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What to do with a patient who smokes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Schroeder SA 《JAMA》2005,294(4):482-487
Steven A. Schroeder, MD

JAMA. 2005;294:482-487.

Despite the reality that smoking remains the most important preventable cause of death and disability, most clinicians underperform in helping smokers quit. Of the 46 million current smokers in the United States, 70% say they would like to quit, but only a small fraction are able to do so on their own because nicotine is so highly addictive. One third to one half of all smokers die prematurely. Reasons clinicians avoid helping smokers quit include time constraints, lack of expertise, lack of financial incentives, respect for a smoker’s privacy, fear that a negative message might lose customers, pessimism because most smokers are unable to quit, stigma, and clinicians being smokers. The gold standard for cessation treatment is the 5 As (ask, advise, assess, assist, and arrange). Yet, only a minority of physicians know about these, and fewer put them to use. Acceptable shortcuts are asking, advising, and referring to a telephone "quit line" or an internal referral system. Successful treatment combines counseling with pharmacotherapy (nicotine replacement therapy with or without psychotropic medication such as bupropion). Nicotine replacement therapy comes in long-acting (patch) or short-acting (gum, lozenge, nasal spray, or inhaler) forms. Ways to counter clinicians’ pessimism about cessation include the knowledge that most smokers require multiple quit attempts before they succeed, that rigorous studies show long-term quit rates of 14% to 20%, with 1 report as high as 35%, that cessation rates for users of telephone quit lines and integrated health care systems are comparable with those of individual clinicians, and that no other clinical intervention can offer such a large potential benefit.


Acute gastrointestinal (GI) haemorrhage is a frequent and potentially life threatening medical presentation, the management of which depends on more than one speciality. Upper GI haemorrhage is often treated by endoscopic methods, failing which radiological intervention or surgery are the alternative methods of treatment. Radiology is crucial both in the diagnosis and treatment of lower GI haemorrhage, where the role of endoscopy is limited by poor visibility. CT angiography is now the first line investigation of choice and catheter angiography is used as a prelude to intervention. Interventional radiological techniques for treatment include embolisation for both upper and lower GI arterial haemorrhage and transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunting for upper GI variceal haemorrhage refractory to endoscopic treatment.  相似文献   

目的通过询问接受姑息治疗的不同种族的癌症患者和家属,了解他们在被告知病情过程中的反应及对信息共享的满意度。设计通过半结构化的个别访谈进行的一项定性研究。研究场所西澳大利亚的珀思,加拿大马尼托巴省的温尼伯。参加者72位登记为姑息治疗的参加者包括:珀思的21对病人和家属,温尼伯的14对病人和家属以及2位病人。结果参加者非常详细地描述了他们的经历。分析结果表明,沟通的过程与信息的内容同样重要。谈话时间,治疗策略,传递信息以及医生所持的态度都是整个交流过程中的关键。这种对信息互动的需求贯穿于疾病的每一个阶段。其中涉及的主要内容与预后及治愈的希望有关。此外,我们可以通过不同的途径把希望传递给病人。从不同的来源得到其他信息,并把他们与基本信息融和。所有病人,无论出身,都希望知道自己的病情,并与家属完全地分担这些信息。几乎所有病人都要求知道疾病的预后怎样,所有的家庭成员也都尊重他们的愿望。病人与他们的家庭沟通、理解所得到的信息很重要。随着疾病的进展,病人及其家庭对信息的需求也将随之改变,他们之间的沟通也将变得不易表述清楚。结论与病人的信息交流需要个体化,尤其注意要贯穿于疾病的每一个阶段。病人及其家庭会利用其他信息来补充医务人员给予的信息。  相似文献   

自 1 995年 1 1月至 1 999年 5月我们开展了晚期癌痛用硬膜外腔注药的方法治疗疼痛的家庭病床 3 6例 ,现将护理体会报告如下 :1 资料与方法本组 3 6例 ,男 2 1例 ,女 1 5例 ,年龄 2 5~ 72a ,其中肝癌 9例、乳腺癌 7例、胃癌 6例、直肠癌 5例、宫颈癌 5例、肺癌和骨癌各 2例。全部为由癌肿引发的顽固性疼痛 ,并经口服和肌肉注射止痛药物效果不佳而强烈要求用此方法止痛者。医生根据患者疼痛部位的不同选择相应的椎间隙行硬膜外腔穿刺 ,成功后置入硬膜外导管用胶布、敷料固定。一般平卧给药 ,单次注药结束后用烧灼封闭导管末端 ,以保持管内…  相似文献   

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