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医药卫生体制改革(医改)提出"强基层,保基本"的工作重心,农村基层卫生人才是该项工作开展的核心。苏北地区是江苏省经济水平相对较差的地区,吸引和稳定农村卫生人才是当地工作的重点和难点,了解该地区农村基层卫生人力现状,可以为当地卫生行政部门制定卫生政策提供科学依据。本研究采用分层随机抽样方法,对乡镇卫生院和村卫生室的443名在职卫生服务人员进行问卷调查。结果显示,该地区农村基层卫生人员年龄结构不合理、学历和职称水平较低、卫生人员对收入待遇和农村卫生人力资源政策满意度较低。  相似文献   

目的了解内蒙古牧区乡镇卫生院卫生人力资源现状,找出牧区乡镇卫生院在卫生人力资源配置上存在的问题及原因,为今后加强牧区卫生人力资源队伍配置及建设提供理论建议。方法对内蒙古卫生和计划生育委员会2015年乡镇卫生院统计数据进行统计整理,采用描述性统计分析方法对内蒙古自治区33个牧业旗(县)乡镇卫生院卫生人力资源现状进行分析。结果内蒙古自治区牧区乡镇卫生院人才队伍存在人员数量不足和流失并存、职称结构失衡以及城乡、农牧地区差距较大等问题。主要原因有激励机制不合理、人员配置行政化及医改部分政策的协同作用有待进一步发挥等。结论建议进一步改革收入分配制度、提高基层管理能力和加强政策协同,以吸引和稳定基层卫生人才队伍。  相似文献   

近年来,离散选择实验越来越多地被应用到卫生人员对农村地区工作特征偏好的研究中。2012年发布的《如何在农村和偏远地区开展吸引和留住卫生人员的离散选择实验:带有案例分析的用户指南》对离散选择实验应用步骤进行了系统阐述。基于上述指南,结合近年国内外相关文献中的创新性发展,对离散选择实验用于测量农村地区卫生人员工作偏好的应用步骤进行整理。  相似文献   

[目的]分析广西乡镇卫生人力资源配置现状,预测卫生人力资源数量,为改善广西基层医疗卫生服务工作现状提供建议。[方法]对广西2005-2017年乡镇卫生人力资源配置现状进行描述性统计分析,运用基尼系数(Gini)对广西乡镇卫生人力资源配置公平性按农业人口分布和地理面积分布进行评价,建立灰色模型GM (1,1)预测广西乡镇卫生人力资源数量。[结果]广西乡镇卫生人力资源在逐年稳步增长,但乡镇卫生院的医技人员配置比较薄弱。广西乡镇卫生人力资源整体上较为公平,按农业人口的公平性明显优于按地面面积的公平性,灰色模型预测的广西乡镇卫生人力资源数量在逐年上升。[结论]灰色模型GM (1,1)预测结果可靠,建议从政府政策支持、医学院校教育资源帮扶、医学生就业策略转变、乡镇卫生人员自我提升几个方面改善广西乡镇卫生人力资源配置的公平性,以吸引和稳定乡镇卫生人员队伍,提高乡镇卫生人员的服务水平。  相似文献   

武汉市卫生人力资源发展现状、问题及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:描述武汉市卫生人力资源现状,发现武汉市卫生人力资源方面存在的问题,并针对这些问题提出相应的对策,为相关部门制定卫生人力资源发展规划提供参考依据。方法:通过对卫生人员的总量、性别、年龄、学历、职称构成以及地区分布的描述性分析,获得武汉市卫生人力资源的总体现状,并与全国相比较。结果:武汉市卫生人力资源总量较丰富,但存在卫生人员总体素质不高,专业、部门及地区分布不均衡等问题。建议:制定卫生人力发展规划和激励政策,稳定发展卫生人员总体数量,提高整体素质,调整专业、部门及地区分布,更加合理有效地利用卫生人力资源。  相似文献   

目的总结国内外有关农村基层卫生人员吸引和稳定的影响因素及其主要干预策略的研究进展,为改善我国农村基层卫生人员的招募和留用提供参考。方法对国内外基层卫生人力资源现状、离职意愿和工作意愿、工作选择的影响因素、主要干预策略和效果以及离散选择实验方法的应用等进行文献复习和研究。结果农村基层卫生人员尤其是骨干人员招募难、留用难,且存在较高的离职意愿,个人、工作和生活等相关因素是选择或留在农村基层的主要考虑因素。国内外采取了多种有效的干预措施,但缺乏对干预效果的评价。结论农村基层卫生人员招募难、留用难限制了我国农村基层卫生人力资源整体素质的提升,必须采取具有成本效果的干预策略加以改善。  相似文献   

