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Large-scale magnetic resonance (MR) studies of the human brain offer unique opportunities for identifying genetic and environmental factors shaping the human brain. Here, we describe a dataset collected in the context of a multi-centre study of the adolescent brain, namely the IMAGEN Study. We focus on one of the functional paradigms included in the project to probe the brain network underlying processing of ambiguous and angry faces. Using functional MR (fMRI) data collected in 1,110 adolescents, we constructed probabilistic maps of the neural network engaged consistently while viewing the ambiguous or angry faces; 21 brain regions responding to faces with high probability were identified. We were also able to address several methodological issues, including the minimal sample size yielding a stable location of a test region, namely the fusiform face area (FFA), as well as the effect of acquisition site (eight sites) and scanner (four manufacturers) on the location and magnitude of the fMRI response to faces in the FFA. Finally, we provided a comparison between male and female adolescents in terms of the effect sizes of sex differences in brain response to the ambiguous and angry faces in the 21 regions of interest. Overall, we found a stronger neural response to the ambiguous faces in several cortical regions, including the fusiform face area, in female (vs. male) adolescents, and a slightly stronger response to the angry faces in the amygdala of male (vs. female) adolescents.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the influence social factorsupon the neural processing of faces of other races using event-relatedpotentials. A multi-tiered approach was used to identify face-specificstages of processing, to test for effects of race-of-face uponprocessing at these stages and to evaluate the impact of socialcontact and individuating experience upon these effects. Theresults showed that race-of-face has significant effects uponface processing, starting from early perceptual stages of structuralencoding, and that social factors may play an important rolein mediating these effects.  相似文献   

Functional localizers that contrast brain signal when viewing faces versus objects are commonly used in functional magnetic resonance imaging studies of face processing. However, current protocols do not reliably show all regions of the core system for face processing in all subjects when conservative statistical thresholds are used, which is problematic in the study of single subjects. Furthermore, arbitrary variations in the applied thresholds are associated with inconsistent estimates of the size of face-selective regions-of-interest (ROIs). We hypothesized that the use of more natural dynamic facial images in localizers might increase the likelihood of identifying face-selective ROIs in individual subjects, and we also investigated the use of a method to derive the statistically optimal ROI cluster size independent of thresholds. We found that dynamic facial stimuli were more effective than static stimuli, identifying 98% (versus 72% for static) of ROIs in the core face processing system and 69% (versus 39% for static) of ROIs in the extended face processing system. We then determined for each core face processing ROI, the cluster size associated with maximum statistical face-selectivity, which on average was approximately 50 mm(3) for the fusiform face area, the occipital face area, and the posterior superior temporal sulcus. We suggest that the combination of (a) more robust face-related activity induced by a dynamic face localizer and (b) a cluster-size determination based on maximum face-selectivity increases both the sensitivity and the specificity of the characterization of face-related ROIs in individual subjects.  相似文献   

