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The objective of this research is to identify the psychological processes underlying the phenomenon of school demobilization and highlight the protective factors of dropping out, with particular attention to the impact of self-esteem of adolescents.


We proceeded to the award and the statistical validation of two scales (self-esteem and school mobilization) with a sample of 405 college students for the testing of our hypothesis, with linear regression analyzes.


The results support the hypothesis that self-esteem has an effect on school mobilization. More self-esteem is high, especially the so socio-emotional and academic self, more school mobilization is strong, suggesting that emotional control but also the assessment that the young because of his academic skills, would manage the process of competition and struggle for social recognition that college students are confronted by the expression of strong mobile on the school and knowledge.


In conclusion, the results of this research suggest that self-esteem is a preventive dimension of demobilization school. They underline the importance of questioning earlier in adolescents, their school mobilization, conceived as a co-construction, by differentiating the dimensions of the report to the school's relation to knowledge and engagement in school work, taking into account their self-esteem.  相似文献   



From a data collection conducted among junior high-school students, we propose to assess global and physical self-esteem. Indeed, profound physical changes, psychological and social affect this phase of development of the person and the object of this article is to clarify what are the potential impacts of these changes on self-esteem as a function of age and gender.


Five hundred and seventy-nine junior high-school students of the Midi-Pyrenees region, aged 11 to 17 years (M = 13.34, SD = 1.20) have informed the Rosenberg self-esteem scale (1965) and the physical self-inventory (Ninot, Delignières and Fortes, 2000).


The reliability of both tools is confirmed from our study sample. The results allow to update significant differences in global and physical self-esteem according to the age and gender of the adolescents.


The discussion focuses on the interpretation of gender differences in the assessment of global self-esteem and physical interpretation of the differences in the development of the person.  相似文献   



Adolescence is identified as a critical period for obesity and its complications.


To evaluate body image, self-esteem, anxiety and depression in obese adolescents.


Hundred and six obese adolescents benefited from an exploration of body image (Body Prominence, BPQ; Figure Rating Scale, FRS; Questionnaire of Body Preoccupation, QPC), self-esteem (Self-Esteem Scale, SES), anxiety (Revised children Manifest Anxiety Scale, RCMA-S), depression (Center for Epidemiologic studies–Depression Scale, CES-D).


Globally, body image is disturbed. The BPQ shows a level of body consciousness greater in girls. Concerning the choice of the perceived figure, boys position themselves more frequently than girls in plump figures. For wished figures, girls choose more slim figures. However, there is no sex difference concerning body dissatisfaction that is relatively important for both sexes. The QPC indicates that girls have higher body preoccupation level than boys with specific focus on certain body area according to sex. The SES indicates that one out of two adolescents shows a low self-esteem and according to the RCMA-S, one out of three shows a high anxiety level without sex difference. Moreover, from the CES-D, one out of five adolescents, more frequently girls, exhibits a moderate to severe depression.


These results, with a differential interpretation (statistical vs clinical), partly confirm the data from the literature, and underline the need to perform a comprehensive investigation of body image, self-esteem, anxiety and depression in obese adolescents. In order to optimize the quality of the management provided to these youths, we proposed to physicians a pragmatic guide as “the somato-psychic pyramid”. It is important to remind that while escaping from the rule of the body fat regulation, obese adolescents may demonstrate a transgression and an adaptative marginalization.  相似文献   



Despite its longevity, the phenomenon of pregnancy denial remains without satisfactory explanation, and easily lends itself to building social imaginary. The aim of our study was to investigate on a population of professionals of maternity, the social representations of the denial of pregnancy and their relationship to professional practice.


A questionnaire was distributed by email to a population of professionals of maternity.


Two hundred and forty professionals and future professionals replied to the questionnaire. Data showed differences in the representation of the denial of pregnancy, the central role of clinical experience towards the medical approach of the case and a discrepancy between the official statement and the subjective perception of this phenomenon. The participants of the study massively agreed to a systematic intervention of adult and child psychiatry for the mother-child dyad.


The results point the disparity of the representations of the pregnancy denial, the significance of the emotional content associated with this phenomenon and the need to develop training on the denial of pregnancy.  相似文献   

Teenagers’ Houses are a tremendous resource to bring professionals together on the questions of adolescence. They are meeting places, places of care and places of professional training too. After delimiting a new teenager's clinical comprehension, we describe the stead and the issues of the professional trainings of the health protagonists working beside teenagers. Being in charge of the “Teenager's Medicine and Health” Inter-University Degree, we detail the importance of these professional trainings. They are source of reassessments and evolution of the ways of thought. They are too source of dynamism, creativity and daring, indispensable for those who work beside teenagers.  相似文献   



Constructive thinking is defined as the use of functional affective and cognitive coping styles in stressful situations. A first aim of the current study is to evaluate constructive thinking in adolescents and young adults, taking into account gender differences. A second aim is to identify a specific profile of the constructive thinking in delinquent adolescents.


The study comprises two samples. A first sample is constituted of 777 participants of the general population, aged from 12 to 26 years (mean age = 17.09 ± 2.70), recruited in public and private schools, as well as in high-schools and colleges. The second sample is composed of 60 male delinquent adolescents, aged from 12 to 18 years (mean age = 16.15 ± 1.23), recruited in two forensic facilities. All participants were asked to answer the constructive thinking inventory (CTI), a self-report questionnaire assessing the constructive thinking. This self-report questionnaire comprises one global scale, global constructive thinking and six specific scales.


