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我国斑点热病原学研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
斑点热群立克次体是立克次体属中种类最多的一群,《伯杰氏系统细菌学手册》1984年版收录了8种,包括立氏立克次体(Rickettsiarickettsii)、西伯利亚立克次体(R.sibirica)、康氏立克次体(R.conorii)、小蛛立克次体(R.akari)、澳大利亚立克次体(R.australia)、派氏立克次体(R.parkeri)、蒙他拿立克次体(R.montana)和扇头蜱立克次体(R.rhipicephali)。其中前5种对人致病,后三种的致病作用尚未肯定。  近年来,世界各地又…  相似文献   

作者对不明热患者血液,立克次体细胞培养物,疫区的微小牛蜱,野鼠脾脏等标本,应用Rr.1990.70p和Rr.190.602n引物对,进行PCR扩增,检测斑点热群立克次体特异性DNA。  相似文献   

黑龙江蜱传斑点热研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
斑点热群立克次本 (SpottedFeverGroupRickettsiae ,SF GR)是引起斑点热的病原体 ,该病原体是立克次体目中最复杂的一群。 1984年版《Bergey’s鉴定细菌手册 )中收录了 8种SFGR ,其中 5种对人有致病性 ,另外 3种对人的致病性尚未证实。近年在世界各地又陆续发现了 10余种SFGR新种及其引致的斑点热。我国科研工作者经过 4 0余年的不懈努力 ,经病原学证实共发现 4种SFGR ,除国际上已知而在我国发现的引致北亚热的西伯利亚立克次体 (Rickettsiasibiri ca ,R .s)外 ,还发现了黑龙江立克次体 (R .heilongjiangii,R .hei)、内蒙古立克次…  相似文献   

作者对不明热患者血液,立克次体细胞培养物,疫区的微小牛蜱,野鼠脾脏等标本,应用Rr.190.70p和Rr.190.602n引物对,进行PCR扩增,检测斑点热群立克次体特异性DNA。检测结果1.20份不明热患者或疑似立克次体病患者血液标本,检出阳性结果的有7份(7/20阳性)。2.27份不明热患者或疑似立克次体病患者血液标本的细胞分离培养物,检出阳性结果的有14份(14/27阳性)。3.7组微小牛蜱有2组检出阳性结果(2/7阳性)。4.47组野鼠脾脏8组检出阳性(8/47阳性)。  相似文献   

斑点热群立克次体新种——虎林—93株的分离和鉴定   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
本文用鸡胚卵黄囊培养法及实验动物感染法从黑龙江省虎林县境内采集的嗜群血蜱中分离到一株立克体次。命名为HL-93株立克次体。经形态学及血清学试验证实为斑点热群立克次体。分别用微量免疫荧光法、十二烷基硫酸钠-聚丙烯胺凝胶不连续电泳法、单克隆抗体免疫酶斑点法、单克隆和多克隆抗体免疫印迹法、聚合酶链反应和限制性片段长度多态性分析法对该分离株进行鉴定并同已知国际标准株、国际及国内参考株进行比较。结果表明:H  相似文献   

日本斑点热是由日本立克次体感染、经蜱虫叮咬传播的一种自然疫源性疾病。本例患者表现为发热、皮疹、头痛、焦痂溃疡,病程中出现血小板急剧下降、凝血功能异常、低血压休克、急性呼吸窘迫综合征、肝肾功能损伤、意识障碍等严重并发症,宏基因组学第二代测序检出日本立克次体,结合患者实验室检查和临床表现诊断为日本斑点热,经多西环素抗感染及...  相似文献   

从病人血液分离的斑点热群立克次体H—5株的鉴定   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
目的1996年5~6月在黑龙江省绥芬河、东宁地区进行斑点热病的调查。方法采用micro-IF、病原分离及PCR/RFLP等方法。结果(l)发现被蜱叮咬后斑点热临床指征的疑似病人7例,其中血清检测有4例早期与恢复期血清抗SFG立克次体lgM、IgG抗体滴度≥4倍升高;(2)从病人血液分离到1株SFG立克次体H-5株,经鉴定显示该分离株和黑龙江省立克次体54株一致,和SFG各标准株有明显差异。结论该患者为SFG黑龙江立克次体感染,从病原学角度证实该立克次体对人具有致病性。  相似文献   

福建宁化县斑点热的发现与研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
福建宁化县斑点热的发现与研究陈振光,毕德增,宋秀萍,潘亮,于恩庶,范明远斑点热群(SpottedFeverGroupsFG)立克次体是立克次体属中最复杂的一群,Berlley细菌手册将其分为8个种[1],其中北亚热的西伯利亚立克次体(R,s)、立克次...  相似文献   

