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Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neurodegenerative disease characterised by inflammation and demyelination. It generates irreversible myelin changes, which in turn give rise to physical and cognitive disorders. The verbal fluency test (VF) has been shown to be a sensitive tool for detecting cognitive impairment in these patients.  相似文献   

Treatments for multiple sclerosis therapy are rapidly evolving. It is believed that new drugs will be approved in the near future, thereby changing current indications for treatment. In this context, the Spanish Society of Neurology's study group on demyelinating diseases, which evaluates medication use in MS, has decided to draw up a consensus statement on the current indications and guidelines for multiple sclerosis treatment.  相似文献   



Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is characterised by several neurological symptoms including cognitive impairment, which has recently been the subject of considerable study. At present, evidence pointing to a correlation between lesion characteristics and specific cognitive impairment is not conclusive.


To investigate the presence of a correlation between the characteristics of demyelinating lesions and performance of basic executive functions in a sample of MS patients.

Patients and methods

We included 21 adult patients with scores of 0 to 5 on the Kurtzke scale and no exacerbations of the disease in at least 3 months prior to the evaluation date. They completed the Stroop test and the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST). The location of the lesions was determined using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) performed by a blinded expert in neuroimaging.


Demyelinating lesions were more frequently located in the frontal and occipital lobes. The Stroop test showed that as cognitive demand increased on each of the sections in the test, reaction time and number of errors increased. On the WCST, 33.33% of patients registered as having moderate cognitive impairment. No correlation could be found between demyelinating lesion characteristics (location, size, and number) and patients’ scores on the tests.


Explanations of the causes of cognitive impairment in MS should examine a variety of biological, psychological, and social factors instead of focusing solely on demyelinating lesions.  相似文献   



Previous studies showed gender-associated clinical and MRI differences in multiple sclerosis (MS) evolution. However, only few studies were done with non conventional MRI techniques and no one was done in a South American MS population. The aim of this study was to investigate gender differences according to nonconventional MRI measures in patients with MS from Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Relapsing-remitting MS patients (RRMS) with at least 6 years of follow up and an MRI at onset and at 6 years were included. Patients were assessed using nonconventional MRI measures: total brain volume (TBV), neocortical grey brain volume (GBV), white brain volume (WBV), lesion load (LL), % of brain volume change between onset and year 6 (% BVC) and regional brain volume change. Gender-related MRI differences were investigated using general linear model analysis.


The 45 patients were included (25 female). Mean follow up time was 7.3±0.2 years. No differences in age, EDSS at onset, DMD treatment, TBV, GBV, WBV neither LL were found between gender at baseline. Six years later, males showed a decrease in TBV (P=.002) and GBV (P≤0.001) and an increase in LL (P=.02) and % BVC (P<.001) vs. females. Female patients showed a decrease in the volume of frontal subcortical region.


This is the first study showing differences in brain volume changes between gender in MS patients from South America. Future studies will confirm our initial findings.  相似文献   



The contrast sensitivity test determines the quality of visual function in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). The purpose of this study is to analyse changes in visual function in patients with relapsing-remitting MS with and without a history of optic neuritis (ON).


We conducted a longitudinal study including 61 patients classified into 3 groups as follows: a) disease-free patients (control group); b) patients with MS and no history of ON; and c) patients with MS and a history of unilateral ON. All patients underwent baseline and 6-year follow-up ophthalmologic examinations, which included visual acuity and monocular and binocular Pelli-Robson contrast sensitivity tests.


Monocular contrast sensitivity was significantly lower in MS patients with and without a history of ON than in controls both at baseline (P=.00 and P=.01, respectively) and at 6 years (P=.01 and P=.02). Patients with MS and no history of ON remained stable throughout follow-up whereas those with a history of ON displayed a significant loss of contrast sensitivity (P=.01). Visual acuity and binocular contrast sensitivity at baseline and at 6 years was significantly lower in the group of patients with a history of ON than in the control group (P=.003 and P=.002 vs P=.006 and P=.005) and the group with no history of ON (P=.04 and P=.038 vs P=.008 and P=.01). However, no significant differences were found in follow-up results (P=.1 and P=.5).