Both gray matter atrophy and disruption of functional networks are important predictors for physical disability and cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis (MS), yet their relationship is poorly understood. Graph theory provides a modality invariant framework to analyze patterns of gray matter morphology and functional coactivation. We investigated, how gray matter and functional networks were affected within the same MS sample and examined their interrelationship. Magnetic resonance imaging and magnetoencephalography (MEG) were performed in 102 MS patients and 42 healthy controls. Gray matter networks were computed at the group‐level based on cortical thickness correlations between 78 regions across subjects. MEG functional networks were computed at the subject level based on the phase‐lag index between time‐series of regions in source‐space. In MS patients, we found a more regular network organization for structural covariance networks and for functional networks in the theta band, whereas we found a more random network organization for functional networks in the alpha2 band. Correlation analysis revealed a positive association between covariation in thickness and functional connectivity in especially the theta band in MS patients, and these results could not be explained by simple regional gray matter thickness measurements. This study is a first multimodal graph analysis in a sample of MS patients, and our results suggest that a disruption of gray matter network topology is important to understand alterations in functional connectivity in MS as regional gray matter fails to take into account the inherent connectivity structure of the brain. Hum Brain Mapp 35:5946–5961, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Huntington's disease (HD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that can be diagnosed with certainty decades before symptom onset. Studies using structural MRI have identified grey matter (GM) loss predominantly in the striatum, but also involving various cortical areas. So far, voxel‐based morphometric studies have examined each brain region in isolation and are thus unable to assess the changes in the interrelation of brain regions. Here, we examined the structural covariance in GM volumes in pre‐specified motor, working memory, cognitive flexibility, and social‐affective networks in 99 patients with manifest HD (mHD), 106 presymptomatic gene mutation carriers (pre‐HD), and 108 healthy controls (HC). After correction for global differences in brain volume, we found that increased GM volume in one region was associated with increased GM volume in another. When statistically comparing the groups, no differences between HC and pre‐HD were observed, but increased positive correlations were evident for mHD, relative to pre‐HD and HC. These findings could be explained by a HD‐related neuronal loss heterogeneously affecting the examined network at the pre‐HD stage, which starts to dominate structural covariance globally at the manifest stage. Follow‐up analyses identified structural connections between frontoparietal motor regions to be linearly modified by disease burden score (DBS). Moderator effects of disease load burden became significant at a DBS level typically associated with the onset of unequivocal HD motor signs. Together with existing findings from functional connectivity analyses, our data indicates a critical role of these frontoparietal regions for the onset of HD motor signs. Hum Brain Mapp 37:67–80, 2016. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Attention to faces is a fundamental psychological process in humans, with atypical attention to faces noted across several clinical disorders. Although many clinical disorders onset in adolescence, there is a lack of well‐validated stimulus sets containing adolescent faces available for experimental use. Further, the images comprising most available sets are not controlled for high‐ and low‐level visual properties. Here, we present a cross‐site validation of the National Institute of Mental Health Child Emotional Faces Picture Set (NIMH‐ChEFS), comprised of 257 photographs of adolescent faces displaying angry, fearful, happy, sad, and neutral expressions. All of the direct facial images from the NIMH‐ChEFS set were adjusted in terms of location of facial features and standardized for luminance, size, and smoothness. Although overall agreement between raters in this study and the original development‐site raters was high (89.52%), this differed by group such that agreement was lower for adolescents relative to mental health professionals in the current study. These results suggest that future research using this face set or others of adolescent/child faces should base comparisons on similarly‐aged validation data. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Processing of reward is the basis of adaptive behavior of the human being. Neural correlates of reward processing seem to be influenced by developmental changes from adolescence to late adulthood. The aim of this study is to uncover these neural correlates during a slot machine gambling task across the lifespan. Therefore, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate 102 volunteers in three different age groups: 34 adolescents, 34 younger adults, and 34 older adults. We focused on the core reward areas ventral striatum (VS) and ventromedial prefrontal cortex (VMPFC), the valence processing associated areas, anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and insula, as well as information integration associated areas, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), and inferior parietal lobule (IPL). Results showed that VS and VMPFC were characterized by a hyperactivation in adolescents compared with younger adults. Furthermore, the ACC and insula were characterized by a U‐shape pattern (hypoactivation in younger adults compared with adolescents and older adults), whereas the DLPFC and IPL were characterized by a J‐shaped form (hyperactivation in older adults compared with younger groups). Furthermore, a functional connectivity analysis revealed an elevated negative functional coupling between the inhibition‐related area rIFG and VS in younger adults compared with adolescents. Results indicate that lifespan‐related changes during reward anticipation are characterized by different trajectories in different reward network modules and support the hypothesis of an imbalance in maturation of striatal and prefrontal cortex in adolescents. Furthermore, these results suggest compensatory age‐specific effects in fronto‐parietal regions. Hum Brain Mapp 35:5153–5165, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc .  相似文献   

