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Portal vein recanalization-transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (PVR-TIPS) is a valuable technique in the treatment cirrhosis and portal vein (PV) thrombosis. Only a few studies have reported cases of utilizing the transmesenteric approach in the procedure''s initial portal access. Here, we report the successful utilization of a CT-guided percutaneous puncture of the superior mesenteric vein (SMV) for PVR-TIPS in a patient with splenic vein thrombosis. A 54-year-old male with a history of morbid obesity (BMI: 44.67), hepatitis C, NASH cirrhosis, esophageal varices, and complete PV thrombosis presented for PVR-TIPS. An initial percutaneous transplenic approach was attempted, but was aborted due to the discovery of a splenic vein thrombosis. Subsequently, the patient was brought back into the hybrid-angio CT suite, and the SMV was accessed percutaneously with a 21-gauge needle under 4D CT-guidance. A 5-Fr micropuncture sheath was then placed. Additional portal venogram confirmed PV thrombosis. Right internal jugular vein (IJV) access was then obtained, and the right hepatic vein was catheterized. A loop snare was advanced from the SMV access into the right PV. A Colapinto needle was later positioned in the right hepatic vein, and the right PV was accessed using the loop snare as a target. A wire was then advanced and captured by the snare, and brought down through the PV. The tract was dilated with a 10 mm balloon, and a Viatorr stent was deployed. Balloon embolectomy of the SMV, splenomesenteric vein, and TIPS were then performed with a CODA balloon with improvement in flow through the TIPS on final portal venogram. Portosystemic gradient was 11 mmHg initially and 10 mmHg post-TIPS. Follow-up TIPS venogram in 3 weeks showed a widely patent TIPS. CT-guided percutaneous SMV access may serve as valuable technique in PVR-TIPS when traditional modes of initial portal access for recanalization are unobtainable.  相似文献   

We report a cirrhotic patient with complete occlusion of the portal vein with marked cavernous transformation due to chronic thrombosis in whom a transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) was successfully created after direct minilaparotomy mesenteric vein catheterization, lysis and aspiration of the thrombus, and stenting in the portal vein. The methods used, we believe, provide a new technique for performing TIPS in chronically thrombosed portal veins in which previously no effective surgical therapeutic options were available. Received: 0/00/00/Accepted: 0/00/00  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to introduce a modified transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS), a percutaneous transhepatic intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (PTIPS), and to evaluate its feasibility and efficacy in patients with variceal bleeding with chronic portal vein occlusion (CPVO) after splenectomy.


Twenty-four cirrhotic patients with CPVO after splenectomy who received PTIPS between 2010 and 2015 were included in this retrospective study. The indication was elective control of variceal bleeding. Success rates, effectiveness and complications were evaluated, with comparison of the pre- and post-portosystemic pressure gradient (PPG). Patients’ clinical outcomes and shunt patency were followed periodically.


PTIPS was successfully placed in 22 patients (91.7%) and failed in two. The mean PPG fell from 22.0 ± 4.9 mmHg to 10.6 ± 1.6 mmHg after successful PTIPS (p < 0.05). No fatal procedural complications occurred. During the median follow-up of 29 months, shunt dysfunction occurred in five cases and hepatic encephalopathy in four cases. Three patients died because of rebleeding, hepatic failure and pulmonary disease, respectively. The other patients remained asymptomatic and the shunts patent.


We conclude that PTIPS, as a modified TIPS procedure with a high success rate, is safe and effective for variceal bleeding with CPVO after splenectomy.

Key Points

? Portal vein occlusion used to be contraindication to transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt. ? Portal vein thrombosis is common in patients with previous splenectomy. ? We developed a new method, percutaneous transhepatic intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (PTIPS). ? PTIPS is feasible in patients with portal vein thrombosis and splenectomy. ? PTIPS is effective and safe for these kind of complicated portal hypertension.

自1988年Rossle等首次将经颈内静脉肝内门体分流术(TIPS)引入临床治疗以来,TIPS作为治疗肝硬化合并门静脉高压症及其他并发症的重要方法已在临床广泛应用,并且疗效确切[1-2].然而,在一些特殊情况下,如解剖变异、中心静脉或肝静脉狭窄或闭塞等,常规TIPS难以甚至无法完成,对此类患者建立肝内门体分流道需要对常规TIPS术式进行改良.笔者经皮经肝途径成功完成2例特殊患者的改良式肝内门体分流术,达到了预期的效果,介绍如下.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this article is to describe a double-wire technique for transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) procedures in which a transabdominal-transjugular portosystemic route is created that allows placement of a safety wire and a working wire. The safety wire provides a backup for the loss of the portosystemic tract and straightens the transjugular portosystemic route through a two-hand technique to facilitate shunt creation. CONCLUSION: Potential advantages of this technique include a precise and expeditious procedure for pediatric patients and those with small and hard liver or with focal lesions.  相似文献   

