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Dietary heme and calcium are alleged modulators of colon cancer risk. Little is known about the molecular and cellular changes in the colon epithelium that are induced by consumption of these unabsorbed nutrients. In this nutrigenomics study, we fed rats high- and low-calcium diets with or without heme. In agreement with previous studies, we found that dietary heme increased the cytotoxicity of fecal water in the colon and elevated epithelial proliferation, a risk factor in colon carcinogenesis. Calcium reduced cytotoxicity and inhibits heme-induced effects. Among 365 colon-expressed genes, we could identify 10 diet-modulated genes that show >2-fold altered expression, of which several are related to colon cell turnover and disease. Mucosal pentraxin (Mptx) was the strongest differentially expressed gene, approximately 10-fold down-regulated by dietary heme and 3-fold up-regulated by calcium. cDNA microarray and quantitative PCR analysis show that calcium significantly inhibits the effects of heme, which correlates with the physiological effects. Our results indicate that Mptx expression is related to colonic cell turnover, and that Mptx might be a marker for diet-modulated mucosal integrity. We also show that Mptx expression is restricted to the intestine, and occurs predominantly in the colon.  相似文献   

R Prizont 《Cancer research》1984,44(2):557-561
The effect of either high-cellulose (15%) or regular-cellulose (5%) diets on fecal bacterial glycosidases was assessed in two groups of ten Wistar rats, each given an injection of 1,2-dimethylhydrazone, and in two groups of six control rats. During a 4-month period, fecal activities of bacterial beta-galactosidase and beta-acetylglucosaminidase were reduced markedly in control rats maintained on the high-cellulose diet. Enzyme differences were even more significant in rats fed high- or regular-cellulose diets and given injections of the carcinogen. This decrease in fecal bacterial enzymes induced by a high-cellulose diet was observed as early as 20 days after initiation of the diet. Lowering of bacterial beta-glycosidases by a high-cellulose diet may preserve the glycoprotein integrity of colonic cells. It may also reduce the luminal production of potential mutagens from dietary beta-glycosides in the colon. The latter has been postulated as an important mechanism in colonic tumor development.  相似文献   



We previously reported that lifetime consumption of soy proteins or whey proteins reduced the incidence of azoxymethane (AOM)-induced colon tumors in rats. To obtain insights into these effects, global gene expression profiles of colons from rats with lifetime ingestion of casein (CAS, control diet), soy protein isolate (SPI), and whey protein hydrolysate (WPH) diets were determined.  相似文献   

