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阮中宝  朱莉  任寅  张宜生 《临床荟萃》2009,24(3):222-223
近年来随着心房颤动(房颤)导管射频消融技术的成熟和器械的完善,使用Carto、Ensite NavX三维电解剖标测指导下环肺静脉左心房线性消融成为治疗房颤的主要方法之一^[1-2]。Ouyang等^[3-4]首先采用双Lasso导管放置在同侧肺静脉内,以左心房和肺静脉口的完全隔离为环肺静脉线性消融的终点,取得了满意疗效,但操作复杂,费用昂贵。  相似文献   

目的探讨在三维标测系统(CARTO)指导下进行肺静脉隔离治疗心房颤动的护理。方法对2例阵发房颤患者行肺静脉隔离术进行观察和护理。术前做好心理护理,常规术前准备。术后密切观察患者生命体征,加强并发症的观察和护理。结果随访3月,房颤无复发,无血栓及肺静脉狭窄等并发症的发生。结论三维标测系统下肺静脉隔离治疗房颤安全有效。高质量的护理是三维标侧系统下肺静脉隔离治疗心房纤颤的重要保证。  相似文献   

目的 探讨在三维标测系统(CARTO)指导下进行肺静脉隔离治疗心房颤动的护理.方法 对2例阵发房颤患者行肺静脉隔离术进行观察和护理.术前做好心理护理,常规术前准备.术后密切观察患者生命体征,加强并发症的观察和护理.结果 随访3月,房颤无复发,无血栓及肺静脉狭窄等并发症的发生.结论 三维标测系统下肺静脉隔离治疗房颤安全有效.高质量的护理是三维标侧系统下肺静脉隔离治疗心房纤颤的重要保证.  相似文献   

目的 利用组织多普勒超声评价阵发性心房颤动(房颤)患者环肺静脉左房线性消融术后左房功能的动态变化.方法 阵发性房颤患者108例,CARTO系统下行环肺静脉左房线性消融术,术前48 h及术后48 h、1个月、3个月、6个月分别行组织多普勒及常规超声心动图检查.结果 106例阵发性房颤患者成功施行环肺静脉左房线性消融术.与术前相比,左房前后径和左房容积减小,但术后48 h、1个月差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),术后3个月和6个月差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);左室舒张末内径、左室收缩末内径、左室射血分数差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);二尖瓣舒张早期峰速差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),二尖瓣舒张晚期峰速术后48 h较术前降低(P<0.05),术后1个月、3个月、6个月逐渐增高,3个月时恢复到术前水平.与术前相比,二尖瓣环左室侧壁收缩期峰速、舒张早期峰速差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),舒张晚期峰速术后48 h较术前降低(P<0.05),术后1个月、3个月、6个月逐渐增高,1个月时恢复到术前水平.结论 环肺静脉左房线性消融术后左房内径和容积减小;环肺静脉左房线性消融术后可出现左房主动收缩功能降低(左房顿抑),经过一段时间可自行恢复.  相似文献   

我科2003—08~2005—10,在Carto三维标测系统下,射频消融治疗房颤患31例。术中配合及护理体会如下。  相似文献   

目的 探讨Carto三维标测系统指导下射频消融治疗心房颤动患者的护理.方法 对34例Carto三维标测系统指导下射频消融治疗心房颤动患者进行术前准备、术中配合、术后观察与护理.结果 88.2%以上患者转为窦性心律,患者临床症状明显减轻,生活质量明显提高.结论 术前严谨的告知制度,充分的术前准备,必要的心理支持;术中注重心理护理,熟练配合;术后严密的监护和观察,是减少并发症、提高手术成功率的重要保证,对提高护理质量及促进患者的康复起到非常重要的作用.  相似文献   