The authors report a congenital intrahepatic portosystemic shunt detected by angiography in a young patient with acute onset of hyperammoniemia and hepatic encephalopathy.  相似文献   

A 23-year-old woman with liver cirrhosis secondary to primary sclerosing cholangitis was referred to us for the treatment of recurrent bleeding from esophageal varices that had been refractory to endoscopic sclerotherapy. Her portal vein was occluded, associated with cavernous transformation. A transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) was performed after a preprocedural three-dimensional computed tomographic angiography evaluation to determine feasibility. The portal vein system was recanalized and portal blood flow increased markedly after TIPS. Esophageal varices disappeared 3 weeks after TIPS. Re-bleeding and hepatic encephalopathy were absent for 3 years after the procedure. We conclude that with adequate preprocedural evaluation, TIPS can be performed safely even in patients with portal vein occlusion associated with cavernous transformation.  相似文献   

We present a case of congenital intrahepatic aneurysmal portosystemic shunt in which the right portal vein communicates with both a variant inferior right hepatic vein and the right hepatic vein. We also describe the importance and efficacy of three dimensional computed tomography reconstruction images in determining subtle, small shunt vessels.  相似文献   

常规的经颈静脉肝内门腔支架分流术均经右颈内静脉入路。这种入路操作容易,已成为经典途径。本文报告了114例肝硬化门脉高压患者中12例经左颈静脉入路完成Tipss操作。12例患者在造影时发现右颈静脉血栓形成、狭窄甚至闭塞。在右颈内静脉闭塞的情况下,经左侧入路是可行的。  相似文献   

The transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) procedure is a well-described means of treating portal hypertension and its complications. Occasionally, the consequences of this shunt prompt the desire for its subsequent obliteration. We report one unsuccessful and one successful method of TIPS occlusion. Key words: TIPS, complications-Occlusion-Thrombosis-Balloon occlusion catheter-Amplatz spi-der-Embolization coil  相似文献   

A 55-year-old man with hepatic cirrhosis, gastroesophageal varices, ascites, slight abdominal pain, and transient encephalopathy experienced unexpected spontaneous relief of his symptoms during hospitalization. Percutaneous transhepatic portography showed an aneurysmal intrahepatic portosystemic venous shunt. Three years later, the shunt was still patent and had led to disappearance of the patient's varices and ascites. The patient remains stable 6 years later.  相似文献   

We describe a simple technique for recatheterization of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunts (TIPS) with severe hepatic vein ostial stenoses that are inaccessible to standard transvenous approaches. A small gauge needle is used to transhepatically introduce a guidewire into the shunt; the wire is passed through the hepatic vein stenosis, snared, and used to guide jugular or brachial catheters into the TIPS.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Intrahepatic portosystemic venous shunt is relatively rare and not well recognized. Awareness of intrahepatic communications is important because they can cause encephalopathy, and most of these shunts can be completely cured by transcatheter embolization. In this study, we describe the angiographic findings and transcatheter embolization techniques using several approaches for the treatment of intrahepatic portosystemic venous shunt. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between 1989 and 2001, we treated 10 patients with symptomatic intrahepatic portosystemic venous shunt by performing transcatheter embolization with Gianturco coils, fibered platinum coils, detachable balloons, and detachable microcoils using one of three approaches to access the portal venous system: transileocolic obliteration (n = 2), percutaneous transhepatic obliteration (n = 4), or retrograde transcaval obliteration (n = 4). RESULTS: In all patients, complete obliteration or nearly complete obliteration was confirmed angiographically, and symptoms related to portal-systemic encephalopathy improved after treatment. Complications were observed in three patients: adhesive ileus in a patient treated by transileocolic obliteration and thrombosis of intrahepatic portal branches in two patients treated by percutaneous transhepatic obliteration. CONCLUSION: On angiography, two types of intrahepatic portosystemic venous shunt were seen: intrahepatic portal venous-hepatic venous communication and intrahepatic portal venous-perihepatic venous communication. Transcatheter embolization is effective for treatment of intrahepatic portosystemic venous shunt. Retrograde transcaval obliteration is the least invasive technique and is recommended as the first choice for treatment of portosystemic venous shunt except in patients with multiple shunts.  相似文献   

对30具经福尔马林固定的成人肝脏的肝静脉和肝门静脉的主要分支进行了观察和测量。重点探讨了肝内门 分流术中建立肝静脉与门静脉之间永久性肝内分流通道时经常选用的血管段的部位、管径、穿刺点间物距离、各主要分支之间的空间位置关系以及定位方法。结果表明,肝右静脉或中脉近端1-2cm处与肝门静脉左支横部中点至角部的血管段之间是建立肝内分流通道的理想部位,为临床应用提供了详尽的解剖学资料。  相似文献   