目的:比较人胃癌细胞系与其腹膜高转移潜能细胞系的基因表达谱,寻找与胃癌腹膜转移相关的基因表达改变。方法:采用基因芯片技术,比较遗传背景相同但转移力有明显差异的两个细胞系GC9811和GC9811-P,分析其基因表达谱的差异。选取部分基因行RT-PCR进一步验证基因芯片的准确性。结果:在11901个候选基因中,筛选出248个(2.1%)差异表达基因。GC9811-P与GC9811相比,表达上调的基因有218个,下调的有30个,包括DNA合成和错配修复基因如H3F3A、细胞增生基因、蛋白合成与修饰基因、信号传导基因和离子通道与运输蛋白相关基因等。半定量RT-PCR对PTEN、S100A4和ZNRD1基因检测结果验证了基因芯片数据的可靠性。结论:胃癌腹膜转移是多基因作用的综合结果,筛选的基因对预测胃癌腹膜转移和抗转移干预措施可能有指导意义。  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies suggest that high intake of dietary fat rich in saturated fatty acids increases the colon cancer risk whereas dietary fish oil high in omega-3 fatty acids reduces the colon cancer risk. Previously, we reported that consumption of omega-6 fatty acid rich diets such as corn oil strongly promotes azoxymethane (AOM)-induced colon carcinogenesis in rats as compared to ingestion of a diet with equivalent amount of fat containing fish oil (HFFO) or low-fat diet (LFCO). Expression of PLK3 (Polo-like kinase-3, previously named Prk) is negatively correlated with the development of certain cancers. Ectopic expression of human PLK3 results in cell cycle arrest or induces apoptosis. To understand the role of PLK3 in colon carcinogenesis and to study the effect of types and amount of dietary fat on the expression levels of PLK3 in colon tumors, we analyzed the colon tumors and mucosa of rats administered the diets containing fish oil and corn oil for PLK mRNA expression. Here we report that expression of PLK3 was down-regulated in rat colon tumors. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction demonstrated that PLK3 mRNA levels were significantly lower in carcinogen (azoxymethane)-induced rat colon tumors than their uninvolved normal colonic mucosa. Among the normal mucosa isolated from rats fed on diets with various levels of fat (LFCO, or high fat diet with corn oil, HFCO, or supplemented with fish oil, HFFO), no significant changes in PLK3 mRNA expression was detected. Tumors isolated from rats fed with HFCO diet contained a very low level of PLK3 mRNA expression. Interestingly, tumors from rats fed the HFFO diet did not exhibit as dramatic down-regulation of PLK3 as the tumors of animals fed the HFCO diet. Furthermore, our results also indicate that the ectopic expression of a kinase active PLK3 construct induced apoptosis in HT-29 colon carcinoma cells. These observations suggest for the first time that a decreased activity of PLK3 may play a key role in colon tumor development as well as in HFCO-induced colon tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Scirrhous gastric cancer is often accompanied by metastasis to the peritoneum and/or lymph nodes, resulting in the highest mortality rate among gastric cancers. Mechanisms involved in gastric cancer metastasis are not fully clarified because metastasis involves multiple steps and requires the accumulation of altered expression of many different genes. Thus, independent analysis of any single gene would be insufficient to understand all of the aspects of gastric cancer metastasis. In this study, we performed global analysis on differential gene expression of a scirrhous gastric cancer cell line (OCUM-2M) and its derivative sublines with high potential for metastasis to the peritoneal cavity (OCUM-2MD3) and lymph nodes (OCUM-2MLN) in a nude mice model. By applying a high-density oligonucleotide array method, expression of approximately 6800 genes was analyzed, and selected genes were confirmed by the Northern blot method. In our observations in OCUM-2MD3 cells, 12 genes were up-regulated, and 20 genes were down-regulated. In OCUM-2MLN cells, five genes were up-regulated, and five genes were down-regulated. The analysis revealed two functional gene clusters with altered expression: (a) down-regulation of a cluster of squamous cell differentiation marker genes such as small proline-rich proteins [SPRRs (SPRR1A, SPRR1B, and SPRR2A], annexin A1, epithelial membrane protein 1, cellular retinoic acid-binding protein 2, and mesothelin in OCUM-2MD3 cells; and (b) up-regulation of a cluster of antigen-presenting genes such as MHC class II (DP, DR, and DM) and invariant chain (II) in OCUM-2MLN cells through up-regulation of CIITA (MHC class II transactivator). We then analyzed six gastric cancer cell lines by Northern blot and observed preferential up-regulation of trefoil factor 1, alpha-1-antitrypsin, and galectin 4 and down-regulation of cytidine deaminase in cells prone to peritoneal dissemination. Genes highly correlated with invasion or peritoneal dissemination of gastric cancer, such as E-cadherin or integrin beta4, were down-regulated in both of the derivative cell lines analyzed in this study. This is the first demonstration of global gene expression analysis of gastric cancer cells with different metastatic potentials, and these results provide a new insight in the study of human gastric cancer metastasis.  相似文献   