目的 探讨三维标测系统(CARTO)下射频消融治疗心房颤动(简称房颤)术后的护理与并发症监测.方法 2009年1~12月对18例接受射频消融术治疗的房颤患者进行术后监测及护理.结果 所有患者均顺利完成手术.术后1例患者出现心包填塞,1例局部血肿,1例小量胸腔积液.以上患者经处理后均获成功,无死亡病例,复发1例.结论 CARTO指导下行射频消融治疗房颤术后并发症少,但部分并发症可危及生命,通过有预见性指标的监测及精心护理,及时发现、及时处理相关并发症,是临床治疗成功的重要保障.  相似文献   

目的探讨肺静脉前庭隔离联合线性及碎裂电位消融治疗持续性心房颤动(房颤)的有效性与安全性。方法共45例持续性房颤患者入选本研究(其中长时程持续性房颤28例),男性32例,女性13例,年龄(58.8±9.0)岁,病程(23.3±22.4)个月。消融步骤是先行肺静脉前庭隔离,后行线性消融,最后行心房碎裂电位消融。术后所有患者均给予服用培哚普利4 mg/d和抗心律失常药物3个月。甲状腺功能异常者,给予普罗帕酮450 mg/d,共3个月;术前未用胺碘酮者,术后即刻静点胺碘酮1 mg/min,6 h后减量为0.5 mg/min维持42 h,同时口服0.6 g/d连续1周,继之0.4 g/d连续1周,以后0.2 g/d,共3个月;术前口服胺碘酮患者,术后继续口服,0.2 g/d,共3个月。结果消融术中有9例房颤终止,2例先转变为三尖瓣峡部依赖性心房扑动,峡部消融后转为窦性心律(窦律);3例转为房性心动过速(房速),最早激动点或者关键峡部消融后转复为窦律;其余患者均行电复律转复为窦律。平均随访(18.2±9.2)个月,共12例患者发作房性心律失常;复发房颤3例,房速9例。结论持续性房颤患者,肺静脉前庭隔离联合左房线性及碎裂电位消融能够破坏更多的维持机制,是治疗持续性房颤的安全、有效的方法。  相似文献   

胡光玲  李炜 《中国误诊学杂志》2010,10(36):8980-8981
目的探讨经导管行环肺静脉电隔离治疗心房颤动的护理。方法对50例心房颤动患者环肺静脉隔离术的观察和护理。结果手术成功,随访1~12个月,无任何并发症的发生。结论环肺静脉电隔离治疗心房颤动安全有效,高质量的术前、术后护理是治疗心房颤动的重要保证。  相似文献   

目的:用应变率显像技术评价Carto标测系统引导下的环肺静脉消融术治疗心房颤动对近期左心房功能的影响。方法:30例因阵发性心房颤动行消融治疗的患者,于术前和术后1个月进行超声心动图检查,测量左房容积参数、左房射血力(LA-AEF)和左房各壁的收缩期峰值应变率(SRs)、舒张早期峰值应变率(SRe)及舒张晚期峰值应变率(SRa),评价左房机械功能的改变。结果:消融后LA-AEF和主动排空容积降低,左房最小容积和管道容积增加。左房各壁SRa降低,尤其后壁和侧壁;SRs和SRe在后壁和侧壁降低,前壁、下壁和房间隔增高,平均SRs和SRe较消融前无明显改变。LA-AEF与左房后壁SRa之间无相关性(r=0.39,P〉0.05),而与左房平均SRa存在较好的正相关关系(r=0.79,P〈0.001)。结论:Carto系统引导下的环肺静脉消融术对近期左房功能存在一定程度的不利影响。  相似文献   

