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关于缩短护理教育中理论与实践差距的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高云 《护理研究》2006,20(2):367-368
护理学是一门理论与实践结合较为紧密的学科。在护理专业教学中,应强化护理专业的基础理论、基础知识和基本技能,强化临床专业能力培养,紧跟临床先进的护理管理模式、护理技术的发展,不断更新知识结构。要保证课堂教学和临床教学的紧密联系,保证教学内容紧密结合临床发展的新动向,护理教师就必须参与临床实践,及时掌握临床一线的发展动向,并让学生尽早接触临床,培养其解决临床实际问题的能力。这种理论与实践的紧密联系,是护理教育的一个显著特点,也是护理教育不断发展的基本保证。但长期以来,受多种因素影响,护理教育中理论与实践始终存在一定的差距。这种差距妨碍了理论与实践的结合,严重地影响着护理人才的培养。如何缩短这种差距,是一个值得认真思考的问题。  相似文献   

高等护理教育中理论与实践差距的反思   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
护理学是一门研究有关预防保健及防治疾病中护理理论与技术的综合性应用科学,具有很强的实践性及经验性[1,2]. 护理学的范畴及内容涉及影响人类健康的生物、心理、社会及精神的各个方面因素,护理教育培养的人才不仅需要具有扎实的护理专业知识及技能,而且还应具备教育学、心理学、管理学等人文社会科学方面的知识,更应具有研究人、护理人、教育人的综合实践能力.  相似文献   

护理理论和实践:现实中的差距   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
根据护理理论和实践在现实中一直存在着差距的现状,探讨了护理理论的来源、定义和发展,与研究和实践的关系, 理论在实践中应用的有效性等问题.提出应避免生搬硬套,应用理论的精髓和思想;大力开展"实证为基础的护理" ;中间类型理论的发展和应用;改革现有的教育方法,使之更贴近护理的本质等建议;以缩小理论和实践的差距,促进护理理论更好地结合临床实践.  相似文献   

崔艳  徐巧玲  郭明贤 《现代护理》2006,12(17):1657-1658
在阐明信息化教育对护理专业教师提出的具体要求的前提下,对照我国护理教育师资现状,分析并总结出护理教师存在的差距,提出相应对策。  相似文献   

在阐明信息化教育对护理专业教师提出的具体要求的前提下,对照我国护理教育师资现状,分析并总结出护理教师存在的差距,提出相应对策.  相似文献   

灾难护理教育的理论与实践研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
进入21世纪,世界范围内出现了一系列重大灾难事件.根据国际红十字会与红新月会国际联合会<2006年世界灾难报告>[1],过去10年内灾难造成的年平均死亡人数为12万人.各种灾难所致大规模伤亡事件(mass Casualty incident,MCI)的威胁已成为健康保健系统面临的一个巨大挑战.作为健康保健系统的重要组成部分,护理人员应在灾难救援中发挥应有的作用.目前国内外学者和学术团体均已认识到.开展灾难护理教育对于提高和普及护理人员的灾难护理能力具有重要意义.本文将对灾难护理相关教育的研究进展进行综述.  相似文献   

张缨  侯秀红  张中信 《护理研究》2003,17(23):1396-1397
新世纪是护理学与信息技术、社会科学和其他学科融合交汇发展的世纪 ,是知识骤增、知识爆炸的时代。为此 ,在教育中必须注重激发学生学习的积极性 ,提高学生应用知识和解决问题的能力。本文就强化计算机教学的重要性及实施情况阐述如下。1 计算机教学的重要性  新世纪的发展趋势是护理信息系统 (nursinginformationsystem ,NIS)的建立与不断完善。NIS将为护理病人、安排护理服务、完成护理教育和研究等方面提供所需信息。为此 ,培养高层次护理人才 ,必须强化计算机教学 ,使学生掌握获取信息的手段。对院内本科生关于设置计算机课程必…  相似文献   

护理专修科是以在职护士为培养对象,以专科护师为培养目标的高等护理专科教育。自1980年江苏省卫生厅和南京军区总医院联合开办了全国第一个护理专修班以来,全国已有30多个医学院校开设了护理专修科。目前,护理专修科教育已成为我国高等护理教育的主体。作为一门年轻的专业,护理专修科教育只有十余年的历史,无论是在办学理论方面还是在办学实践  相似文献   

关于护理人文教育的思考   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
加强护理人文教育,符合当今科学教育与人文教育相融合的趋势,也是医学模式转变的需要,更是学生全面发展的内在要求。护理人文教育作为一种人文素质教育,教育内容应包括文学、历史、哲学和艺术,教育方式可采取开设人文课程、举办人文讲座和开展人文活动。  相似文献   

目的 探索新建医院筹建过程中护理人文教育的必要性及实践意义,为护理管理工作提供参考依据.方法 通过对本院护理人文教育实践过程中的实证分析及与其他新建医院实践的比较分析,探讨新建医院加强护理人文教育的必要性以及我院护理人文教育的实践创新.结果 通过护理人文教育的实施,形成了统一的团队意识与文化,护士在工作中表现出积极向上的精神风貌与较强的集体荣誉感.结论 在新医院筹建过程中,护理人文教育能积极发挥导向作用、凝聚作用和激励作用,引导员工形成统一的价值理念与团队文化,对护理队伍的稳定性与医院的发展起到至关重要的推动作用.  相似文献   