浙江省卫生厅、人事厅联合出台相关政策,进行乡村卫技职称改革.有利于加强农村和基层卫生工作,有利于稳定农村和基层卫生技术人员队伍,有利于鼓励卫生技术人员到农村、到基层工作.对合理配置医疗卫生人力资源,鼓励农村和基层医务人员刻苦钻研业务,提高专业技术人员的生活待遇和业务技术水平,均有重要促进作用,值得各地学习和参考.  相似文献   

目的了解江苏省盐城市大丰、东台和滨海3县基层卫生人员对卫生人力政策的认知情况及满意度,探究其影响因素,以期为当地基层卫生队伍建设和国家及省内卫生人力政策的推行提供参考意见。方法以盐城市经济发展水平(人均GDP)为标准,抽取经济较好的、一般和较差的县各1个作为样本县(依次分别为大丰县、东台市和滨海县),调查12家乡镇卫生院和17家村卫生室,共计443名卫生人员为调查对象进行问卷调查。所得数据采用SPSSS 16.0进行χ~2检验。结果对国家及省内的卫生人力资源的了解程度方面,54.3%的卫生人员不了解,仅有5.8%的卫生人员表示了解相关政策。调查人群中,仅4.7%的卫生人员对当前农村的卫生人力资源政策表示满意,而45.6%认为一般,49.7%的卫生人员表示不满意。结论基层卫生人员对国家及省内卫生人力资源政策了解率过低,政府卫生人力政策实施亟待提高;基层卫生人员对当前农村卫生人力资源满意度很低。  相似文献   

目的对新型医疗体制改革十年以来,我国卫生人力资源数量、学历、职称及分布等现状进行分析并提出建议。方法以2010、2019年国家卫生统计年鉴数据为依据,对相关数据进行描述统计和比较分析。结果我国卫生人力资源数量不断增长,学历水平持续提升,职称结构得到一定改善,其中,注册护士增长速度最快,年均增长率为9.21%,到2018年,卫生技术人员、执业(助理)医师、注册护士本科以上学历人员占比分别为36.2%、55.4%、21.0%。卫生人力资源数量呈东部地区>中部地区>西部地区分布,城市卫生人力资源优于农村。结论建议通过教育培训、政策激励、人才合理规划等措施,加强人才队伍建设,促进人力资源均衡、持续发展。  相似文献   

目的:分析新一轮医改以来我国基层卫生人才资源现状和问题,为稳定基层卫生人才队伍提供参考。方法:运用描述性统计分析和公平性分析方法,分析我国基层医疗卫生人员的数量、结构和分布公平性。结果:基层卫生人员数量显著增加,人员素质有所提升;以省为单位的东中西部地区基层卫生人员Gini系数和泰尔指数均不断减小;东部地区内部的差异是影响总体差异的主要因素。结论:我国基层卫生人才队伍仍存在人员数量不足和流失并存、职称结构失衡以及城乡、地区差距较大等问题;主要原因有激励机制不合理、人员配置行政化、医改部分措施的协同作用有待进一步发挥等;建议进一步改革收入分配制度、提高基层治理能力和加强政策协同,以吸引和稳定基层卫生人才队伍。  相似文献   

INTRTODUCTION: A shortage of health workers is a major problem for Nigeria, especially in rural areas where more than 70% of the population live. At the primary care level, trained community health officers provide services normally reserved for doctors or medical specialists. The community health officers must therefore be supported and motivated to provide effective quality healthcare services. This study aimed to determine factors that will attract and retain rural and urban health workers to rural Nigerian communities, and to examine differences between the two groups. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey measured health workers' work experience, satisfaction with, and reasons for undertaking their current work; as well as reasons for leaving a work location. Data were also gathered on factors that attract health workers to rural settings and also retain them. RESULTS; Rural health workers were generally more likely to work in rural settings (62.5%) than their urban counterparts (16.5%). Major rural motivators for both groups included: assurances of better working conditions; effective and efficient support systems; opportunities for career development; financial incentives; better living conditions and family support systems. The main de-motivator was poor job satisfaction resulting from inadequate infrastructure. Rural health workers were particularly dissatisfied with career advancement opportunities. More urban than rural health workers expressed a wish to leave their current job due to poor job satisfaction resulting from poor working and living conditions and the lack of career advancement opportunities. CONCLUSIONS: Motivational factors for attraction to and retention in rural employment were similar for both groups although there were subtle differences. Addressing rural health manpower shortages will require the development of a comprehensive, evidence-based rural health manpower improvement strategy that incorporates a coordinated intersectoral approach, involving partnership with a range of stakeholders in rural health development.  相似文献   

