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Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is the most common genetic cause of renal failure in humans. Several proteins that are encoded by genes associated with PKD have recently been identified in primary cilia in renal tubular epithelia. These findings have suggested that abnormalities in cilia formation and function may play a role in the pathogenesis of PKD. To directly determine whether cilia are essential to maintain tubular integrity, we conditionally inactivated KIF3A, a subunit of kinesin-II that is essential for cilia formation, in renal epithelia. Constitutive inactivation of KIF3A produces abnormalities of left-right axis determination and embryonic lethality. Here we show that tissue-specific inactivation of KIF3A in renal tubular epithelial cells results in viable offspring with normal-appearing kidneys at birth. Cysts begin to develop in the kidney at postnatal day 5 and cause renal failure by postnatal day 21. The cyst epithelial cells lack primary cilia and exhibit increased proliferation and apoptosis, apical mislocalization of the epidermal growth factor receptor, increased expression of beta-catenin and c-Myc, and inhibition of p21(CIP1). These results demonstrate that the absence of renal cilia produces both the clinical and cell biological findings associated with PKD. Most generally, the phenotype of Kif3a mutant mice suggests a role for primary cilia in the maintenance of lumen-forming epithelial differentiation.  相似文献   

Mice lacking suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 (SOCS3) exhibited embryonic lethality with death occurring between days 11 and 13 of gestation. At this stage, SOCS3(-/-) embryos were slightly smaller than wild type but appeared otherwise normal, and histological analysis failed to detect any anatomical abnormalities responsible for the lethal phenotype. Rather, in all SOCS3(-/-) embryos examined, defects were evident in placental development that would account for their developmental arrest and death. The placental spongiotrophoblast layer was significantly reduced and accompanied by increased numbers of giant trophoblast cells. Delayed branching of the chorioallantois was evident, and, although embryonic blood vessels were present in the labyrinthine layer of SOCS3(-/-) placentas, the network of embryonic vessels and maternal sinuses was poorly developed. Yolk sac erythropoiesis was normal, and, although the SOCS3(-/-) fetal liver was small at day 12.5 of gestation (E12.5), normal frequencies of erythroblasts and hematopoietic progenitor cells, including blast forming unit-erythroid (BFU-E) and, colony forming unit-erythroid (CFU-E) were present at both E11.5 and E12.5. Colony formation for both BFU-E and CFU-E from SOCS3(-/-) mice displayed wild-type quantitative responsiveness to erythropoietin (EPO), in the presence or absence of IL-3 or stem cell factor (SCF). These data suggest that SOCS3 is required for placental development but dispensable for normal hematopoiesis in the mouse embryo.  相似文献   

Many aspects of the genetic control of mammalian embryogenesis cannot be extrapolated from other animals. Taking a forward genetic approach, we have induced recessive mutations by treatment of mice with ethylnitrosourea and have identified 43 mutations that affect early morphogenesis and patterning, including 38 genes that have not been studied previously. The molecular lesions responsible for 14 mutations were identified, including mutations in nine genes that had not been characterized previously. Some mutations affect vertebrate-specific components of conserved signaling pathways; for example, at least five mutations affect previously uncharacterized regulators of the Sonic hedgehog (Shh) pathway. Approximately half of all of the mutations affect the initial establishment of the body plan, and several of these produce phenotypes that have not been described previously. A large fraction of the genes identified affect cell migration, cellular organization, and cell structure. The findings indicate that phenotype-based genetic screens provide a direct and unbiased method to identify essential regulators of mammalian development.  相似文献   

