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Simultaneous occurrence of gemination and dens invaginatus in the same tooth is reported. Combined surgical and non surgical endodontic therapy was completed, with satisfactory results.  相似文献   

Talon cusp is a supernumerary crown structure, a developmental disturbance in the shape of teeth that causes various diagnostic, functional and esthetic problems. Some synonyms for talon cusp are dens evaginatus of anterior teeth, interstitial cusp, tuberculated tooth, odontoma of the axial core type, evaginated odontoma, enamel pearl, supernumerary cusp etc. The lingual location on incisors, which frequently affects occlusion, is pathognomonic of the talon cusp. This report describes a rare odontogenic, isolated anomaly rather than an integral part of any disorder, a case of talon shaped cusp projecting from the labial surface of a maxillary permanent central incisor.  相似文献   

A rare case of dens invaginatus involving a non-carious mandibular lateral incisor with periapical periodontitis is reported. Invaginated teeth present technical difficulties in their clinical management because of their abnormal anatomy. In the present case, non-surgical root canal therapy was chosen. A one-year follow-up clinical and radiographic examination showed a non-symptomatic tooth with osseous healing proceeding.  相似文献   

Talon cusp is a rare dental anomaly, especially when it occurs on mandibular teeth. A case of talon cusp on a permanent mandibular central incisor is described and illustrated. This case was associated with periodontitis, but was otherwise symptom free.  相似文献   

牙内陷是一种常见的牙齿发育畸形,是牙齿发育期间成釉器出现皱褶向内陷入牙乳头所致,临床上根据舌窝深浅程度和形态变异,分为畸形舌窝、畸形舌尖和牙中牙3种类型.牙中牙是牙内陷较为严重的一种类型,较少出现于下前牙,笔者报告2例下颌中切牙牙中牙.  相似文献   

This case report presents the surgical endodontic treatment of an Oehlers Class II invaginated immature tooth. In this case, communication between the invagination and the pulp caused pulp necrosis, periapical inflammation, and cessation of root formation. The initial treatment goal was to achieve apexification and then fill both the root canal and the canal of the invagination. After a 6-month treatment with calcium hydroxide dressings, there was no healing radiographically and no sign of a hard tissue barrier in the apex. Periapical surgery with the placement of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) root-end filling was deemed successful at the 1-year recall. To treat dens invaginatus, both conventional and surgical endodontic treatment techniques should be considered. In dens invaginatus, conventional endodontic treatment modalities may be unsuccessful because of inadequate debridement and disinfection; however, subsequent periapical surgery and retrofilling with MTA may promote healing.  相似文献   

CASE REPORT: This paper presents a rare case of bilateral talon cusp in permanent maxillary central incisors, one on the labial and another on the lingual surface of each tooth. The condition was associated with dens invaginatus in a maxillary permanent lateral incisor, but no developmental syndrome was identified. The left central incisor required no treatment because the aesthetic appearance was satisfactory and neither occlusal interferences nor caries were present. After careful investigation of the right lateral incisor, a sealant was applied. Root canal treatment was indicated for the right central incisor that had a wide open apex with thin, weak, divergent walls, and an apical radiolucency.  相似文献   

This article describes an unusual case of dens invaginatus in a primary canine. A 5-year-old boy presented with an infected mandibular primary canine. A perapical radiograph showed a developmental disturbance in the crown diagnosed as dens invaginatus. A necrotic pulp has been removed from the tooth and the root canal obturated with a resorbable paste. Six weeks later the tooth was found to be asymptomatic. A composite restoration replaced the temporary filling material. Dens invaginatus may appear in the primary dentition, and early diagnosis is important for preventative treatment.  相似文献   

A case of dens invaginatus in a mandibular second primary molar of an eleven-year-old boy is presented. The tooth was extracted and examined by scanning electron microscopy. SEM findings demonstrated the presence of defective enamel and cementum in the pulp chamber. Dentinal tissues were also irregular and had fewer and thinner tubules. This case of dens invaginatus in primary molar is an unusual case of the malformation being the only one in the literature.  相似文献   

AIM: To present a case of a concomitant occurrence of dens invaginatus (DI) and gemination in a mandibular left lateral incisor. BACKGROUND: DI is a developmental anomaly resulting from the invagination of a portion of a crown in the enamel organ stage of odontogenesis. It is commonly found in the maxillary lateral incisors but also occurs in the central incisors, premolars, canines, and molars in descending order of frequency. The occurrence of DI in the mandible is extremely rare. Gemination results from one tooth bud attempting to split into two. Geminated teeth present with a single root structure and rarely occur in mandibular teeth. REPORT: A 13-year-old girl presented with a chief complaint of spontaneous nocturnal pain in the mandibular left lateral incisor tooth. Intraoral examination revealed the tooth was enlarged with a notch on the incisal edge extending to the coronal 1/3 of the crown. The radiological examination revealed a Type 2 DI in a Type I geminated mandibular left lateral incisor. SUMMARY: DI is clinically significant due to the possibility of the pulpal involvement; pulpitis, necrotic pulps, and chronic periapical lesions are often associated with this anomaly without clinical symptoms. Clinicians should be mindful of the possibility of DI when a tooth presents pulpitis without history of trauma or caries and examine the suspicious tooth and the periodontium radiographically.  相似文献   