Understanding how the mammalian neocortex creates cognition largely depends on knowledge about large‐scale cortical organization. Accumulated evidence has illuminated cortical substrates of cognition across the lifespan, but how topological properties of cortical networks support structure‐function relationships in normal aging remains an open question. Here we investigate the role of connections (i.e., short/long and direct/indirect) and node properties (i.e., centrality and modularity) in predicting functional‐structural connectivity coupling in healthy elderly subjects. Connectivity networks were derived from correlations of cortical thickness and cortical glucose consumption in resting state. Local‐direct connections (i.e., nodes separated by less than 30 mm) and node modularity (i.e., a set of nodes highly interconnected within a topological community and sparsely interconnected with nodes from other modules) in the functional network were identified as the main determinants of coupling between cortical networks, suggesting that the structural network in aging is mainly constrained by functional topological properties involved in the segregation of information, likely due to aging‐related deficits in functional integration. This hypothesis is supported by an enhanced connectivity between cortical regions of different resting‐state networks involved in sensorimotor and memory functions in detrimental to associations between fronto‐parietal regions supporting executive processes. Taken collectively, these findings open new avenues to identify aging‐related failures in the anatomo‐functional organization of the neocortical mantle, and might contribute to early detection of prevalent neurodegenerative conditions occurring in the late life. Hum Brain Mapp 35:2724–2740, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc .  相似文献   

Focal lesions can affect connectivity between distal brain regions (connectional diaschisis) and impact the graph‐theoretic properties of major brain networks (connectomic diaschisis). Given its unique anatomy and diverse range of functions, the hippocampus has been claimed to be a critical “hub” in brain networks. We investigated the effects of hippocampal lesions on structural and functional connectivity in six patients with amnesia, using a range of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) analyses. Neuropsychological assessment revealed marked episodic memory impairment and generally intact performance across other cognitive domains. The hippocampus was the only brain structure exhibiting reduced grey‐matter volume that was consistent across patients, and the fornix was the only major white‐matter tract to show altered structural connectivity according to both diffusion metrics. Nonetheless, functional MRI revealed both increases and decreases in functional connectivity. Analysis at the level of regions within the default‐mode network revealed reduced functional connectivity, including between nonhippocampal regions (connectional diaschisis). Analysis at the level of functional networks revealed reduced connectivity between thalamic and precuneus networks, but increased connectivity between the default‐mode network and frontal executive network. The overall functional connectome showed evidence of increased functional segregation in patients (connectomic diaschisis). Together, these results point to dynamic reorganization following hippocampal lesions, with both decreased and increased functional connectivity involving limbic‐diencephalic structures and larger‐scale networks. © 2016 The Authors Hippocampus Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In the mature brain, structural and functional ‘fingerprints’ of brain connectivity can be used to identify the uniqueness of an individual. However, whether the characteristics that make a given brain distinguishable from others already exist at birth remains unknown. Here, we used neuroimaging data from the developing Human Connectome Project (dHCP) of preterm born neonates who were scanned twice during the perinatal period to assess the developing brain fingerprint. We found that 62% of the participants could be identified based on the congruence of the later structural connectome to the initial connectivity matrix derived from the earlier timepoint. In contrast, similarity between functional connectomes of the same subject at different time points was low. Only 10% of the participants showed greater self-similarity in comparison to self-to-other-similarity for the functional connectome. These results suggest that structural connectivity is more stable in early life and can represent a potential connectome fingerprint of the individual: a relatively stable structural connectome appears to support a changing functional connectome at a time when neonates must rapidly acquire new skills to adapt to their new environment.  相似文献   

The importance of studying connectivity in the aging brain is increasingly recognized. Recent studies have shown that connectivity within the default mode network is reduced with age and have demonstrated a clear relation of these changes with cognitive functioning. However, research on age‐related changes in other functional networks is sparse and mainly focused on prespecified functional networks. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we investigated age‐related changes in functional connectivity during a visual oddball task in a range of functional networks. It was found that compared with young participants, elderly showed a decrease in connectivity between areas belonging to the same functional network. This was found in the default mode network and the somatomotor network. Moreover, in all identified networks, elderly showed increased connectivity between areas within these networks and areas belonging to different functional networks. Decreased connectivity within functional networks was related to poorer cognitive functioning in elderly. The results were interpreted as a decrease in the specificity of functional networks in older participants. Hum Brain Mapp 35:319–330, 2014. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Reproducibility of results is important in improving the robustness of conclusions drawn from research, particularly in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). In this study, we aim to replicate a previous study on the neural correlates of face emotion processing above and below awareness level using an independent sample of youth with severe mood dysregulation (SMD) and healthy volunteers (HV). We collected fMRI data in 17 SMD and 20 HV, using an affective priming paradigm with masked (17 ms) and unmasked (187 ms) faces (angry, happy, neutral, blank oval). When processing masked and unmasked angry faces, SMD patients exhibited increased activation in the parahippocampal gyrus (PHG) and superior temporal gyrus relative to HV. When processing masked and unmasked happy faces, SMD patients showed decreased activation in the insula, PHG and thalamus compared with HV. During masked face processing in general across emotions, youth with SMD showed greater ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) activation relative to HV. Perturbed activation in emotion processing areas (e.g. insula, PHG, superior temporal gyrus and thalamus) manifests as hyper-sensitivity toward negative emotions and hypo-sensitivity toward positive emotions may be important in the etiology and maintenance of irritability, aggression and depressive symptoms in SMD. vmPFC dysfunction may mediate over-reactivity to face emotions associated with irritability.  相似文献   

