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目的:通过核算我国慢性非传染性疾病(以下简称慢性病)防治费用,分析中国慢性病防治筹资现状、存在的主要问题以及主要成因。方法:通过对4个省份慢性病防治服务提供、服务消耗以及服务的筹资情况进行调查,结合全国卫生服务调查数据,利用SHA2011核算体系从资金筹集、服务提供和功能使用角度对我国慢性病防治费用进行核算。结果:慢性病防治消耗大量卫生资源,占卫生总费用比重达到近70.00%,预防服务费用仅占全部慢性病费用的1.26%。心脑血管疾病费用所占比重达34.00%,医疗保险补偿水平不高,居民经济负担沉重。结论:医疗保障制度缺乏对慢性病针对性的设计,地方政府承担更多筹资压力,慢性病防治筹资的充足和稳定性受到影响。  相似文献   

为完善基本医疗保险制度、提高慢性病门诊医疗保障水平,本文在对慢性病医疗保障覆盖范围、资金来源、慢性病报销政策、监督管理方式等进行描述的基础上,从筹资、支付和结算三方面对各地慢性病的不同医疗保障模式进行比较分析,指出慢性病不同医疗保障模式存在的优势和劣势,并对目前慢性病医疗保障存在的问题的进行对策探讨,为构建慢性病门诊统筹体系奠定基础。  相似文献   

目前,慢性病已经成为危害城镇居民身体健康,造成居民疾病经济负担加重的重要因素。城镇居民基本医疗保险不能满足人们对较高层次卫生服务和医疗保障的需求,尤其是对慢性病医疗保障的需求。而商业医疗保险可以作为医疗保障体系的有效补充。社区慢性病管理引入商业医疗保险不仅在政策上可行,而且可以达到医疗机构、居民和保险机构的“三赢”。  相似文献   

董寅  李娜  叶斌  张高峰 《中国卫生经济》2023,42(9):20-22,26
在慢性病负担持续加重的社会背景下,构建慢性病管理多层次医疗保障体系的重要性日益凸显。玉环市人民医院健康共同体集团针对多元的慢性病管理需求,与政府、高等院校、第三方机构等单位多方合作,在医保资金按疗效付费、基层财政补偿机制、商业保险等领域开展探索,尝试构建慢性病管理多层次医疗保障体系。文章介绍了当前慢性病管理的医保支持政策、基层运行现状及在此背景下的上述创新实践,为各地方在完善慢性病全程闭环管理的保障配套方面提供先行、先试经验。  相似文献   

目的:比较和分析高血压、糖尿病、肝硬化、恶性肿瘤等常见慢性非传染性疾病(以下简称慢性病)患者住院费用结构和影响因素,为控制慢性病医疗费用不合理增长提供参考依据。方法:选取4 455例慢性病患者信息,运用描述统计和多元线性回归方法分析慢性病患者住院费用结构及其影响因素。结果:诊断费和药品费在患者医疗费用中占据主体,慢性病患者住院天数、疾病类型、是否病危、年龄可以影响患者的医疗费用。结论:住院天数和疾病类型是影响患者医疗费用负担的主要因素,应加强慢性病患者医疗保障力度,降低患者疾病经济负担。  相似文献   

城市中的低收入群体以及由于疾病、残疾等原因导致贫困的人群在医疗保障方面往往处于弱势,这部分人群需要更为有效的医疗保障。本文分析了上海市弱势群体的基本医疗保险、医疗救助、补充医疗保险等政策规定;在全面梳理弱势群体医疗保障制度的基础上,分析了保障体系当前在覆盖人群、保障内容、公平性与效率方面所面临的挑战;并提出明确定位、加强制度衔接,建立收入支出相关联的保障对象确定机制,对城镇居民基本医疗保险参保人群予以政策倾斜,保障范围向常见病、慢性病辐射等进一步完善制度体系的策略。  相似文献   

目的:对新型农村合作医疗重大疾病保障制度中的病种组合合理性进行评价,并对按病种补偿与按费用补偿之间的衔接情况进行分析。方法:采用现场调查法,通过定性访谈和定量数据分析相结合的方法。结果:22种大病的住院人数占住院总人数的比例为7.9%,重大疾病医疗保障制度按病种补偿后仍能达到按大病保险按费用补偿起付线的人数仅为1%。结论:目前,我国新型农村合作医疗重大疾病按病种补偿政策中的病种组合设计不够合理,大病保险按费用补偿与按病种补偿需要统筹协调,各有侧重,有针对性的设计政策。  相似文献   