背景:通过加强卫生人力留用以提高偏远和农村地区卫生人力的可及性,对于人口健康至关重要。然而,此类干预措施有关成本方面的信息往往零散、不全面、甚至缺失。政策措施的成本分析对于政策的选择、规划、实施和评估至关重要,但是由于缺少成本分析的系统方法,为卫生政策制定和决策带来了严峻的挑战。方法:本文提出了提高偏远及农村地区卫生人力可及性政策干预措施的成本分析实施框架,旨在为卫生政策决策者提供帮助。同时,该框架也强调了确定财政的主要来源和财政资金可持续性的重要性。文章对加强边远农村地区卫生人力留用相关政策措施的成本分析进行了文献综述,为此类干预措施的成本分析提供了指导框架,并进一步调查分析了成本分析在整个卫生人力规划与管理中的角色与重要意义。结果:尽管对于人力留用相关政策措施效益的争论得到越来越多的关注,但如何对此类政策措施进行成本分析,目前仍缺乏相关的知识与证据。为了解决这个问题,文章提出了实施成本分析框架的关键要素,并对此进行讨论分析。结论:这些关键要素能够帮助决策者对政策措施有更加深入的了解,明晰与理解财政来源和运行机制,同时确保财政资金的可持续性。  相似文献   

目的:探究内蒙古自治区基层医务人员职业认同与工作满意度的关系。方法:采用整群随机抽样方法,在内蒙古自治区的东部、中部和西部地区卫生系统抽取523名基层医务人员为调查对象,运用问卷调查、匿名填写的方法收集资料。结果:内蒙古基层卫生人员的工作满意度平均分为(3.70±0.74)分,工作满意度在民族、学历、职称、年龄方面的差异有统计学意义。基层卫生人员的职业认同平均分为(4.01±0.73)分,不同民族医务人员的职业认同有统计学意义(P〈0.05),蒙古族医务人员职业认同感高于汉族。职业认同、职业规划和工作满意度呈显著正相关。职业规划在职业认同和工作满意度之间起部分中介作用。结论:改善薪酬和环境,制定有利的职业生涯发展政策,增强医务人员职业认同感,从而提升内蒙古基层医务人员的工作满意度。  相似文献   

The major advance in informing rural workforce policy internationally over the past 25 years has been the recognition of the importance of the ‘rural pipeline’. The rural pipeline suggests that people with ‘rural origin’ (who spent some childhood years in rural areas) and/or ‘rural exposure’ (who do part of their professional training in rural areas) are more likely to select rural work locations. What is not known is whether the rural pipeline also increases the length of time professionals spend in rural practice throughout their careers. This paper analyses data from a survey of rural health professionals in six countries in the northern periphery of Europe in 2013 to examine the relationship between rural origin and rural exposure and the intention to remain in the current rural job or to preference rural jobs in future. Results are compared between countries, between different types of rural areas (based on accessibility to urban centres), different occupations and workers at different stages of their careers. The research concludes that overall the pipeline does impact on retention, and that both rural origin and rural exposure make a contribution. However, the relationship is not strong in all contexts, and health workforce policy should recognise that retention may in some cases be improved by recruiting beyond the pipeline.  相似文献   

We aimed to evaluate the health effects of precarious employment based on a counterfactual framework, using the Korea Labor and Income Panel Survey data. At the 4th wave (2001), information was obtained on 1991 male and 1378 female waged workers. Precarious work was defined on the basis of workers employed on a temporary or daily basis, part-time, or in a contingent (fixed short-term) job. The outcome was self-rated health with five response categories. Confounding factors included age, marital status, education, industry and occupation of current employment, household income, residential area, and prior health status. Propensity scores for each individual to be a precarious worker were calculated from logistic models including those covariates, and based on them, precarious workers were matched to non-precarious workers. Then, we examined the effects of precarious employment on health and explored the potential intermediary variables, using ordered logistic Generalized Estimating Equations models. All analyses were performed separately by gender. Precarious workers were found to be in a lower socioeconomic position and to have worse health status. Univariate matched analyses showed that precarious employment was associated with worse health in both men and women. By further controlling for socio-demographic covariates, the odds ratios were attenuated but remained significant. Job satisfaction, especially as related to job insecurity, and monthly wage further attenuated the effects. This suggests that to improve health status of precarious workers in Korea, policy strategies need to tackle the channeling of the socially disadvantaged into precarious jobs. Also, regulations to eliminate discrimination against precarious workers in working conditions or material reward should be introduced and enforced. There is no doubt that job insecurity, which is pervasive among workers in Korea, should be minimized by suspending market-oriented labor policies which rely on quantitative flexibility.  相似文献   