Prolonged obesity frequently leads to insulin resistance and, eventually, to diabetes. This relationship reflects the integration of fat stores and carbohydrate metabolism and the coordination of central nervous system functions, e.g. appetite, and peripheral metabolism. Recent work suggests that the melanocortin system is involved in this integration; specifically, central administration of melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) decreases, whereas lack of central MSH signaling increases, peripheral insulin resistance. Here we asked whether MSH acting in the periphery has a complementary role in insulin resistance. We tested this in a mouse model where the proopiomelanocortin (POMC) gene encoding all of the melanocortins has been genetically deleted. The homozygous POMC-null mouse lacks central as well as peripheral MSH signaling; in addition, it lacks adrenal glands and thus is devoid of corticosterone and epinephrine. Here we report that homozygous POMC mutants have normal serum levels of insulin, normal fasting levels of glucose, and normal clearance of glucose in glucose tolerance tests. Thus, insulin production and sensitivity and glucose uptake in peripheral tissues are functioning normally. However, we found a striking inability of the homozygous POMC mutants to recover from insulin-induced hypoglycemia. This defect was in the glucagon-mediated counterregulatory response. Both peripheral administration of an MSH analog and supplementation with corticosterone alleviated the hypoglycemia after insulin challenge, but did not make the obese POMC mutant mice diabetic. We conclude that, similar to the regulation of body weight homeostasis, the regulation of glucose homeostasis requires the integration of both central and peripheral melanocortin signaling systems.  相似文献   

Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) is a multimeric enzyme, containing a catalytic subunit complexed with two regulatory subunits. The catalytic subunit PP2A C is encoded by two distinct and unlinked genes, termed Cα and Cβ. The specific function of these two catalytic subunits is unknown. To address the possible redundancy between PP2A and related phosphatases as well as between Cα and Cβ, the Cα subunit gene was deleted by homologous recombination. Homozygous null mutant mice are embryonically lethal, demonstrating that the Cα subunit gene is an essential gene. As PP2A exerts a range of cellular functions including cell cycle regulation and cell fate determination, we were surprised to find that these embryos develop normally until postimplantation, around embryonic day 5.5/6.0. While no Cα protein is expressed, we find comparable expression levels of PP2A C at a time when the embryo is degenerating. Despite a 97% amino acid identity, Cβ cannot completely compensate for the absence of Cα. Degenerated embryos can be recovered even at embryonic day 13.5, indicating that although embryonic tissue is still capable of proliferating, normal differentiation is significantly impaired. While the primary germ layers ectoderm and endoderm are formed, mesoderm is not formed in degenerating embryos.  相似文献   

Most congenital cardiovascular malformations have their origins during early morphogenesis, and some forms of adult-onset cardiovascular disease also arise during embryonic development. Conotruncal heart defects comprise a major category of congenital heart disease and are found in children with a relative high frequency. These defects are associated with a high mortality risk in utero, and after postnatal surgical repair; embryologically they are linked with dextroposed aorta, which is an anomaly of the ventricular outflow tract with malalignment of the great arteries. The etiology and pathogenesis of dextroposed aorta is not known but is thought to be due to abnormal looping and/or incorrect "wedging" of the outflow tract (i.e., wedged positioning of the aorta between the atrioventricular valves) during early heart development. We have studied the morphology and visual development of the embryonic heart in an animal model of dextropsed aorta in a series of experiments to determine possible mechanisms for dextropositioning of the aorta. At this, we have employed besides established methods for analysis of anatomy and pathology (morphological studies, cardiac morphometry, histology, scanning electron microscopy and immunhistochemistry) also new imaging techniques (videocinephotography and time-lapse studies with a digital high-speed video camera, confocal and scanning electron microscopy, optical coherence tomography (OCT) and magnetic resonance microscopy (MRM) for 3D reconstruction of the heart) to achieve a better visualization of normal and pathological changes during heart development. The paper at hand summarizes the results of these studies.  相似文献   

[摘要] 目的 回顾一例全内脏反位合并胃癌、胃肠道间质瘤病例的诊治经过,探讨内脏反位合并胃癌手术的安全性。方法 收集2020年12月中国人民解放军空军特色医学中心收治的1例全内脏反位合并胃癌、胃肠道间质瘤患者的诊疗资料,检索国内外内脏反位合并胃癌的文献报道,分析患者的临床诊断及手术情况。结果 该例患者在全身麻醉下行剖腹探查、胃癌根治术(毕Ⅱ、结肠前、顺蠕动+布朗氏吻合),手术过程顺利,手术时间180 min,出血量100 mL,术后无并发症。结论 全内脏反位合并胃癌患者手术与常规胃癌手术方式相同,在完善术前评估后,选择合理术式是安全可行的。  相似文献   