Results of the present study evidence important gender and age differences in coping styles used to handle daily life stressful situations. Specifically, compared to their female counterparts, male participants show a more efficient constructive thinking, with a more black-and-white thinking style, as well as a tendency to consider stressful situations as challenges rather than threats. Regarding age differences, some differences between the adolescents and young adults were observed on some specific scales. Namely, adolescents are more likely to think in a rigid and dichotomous thinking style, and seem to have a simplistic vision of the world, whereas adults are more likely to think in a more realistic way. Finally, compared to male adolescents from the general population, adolescent delinquents show a less efficient constructive thinking. They are less able to display adequate responses to stressful situations and tend to have a more rigid and superstitious thinking.


The CTI appears to be a useful tool to assess adolescents’ and young adults’ strategies to manage daily life problems. Additionally, deficits in constructive thinking seem to play a role in the occurrence and maintenance of delinquent behaviours, and should be taken into consideration for interventions in this specific population.  相似文献   


Introduction and objectives

Due to the high frequency and co-occurrence of vulnerabilities, mothers under 20 years are at higher risk of perinatal depression than adults mothers. We performed a review of the literature investigating the epidemiology of adolescents mothers’ depression, compared these data to adult mothers and listed associated factors, to develop a more preventive approach and specific follow-up.


The review is based on Pubmed and Sciencedirect research combining “adolescent” or “teenage” and “depression” as keywords.


Seventeen international studies were included, evaluating both prenatal (6 studies) and postnatal (14 studies) depression with three different scales (CES-D, BDI, EPDS). Depression rate in adolescents mothers varies from 26 to 63% in the third trimester of pregnancy and from 26 to 61% in the first 3 months postpartum, with differences depending of studies designs, screening instruments and cut-offs. Depression rate declines with time, but still persists with a prevalence ranging from 21 to 32% at 4 to 5 years after delivery. Depression rate in adolescent mothers are globally twice higher than in adult mothers, both in prenatal and postnatal periods. Characteristics associated with adolescent mothers depression include sociodemographic factors (less education, low income), psychosocial factors (confidence, self-esteem), poor or inadequate social support and negative life events (violence exposure, history of abuse).


Perinatal depression in adolescent mothers is very high and can contribute negatively to child-mother interaction. It should be a priority to screen depression early during pregnancy and to offer appropriate support services during the first years of motherhood. Moreover, it could be of high interest to assess maternofoetal attachment during pregnancy using validated instruments combined with depression scales.  相似文献   

Global Management of autistic people primarily requires behavioral and educational therapy. There is actually no psychopharmacological agent that is efficient on the core symptoms of autism, especially the social and communicative impairments. However psychotropic medications are widely prescribed in this population and as mush as one out two people with autism receives at least one medication. In this population, medications are mainly directed at the frequently associated behavioral symptoms such as aggression toward self or others, tantrums, hyperactivity, severe repetitive behaviors. The goal of this article is to provide a review of the existing controlled studies in this area. The presented studies aim the following therapeutic classes: atypical antipsychotics, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI), psychostimulants and antiepileptics. The studies and their main results in terms of efficiency and safety are presented in tables. Atypical antipsychotics, especially risperidone and aripiprazole have been shown to be useful in the treatment of behavioral symptoms. SSRI seem to have limited interest for the management of repetitive behaviors. Stimulants can help in case of hyperactivity and attention deficit associated with Autism spectrum disorders. Antiepileptics show promising results, but the best indications for this class are not clear. For sleep disturbances, melatonin can be a safe and efficient option. Challenging behaviors requires careful investigation to understand their origin in order to provide the specific management. The first answer should be environmental and educational. Somatic or mental diseases should be carefully assessed. Medication use in this vulnerable population should carefully evaluate the benefit/risk balance. Medications should be prescribed at the minimum dose for the minimum duration.  相似文献   

Anorexia nervosa has been the target of many research efforts. However, the latest studies, are mainly focused on female subjects. The literature on males with anorexia nervosa is currently emerging. This review of literature suggests pooling knowledge about male anorexia nervosa that can be extracted from the literature over a period of 15 years. The variables that are specifically targeted are clinical presentation, premorbid conditions, personality characteristics, sexual orientation and activity, gender identity and comorbid troubles. The comparison and the pooling of the results of 24 studies forming the review allow us, in some cases, to support observations made by previous research and to identify certain trends. Among other things, there appears to be similarities between the behavioral symptoms of boys and girls. The review gives a summary of the current knowledge on the various themes of the study concerning male anorexia and emphasizes the plurality and heterogeneity of research methods identifying some areas where further research is needed.  相似文献   



The aim of this paper was to compare foster care and typical children's and adolescent's use of emotion regulation processes through coping. Developmental shifts in coping strategies were expected to change coping profiles during the transition from childhood to adolescence and enhance a less adaptive coping style in foster adolescents.

Methods and population

One hundred and forty-two children and adolescents, from 7 to 16 years, participated to this study, 46 were in foster care and 96 were in typical families. Most families lived on medium incomes with a low to medium educational attainment. An Hierarchical Classification Ascendant (method consisting to build a partition of the population into homogeneous clusters [low within-variability] which are different one from another [high between-variability]) was used to identify three coping profiles in children and adolescents: “flexible”, “avoidant”, and “active”. This method allowed us to set up children and adolescent profiles as a function of their ages, their social status and their gender.


It was revealed that 30% of foster care children and adolescents used a “flexible” coping profile in the same proportion as in the control population. In both populations, there was an increase of the adaptive “flexible” coping profile with age. However, a placement in foster families after 6 years old increased adolescents’ vulnerability since between 12 and 16, they used less the “active” coping profile and more the “avoidant” coping style when faced with a stressor. The coping profiles of foster care girls differ significantly from those of girls in typical families with a greater proportion of “avoidant” coping profiles.


These results suggest that the transition from childhood to adolescence alters emotion regulation in both populations. They are discussed within the framework of clinical intervention following the resilience perspective.  相似文献   

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