Mind the theory/practice gap in nursing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The theory/practice gap is a recurrent theme in the nursing literature. Numerous suggestions have been made about how this gap may be narrowed or even closed. However, there appears to have been little attempt to date to examine the ways in which research conducted into the hidden curriculum, and philosophical analysis of the concepts involved, might inform our understanding of the reasons for the existence of the theory/practice gap. This paper attempts to utilize some of the contributions from these areas of research, and as a result will argue that, while narrowing of the theory/practice gap may be a realistic goal, any attempt to close it completely will be doomed to failure.  相似文献   

The metaphor of a gap between theory and practice is firmly established in nursing education. Furthermore, it is embedded in conventional professional wisdom to the extent that when it used in professional reports, academic writing or in the conversations amongst nurses, it often requires no further explanation. The notion of a gap between theory and practice has proven to be a most fertile and an especially helpful concept which has enabled educators, clinicians and students to devise practical strategies, intended to resolve problems associated with the gap. However, that nursing has so enthusiastically embraced the notion of a gap between theory and practice may also have inhibited creativity in the design and delivery of programmes and thereby missing other opportunities for student nurses to learn from practical contexts.  相似文献   

The congruency between theory, research and practice is essential for nursing's professional development This paper briefly examines the historical development of theory, research and practice and discusses the gap between the triad Critical social theory is discussed as an alternative in nursing education to bridging this gap Through critical enquiry, it is believed that many of the constraints to providing holistic care can be uncovered in order for the essence of nursing to be actualized It is also through critical theory that students can become ethical, moral, responsible and accountable individuals in society  相似文献   

Abstract The aim of the present study was to develop educational guidelines to be used as a tool for the integration of theory, research and practice to ensure that nursing knowledge and practical skills form the basis of academic nursing education. An additional aim was to describe the nursing competence expected of the students at four academic levels: introductory, intermediate and advanced levels I and II. Clinical nursing education plays a crucial role in assisting nursing students to integrate the theory and practice of nursing at the baccalaureate level, as well as in further specialization and in‐depth nursing studies at the advanced level. A research group consisting of lecturers from the Institute of Nursing, Göteborg University, Sweden, was given the objective to formulate educational guidelines for clinical practice within nursing education. The study took the form of a literature search. In addition, the Delphi method, aimed at reaching a consensus of opinion among colleagues, was used. Based on the literature review and the collegial discussions, four core concepts emerged: professional stance, reflective processes, problem‐solving processes, and practical skills, from which the educational guidelines were developed. Guidelines were formulated both in general and abstract form. They were not connected to a specific care context, specific patient group or specific nursing problems. The most important objective of academic education is that the student develops abilities and techniques necessary for life‐long learning. Students will, in their professional life as nurses, continuously meet situations where they are challenged to take appropriate decisions and actions. This demands training in problem‐solving, reflection, decision‐making and the ability to use both deductive and inductive learning strategies. The guidelines describe what is expected of the students in terms of nursing competence and personal qualifications to ensure that they will be ready to meet the demands of their future profession.  相似文献   

Evaluating quality of nursing care: the gap between theory and practice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this article is to determine whether nursing practice, as judged by nurse peer reviewers, varies by type or location of hospital and to assess which aspects of practice tend to be most at variance with nursing theory. This article provides a framework of continued quality assessment and improvement that is based on prior research. Trained nurse peer reviewers carried out structured implicit review, which utilized their professional judgment to evaluate the process of nursing care for patients admitted to acute hospitals with heart failure or cerebrovascular accident. Findings show significant variations in the quality of nursing care and support the continued development of nursing quality assessment and improvement initiatives directed at reducing the gap between nursing theory and practice.  相似文献   

周兰姝  王志红 《护理研究》2007,21(10):924-926
近2年,护理研究生招生规模日益扩大.然而,如何围绕研究生的培养目标开设有特色的研究生课程是研究生教学的重要课题.为此,我们在护理研究生2003年、2004年、2005级《健康教育理论与实践》教学中,进行了研究性学习的教学实践和探索,现介绍如下.  相似文献   

Thinking creatively: from nursing education to practice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Creative thinking is a critical link in the teaching-learning process, one that enhances problem solving in nursing practice. This article describes a conceptualization of creativity based on focus groups with 12 post-RN students and two nurse educators. Inherent within the major theme, striving for balance, were three subthemes-enhancing self-esteem, working within structure, and making time for reflection (i.e., process). When participants achieved balance, both personally and professionally, they experienced increased creative energy that resulted in creative expression, subsequently displayed in educational endeavors and clinical practice (i.e., product). Strategies for fostering creativity and criteria for evaluating creativity are offered, and implications for nurse educators, managers, and practitioners are examined.  相似文献   

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