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高压血患者的饮食治疗的重要性在于控制和不断的减少危险性。其实对于预防高血压也具有指导意义。卫生部专家组根据我国情况对改善膳食结构预防高血压提出以下建议。  相似文献   

张士鑫 《长寿》2011,(10):57
时下,许多人都重视补充营养,听说哪种食品营养好,就不假思索买来食用。不少人花钱买来营养过剩,甚至找病上身。所谓营养,确切地说,应该是人体内所必需或正需要的能量和元素。只有在人体需要时,它才能被称为真正意义上的营养。否则,它很可能成为体内"垃圾",甚至  相似文献   

在北京协和医院"百人计划"项目资助下,我有幸到美国麻省总医院学习。虽然中国和美国是不同的国度,经济发展水平、管理体制等情况不一样,但以患者为中心和以员工为本的理念却是相同的,麻省总医院的很多做法值得我们借鉴参考。麻省总医院的成功之道麻省总医院是哈佛大学医学院的教学医院,与约翰.霍普金斯医院、梅奥诊所一样,都是全美最负盛名的医院。麻省总医院在全美最佳医院排行榜中一般排在第二位,  相似文献   

我的身体状况一直尚可,2008年1月初,不知为什么,我开始了不间断呕吐。后来在肠镜检查中,发现了有肿瘤。医生考虑可能是"结肠癌"!在之后的治疗中,虽经多方面努力,但都不能阻止病情的发展。到了2008年6月16日,我因肠梗阻感染性休克,转到了大连医科大学一院普外一科。科主任胡祥教授得知  相似文献   

雍和 《健康》2014,(10):73-73
由于孕妇的特殊身份,我每次出门,总能得到陌生人的让座和帮助。有一天我进了地铁车厢,扶着门口的立柱站着。在门口第一个位置坐着的是一个高大的年轻男人,他似乎没有看见我。他旁边的一位女士眼看车到站,可能担心上下车的人挤到我,就站起来让我坐了她的位置。不巧的是,站台上又进来一个背着孩子的妈妈,站在我开始站的那个位置。车一开动,她就不得不艰难地用一只手去扶立柱,剩下一只手保护背上那个睡着了的胖孩子。人们似乎觉得还是门口那个男人该让出座位吧。  相似文献   

小郁看透了这两个男人。她从来就不像常赫所想的那样单纯无辜,她是个太好的演员,也知道这世上,哪一种情感可以利用。【有一种无辜的单薄】黄昏,常赫遇见小郁的时候,天空飘起了小雪。雪是忽然下起来的,细细碎碎地飘在窗外,这让常赫的心有些莫名伤感,这个城市已经两年没有下过雪了,冬天就那么干燥地冷着。因为雪花,常赫放慢了车速,慢慢看向窗外。  相似文献   

历时5年4个月的中澳卫生与艾滋病项目于近期完美收官,该项目在中澳两国政府组成的项目管理委员会领导下,紧密结合中国医药卫生体制改革所产出的70多份政策分析报告促进了国家级和省级相关卫生改革的政策制定,大力推动了中国医改进程。11月22日,中澳卫生与艾滋病项目完工大会在北京举行,卫生部部长陈竺与澳大利亚驻华大使孙芳安(Frances J.Adamson)出席会议开幕式并致辞。来自中国卫生部、商务部、澳大利亚国际发  相似文献   

候丽 《健康博览》2009,(6):40-43
心理专家说,婚姻必经几个成长阶段。男人和女人对婚姻的各阶段感受不完仝一致……那么让我们看看在婚姻中,男人和女人的不同感受。然后跟着心理专家一起解读婚姻吧。  相似文献   

彩虹 《时尚育儿》2013,(8):122-123
有了孩子以后,哪里还有爱情呢,全然的转化为亲情了!从什么时候开始,没有了靠在沙发里相互依偎着诉说情话,好像最后的画面,停留在他的手放在我高高隆起的肚子上感受儿子的直踢……  相似文献   

亲爱的爸爸妈妈们:前几天我去看望一对卧病在床的老人,他们是我一个好友的父母。好友的老父亲已84岁了,三个月前不慎摔倒,髋骨骨折在家卧床休息。好友的老母亲81岁,  相似文献   

We have just witnessed the largest and most devastating outbreak of Ebola virus disease, which highlighted the urgent need for development of an efficacious vaccine that could be used to curtail future outbreaks. Prior to 2014, there had been limited impetus worldwide to develop a vaccine since the virus was first discovered in 1976. Though too many lives were lost during this outbreak, it resulted in the significantly accelerated clinical development of a number of candidate vaccines through an extraordinary collaborative global effort coordinated by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and involving a number of companies, trial centres, funders, global stakeholders and agencies. We have acquired substantial safety and immunogenicity data on a number of vaccines in Caucasian and African populations. The rapid pace of events led to the initiation of the landmark efficacy trial testing the rVSV-vectored vaccine, which showed high level efficacy in an outbreak setting when deployed using an innovative ring vaccination strategy. Though the Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) declared by the WHO has now been lifted, the global scientific community faces numerous challenges ahead to ensure that there is a licensed, deployable vaccine available for use in future outbreaks for at least the Zaire and Sudan strains of Ebola virus. There remain several unanswered questions on the durability of protection, mechanistic immunological correlates and preferred deployment strategies. This review outlines a brief history of the development of Ebola vaccines, the significant progress made since the scale of the outbreak became apparent, some lessons learnt and how they could shape future development of vaccines and the management of similar outbreaks.  相似文献   

从人类第一次“见识”埃博拉病毒(Ebola virus)至今已经过去28年了,它是人类迄今为止发现死亡率最高的一种病毒,死亡率高达50%~90%。据世界卫生组织公布的数字,自1976年发现此病毒以来,已有感染者1600多例,其中死亡1000多例。EBV是需要实行最高级生物安全防护的烈性病毒,很有可能被用作为生物战剂。  相似文献   

The Ebola virus 2014 outbreak is the big viral epidemic and cause several deaths. The infection widely spread in Africa and causes infection in thousands of people. The important concern is reproductive medicine is the infection in the pregnant. Here, the authors try to summarize on the information and evidence on this issue and also discuss on the perspective.  相似文献   

During the 2001-2002 outbreak in Gabon, we observed that several dogs were highly exposed to Ebola virus by eating infected dead animals. To examine whether these animals became infected with Ebola virus, we sampled 439 dogs and screened them by Ebola virus-specific immunoglobulin (Ig) G assay, antigen detection, and viral polymerase chain reaction amplification. Seven (8.9%) of 79 samples from the 2 main towns, 15 (15.2%) of 99 samples from Mekambo, and 40 (25.2%) of 159 samples from villages in the Ebola virus-epidemic area had detectable Ebola virus-IgG, compared to only 2 (2%) of 102 samples from France. Among dogs from villages with both infected animal carcasses and human cases, seroprevalence was 31.8%. A significant positive direct association existed between seroprevalence and the distances to the Ebola virus-epidemic area. This study suggests that dogs can be infected by Ebola virus and that the putative infection is asymptomatic.  相似文献   

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