The impact of stress in the workplace on employees' well-being and effectiveness has been increasingly recognized in recent years. The purpose of this research was to study the quality of working life of case managers in urban and rural community mental health programs in New York State. The objectives were to describe specific job activities and examine differences in the perceptions of job stress and job satisfaction. Urban case managers attributed greater job stress intensity and frequency than did rural workers to stressors relating to collaborating and coordinating services. Urban case managers reported higher levels of perceived job stress due to organizational support deficits than did rural workers. No differences were found for the 2 groups on job pressure stressors. The significance of the findings for mental health agencies is discussed.  相似文献   

目的:分析农村基层卫生人员满意度及影响因素,为加强卫生人才队伍建设提供参考。方法:在安徽省抽取3个样本县发放调查问卷,共调查380名乡镇卫生院人员和村医,用多元线性回归方法分析工作满意度的影响因素,对定性资料的主要问题和观点进行提炼。结果:基层卫生人员总体满意度水平较低,仅有40.90%的人对工作满意;不同满意度因子中,对收入水平、福利等最不满意;不同专业人员中,村医满意度最低。收入水平低、工作量大是工作满意度低的主要影响因素。结论:较低的工作满意度会导致较低的服务质量和较高的人员流失率,亟需将增加的政府投入转变为卫生人员收入与福利水平的改善,进而提高工作满意度水平,这是吸引和留住农村基层卫生人才的关键。  相似文献   

目的整合目前国内外离散选择实验模型(DCE)在卫生人力资源研究中的运用情况,以及DCE在人力资源研究中的优缺点和初步效果。方法通过对目前国内外一些研究的回顾,在概念、运用方法和步骤等方面进行了总结。结果研究发现,DCE可运用于测量医疗卫生工作者的工作意向,研究某一项工作特征的改变对选择工作的影响程度和某一项工作中某个属性特征水平的货币价值。建议在卫生人力资源研究中,可以利用DCE帮助进行相关的卫生政策的制定和实施。  相似文献   

目的:利用认知理论对工作动机的解释,提出一个工作行为决定机制理论框架;并利用两县农村基层卫生服务人员的实证数据,验证此框架中激励人员为卫生系统期望的绩效目标而付出努力的前提条件是否实现。结果:农村基层卫生人员"被激励"的两个条件并未得到满足:农村基层卫生服务工作并不能赋予农村基层卫生人员价值观中偏好的生活和技术支持性物质条件;在农村基层卫生人员认知中机构的技术设备是很少或无法满足工作需要的,并且他们在公共卫生和基本医疗服务方面的工作能力有限。结论:为了引导农村基层卫生人员提高对公共卫生工作的积极性和基本医疗服务质量,需要有针对性地设计和改革人员激励制度。  相似文献   

Increasing dual practice and emigration of health workers threatens the effectiveness of the healthcare system. Insufficient information exists about these phenomena in the transitional countries of South-East Europe. Serbia, a European Union candidate, permits dual practice and there is a high intention to work abroad among its prospective healthcare professionals. A population-based, cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the prevalence and predictors of job satisfaction, dual practice, and intention to work abroad of all workers in the Serbian public healthcare sector (73,940 employees, a response rate of 83.8%). This study observed that 22.6% of the respondents were dissatisfied with their jobs, 11.7% reported dual practice, and 14.3% had an intention to work abroad. Physicians and nurses younger than 55 years of age employed in a tertiary healthcare institution, and males were more likely to be dissatisfied than other workers. Poor management and working conditions increased job dissatisfaction, with a subsequent increased odds for dual practice and intention to work abroad by 1.5 and 3.6 times, respectively. The national and institutional framework for health workforce policy and management must be powerful and efficient when taking advantage of the positive effects and managing the negative aspects of dual practice and the intention to work abroad.  相似文献   

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