-age children with asthma in logistic regression model (odds ratio: 5.14; 95% CI: 1.23-21.47; p = 0.025). AMP responsiveness may be predicted by peripheral blood eosinophilia but not with atopy markers in young children with asthma. 相似文献
《Paediatrics & Child Health》2020,30(1):33-38
Cleft lip and/or palate is the commonest congenital craniofacial abnormality affecting approximately 1 in 700 newborns each year. It comprises of a heterogenous group of disorders affecting facial growth and cosmesis, that are associated with increased risk of airway obstruction, sleep disordered breathing (SDB), glue ear and chronic ear disease, feeding difficulties, and failure to thrive (FTT). Cleft palate (CP) can be accompanied by an abnormally undersized jaw, known as micrognathia; although micrognathia can also be found in isolation. The craniofacial abnormalities found in these children can lead to a reduction in airway size due to the tongue falling backwards. The risk of airway obstruction ranges from intermittent airway collapse during sleep (obstructive sleep apnoea, OSA) to potentially life-threatening airway compromise necessitating intubation or a tracheostomy. This paper sets out to describe the pathophysiology of airway compromise in these children, recognising clinical symptoms and appropriate referral strategy, as well as a broad range of management options. 相似文献
目的 探讨小儿食管闭锁手术后复发性食管气管瘘胸腔镜修补术的气道管理策略.方法 回顾性分析首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院29例复发性食管气管瘘胸腔镜修补术患儿临床资料,收集术前情况、单肺通气方法、术中所见瘘口位置与瘘管外径等数据,观察单肺通气前(T1)、单肺通气后10 min(T2)、单肺通气后30 min(T3)、单肺通... 相似文献