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Nosocomial infections (NI) still have a high incidence in intensive care units (ICUs), and are becoming one of the most important problems in these units. It is well known that these infections are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in critically ill patients, and are associated with increases in the length of stay and excessive hospital costs. Based on the data from the ENVIN-UCI study, the rates and aetiology of the main nosocomial infections have been described, and include ventilator-associated pneumonia, urinary tract infection, and both primary and catheter related bloodstream infections, as well as the incidence of multidrug-resistant bacteria. A literature review on the impact of different nosocomial infections in critically ill patients is also presented. Infection control programs such as zero bacteraemia and pneumonia have been also analysed, and show a significant decrease in NI rates in ICUs.  相似文献   

Infections related to the health-care system are those associated with health care practices in hospitalized patients as well as in out-patients with health-care contact. Nosocomial infections affect 5% of in-patients, and carry a high morbidity, mortality and economic cost. The main types of nosocomial infections are related to invasive procedures, and include respiratory tract infection, surgical site infections, urinary tract infections, and vascular catheter bacteremia. It has been shown that the application of checklists and a bundle of measures are useful in preventing these infections. Epidemiological surveillance, defined as the gathering of information to take actions, is the basis of infection control programs. These have evolved from a global surveillance targeted at processes and indicators of nosocomial infection. The comparison of these indicators can be useful in establishing preventive measures.  相似文献   

Bacterial infections are the most common infections in solid organ transplant recipients. These infections occur mainly in the first month after transplantation and are hospital-acquired. Nosocomial infections cause significant morbidity and are the most common cause of mortality in this early period of transplantation. These infections are caused by multi-drug resistant (MDR) microorganisms, mainly Gram-negative enterobacteria, non-fermentative Gram-negative bacilli, enterococci, and staphylococci. The patients at risk of developing nosocomial bacterial infections are those previously colonized with MDR bacteria while on the transplant waiting list. Intravascular catheters, the urinary tract, the lungs, and surgical wounds are the most frequent sources of infection. Preventive measures are the same as those applied in non-immunocompromised, hospitalized patients except in patients at high risk for developing fungal infection. These patients need antifungal therapy during their hospitalization, and for preventing some bacterial infections in the early transplant period, patients need vaccinations on the waiting list according to the current recommendations. Although morbidity and mortality related to infectious diseases have decreased during the last few years in haematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients, they are still one of the most important complications in this population. Furthermore, as occurs in the general population, the incidence of nosocomial infections has increased during the different phases of transplantation. It is difficult to establish general preventive measures in these patients, as there are many risk factors conditioning these infections. Firstly, they undergo multiple antibiotic treatments and interventions; secondly, there is a wide variability in the degree of neutropenia and immunosuppression among patients, and finally they combine hospital and home stay during the transplant process. However, some simple measures could be implemented to improve the current situation.  相似文献   

The hospital environment is both a reservoir and source of infection for the hospital patient. Several areas around the patient should be considered: air, toilet water coming into contact with the patient, staff and medical devices, food, surfaces, and instruments contacting the patient's skin and mucosa, and sterile solutions. There are pathogens classically associated with each mode of transmission and environmental reservoir, but multi-resistant microorganisms have also been recently been associated with environmental acquisition.  相似文献   

The predominant form of life for the majority of microorganisms in any hydrated biologic system is a cooperative community termed a "biofilm." A biofilm on an indwelling urinary catheter consists of adherent microorganisms, their extracellular products, and host components deposited on the catheter. The biofilm mode of life conveys a survival advantage to the microorganisms associated with it and, thus, biofilm on urinary catheters results in persistent infections that are resistant to antimicrobial therapy. Because chronic catheterization leads almost inevitably to bacteriuria, routine treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria in persons who are catheterized is not recommended. When symptoms of a urinary tract infection develop in a person who is catheterized, changing the catheter before collecting urine improves the accuracy of urine culture results. Changing the catheter may also improve the response to antibiotic therapy by removing the biofilm that probably contains the infecting organisms and that can serve as a nidus for reinfection. Currently, no proven effective strategies exist for prevention of catheter-associated urinary tract infection in persons who are chronically catheterized.  相似文献   