新型农村合作医疗制度在解决农民因病致贫、因病返贫方面确实发挥了重要的作用,但对于降低农村慢性病患者的疾病风险上仍然存在不少问题,主要表现为忽视慢性病的预防工作,补偿力度不到位,补偿制度设计不合理。进一步完善新型农村合作医疗制度,使其能够分担农村慢性病患者的疾病风险,是当前农村医疗保障制度改革必须面对的重要任务。  相似文献   

诱因不明,发病期较长,而且难以治愈,这类疾病的统称慢性非传染性疾病,也就是我们简称的慢性病。其中包括脑血管疾病、糖尿病、恶性肿瘤、免疫系统疾病和精神疾病等。当前我国人口走向老龄化,人群疾病谱也不断的变化,慢性病也成了影响人们身体健康已经造成经济负担的重要因素,我国医疗保险政策其中一项重要内容就是对门诊慢性的的治疗,随着门诊慢性病统筹基金支出不断加大,了解当前门诊慢性病的管理状态、第一时间发现存在问题使其及时得到改善尤为重要。  相似文献   

提高农村居民重大疾病医疗保障水平策略探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重大疾病因多需要在高级别医疗机构就医,医疗费用高昂,参合农民的自付经济负担仍较为沉重。该文借鉴国际重大疾病医疗保险的经验,结合新农合重大疾病医疗保障试点的现状,分析建立新农合重大疾病医疗保障的必要性,探讨建立新农合重大疾病追加补偿模式,省级统筹管理,科学筛选重大疾病病种,清晰界定重大疾病补偿范围,建立与重大公共卫生项目、大病救助等相关政策的有效衔接机制等,提高重大疾病医疗保障水平的策略。  相似文献   

The backlash against managed care has pressured health plans to reexamine their approaches to controlling utilization and managing their members' health care needs, but how much has really changed? Interviews with health plans and others in twelve nationally representative markets suggest that the changes are significant. New and refined disease management programs are improving the care experience of participants with certain prevalent chronic illnesses, while utilization management changes are reducing the administrative burden for providers. Still, disease management programs will need to greatly expand in scope and scale if plans are to succeed in addressing the complex health care needs of aging populations and those with chronic diseases.  相似文献   

This review updates earlier published recommendations and integrates current clinical practice guidelines for nutritional care in chronic kidney disease as recommended by the National Kidney Foundation Kidney Dialysis Outcome Quality Initiative (K/DOQI). The scope covers chronic kidney disease in adults prior to kidney failure (Stages 1–4), chronic kidney failure with hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis replacement therapy (Stage 5), and management after kidney transplantation. Multiple diet parameters are necessary to provide optimal nutritional health, including monitoring of calories, protein, sodium, fluid, potassium, calcium, and phosphorus, as well as other individualized nutrients. Emphasis is placed on continuity of care within changing kidney function and treatment modality status. The rising incidence of chronic kidney disease will increase the probability of the non-renal specialist dietetics professional delivering care to this patient population.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that we need to ‘Think Differently’ about how we organise care for people with long‐term conditions. Current approaches prioritise reducing population disease burden, meaning health need is defined predominantly in terms of disease status, or even risk of disease. However, the result is care which overburdens some individuals. The World Health Organisation has described the need to view health as a ‘resource for living’ and not an end in itself. This study considers whether this view of health offers an alternative view of healthcare need in people living with long‐term conditions. We know that chronic disease can be disruptive for some people; but not all. Our research question asked: Why do people experience long‐term conditions differently, and what are the implications for understanding healthcare need? Our phenomenographic study involved qualitative interviews with 24 people living with at least one of the three conditions (diabetes, depression and chronic pain) and explored resources for and demands on daily living. Interviews all took place during 2012 and 2013. A narrative form analysis identified three patterns of illness experience (Gliding Swan, Stormy Seas and Stuck Adrift). Narrative content analysis revealed four factors explaining the variation: personalising care, existence of meaningful anchors, partnership and excess demands. We thus propose three new categories of healthcare need described by a consideration of health as a resource for living: Resilient, Vulnerable and Disconnected. We discuss how the emerging findings may offer scope to develop new needs assessment and patient‐reported outcome measure tools. And so, offer a different way of thinking about the organisation for care for people with long‐term conditions.  相似文献   