The formation and persistence of methylated purines was determined in mice that received a single s.c. injection of 1,2-[14C]dimethylhydrazine (15 mg/kg) and were allowed to survive for 12 or 60 hr. In mice with a low susceptibility to dimethylhydrazine-induced colon carcinogenesis (C57BL/Ha), concentrations of 7-methylguanine and O6-methylguanine in DNA of colon, ileum, and kidney were 40 to 60% less than in mice with a high incidence of colonic tumors (ICR/Ha). In hepatic DNA the extent of methylation was higher in C57BL/Ha than in ICR/Ha mice. The rate of loss of methylated purines from colon DNA was similar in both strains. In all organs investigated the metabolic incorporation of 14C into normal DNA bases was lower in C57BL/Ha than in ICR/Ha mice. It is concluded that the low carcinogenic response of C57BL/Ha mice is due to the smaller extent of initial alkylation of colon DNA, which probably reflects differences in the enzymic metabolism of the parent carcinogen.  相似文献   

2-Amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4, 5-b]pyridine (PhIP) inducescolon tumors in male, but not female, F344 rats, We investigatedthe mechanisms leading to this difference by measuring the levelof PhlP-DNA adducts, the enhancement of cell proliferation andaberrant crypt focus (ACF) formation in colon mucosa. PhIP wasadministered in the diet at a level of 0.04% to both male andfemale F344 rats for 1–8 weeks. The level of DNA adductsin the colon mucosa was measured using the 32P-postlabelingmethod. Four major PhlP-DNA adducts were detected in fairlyconstant proportions in all the animals examined. The levelof PhlP-DNA adducts in male and female rats was the same, indicatingno direct correlation between adduct levels and carcinogenesis.Labeling indices (LIs) were determined by measuring BrdU incorporationin rats after feeding with a PhIP diet for 4, 8 and 12 weeks.After 8 weeks administration the LI had increased 1.5-fold inthe colon of the male rats, but no increase was observed inthe female rats. ACF formation was examined after feeding witha PhIP diet for 14 weeks. The number of aberrant crypt fociwas 6.6 ± 1.5 per rat in males and 1.9 ± 0.5 perrat in females. Thus differences in colon tumor developmentin male and female rats takes place at an early stage(s). Ourresults suggest that, in addition to DNA adduct formation, enhancedproliferation contribites to the formation of ACFs, which arepremalignant lesions of the colon.  相似文献   

Bckground and Objective: Various factors affect the radioresistance of tumor cells, with unknown molecular mechanism(s). Many genes have been found to associate with the radioresistance of tumor cells, however, the precise mechanism of these genes have not been elucidated. This paper was to analyze the differential expressions of DNA repair genes in esophageal carcinoma cells at different time after X-ray irradiation, and to investigate the role of these DNA repair genes in radiation resistance. Methods: Es...  相似文献   

Carcinogenic responses in the prostate to 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5- b ]pyridine (PhIP) were compared among seven rat strains (F344, ACI, Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat (SHR), Sprague-Dawley (SD), Wistar, Lewis and Brown Norway (BN)). Ten-week-old animals of each strain were given PhIP at 400 ppm in the diet for 20 weeks then maintained until week 54. The final survival rates were 92, 92, 83, 75, 67, 42 and 42%, respectively, and the SHR strain showed the highest sensitivity with regard to development of prostatic intraepithelial neoplasias (PINs) in the ventral prostate. With regard to the induction of adenocarcinomas of the ventral prostate, the ACI strain was most sensitive, whereas Lewis and F344 rats were relatively resistant. No adenocarcinomas were found in the dorsolateral or anterior prostate or seminal vesicles in any of the strains. The levels of serum testosterone and estrogen, PhIP-DNA adducts and cell kinetics did not correlate with the development of ventral prostatic lesions and thus other factors are presumably responsible for the variations in susceptibility. The present data indicate that ACI and SHR rats are appropriate strains for experimental investigation of PhIP-induced prostate carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