"Obstructive uropathy" is a generic term which combines different diseases in infants and childhood. Both the upper and lower urinary tract may be affected. Diseases of the urinary tract can cause an intrinsic obstruction. Sometimes tumours may cause a compression and as secondary effect an obstruction (extrinsic). Ultrasound is the key diagnostic tool and shows dilatation of the obstructed urinary tract. But for the functional exploration of babies and toddlers, renal scanning and X-ray examinations are necessary. These examinations lead to an exposure to radiation which necessitates careful indication. Some of the congenital diseases (for example ureteropelvic junction obstruction, megaureter) show a maturation without any intervention. So one has to decide whether to wait and see or to operate. A percutaneous nephrostomy or a DJ-catheter is not often used in the treatment of obstruction in general. These forms of drainage are more often used in the treatment of stones or of extrinsic obstruction. A pyelocutaneostomy or ureterocutaneostomy is a special surgical procedure in pediatric urology for transient drainage of the upper urinary tract (megaureter). The operation of a seriously ill new-born should be done in a centre for pediatric urology and pediatric nephrology. When the upper urinary tract is dilated, patients may need an antibiotic prophylaxis, because the dilatation of the upper urinary tract increases the risk of urinary tract infections (UTI). The indication for antibiotic prophylaxis should by guided by the criteria of the APN-Consensus Paper. Long-term follow-up is necessary and should comprise ultrasound, physical examination, controlling the blood pressure, urine analysis and blood tests. The aims of diagnostics, treatment and long-term follow-up are the preservation of renal function and to protect the children from UTI. This goal must be reached under conditions that are appropriate for children and their parents.  相似文献   

Up to 25% of hospitalized patients undergo urinary catheterization, and about 5% develop bacteriuria each day of catheterization. Catheter-related bacteriuria is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. We performed an evidence-based synthesis of the literature on preventing catheter-associated urinary tract infections (UTIs) to develop recommendations for clinicians. Catheterization should be avoided when not required and when needed, should be terminated as soon as possible. Use of suprapubic and condom catheters may be associated with a lower risk of UTI than use of urethral catheters. Aseptic catheter insertion and a properly maintained closed drainage system are crucial to reducing the risk of bacteriuria. Instillation of antimicrobial agents into the bladder or urinary drainage bag and rigorous meatal cleansing seem to be of little benefit. Use of urinary catheters coated with silver alloy may reduce the risk of UTI. Systemic antimicrobial drug therapy seems to prevent UTIs, but primarily for patients catheterized for 3 to 14 days. Antibiotic drug prophylaxis is especially valuable in patients undergoing transurethral resection of the prostate or renal transplantation. Using these methods, urinary catheter-associated UTI can often be prevented for weeks, but not longer terms.  相似文献   

Outpatient empiric urinary tract infection (UTI) prescribing is an area of interest for antimicrobial stewardship efforts. We conducted a retrospective chart review evaluating optimal antibiotic prescribing for UTIs in our internal medicine and urology clinics and found significant differences in prescribing patterns between provider type and UTI category. These data will inform our antimicrobial stewardship efforts in these clinics.  相似文献   

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are among the most common bacterial infections in humans. Even though physicians have been treating UTIs for 60 years, there has been no standardized approach regarding the rational choice of antimicrobial agents and optimal treatment duration for these infections. This review discusses the pharmacologic basis for the treatment of UTIs. Although most antibiotics concentrate well in the urine and can eradicate most of the sensitive uropathogens that cause lower UTI, antibiotics given for the treatment of pyelonephritis must concentrate and kill bacteria embedded within the renal parenchyma. Investigators once believed that antibiotics must concentrate in sufficient amounts in the urine of infected patients to be effective in treating pyelonephritis. In fact, the efficacy of an antibiotic in the treatment of pyelonephritis is proportional to its capacity to converge in high concentration not only in urine but also in the renal parenchyma because serum and urine levels of antibiotics are poor predictors of the intrarenal levels. Other factors should also be taken into consideration in the management of UTIs, such as the time of day antibiotics are given because significant time-dependent differences have been observed in the pharmacokinetics and rate of excretion in urine of several antibiotics. Finally, the authors review the recent development in the inflammatory response in the urinary tract that may explain the clinical features of UTI and may be useful in the diagnosis as well as better management of UTI.  相似文献   