Talon cusp is an uncommon condition often present in the maxillary incisors and mandibular premolars. Morphologically, this anomaly has a well-delineated cusp that extends at least half the distance from the cementoenamel junction or cingulum area to the incisal edge. The alteration can cause clinical problems such as caries or occlusal interference. Management of the talon cusp varies according to the circumstances of the individual case and should be as conservative as possible. Presented is a case of bilateral bifid talon cusp in maxillary central incisors that was successfully managed with conservative therapy.  相似文献   

A severe case of dens invaginatus is described on an upper central incisor that was associated with a discharging sinus tract. The outer pulp chamber contained vital tissue while the inner one contained necrotic material. Root canal treatment was carried out with long-term calcium hydroxide dressings to induce apical closure. The canal system was subsequently filled and the tooth followed up for 4 years.  相似文献   

Abstract A case of dens invaginatus in a mandibular first premolar with periapical lesion is presented in which it was possible to perform non-surgical endodontic therapy. Dens invaginatus is a developmental malformation of teeth which results from abnormal morphodifferentation. Due to their abnormal anatomical configuration, invaginated teeth present technical difficulties in their clinical management. The treatment modalities available to the clinician include: endodontic therapy, endodontic surgery, combined treatment, or extraction. In this case the treatment of choice, selected according to clinical and radiographic considerations, was endodontic therapy of the main root canal.  相似文献   

A right maxillary central incisor and an adjacent lateral incisor with a dens invaginatus were identified as requiring endodontic treatment. Both teeth were treated by nonsurgical means. Thirteen months postoperatively the central incisor showed evidence of periapical resolution, whereas the lateral incisor did not. The lateral incisor was then treated with apical curettage, an apicoectomy, and retrograde amalgam filling. One year after the surgical procedure the periapical tissues of both the lateral and central incisors exhibited satisfactory resolution. This case demonstrates that certain cases of dens invaginatus can be successfully treated only with a surgical approach.  相似文献   

Abstract –  The talon cusp is a relatively uncommon dental anomaly manifested as an accessory cusp-like structure on the crown of anterior teeth. The presence of a talon cusp can cause clinical problems. This article reports the case of a patient presenting a talon cusp affecting the permanent maxillary right central incisor causing clinical problems related to caries, displacement of the tooth, occlusal position and tendency to dental traumatism. The management of this tooth included caries removal and reduction of the cusp. Pulp-capping with calcium hydroxide was required because of the presence of pulp horn extensions in the talon cusp.  相似文献   

This report presents a rare case of concurrence of dens evaginatus and dental fusion affecting the maxillary right upper central incisor of a 9-year-old male patient. An association of dens evaginatus and dental fusion within the same tooth is rare. In this case, an orthopantomogram, a lateral cephalogram, intraoral radiographs, and a magnetic resonance tomogram were made to obtain a proper diagnosis and to confirm the exact path of the root canals. Because of a forced bite, an orthodontic treatment involving cusp reduction was initiated. During the cusp reduction, no traumatic intraoperative exposure of pulp tissue occurred, and no endodontic or surgical treatment procedures were necessary. After a multibracket treatment, a harmonious integration of the tooth in the upper dental arch was achieved.  相似文献   

Background: A fused maxillary incisor required complex multidisciplinary treatment to preserve health and restore aesthetics. This report presents a rare case of a dental fusion between the maxillary right central incisor and a supernumerary tooth of a 9‐year‐old male patient with the chief complaint of the presence of a large anterior tooth. Methods: Radiographic investigation and computerized tomography indicated there was no connection between pulp chambers. After dividing the crown with a diamond bur, the supernumerary tooth was removed and the diastema between the maxillary central incisors was closed by orthodontic treatment. The tooth was then restored with composite resin. Results: The maxillary right central incisor was still healthy after a follow‐up examination period of 24 months. Conclusions: A multidisciplinary approach with the cooperation of different practitioners can contribute to the success of a treatment plan.  相似文献   

McKaig SJ  Shaw L 《Dental update》2001,28(4):210-212
A 7-year-old girl in the mixed dentition phase presented with abnormal morphology of the upper right central incisor. The diagnosis was a dens evaginatus, an anomaly of odontogenesis of unknown aetiology. This article describes the management of this anomaly and discusses the importance of maintaining space in the developing dentition. The aetiology and natural history of dens evaginatus are also considered.  相似文献   

The talon cusp is a relatively rare dental developmental anomaly characterised by cusp-like projections, usually observed on the lingual surface of the affected tooth. Normal enamel covers the cusp and fuses with the lingual aspect of the tooth. The cusp may or may not contain an extension of the pulp. This occurs in either maxillary or mandibular anterior teeth in both the primary and permanent dentition. This study reports the unusual case of a 47-year-old female with a taloned tooth on the right maxillary central incisor possessing both lingual and labial talons, with an x-shaped appearance when viewed occlusally.  相似文献   

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