Expertise in processing faces is a cornerstone of human social interaction. However, the developmental course of many key brain regions supporting face preferential processing in the human brain remains undefined. Here, we present findings from an FMRI study using a simple viewing paradigm of faces and objects in a continuous age sample covering the age range from 6 years through adulthood. These findings are the first to use such a sample paired with whole-brain FMRI analyses to investigate development within the core and extended face networks across the developmental spectrum from middle childhood to adulthood. We found evidence, albeit modest, for a developmental trend in the volume of the right fusiform face area (rFFA) but no developmental change in the intensity of activation. From a spatial perspective, the middle portion of the right fusiform gyrus most commonly found in adult studies of face processing was increasingly likely to be included in the FFA as age increased to adulthood. Outside of the FFA, the most striking finding was that children hyperactivated nearly every aspect of the extended face system relative to adults, including the amygdala, anterior temporal pole, insula, inferior frontal gyrus, anterior cingulate gyrus, and parietal cortex. Overall, the findings suggest that development is best characterized by increasing modulation of face-sensitive regions throughout the brain to engage only those systems necessary for task requirements.  相似文献   

Psychopaths show a reduced ability to recognize emotion facial expressions, which may disturb the interpersonal relationship development and successful social adaptation. Behavioral hypotheses point toward an association between emotion recognition deficits in psychopathy and amygdala dysfunction. Our prediction was that amygdala dysfunction would combine deficient activation with disturbances in functional connectivity with cortical regions of the face-processing network. Twenty-two psychopaths and 22 control subjects were assessed and functional magnetic resonance maps were generated to identify both brain activation and task-induced functional connectivity using psychophysiological interaction analysis during an emotional face-matching task. Results showed significant amygdala activation in control subjects only, but differences between study groups did not reach statistical significance. In contrast, psychopaths showed significantly increased activation in visual and prefrontal areas, with this latest activation being associated with psychopaths’ affective–interpersonal disturbances. Psychophysiological interaction analyses revealed a reciprocal reduction in functional connectivity between the left amygdala and visual and prefrontal cortices. Our results suggest that emotional stimulation may evoke a relevant cortical response in psychopaths, but a disruption in the processing of emotional faces exists involving the reciprocal functional interaction between the amygdala and neocortex, consistent with the notion of a failure to integrate emotion into cognition in psychopathic individuals.  相似文献   

Changes in the functional connectivity of the subgenual anterior cingulate cortex (SGC) have been linked with depressive symptoms. The aim of this study was to map this relationship across mid to late adolescence. Employing a longitudinal functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) design, associations between patterns of resting-state SGC functional connectivity and symptoms of depression were examined at two time points in an initial sample of 72 adolescents. Using a region-of-interest approach, these associations were evaluated cross-sectionally and longitudinally. Cross-sectionally, weaker SGC functional connectivity with the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC), angular gyrus and dorsal prefrontal cortex at baseline, and weaker SGC connectivity with the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (DMPFC) and ventromedial prefrontal cortex at follow-up, were associated with higher depressive symptoms. Longitudinally, a decrease in SGC functional connectivity with DMPFC, PCC, angular gyrus and middle temporal gyrus was associated with higher depressive symptoms at follow-up. The observation of weaker SGC connectivity predicting increased symptoms contrasts with the majority of resting-state fMRI studies in clinically depressed populations. Taken together with these past studies, our findings suggest depression-related changes in SGC functional connectivity may differ across developmental and illness stages.  相似文献   