Monocular Pelli-Robson contrast sensitivity test may be used to detect changes in visual function in patients with ON.  相似文献   



Botulinum toxin A (BTA) improves the kinematic parameters of gait in patients with spasticity of lower limbs, but there are no studies in which kinetic parameters are measured with instrumented insoles. We therefore used instrumented insoles to perform a functional assessment of therapeutic results in patients with lower limb spasticity after brain injury or spinal cord infiltration indicating BTA.

Material and methods

Ten patients (11 lower limbs) seen in a Neurorehabilitation Unit. The tests carried out included clinical examination, gait assessment (Functional Ambulation Categories (FAC); Hospital de Sagunto Gait Scale), and biomechanical assessment (Biofoot / IBV version 5.0), before and three weeks after infiltration with BTA. Statistics: t-test for related samples of clinical variables, functional variables and biomechanical variables before and after infiltration. Level of significance P< .05. Qualitative method to assess whether changes in the biomechanical variables tended toward normal values.


BTA improves muscle tone, joint arch and frequency of spasms (P<.01). The patient sample showed a high level of satisfaction with the improvement in symptoms. There were no changes in walking ability after injection. There were no statistically significant changes in biomechanical parameters, but there was improved gait cadence. The relatively small statistical significance close to P=.1 of the peak pressure in the heel after injection indicates the need for further studies with instrumented insoles in people with spasticity due to central nervous system injury.


With the decrease in muscle tone after infiltration with BTA the clinical symptoms associated with muscle tone improved without any functional changes in gait scales. The changes in the biomechanical parameters show that larger studies using instrumented insoles should be performed in the population with spasticity after a central nervous system injury treated with BTA infiltration.  相似文献   



As a result of neurophysiological injury, stroke patients have mobility limitations, mainly on the side of the body contralateral to the lesioned hemisphere. The purpose of this study is to quantify motor compensation strategies in stroke patients during the activity of drinking water from a glass.

Material and methods

Four male patient with cerebrovascular disease and four right-handed, healthy male control subjects. The motion analysis was conducted using the Vicon Motion System® and surface electromyography equipment ZeroWire Aurion®. We analysed elbow, shoulder and trunk joint movements and performed a qualitative analysis of the sequence of muscle activation.


Trunk, shoulder and elbow movements measured in the stroke patient along the sagittal plane decreased during the drinking from a glass activity, while the movements in the shoulder in the coronal plane and trunk increased. As for the sequence of muscle activation, anterior, middle and posterior deltoid all contracted in the patient group during the task, while the upper trapezius activation remained throughout the activity.


Quantitative analysis of movement provides quantitative information on compensation strategies used by stroke patients, and is therefore, clinically relevant.  相似文献   



Different animal models for Alzheimer disease (AD) have been designed to support the hypothesis that the neurodegeneration (loss of neurons and synapses with reactive gliosis) associated with Aβ and tau deposition in these models is similar to that in the human brain. These alterations produce functional changes beginning with decreased ability to carry out daily and social life activities, memory loss, and neuropsychiatric disorders in general. Neuronal alteration plays an important role in early stages of the disease, especially in the CA1 area of hippocampus in both human and animal models.


Two groups (WT and 3xTg-AD) of 11-month-old female mice were used in a behavioural analysis (nest building) and a morphometric analysis of the CA1 region of the dorsal hippocampus.


The 3xTg-AD mice showed a 50% reduction in nest quality associated with a significant increase in damaged neurons in the CA1 hippocampal area (26% ± 6%, P < .05) compared to the WT group.


The decreased ability to carry out activities of daily living (humans) or nest building (3xTg-AD mice) is related to the neuronal alterations observed in AD. These alterations are controlled by the hippocampus. Post-mortem analyses of the human hippocampus, and the CA1 region in 3xTg-AD mice, show that these areas are associated with alterations in the deposition of Aβ and tau proteins, which start accumulating in the early stages of AD.  相似文献   



To describe the epidemiological and clinical-electroencephalographic characteristics, and associated morbidity of patients with hypothalamic hamartoma, as well as the treatment followed and outcomes

Patients and methods

We have retrospectively reviewed the medical histories of 10 patients diagnosed with hypothalamic hamartoma by magnetic resonance imaging over the last 20 years.