微波微量免疫荧光检测斑点热立克次体方法的建立   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 建立微波免疫荧光检测斑点热立克次体的方法。方法 通过微波促免疫荧光染色最佳时间、最佳火力的选择及微波免疫荧光方法与常规免疫荧光方法敏感性的比较。结果表明 :微波法反应速度快 ,只需 15min就可以观察结果 ,大大缩短了检测时间 ,提高了工作效率 ,并且两种方法在特异性上没有显著性差别。结论 我们认为微波免疫荧光方法是一种简便的、实用的快速检测立克次体的方法。  相似文献   

We describe 3 cases of Mediterranean spotted fever (MSF) who presented with severe sepsis, in 2 of which the clinical diagnosis was unclear at presentation. In each case the diagnosis of MSF was made using a nested-PCR assay for Rickettsia conorii 17-kD protein gene. The nested-PCR based diagnosis preceded the serological results of MSF that were all negative at admission. The early diagnosis of MSF by specific PCR will facilitate an early institution of appropriate therapy, saving unnecessary tests and medications.  相似文献   



Mediterranean spotted fever (MSF) is an acute febrile, zoonotic disease caused by Rickettsia conorii and transmitted to humans by the brown dogtick Rhipicephalus sanguineus. Nearly four hundred cases are reported every year (mainly from June to September) on the Italian island of Sicily. The aim of the study was to analyze the clinical and laboratory characteristics of patients with MSF and the efficacy of the drugs administered.  相似文献   

Rickettsial disease has recently undergone an important evolution, particularly in the field of molecular genetics. This development includes Mediterranean spotted fever (MSF), a tick-borne disease caused by Rickettsia conorii. Important changes have occurred in ecologic and epidemiologic comprehension of the disease, and in the occurrence of severe forms. However, many questions still remain, including the identity of the real vector and reservoir of R conorii, and whether other risk factors exist for a severe form of MSF.  相似文献   

Advances in the diagnosis of epidemic hemorrhagic fever   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Summary Of 15 patients hospitalized because of Israeli spotted fever, 3 developed arthritis during the course of the disease. Treatment with tetracycline was accompanied by full remission of the spotted fever including the arthritis. This suggests that arthritis is not a rare complication of Israeli spotted fever.  相似文献   

Most previous studies of Mediterranean spotted fever (MSF) have included cases that either were not laboratory-confirmed or were confirmed by the Weil-Felix test. The authors report the detailed clinical, laboratory and epidemiological features of 199 serologically-confirmed cases of MSF (by microimmunofluorescence). This work demonstrates that the disease is difficult to diagnose, especially at the beginning; that it can be fatal (2.5% of cases); and that a rapid and specific diagnosis is necessary to identify atypical cases. Epidemiological features such as season (summer essentially), presence of a dog, and travel in an endemic area (the Mediterranean Basin) are important in the diagnosis. In such cases fever associated with rash have to be considered and treated as MSF.  相似文献   

Summary Although arthralgia is a common complaint in Mediterranean spotted fever, frank arthritis is very unusual. We report two cases of this condition during the course of Mediterranean spotted fever. Synovial fluid was inflammatory in both patients and the disease resolved after doxycycline therapy. Immunofluorescence test forRickettsia conorii in synovial fluid was negative, suggesting a reactive arthritis.
Arthritis bei Mittelmeer-Fleckfieber
Zusammenfassung Gelenkschmerzen treten bei Mittelmeer-Fleckfieber häufig auf, doch kommt es sehr selten zur Arthritis, wie in zwei Fällen berichtet wird. Bei beiden Patienten war die Gelenkflüssigkeit entzündlich verändert; Doxycyclin-Therapie führte zur Heilung.Rickettsia conorii konnte immunfluoreszenzmikroskopisch nicht in der Gelenkflüssigkeit nachgewiesen werden, was auf eine reaktive Arthritis schließen läßt.

目前,非结核分枝杆菌(NTM)病的发病率在全球逐年提高,NTM与结核分枝杆菌均可引起肺部以及其他部位病变,而且临床症状相似,鉴别诊断困难,所以分枝杆菌菌种鉴定对于疾病的诊断、治疗及预后意义重大。传统生化鉴定方法费力耗时,不能很好地满足临床需要。近年来,以免疫层析技术为基础的MPB64抗原胶体金法、以色谱技术为基础的气相及高效液相色谱法、以基因探针、限制性片段长度多态性聚合酶链反应(PCR-RFLP)及PCR-基因测序方法为代表的分子生物学技术等各种新技术的引入,为NTM的菌种鉴定提供了更为科学的方法。作者就上述3种技术为基础开展的菌种鉴定方法,综合国内外近年来的文献,介绍了各种方法的原理、应用情况、性能指标等,同时对方法的优点及局限性进行初步评价。相信随着新技术不断完善,能够逐步形成快速可靠、成本低廉的标准化NTM菌种鉴定体系。  相似文献   

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