In part because of reimbursement changes in the 1980s, hospitals became involved in health promotion and disease prevention activities often to attract patients. Today, these services may have an effect on the burden of disease and on illness prevention in some communities. Given the changes anticipated in healthcare delivery, assessing the scope of these services and integrating them with other private-public efforts is of utmost importance. Here we use a 1993 survey of all 4,977 private medical and surgical hospitals in the United States to determine the scope of disease prevention, health enhancement, and palliative services provided by facility type, geographic location, and institutional ownership. We found that church-operated and other nonprofit hospitals appear to provide a spectrum of palliative and preventive health services both for their patients and those in the local community. Given their apparent scope, these services could have an effect on the burden of disease and on illness prevention in many communities. With major changes anticipated in future healthcare delivery and the recent failures reported for many community health intervention programs, healthcare administrators need to focus on ways to integrate their services with other private and public health efforts. If this could be achieved, then private hospitals could be more successful in serving their local communities and in enhancing the public's health in the new century. This article outlines several basic steps to assist administrators in achieving these goals.  相似文献   

The essential role local health departments have played in the control of infectious diseases has not been matched with an equivalent contribution in prevention of chronic diseases. Local health departments have attempted to define and build that capacity, but they have been confronted with budget cuts and competing public health priorities, most notably bioterrorism preparedness. This article is based on interviews with local health officials and describes some of the common ways local health departments in California have forged ahead to develop the capacity to engage in comprehensive approaches to chronic disease prevention in spite of the challenges. Additionally, the article highlights future considerations that need to be addressed if these promising trends in chronic disease prevention are to become more widespread.  相似文献   

In the decades since chronic illnesses replaced infectious diseases as the leading causes of death, public health researchers, particularly those in the field of health promotion and chronic disease prevention, have shifted their focus from the individual to the community in recognition that community-level changes will foster and sustain individual behavior change. The former emphasis on individual lifestyle change has been broadened to include social and environmental factors, often without increased resources. To find new ways to support community health promotion at the national level, the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion and the Division of Adult and Community Health invited an external panel of experts to participate in the National Expert Panel on Community Health Promotion. This article highlights the process through which the expert panel developed its eight recommendations. The recommendations include issues related to community-based participatory research and surveillance, training and capacity building, new approaches for health and wellness, and changes in federal investments. They illustrate the steps needed to broaden the traditional scope of public health and to advance a new vision for improving community health and wellness.  相似文献   

In the decades since chronic illnesses replaced infectious diseases as the leading causes of death, public health researchers, particularly those in the field of health promotion and chronic disease prevention, have shifted their focus from the individual to the community in recognition that community-level changes will foster and sustain individual behavior change. The former emphasis on individual lifestyle change has been broadened to include social and environmental factors, often without increased resources. To find new ways to support community health promotion at the national level, the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion and the Division of Adult and Community Health invited an external panel of experts to participate in the National Expert Panel on Community Health Promotion. This article highlights the process through which the expert panel developed its eight recommendations. The recommendations include issues related to community-based participatory research and surveillance, training and capacity building, new approaches for health and wellness, and changes in federal investments. They illustrate the steps needed to broaden the traditional scope of public health and to advance a new vision for improving community health and wellness.  相似文献   

As the number and diversity of Africans in the U.S. increases, there is a growing need to assess their health care needs and practices. Although infectious diseases have been a traditional point of contact between health care systems and African immigrants, there is a clear and unmet need to determine the risks and prevalence for chronic diseases. This review includes what has been published concerning the health of African immigrants in the U.S. and draws on European studies to supplement this assessment. While African immigrants arrive in the U.S. with some unique health problems, namely infectious diseases, they are generally healthier than African Americans of the same age. This ‘healthy immigrant effect’ has been well documented, but the acquisition of risk factors for chronic diseases such as coronary artery disease, hypertension, diabetes and cancer is poorly understood among African immigrants. More information must be gathered in the broad categories of chronic disease, health attitudes and health access to better promote the health of African immigrants.  相似文献   

Phase I of the voluntary chronic care improvement (CCI-I) under traditional fee-for-service Medicare initiative seeks to extend the benefits of disease management to an elderly population with comorbid chronic medical conditions. Active, sustained involvement of treating physicians, a historical deficit of disease management programs, is a CCI-I program goal. During the last decade, Kaiser Permanente, an integrated health care delivery system with more than 60 years of experience in managing the care of individuals and populations, has applied the chronic care model (CCM) to develop care management strategies for populations of patients with chronic medical conditions. Physician leadership and involvement have been key to successfully incorporating these practices into care. The scope of physician involvement in leading, developing, and delivering chronic illness care management at Kaiser Permanente is described as a basis for identifying opportunities to involve practicing physicians in the CCI-I.  相似文献   

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