The age of onset of epilepsy in patients with hypothalamic hamartoma in our series was between the first days of life and 2 years. Of the 10 total patients, 8 had epileptic seizures during its progress. All of them had gelastic seizures, in addition to other types of seizures, with the most common being partial simple seizures. The electroencephalographic findings recorded were highly variable. One of the patients developed epileptic encephalopathy. Five patients had some kind of conduct disorder. Five patients had cognitive problems. At least 2 different antiepileptic drugs were measured in 8 of the patients who had seizures, and in 6 of these some type of non-pharmacological treatment had been used with the objective of seizure control. Only in 3 of 8 patients has been achieved Acceptable control of epilepsy had only been achieved in 3 out the 8 patients. Five patients of the series developed precocious puberty. The average time of follow-up of the series was approximately 6 years.


Epilepsy is the most frequent manifestation of hypothalamic hamartomas. Most cases were drug-resistant, which led to difficulties in the management of these patients, requiring surgery for their control on many occasions. Psychiatric comorbidity and cognitive impairment is common.  相似文献   



Pupil assessment is a fundamental part of the neurological examination. Size and reactivity to light of each pupil should be recorded periodically since changes in these parameters may represent the only detectable sign of neurological deterioration in some patients. However, there is great intraobserver and interobserver variability in pupil examination due to the influence of many factors, such as the difference in ambient lighting, the visual acuity and experience of the examiner, the intensity of the luminous stimulus, and the method used to direct this stimulus.In recent years, digital cameras have incorporated infrared devices allowing the development of user-friendly portable devices that permit repeated, non-invasive examinations of pupil size and its reactivity to light with an objective, accessible and inexpensive method.


The purpose of this review is to describe the fundamentals of infrared pupillometry and discuss potential applications in the monitoring of neurocritical patients. We also present some recommendations in the routine assessment of pupils in neurocritical patients.


The possibility of evaluating the changes in pupil reactivity in an early, objective and almost continuous way provides a new non-invasive monitoring method. This method could improve the predictive factor of neurological deterioration and the bedside monitoring of the neurological state of the patient, avoiding unnecessary examinations and enabling early therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   



The aim of this study is to evaluate the use of phase-contrast MR imaging to diagnose normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) and differentiate it from other neurological disorders with similar clinical symptoms.


The study included 108 subjects, of whom 61 were healthy controls and 47, patients; in the patient group, 19 had cerebrovascular disease (CVD) and 28 had NPH. All patients underwent a phase-contrast MRI study and several CSF flow and velocity parameters were measured at the aqueduct of Sylvius. Discriminant analyses were performed to evaluate the classification capacity of both individual parameters and the combination of different parameters.


Maximum diastolic velocity, mean flow, and stroke volume showed statistically significant differences that could be used to distinguish between NPH and CVD patients (P<.001). Stroke volume and mean flow showed no false positive results and successful classification rates of 86% and 79%, respectively. No other parameters or combination produced better results.


Phase-contrast MR imaging is a useful tool for the early diagnosis of patients with NPH. CSF flow quantitative parameters, along with morphological features in a conventional MR study, enable us to differentiate between NPH and CVD patients.  相似文献   



The A-S-C-O classification may be better than other methods for classifying ischaemic stroke by aetiology. Our aims are to describe A-S-C-O phenotype distribution (A: atherosclerosis, S: small vessel disease, C: cardiac source, O: other causes; 1: potential cause, 2: causality uncertain, 3: unlikely to be a direct cause although disease is present) and compare them to the Spanish Society of Neurology‘s Cerebrovascular Disease Study Group (GEECV/SEN) classification. We will also find the degree of concordance between these classification methods and determine whether using the A-S-C-O classification delivers a smaller percentage of strokes of undetermined cause.


We analysed those patients with ischaemic stroke admitted to our stroke unit in 2010 with strokes that were classified according to GEECV/SEN and A-S-C-O criteria.