The production of mature germ cells capable of generating totipotent zygotes is a highly specialized and sexually dimorphic process. The transition from diploid primordial germ cell to haploid spermatozoa requires genome-wide reprogramming of DNA methylation, stage- and testis-specific gene expression, mitotic and meiotic division, and the histone-protamine transition, all requiring unique epigenetic control. Dnmt3L, a DNA methyltransferase regulator, is expressed during gametogenesis, and its deletion results in sterility. We found that during spermatogenesis, Dnmt3L contributes to the acquisition of DNA methylation at paternally imprinted regions, unique nonpericentric heterochromatic sequences, and interspersed repeats, including autonomous transposable elements. We observed retrotransposition of an LTR-ERV1 element in the DNA from Dnmt3L-/- germ cells, presumably as a result of hypomethylation. Later in development, in Dnmt3L-/- meiotic spermatocytes, we detected abnormalities in the status of biochemical markers of heterochromatin, implying aberrant chromatin packaging. Coincidentally, homologous chromosomes fail to align and form synaptonemal complexes, spermatogenesis arrests, and spermatocytes are lost by apoptosis and sloughing. Because Dnmt3L expression is restricted to gonocytes, the presence of defects in later stages reveals a mechanism whereby early genome reprogramming is linked inextricably to changes in chromatin structure required for completion of spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

Animals generated by systematic mutagenesis and routine breeding are often infertile because they lack germ cells, and maintenance of such lines of animals has been impossible. We found a hermaphrodite infertile mouse in our colony, a genetic male with an abnormal Y chromosome lacking developing germ cells. We tried to clone this mouse by conventional nuclear transfer but without success. ES cells produced from blastocysts, which had been cloned by using somatic cell nuclear transfer (ntES cells) from this mouse, were also unable to produce offspring when injected into enucleated oocytes. Although we were able to produce two chimeric offspring using these ntES cells by tetraploid complementation, they were infertile, because they also lacked developing germ cells. However, when such ntES cells were injected into normal diploid blastocysts, many chimeric offspring were produced. One such male offspring transmitted hermaphrodite mouse genes to fertile daughters via X chromosome-bearing sperm. Thus, ntES cells were used to propagate offspring from infertile mice lacking germ cells.  相似文献   

The genetic pathways that control development of the early mammalian embryo have remained poorly understood, in part because the systematic mutant screens that have been so successful in the identification of genes and pathways that direct embryonic development in Drosophila, Caenorhabditis elegans, and zebrafish have not been applied to mammalian embryogenesis. Here we demonstrate that chemical mutagenesis with ethylnitrosourea can be combined with the resources of mouse genomics to identify new genes that are essential for mammalian embryogenesis. A pilot screen for abnormal morphological phenotypes of midgestation embryos identified five mutant lines; the phenotypes of four of the lines are caused by recessive traits that map to single regions of the genome. Three mutant lines display defects in neural tube closure: one is caused by an allele of the open brain (opb) locus, one defines a previously unknown locus, and one has a complex genetic basis. Two mutations produce novel early phenotypes and map to regions of the genome not previously implicated in embryonic patterning.  相似文献   