RF ablation of ectopic foci in the pulmonary veins (PVs) is a promising treatment for patients with paroxysmal AF. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of using nonfluoroscopic magnetic electroanatomic mapping of PV during spontaneous or induced ectopy to facilitate focal ablation procedure. The study included 35 patients with drug refractory paroxysmal AF who underwent focal RF ablation of the PV. In 10 (29%) patients, mapping and RF ablation procedures were performed using the nonfluoroscopic magnetic electroanatomic mapping system to enable automatic capture of the location and the timing of the ectopy. As a control, 25 patients underwent conventional endocardial activation mapping technique. There were no significant differences in the clinical characteristics between the two groups. Overall procedural duration was similar between them (199 +/- 52 vs 221 +/- 82 minutes, P > 0.05). However, the mean fluoroscopy time (25 +/- 6 vs 52 +/- 12 minutes, P = 0.01) and the mean number of RF applications (5 +/- 3 vs 12 +/- 9, P = 0.02) were significantly less in patients who underwent electroanatomic mapping. There were no significant differences between the two groups in the acute (90 vs 84%) and long-term success rate (60 vs 56%) after a mean follow-up of 12 +/- 9 months. In conclusion, RF ablation of ectopic foci using nonfluoroscopic magnetic electroanatomic mapping of PVs during spontaneous or induced ectopy is useful even in patients with a limited number of ectopy, and is associated with a similar success rate, but less fluoroscopy time and RF application compared to the conventional approach.  相似文献   

经球囊超声消融肺静脉口治疗阵发性心房颤动的临床研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的对经球囊超声消融肺静脉口治疗阵发性心房颤动的疗效和安全性进行临床评价。方法阵发性心房颤动患者5例,症状明显且应用抗心律失常药物治疗无效。经球囊超声消融肺静脉的开口,消融终点为肺静脉电学隔离。结果总计消融了19支肺静脉,单纯超声消融肺静脉实现电学隔离15支(73、7%)。早期有1例心房颤动复发,1例频发房性期前收缩,1例偶发房性期前收缩,均经胺碘酮治疗后消失。所有患者的随访时间超过6个月,均可以无需药物而维持窦性心律。并发症包括消融中1例出现心房穿孔,1例出现严重迷走反应,无肺静脉狭窄。结论肺静脉口超声消融是治疗阵发性心房颤动的一种有效手段。  相似文献   

心房颤动患者导管消融治疗后左心房结构和功能变化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 应用组织多普勒技术分析导管消融术后阵发性心房颤动(房颤)患者左心房结构和功能的变化.方法 32例阵发性房颤患者(房颤组)在Ensite NvaX三维标测系统下,完全肺静脉电解剖隔离,应用超声心动图于手术前和术后24 h、1周、1个月测量左心房内径及容积、二尖瓣跨瓣压差,多切面测定二尖辩环舒张早期和晚期运动峰值速度,取平均值并计算其比值;以同年龄组非心房颤动志愿者32例为对照(对照组).结果 房颤组均达到完全肺静脉隔离,随访1个月无复发;房颤组患者术前左心房内径及容积均大于对照组(P均<0.01),术后24 h左心房容积较术前扩大(P<0.05),术后1周缩小(P<0.05),术后1个月与时照组比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);二尖瓣环晚期运动峰值速度房颤组术前较对照组减低(P<0.01),术后24 h较术前减低(P<0.05),1周后增加(P<0.05或P<0.01),1个月后与对照组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 导管消融术是治疗阵发性房颤的有效方法 ,术后24 h左心房有所扩张、收缩功能减低,但1周好转,1个月时接近术前,可能与消融对左心房损伤后修复过程有关,提示术后应重视血栓的风险和手术的损伤.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Comparisons between segmental ostial disconnection of the pulmonary veins (PV) and circumferential ablation have produced conflicting results in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF). The aim of this study was to evaluate a staged ablation procedure, every step of which was assessed by means of AF inducibility. METHODS: Twenty-two patients with paroxysmal AF were subjected to three ablation stages during one session: (1) circumferential ablation around the PV ostia, (2) segmental ostial PV isolation, and (3) ablation of areas within the circumferential lines with fractionated electrograms or voltage >0.2 mV as well as linear ablation at the mitral isthmus and the left atrial roof. Endpoint of the procedure was noninducibility of AF at any stage. RESULTS: Average radiofrequency energy delivery, fluoroscopy, and procedure times were 43 +/- 11 minutes, 40 +/- 11 minutes, and 3.8 +/- 0.5 hours, respectively. At 6-months follow-up, four patients experienced recurrence of AF (18%), whereas two additional patients (9%) had left atrial arrhythmias not registered before the procedure. Ninety-five percent of the patients who did not have inducible AF (regardless of the stage of ablation at which noninducibility was achieved) were free of recurrent AF, as opposed to none of the patients in whom AF was inducible at the end of the procedure (log-rank test, P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: A staged ablation procedure combing circumferential and ostial PV ablation with AF noninducibilty as endpoint may result in high success rates without the need of prolonged ablation sessions in certain patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.  相似文献   