The effect of various levels of dietary corn oil or trans fat on azoxymethane (AOM; CAS: 25843-45-2)-induced carcinogenesis was investigated in female F344 rats fed the AIN-76 semipurified diets. Starting at 5 weeks of age, groups of rats were fed the low-fat diet containing 5% corn oil (designated as low-fat control diet). At 7 weeks of age, all animals except the vehicle-treated controls, were given sc injections of AOM (15 mg/kg body wt, once weekly) for 3 weeks. After 1 week, groups of animals were transferred to semipurified diets containing 13.6% corn oil and 23.5% corn oil or high-fat diets containing 5.9% corn oil plus 5.9% trans fat plus 11.8% Oleinate (low trans fat), 5.9% corn oil plus 11.8% trans fat plus 5.9% Oleinate (intermediate trans fat), and 5.9% corn oil plus 17.6% trans fat (high trans fat). Fecal bile acids were measured in vehicle-treated rats. All animals were necropsied 34 weeks after the last AOM injection. The animals fed the 23.5% corn oil diet had a higher incidence of colon tumors than did those in the groups fed the 5 and 13.6% corn oil diets. There was no difference in colon tumor incidence between the 5 and 13.6% corn oil diet groups. The animals fed the high-fat diets containing low trans fat, intermediate trans fat, and high trans fat developed significantly fewer liver and colon tumors and more small intestinal tumors than did the rats fed 23.5% corn oil diet. The excretion of fecal deoxycholic acid, lithocholic acid, and 12-ketolithocholic acid was higher in animals fed the 23.5% corn oil diet compared to the excretion in animals fed the other diets.  相似文献   

Methylazoxymethanol (MAM) and methylazoxymethyl acetate (MAMOAc) are powerful colon carcinogens in rats, mice and hamsters. In contrast, these agents are not carcinogenic to the colon of the guinea pig. To probe the mechanism responsible for this species difference, we determined the levels of DNA methylation in the livers and colon mucosae of F344 rats and strain-2 guinea pigs after the s.c. administration of 25 mg/kg MAMOAc. While no significant difference was observed between the two species with respect to the degree of liver DNA methylation, the level of O6-methylguanine in guinea pig colon mucosa DNA was 19 times lower than in rat colon mucosa DNA, and the level of 7-methylguanine was below detection limits. However, significant colon mucosa DNA methylation was observed in the guinea pig after the intrarectal administration of 1.25 mg methylnitrosourea. The methylation of colon mucosa DNA in response to MAMOAc in the two species correlated with the activity of alcohol dehydrogenase, an enzyme believed to be involved in the activation of MAM. Thus the resistance of the guinea pig colon to the carcinogenicity of MAM/MAMOAc may be ascribed to the lack of metabolic activation of MAM in this organ.  相似文献   

Mucin-depleted foci (MDF) are microscopic dysplastic lesions induced in the colon of rodents by specific colon carcinogens. Most MDF show Wnt pathway activation, whereas only a subset shows mutations in the Ctnnb1 gene, coding for beta-catenin. Because Apc is a member of the Wnt pathway and the most frequent mutated gene in human colon cancer, we tested whether MDF harbor Apc mutations. F344 rats were treated twice with 150 mg/kg of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine. After 15 or 28 weeks, MDF, aberrant crypt foci (ACF), and tumors were collected. We screened a segment of the Apc gene comprising the region homologous to the mutation cluster region (MCR) of human APC, which frequently shows mutations in experimental colon tumors. Mutations were identified by PCR amplification and sequencing in 6:24 MDF (25%), 7:23 tumors (30%), 0:24 ACF (0%). Most of the mutations (92%) in MDF and tumors were localized in a region upstream from the MCR. All mutations were single-base substitutions and mainly formed by G:C-->A:T and C:G-->T:A transitions. The pattern of nucleotide changes was similar in MDF and tumors, and, interestingly, the same mutation in codon 1047 was found in two MDF and in three tumors. Four out of the six mutations found in MDF were nonsense mutations, and two were missense. All mutations in tumors determined a protein truncation. These results show that Apc mutations are present in MDF with a frequency similar to that of tumors, strengthening the evidence that they are precancerous lesions in colon carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