We have previously shown mouse platelet storage pool deficiency (SPD) to be associated with lesions at eight different genetic loci, each of which is sufficient to produce murine SPD. We have also shown that normal bleeding times and normal platelet functions are restored when mice with SPD are transplanted with marrow from normal mice. Conversely, when normal mice are transplanted with mutant marrow, they present symptoms of SPD. In order to determine the amount of normal platelets needed to prevent the prolonged bleeding times associated with SPD, we established stable mixed chimeric mice by transplanting various ratios of normal and mutant marrow into lethally irradiated host animals. The proportion of normal input marrow correlated well with the proportion of normal peripheral red blood cells and platelets determined in chimerae 100 days after transplantation using direct morphology and electrophoretic variants of glucose phosphate isomerase to identify normal and mutant cell populations. The proportions of normal input marrow were also reflected in the proportions of platelets with normal and mutant platelet morphology in the chimerae. This confirms that the platelet abnormality in SPD is intrinsic to the stem cell population from which the platelets are derived. When bleeding times were determined in the mixed chimeric mice, a surprisingly high percentage of normal platelets (greater than 50% and sometimes greater than 75%) were needed to stop bleeding. These results suggest that the mutant platelets in the mixed chimeric mice may interfere with normal platelet aggregation patterns. They also raise some important considerations in devising treatment for SPD. Bleeding episodes in human SPD are normally treated by platelet transfusion. The results suggest that, at least in some cases, transfusions may not be effective. Also, in future gene therapy of this disease, it is like that a functional gene will have to be present in greater than 50% of stem cells for therapy to be effective.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Genetically altered mice have been used to examine gene contributions to ethanol phenotypes. Recently, mice with a targeted deletion of the delta subunit of the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)A receptor have been generated. These mice display decreased sensitivity to neuroactive steroids and altered responses to some behavioral effects of ethanol. Given the application of drug discrimination to characterize receptor-mediated stimulus effects of ethanol and given the data showing altered ethanol responses in mice lacking the delta subunit of the GABAA receptor, these mice were characterized in an ethanol-discrimination procedure. It has been shown that neurosteroids will substitute for the discriminative stimulus effects of ethanol, and this study aimed to determine whether the substitution patterns of neuroactive steroids or other GABAA-positive modulators would be altered in these mice. METHODS: Twelve adult delta +/+ and delta-/- mice were trained to discriminate between ethanol 1.5 g/kg and saline in daily 15-min food-reinforced operant sessions. Once the discrimination was trained, substitution tests with ethanol, pentobarbital, midazolam, androsterone, alphaxalone, pregnanolone, morphine, zolpidem, and MK-801 were conducted. RESULTS: Both delta+/+ and delta-/- mice acquired ethanol discrimination in a similar number of days. Ethanol, midazolam, alphaxalone, pregnanolone, and MK-801 fully substituted (>80%) for ethanol in both delta+/+ and delta-/- mice. Pentobarbital fully substituted for ethanol in delta-/- mice but only partially substituted (74%) for ethanol in delta+/+ mice. Androsterone, zolpidem, and morphine did not substitute for ethanol in either delta+/+ or delta-/- mice. There were no significant differences in the response rate-suppressing effects of any of the compounds between delta+/+ and delta-/- mice. CONCLUSIONS: The training dose of ethanol resulted in substitution of five GABAA receptor ligands, indicating a robust GABAA mediation of ethanol's discriminative stimulus effects. Deletion of the delta subunit of the GABAA receptor does not alter the acquisition of an ethanol/saline discrimination or the substitution patterns of GABAA-positive modulators. Therefore, the delta subunit is not necessary in the mediation of ethanol-like effects of any of the GABAA ligands tested, including sensitivity to ethanol, barbiturate, benzodiazepine, and neurosteroid discriminative stimulus effects.  相似文献   

SIRT1 is a founding member of a sirtuin family of 7 proteins and histone deacetylases. It is involved in cellular resistance to stress, metabolism, differentiation, aging, and tumor suppression. SIRT1(-/-) mice demonstrate embryonic and postnatal development defects. We examined hematopoietic and endothelial cell differentiation of SIRT1(-/-) mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) in vitro, and hematopoietic progenitors in SIRT1(+/+)(+/-), and (-/-) mice. SIRT1(-/-) ESCs formed fewer mature blast cell colonies. Replated SIRT1(-/-) blast colony-forming cells demonstrated defective hematopoietic potential. Endothelial cell production was unaltered, but there were defects in formation of a primitive vascular network from SIRT1(-/-)-derived embryoid bodies. Development of primitive and definitive progenitors derived from SIRT1(-/-) ESCs were also delayed and/or defective. Differentiation delay/defects were associated with delayed capacity to switch off Oct4, Nanog and Fgf5 expression, decreased β-H1 globin, β-major globin, and Scl gene expression, and reduced activation of Erk1/2. Ectopic expression of SIRT1 rescued SIRT1(-/-) ESC differentiation deficiencies. SIRT1(-/-) yolk sacs manifested fewer primitive erythroid precursors. SIRT1(-/-) and SIRT1(+/-) adult marrow had decreased numbers and cycling of hematopoietic progenitors, effects more apparent at 5%, than at 20%, oxygen tension, and these progenitors survived less well in vitro under conditions of delayed growth factor addition. This suggests a role for SIRT1 in ESC differentiation and mouse hematopoiesis.  相似文献   