目的 探讨心房颤动(房颤)患者环肺静脉左房线性消融术后的观察和护理要点.方法 对3l例房颤患者采用CARTO电解削标测系统及双Lasso表测电极技术,分别进行环左、右侧肺静脉线性消融;消融终点为肺静脉电位消失,左房-肺静脉双向传导阻滞,并对观察护理要点进行总结.结果 患者初次消融术后平均随访(245±65)d,21例无复发,8例复发房性心律失常包括5例典型房扑、2例其他房性心动过速、1例阵发性房颤、2例左上肺静脉电位未完全隔离者仍持续房颤.除1例持续性房颤外,9例接受了再次消融术,8例射频消融成功并随访(192±92)d无复发.2次射频消融术后总成功率为92.8%.结论 护理人员应根据患者在行环肺静脉左房线性消融术术前、术中、术后,对出现的症状进行有效的护理措施,以解除患者的痛苦.  相似文献   

Catheter ablation of triggers that induce paroxysms of atrial fibrillation (AF) is an emerging curative therapy for this most common of supraventricular arrhythmias. In a series of 225 consecutive patients with multidrug resistant AF, 96% of triggering foci originated from one or several pulmonary veins (PV) independent of ambient ectopy or structural heart disease. This article describes an ablation procedure that is guided by activation mapping tailored to each individual PV, including criteria to define an arrhythmogenic PV, the use of provocative manoeuvres, the role of circumferential mapping catheters to provide information on the extent, distribution and activation of PV muscle as well as the monitoring of distal PV potentials (PVP) during ablation. Radiofrequency ablation to eliminate distal PVPs is performed by targeting the proximal PVP during sinus rhythm (right PV) or left atrial pacing (left PV). This end-point predicts a successful outcome more often than acute ectopy suppression. Complete elimination of AF is presently achieved in 70% of the patients, resulting in the elimination of antiarrhythmic treatment and suspension of anticoagulant treatment. It is anticipated that continued technological development will improve and facilitate this technique of curative treatment of AF.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation (AF) requires exact anatomical information about pulmonary venous (PV) ostia. In this study, anatomy of pulmonary veins (PVs) was assessed using three-dimensional (3D) reconstructions of magnetic resonance angiography (MRA). METHODS AND RESULTS: Contrast-enhanced MRA of the PVs was performed in 40 patients (mean age 53 +/- 9 years) with paroxysmal (30 patients) or persistent (10 patients) AF, scheduled for circumferential ablation around PV ostia. PV ostial anatomy and diameters were evaluated from multiplanar reconstructions and compared with 3D reconstructions. Thirty (75%) patients presented with a common left-sided antrum (21 short and 9 long trunk), while additional PVs were found on right side in 23%. PV ostia were oblong in shape (mean diameters 17.0 +/- 4.3 vs 10.5 +/- 2.5 mm by two-dimensional (2D) measurements, and 20.8 +/- 7.6 mm vs 12.9 +/- 3.3 mm by 3D reconstruction, in long and short axis, respectively). There was a correlation between measurements obtained from 2D and 3D images, although 3D imaging provided slightly larger diameters. CONCLUSIONS: MRA with 3D reconstructions is an important technique for preprocedural assessment of PVs that allows full understanding of their anatomy and size. This information may be important for selection of appropriate tools.  相似文献   

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