The study included 496 patients. The percentages of strokes caused by atherosclerosis and small vessel disease according to GEECV/SEN criteria were higher than the percentages for potential atherosclerotic stroke (A1) (14.1 vs. 11.9%; P=.16) and potential small vessel stroke (S1) (14.3 vs. 3%; P<.001). Cardioembolic stroke (C1) was more frequent (22.2 vs. 31%; P<.001). No differences between unusual cause of stroke and other potential causes (O1) were observed. Some degree of atherosclerosis was present in 53.5% of patients (A1, A2, or A3); 65.5% showed markers of small vessel disease (S1, S2, or S3), and 74.9% showed signs of cardioembolism (C1, C2, or C3). Fewer patients in the group without scores of 1 or 2 for any of the A-S-C-O phenotypes were identified as having a stroke of undetermined cause (46.6 vs. 29.2%; P<.001).The agreement between the 2 classifications ranged from κ<0.2 (small vessel and S1) to κ>0.8 (unusual causes and O1).


Our results show that GEECV/SEN and A-S-C-O classifications are neither fully comparable nor consistent. Using the A-S-C-O classification provided additional information on co-morbidities and delivered a smaller percentage of strokes classified as having an undetermined cause.  相似文献   



There is a need for clinically administered instruments capable of detecting executive dysfunction in dementia.


The translation and validation of Executive Battery 25 (EB25) and a short version for screening of executive dysfunction in dementia. Methods: The original battery was translated and validated using convergent and divergent correlation in 66 mild dementia patients (CDR 1) matched with 66 controls. EB25 consists of 25 items which detect executive dysfunction. Convergent correlation was made with 7 tests assessing executive dysfunction, the Frontal Systems Behaviour Scale (FrSBe) and Disability Fast Assessment Scale.


Patients had higher scores than controls and correlated with the Stroop Test, verbal fluency test and Frontal Behaviour Inventory. Only 12 out of 25 items were needed to separate both groups, which were used to build an abbreviated Executive Battery with equal psychometric properties and discriminative power. The cut-off point for EB25 was 12, and 7 for the abbreviated version. A cut-off point of 12 was able to discriminate between ¿Alzheimer's disease? (AD) and frontotemporal lobe dementia (FTLD).


EB25 and AEB12 enable executive dysfunction to be detected in mild dementia. On the other hand, AEB12 exhibits better psychometric properties than the original battery, allowing discrimination between AD and FTLD and is completed in less time.  相似文献   



Delayed vasospasm has traditionally been considered the most important determinant of poor outcome after subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH). Consequently, most of the research and therapies are directed towards reducing the incidence of vasospasm (VSP). To date, however, clinical trials based on this strategy have not delivered a definitive treatment for preventing or reducing brain injury after SAH. This fact has caused a paradigm shift in research, which now focuses on early brain injury (EBI) occurring in the first 72 hours after SAH. It has also changed the idea of VSP's role in brain damage, and suggests the need for re-evaluating the pathophysiological process of SAH.


This review examines the current state of knowledge on the pathophysiological mechanisms associated with EBI and summarises the diagnostic options currently available.


It seems that the research approach needs to be changed so that investigators will focus on prevention of EBI, reduction of secondary brain complications and ultimately, the optimisation neurological outcome.  相似文献   



Drug-induced parkinsonism is a major type of parkinsonism in our setting. Symptoms usually disappear after discontinuation of the drug. However, they may persist in patients with a variant known as subclinical drug-exacerbated parkinsonism; early identification of this entity has important prognostic and therapeutic implications. The most widely used complementary test in this diagnosis is single-photon emission computed tomography with ioflupane (123I), also known as 123I-FP-CIT SPECT. The aim of our study is to verify its diagnostic accuracy.


We designed a prospective study of patients with drug-induced parkinsonism in which, after discontinuing the drug and undergoing a 123I-FP-CIT SPECT scan, patients would be monitored for at least 6 months. Patients were categorised as having iatrogenic parkinsonism if symptoms disappeared, or as having subclinical drug-exacerbated parkinsonism if they persisted. Lastly, we verified concordance between the clinical diagnosis and results from the 123I- FP-CIT SPECT scan.


The sample included 19 patients. The most commonly prescribed drug class was neuroleptic agents. For the diagnosis of both subgroups, 123I-FP-CIT SPECT showed a sensitivity of 66.7%, specificity and positive predictive value of 100%, a negative predictive value of 86.7%, and a negative likelihood ratio of 0.33.


Although the study needs to be repeated in a larger sample of patients, 123I-FP-CIT SPECT is useful in the diagnosis of drug-induced parkinsonism since it is a very precise tool for identifying patients with that illness.  相似文献   

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