The clinical outcome of patients with colorectal cancer frequently varies even if they are at the same clinicopathologic stage. Alternative superior tumor markers of colorectal cancer are needed for prediction of clinical outcome. To clarify the regulatory factors in colorectal cancers, we examined differential expression profiles using cDNA macroarray technique with surgically resected specimens obtained from the patients with colorectal cancer. The gene profiles by an average-linkage hierarchical clustering analysis were found to be almost separable into two groups: tumor group and normal mucosa group. The relationship between several clinicopathologic factors and cancer related genes were investigated by using statistical analyses including principal component analysis (PCA). c-myc-binding protein MM-1, and c-jun proto-oncogene were identified as possible markers of tumor histology and clinical prognosis and early growth response protein 1 (EGR1) was selected to play an important role in progression of clinical stage. We conclude that, with PCA method, we successfully selected the genes relevant to clinicopathologic factors using limited population of clinical samples.  相似文献   

Neoplastic development in the rat mammary gland can be suppressed by inhibition of the activity of several enzymes involved in eicosanoid biosynthesis. In order to investigate the potential utility of prostacyclin and thromboxane synthetases as targets for mammary cancer chemoprevention, experiments were conducted to determine the influence of tranylcypromine (TCP), an inhibitor of prostacyclin synthetase, and imidazole (IMI), an inhibitor of thromboxane synthetase, on mammary carcinogenesis induced in rats by N-methyl-N-nitrosourea. Fifty-day-old female Sprague-Dawley [Hsd:SD(BR)] rats received a single s.c. dose of 0 or 40 mg of N-methyl-N-nitrosourea per kg of body weight. Beginning 7 days after carcinogen administration, groups of rats were fed isoenergetic, casein-based diets containing 3 or 20% corn oil (w/w), supplemented with (per kg of diet) 10 mg of TCP, 1000 mg of IMI, or sucrose carrier only. TCP reduced mammary carcinoma multiplicity in rats fed the 20% corn oil diet, but had no effect in rats fed the diet containing 3% fat. By contrast, supplementation with IMI increased mammary cancer incidence in the group fed the 20% fat diet and increased carcinoma multiplicity in the 3% fat group to the levels seen in rats fed the 20% fat diet. These data suggest that inhibition of prostacyclin synthetase, but not thromboxane synthetase, may present a useful mechanism for mammary cancer chemoprevention in animals consuming a diet high in fat. Furthermore, the differential effects of TCP and IMI in rats fed low and high fat diets suggest that the action of dietary fat in mammary cancer induction may involve influences on the arachidonic acid cascade.  相似文献   

To study the early alterations in carcinogenesis, we determined apoptosis and proliferation in rat mucin depleted foci (MDF), precancerous lesions in the colon under basal conditions and 24 h after treatment with 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH), which induces apoptosis in the colon. Spontaneous apoptosis in MDF was higher than in normal mucosa (Apoptotic Index was 1.61 ± 0.30 and 0.21 ± 0.02 in MDF and normal mucosa, respectively, mean ± SE, p < 0.05). DMH (30 and 75 mg/kg) increased apoptosis in both normal mucosa and MDF (up to 20 times higher compared to basal levels in normal mucosa, but only two times in MDF). MDF had a higher and deregulated pattern of proliferation along the crypt compared to normal mucosa. After DMH, proliferation in normal mucosa was significantly depressed, but it did not vary in MDF. Survivin-Birc5 regulating apoptosis and proliferation was significantly over-expressed (RT-qPCR and immunohistochemistry experiments) in MDF vs. normal mucosa, but did not vary in response to DMH. The expression of the pro-apoptotic protein Bak did not vary in normal mucosa and MDF. Since inflammation is present in MDF, which may hamper apoptosis, we studied the effect of pre-treatment with aspirin (600 ppm in the diet for 10 days). No significant effects of aspirin were observed. In conclusion, MDF had a higher spontaneous apoptosis and proliferation coupled with a reduced response to apoptotic stimuli from cytotoxic compounds. Survivin over-expression in MDF indicates that this is an early event in colon carcinogenesis and suggests that down-regulation of Survivin may represent a strategy for cancer prevention.  相似文献   

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