“Urinary tract infection” (“UTI”) is an ambiguous, expansive, overused diagnosis that can lead to marked, harmful antibiotic overtreatment. “Significant bacteriuria,” central to most definitions of “UTI,” has little significance in identifying individuals who will benefit from treatment. “Urinary symptoms” are similarly uninformative. Neither criterion is well defined. Bacteriuria and symptoms remit and recur spontaneously. Treatment is standard for acute uncomplicated cystitis and common for asymptomatic bacteriuria, but definite benefits are few. Treatment for “UTI” in older adults with delirium and bacteriuria is widespread but no evidence supports the practice, and expert opinion opposes it. Sensitive diagnostic tests now demonstrate that healthy urinary tracts host a ubiquitous, complex microbial community. Recognition of this microbiome, largely undetectable using standard agar‐based cultures, offers a new perspective on “UTI.” Everyone is bacteriuric. From this perspective, most people who are treated for a “UTI” would probably be better off without treatment. Elderly adults, little studied in this regard, face particular risk. Invasive bacterial diseases such as pyelonephritis and bacteremic bacteriuria are also “UTIs.” Mindful decisions about antibiotic use will require a far better understanding of how pathogenicity arises within microbial communities. It is likely that public education and meaningful informed‐consent discussions about antibiotic treatment of bacteriuria, emphasizing potential harms and uncertain benefits, would reduce overtreatment. Emphasizing the microbiome's significance and using the term “urinary tract dysbiosis” instead of “UTI” might also help and might encourage mindful study of the relationships among host, aging, microbiome, disease, and antibiotic treatment.  相似文献   

The microbiological diagnosis of mycoplasma and ureaplasma infections has always been limited due to the fastidious growth of these microorganisms, as well as the lack of comercially prepared growth media, absence of rapid diagnostic procedures, and the clinical perception that these organisms are less significant in the infectious diseases setting. During the last few years, this situation has substantially improved due to the commercial availability of culture media, the development of rapid serological techniques, and, in particular, to the introduction of nucleic acid amplification assays, commercially available or “in-house” preparations. Despite the lack of proper standardisation and validation of the molecular and serological techniques, methodological advances have led to an increased detection of these microorganisms and, consequently, a greater appreciation of their clinical relevance.  相似文献   

Health-care associated infections are an important public health problem worldwide. The rates of health-care associated infections are indicators of the quality of health care. The infection control activities related to prevention of transmission of hospital microorganisms can be grouped in 4 mayor areas: standard precautions, specific precautions (including isolation if appropriate), environmental cleaning and disinfection, and surveillance activities (including providing infection rates and monitoring procedures). Hand hygiene and the correct use of gloves are the most important measures to prevent health-care associated infections and to avoid the dissemination of multidrug-resistant microorganisms. Continuous educational activities aimed at improving adherence to hand hygiene are needed. Periodical assessment of adherence to hand hygiene recommendations with feed-back have been shown to provide sustained improvement. Several complementary activities are being evaluated, including skin decolonization prior to certain surgeries, a package of measures in patients with central venous catheters or mechanical ventilation, and universal body hygiene with chlorhexidine. The present area of discussion concerns in which situations and in which groups would such measures be effective and efficient.  相似文献   

Urinary tract infections (UTI) are an important cause of morbidity and mortality in renal transplant patients. These infections are quite common, and the goal of care is to identify and reduce risk factors while providing effective prophylaxis and treatment. Better understanding of long‐term outcomes from these infections has led to the distinctions among UTI, recurrent UTI, and asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB), and that each requires a different therapeutic approach. Specifically, new research has supported the perspective that asymptomatic bacteriuria should not be treated. Symptomatic UTI, on the other hand, requires intervention and remains an ongoing challenge for infectious disease clinicians. Many bacteria species are responsible for UTI in renal transplant patients, and in recent years there has been a global rise in infection caused by bacteria with newly acquired antibacterial resistance genes. Many renal transplant patients who experience UTI will also have multiple recurring episodes, which likely has a distinct pathophysiological mechanism leading to chronic colonization of the urinary tract. In these cases, long‐term management includes bacterial suppression, which aims to reduce rather than eliminate bacteria to levels below the threshold for symptomatic infection. This review will address the current understanding of UTI epidemiology, pathogenesis, and risk factors in the renal transplant community, and also focus on current prevention and treatment strategies for patients who face an environment of increasingly antibiotic‐resistant bacteria.  相似文献   

Viruses account for about 5% of all nosocomial infections. Viral cross-infection is most common in infants and children, but also occurs in other groups, including the elderly, institutionalized persons of all ages, immunecompromised hosts, and patients with underlying chronic pulmonary, renal, or cardiac disease. These infections are associated with extended length of hospital stay, as well as considerable morbidity and mortality. The new technology of rapid viral diagnosis allows a more timely and accurate recognition of viral infections, even in the smaller hospital with limited laboratory resources. Early recognition of viral diseases should, in turn, permit the introduction, and further evaluation of specific measures for their control. Influenza vaccination of health care workers is an important prevention strategy for nosocomial infection.  相似文献   