目的 探讨肝硬化门脉高压患者下腔静脉、肝静脉与门静脉三者之间的影像解剖学关系,评估改良式TIPS,即经肝段下腔静脉入路经颈静脉肝内门体分流术的安全性与可行性.方法 64例临床证实的肝硬化患者,肝功能Child-Pugh B级40例,C级24例,行肝脏双期增强扫描后行CT多层面重组(MPR)及曲面重建(CPR)后处理,将测量所得数据进行配对t检验.结果 Child-Pugh B级者肝段下腔静脉的长度与C级者相比前者较长(P<0.05).以肝段下腔静脉穿刺点为A1,肝右静脉开口2 cm处的穿刺点为A2,门静脉分叉部穿刺点为B1,门静脉右支开口2 cm处的穿刺点为B2,A1 B1线的长度与A2 B1线的长度相比前者较短(P<0.05),A1 B2线和A2 B2线与B2点所在门静脉右支径线的夹角大小相比前者较小(P<0.05).A1 B1线和A1 B2线分别与所在门静脉径线的夹角相比前者较大(P<0.05),A2 B1线和A2 B2线分别与所在门静脉径线的夹角相比前者较大(P<0.05).结论 从解剖学角度分析,改良式TIPS具备安全性及可行性,较传统TIPS术式还具有分流道走行顺畅,对血流动力学影响小的优点.  相似文献   

Portal vein thrombosis (PVT) is an uncommon cause for presinusoidal portal hypertension. PVT can be caused by one of three broad mechanisms: (1) spontaneous thrombosis when thrombosis develops in the absence of mechanical obstruction, usually in the presence of inherited or acquired hypercoagulable states; (2) intrinsic mechanical obstruction because of vascular injury and scarring or invasion by an intrahepatic or adjacent tumor; or (3) extrinsic constriction by adjacent tumor, lymphadenopathy or inflammatory process. Usually, several combined factors are necessary to result in PVT. The consequences of portal vein thrombosis are mostly related to the extension of the clot within the vein. Gastrointestinal bleeding from gastroesophageal varices is the most frequent presentation. Noninvasive imaging techniques are currently used for the screening of patients and the initial diagnosis of PVT. The invasive techniques are reserved for cases when noninvasive techniques are inconclusive, before percutaneous interventional treatment, or in preoperative assessment of patients who are candidates for surgery. Recanalization of the portal vein with anticoagulation alone may not be consistent or appropriate in highly symptomatic patients. Catheterization of the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) is helpful for diagnosis as well as for therapy by allowing the intra-arterial infusion of thrombolytic drugs in the same setting. Direct transhepatic portography allows precise determination of the degree of stenosis and extension within the portal vein, as well as pressure measurements. Thrombotic occlusions of the portal, mesenteric, and splenic veins can be managed by mechanical thrombectomy (MT) or pharmacologic thrombolysis. Underlying occlusions because of organized or refractory thrombus or fixed venous stenosis are best corrected by balloon angioplasty and stent placement. Access into the portal venous system can also be established through creating a transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS). Creating a TIPS is also important in the setting of PVT associated with cirrhosis to decompress portal hypertension and improve portal venous flow. PVT involving the portal, splenic, and/or mesenteric veins can also complicate a preexisting TIPS in which case the shunt can be readily used as therapy access. Several techniques may be used to recanalize the shunt and portal venous system, including thrombolytic therapy, balloon angioplasty/embolectomy, suction embolectomy, basket extraction of clots, and mechanical thrombectomy with a variety of devices. Advantages of MT include the potential to rapidly remove thrombus without the need for prolonged thrombolytic infusions, and reducing the potential life-threatening complications of thrombolytic therapy. Possible drawbacks include the risk of intimal or vascular trauma to the portal vein, which may promote recurrent thrombosis.  相似文献   

经颈静脉肝内门脉左支-体静脉分流术的临床意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 评价选择性门静脉左支作为TIPS分流道的临床意义,分析门静脉左、右支的血液动力学变化及重要液道物质浓度差异对术后预防肝性脑病及远期疗效的影响。方法 341例有目的的选择肝内门静脉左支作为穿刺靶点,行经颈静脉矸内静脉左支门腔分流术建立门腔分流道,避开富含营养、毒素的门静脉右支血液。肝实质通道用8mm直径球囊扩张,限制分流口径。结果 所有患者术后3个月内无一例发生肝性脑病。随访期间TIPS术后341例患者仅5例(1.47%)出现肝性脑病和19例(5.57%)一年随访造影出现支架内狭窄。结论 选择性门静脉左支作为门腔静脉分流道,可心显著降低肝性脑病发生率,对保护肝功能,提高分流道远期开通率具有重要的临床意义。  相似文献   

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