Depression has been associated with various alterations in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) derived resting‐state functional connectivity. Recently, homotopic connectivity, defined as functional connectivity between homotopic regions across hemispheres, has been reported to be reduced in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD). However, little is known about structural factors underlying alterations of homotopic connectivity, which would contribute to the understanding of the altered neurophysiological architecture in patients with MDD. We compared 368 patients with MDD and 461 never‐depressed controls regarding voxel‐mirrored homotopic connectivity (VMHC) and potential underlying mechanisms such as the structural connectivity of the corpus callosum, measured by DTI‐derived fractional anisotropy (FA), and left–right symmetries in homotopic gray matter volumes. Compared to controls, patients with MDD exhibited reduced VMHC in the cuneus, putamen, superior temporal gyrus, insula, and precuneus. Within these regions, no differences in left–right symmetries in homotopic gray matter volumes were evident across cohorts. FA of the corpus callosum correlated with VMHC in the entire sample. However, patients with MDD and controls did not differ with regard to callosal FA. The findings indicate that MDD is associated with a loss of interhemispheric synchrony in regions known to be implicated in self‐referential and reward processing. They also suggest that additional mechanisms are implicated in altered homotopic connectivity of patients with MDD, other than direct callosal fiber pathways or asymmetries in homotopic gray matter volumes. Hum Brain Mapp 37:1209–1217, 2016. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc .  相似文献   

Physiological and emotional stressors are associated with or provoke each migraine attack and cause structural and functional changes in the central nervous system. The hippocampus, a limbic structure important in anxiety‐related behavior, is vulnerable to long‐term stress. Given that catechol‐O‐methyltransferase (COMT) is widely distributed in the hippocampus and its genetic variation is thought to contribute to the interindividual variability in pain perception and anxiety regulation, whether or not migraine and COMT val158met genotype have an interactive effect in the key brain area related to maladaptive stress, the hippocampus, is still poorly understood. Using T1‐weighted and resting functional MRI, we evaluated the effect of COMT genetic variations on migraine and possible interactions between COMT and the disease in brain structure and function in 135 females with migraine without aura (MWoA) and 111 matched health controls (HC). Optimized voxel‐based morphometry (VBM) and functional connectivity (FC) analyses were applied. From the whole brain VBM analysis, we found a significant disease × genotype interaction in the hippocampus, which overlapped with disease‐related increase of gray matter (GM) in val homozygote migraineurs. In our results, increased GM in the hippocampus was only found in val homozygote MWoA compared to val homozygote HC. Moreover, FC between the hippocampus and the medial prefrontal cortex was significantly decreased in val homozygotes, and it was negatively correlated with self‐rating anxiety scale values.Our results indicated that brain structure and function of the hippocampus are differentially affected by migraine in val homozygotes compared with met carriers. Hum Brain Mapp 36:1782–1795, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc .  相似文献   

Despite its 0.5–1% lifetime prevalence in men and its general societal relevance, neuroimaging investigations in pedophilia are scarce. Preliminary findings indicate abnormal brain structure and function. However, no study has yet linked structural alterations in pedophiles to both connectional and functional properties of the aberrant hotspots. The relationship between morphological alterations and brain function in pedophilia as well as their contribution to its psychopathology thus remain unclear. First, we assessed bimodal connectivity of structurally altered candidate regions using meta‐analytic connectivity modeling (MACM) and resting‐state correlations employing openly accessible data. We compared the ensuing connectivity maps to the activation likelihood estimation (ALE) maps of a recent quantitative meta‐analysis of brain activity during processing of sexual stimuli. Second, we functionally characterized the structurally altered regions employing meta‐data of a large‐scale neuroimaging database. Candidate regions were functionally connected to key areas for processing of sexual stimuli. Moreover, we found that the functional role of structurally altered brain regions in pedophilia relates to nonsexual emotional as well as neurocognitive and executive functions, previously reported to be impaired in pedophiles. Our results suggest that structural brain alterations affect neural networks for sexual processing by way of disrupted functional connectivity, which may entail abnormal sexual arousal patterns. The findings moreover indicate that structural alterations account for common affective and neurocognitive impairments in pedophilia. The present multimodal integration of brain structure and function analyses links sexual and nonsexual psychopathology in pedophilia. Hum Brain Mapp 36:2374–2386, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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