Urinary tract infection (UTI) is the most common infection in hospitalized adults. Nosocomial UTIs are mainly associated with the use of urinary catheters. Thus, the decision for catheterization should be made carefully and catheters removed in time. In order to prevent unnecessary antibiotic use in patients with urinary catheters correct diagnosis is crucial. Chinolones, broad-spectrum penicillins and third-generation cephalosporins are the mainstay of therapy. Comorbidities should be considered and potential obstructions of urinary flow removed. Economically important are the normally higher prices of i.v. antibiotics compared to oral use.  相似文献   

Hug BL  Flückiger U  Widmer AF 《Der Internist》2006,47(11):1151-1162
Urinary tract infection (UTI) is the most common infection in hospitalized adults. Nosocomial UTIs are mainly associated with the use of urinary catheters. Thus, the decision for catheterization should be made carefully and catheters removed in time. In order to prevent unnecessary antibiotic use in patients with urinary catheters correct diagnosis is crucial. Chinolones, broad-spectrum penicillins and third-generation cephalosporins are the mainstay of therapy. Comorbidities should be considered and potential obstructions of urinary flow removed. Economically important are the normally higher prices of i.v. antibiotics compared to oral use.  相似文献   

Accurate diagnosis of urinary tract infection (UTI) is possible in the emergency department. Clinical differentiation of upper tract infection (pyelonephritis) from lower tract infection (cystitis) is difficult. The consequences of untreated UTI justify treatment by the emergency physician. Many treatment schemes are available. Single-dose antibiotic therapy is the preferred treatment method for uncomplicated UTI. It reduces compliance problems, effectively cures lower UTI, and provides for early identification of patients with more complex infection. The complications of this therapy are minimal.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are the most common nosocomial infection experienced by patients in United States hospitals and are responsible for significant morbidity and excess hospital costs. The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy of a silver alloy, hydrogel-coated, urinary catheter in the prevention of catheter-associated UTI, to assess the cost effectiveness of the coated catheter, and to test for the emergence of silver-resistance in urinary microbial isolates. METHODS: A 2-year prospective surveillance study in 10 patient care units was conducted to determine the rate of catheter-associated UTI. Historic control data was utilized to assess the effect of the coated catheter. A cost-effectiveness analysis was conducted using a range of cost estimates. Silver susceptibility was determined for microbes responsible for catheter-associated UTI. RESULTS: Data were analyzed using a Poisson regression model. The rate of catheter-associated UTI fell from 6.13/1000 catheter-days during the period 1999-2000 to 2.62/1000 catheter-days during 2001-2002 ( P = .002). Calculated cost savings varied widely. Modest savings were achieved at the realistic lower cost estimates. No silver-resistant microbes were recovered in the susceptibility tests. CONCLUSIONS: The introduction of a silver alloy, hydrogel-coated urinary catheter was associated with a significant decline in nosocomial UTI and cost savings over the range of cost estimates. Silver-resistant urinary pathogens were not recovered from patients experiencing catheter-associated UTI during the study period.  相似文献   

The inanimate hospital environment is rarely implicated in infection transmission, except among vulnerable patients. Some authors argue against the use of environmental surveillance cultures because the tests can be expensive and time consuming, and because they should not be used instead of quality control and good practices in disinfection and maintenance procedures.  相似文献   

The hospital acquired pneumonia (HAP) is one of the most common infections acquired among hospitalised patients. Within the HAP, the ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is the most common nosocomial infection complication among patients with acute respiratory failure. The VAP and HAP are associated with increased mortality and increased hospital costs. The rise in HAP due to antibiotic-resistant bacteria also causes an increase in the incidence of inappropriate empirical antibiotic therapy, with an associated increased risk of hospital mortality. It is very important to know the most common organisms responsible for these infections in each hospital and each Intensive Care Unit, as well as their antimicrobial susceptibility patterns, in order to reduce the incidence of inappropriate antibiotic therapy and improve the prognosis of patients. Additionally, clinical strategies aimed at the prevention of HAP and VAP should be employed in hospital settings caring for patients at risk for these infections.  相似文献   

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