Glutamate receptor-interacting protein 1 (GRIP1) is an adaptor protein composed of seven PDZ (postsynaptic density-95/Discs large/zona occludens-1) domains, capable of mediating diverse protein-protein interactions. GRIP1 has been implicated in the regulation of neuronal synaptic function, but its physiologic roles have not been defined in vivo. We find that elimination of murine GRIP1 results in embryonic lethality. GRIP1(-/-) embryos develop abnormalities of the dermo-epidermal junction, resulting in extensive skin blistering around day 12 of embryonic life. Ultra-structural characterization of the blisters (or bullae) revealed cleavage of the dermo-epidermal junction below the lamina densa, an alteration reminiscent of the dystrophic form of human epidermolysis bullosa. Blisters were also observed in the lateral ventricle of the brain and in the meninges covering the cerebral cortex. These genetic data suggest that the GRIP1 scaffolding protein is required for the formation and integrity of the dermo-epidermal junction and reveal the importance of PDZ domains in the organization of supramolecular structures essential for mammalian embryonic development.  相似文献   

The structural and functional properties of the visual system are disrupted in mutant animals lacking the β2 subunit of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. In particular, eye-specific retinogeniculate projections do not develop normally in these mutants. It is widely thought that the developing retinas of β2−/− mutants do not manifest correlated activity, leading to the notion that retinal waves play an instructional role in the formation of eye-specific retinogeniculate projections. By multielectrode array recordings, we show here that the β2−/− mutants have robust retinal waves during the formation of eye-specific projections. Unlike in WT animals, however, the mutant retinal waves are propagated by gap junctions rather than cholinergic circuitry. These results indicate that lack of retinal waves cannot account for the abnormalities that have been documented in the retinogeniculate pathway of the β2−/− mutants and suggest that other factors must contribute to the deficits in the visual system that have been noted in these animals.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Accumulating evidence indicates that adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)-dependent protein kinase A (PKA) is involved in the neurobiological responses to ethanol. Previous reports indicate that mice lacking the RIIbeta subunit of PKA (RIIbeta(-/-)) voluntarily consume more ethanol than wild-type controls (RIIbeta(+/+)) using 2-bottle testing procedures. Although such procedures primarily measure consummatory behavior, operant self-administration procedures allow analysis of consummatory as well as appetitive or "ethanol-seeking" behavior (i.e., lever pressing is required to gain access to the ethanol solution). Therefore, we determined whether the high ethanol consumption characteristic of RIIbeta(-/-) mice would be complemented by increased appetitive ethanol-seeking behavior in an operant paradigm. METHODS: RIIbeta(-/-) (n=8) and RIIbeta(+/+) (n=8) mice were initially sucrose-faded until they were lever responding for nonsweetened ethanol (10, 14, and 18%). Following the self-administration testing, RIIbeta(+/+) and RIIbeta(-/-) mice were given access to 2 bottles, one containing water and the other ethanol to replicate the voluntary ethanol drinking data previously from our laboratory. Finally, immediately after voluntary consumption all mice were again tested for self-administration of 10% ethanol. Alterations in the reinforcement schedule were also explored as RIIbeta(+/+) and RIIbeta(-/-) mice were tested for self-administration of 10% ethanol at FR-3 and FR-5 schedules. RESULTS: The RIIbeta(-/-) mice displayed lower operant responding for ethanol and food reinforcement compared with RIIbeta(+/+) controls. However, this effect was driven by a significant increase in lever responses made by female RIIbeta(+/+) mice. When the excessive lever responses of the female RIIbeta(+/+) mice are accounted for, the RIIbeta(-/-) mice show ethanol lever responses comparable to controls. Following operant self-administration testing, RIIbeta(-/-) mice of both sexes consumed more ethanol solution compared with RIIbeta(+/+) mice during 2-bottle testing. CONCLUSIONS: Increased ingestion of ethanol by RIIbeta(-/-) mice is likely the result of altered PKA activity within neuronal pathways that control ethanol-consummatory behaviors. Conversely, the RIIbeta subunit of PKA appears not to play a critical role in neuronal pathways that regulate appetitive behaviors directed at obtaining ethanol. Finally, increased operant self-administration of food and ethanol by female wild-type mice was absent in female RIIbeta(-/-) mice, suggesting that normal PKA signaling may be part of a general, and sex-dependent, mechanism involved with reinforcement-seeking behavior.  相似文献   

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