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Summary Two groups of Biomphalaria glabrata snails primarily infected with Angiostrongylus cantonensis were secondarily exposed to infection with Schistosoma mansoni. To investigate any antagonistic effect of a first infection on a superimposed one and to compare to singly and non-infected snails, a series of experiments was undertaken in which snails were individually exposed, variously, to 1,000 and 2,000 first-stage larvae of A. cantonensis and then to 5 and 10 miracidia of S. mansoni 1 day and 3 weeks later.Snails became infected with S. mansoni in both groups of snails with double infections and shed cercariae after the same incubation period as in the singly infected groups. The number of snails shedding cercariae simultaneously was similar in single and double infection groups during the first two weeks of shedding, after which this number decreased somewhat in doubly infected groups. Snails with double infection showed higher cumulative mortality rates than in snail groups with single infection with either A. cantonensis or S. mansoni. Therefore, initial infection of B. glabrata with A. cantonensis produced no inhibitory or retarding effect on subsequent infection of snails with S. mansoni.
Zusammenfassung Zwei Gruppen der Süßwasserschnecke Biomphalaria glabrata, die zuvor mit 1000 bzw. 2000 ersten Larven von Angiostrongylus cantonensis pro Schnecke infiziert worden waren, wurden zur Feststellung eines eventuellen antagonistischen Effekts zwischen beiden Parasiten, einen Tag und drei Wochen später mit 5 bzw. 10 Miracidien von Schistosoma mansoni infiziert. Nicht infizierte und mit jeweils nur einer der beiden Parasitenarten infizierte Schnecken dienten als Kontrolle.In beiden doppelt infizierten Gruppen ging die S. mansoni-Infektion sehr gut an, und die Ausscheidung von Cercarien begann nach der gleichen Entwicklungszeit wie bei den nur mit S. mansoni infizierten Kontrollgruppen. Die Anzahl Cercarien ausscheidender Schnecken war in den beiden ersten Wochen bei den jeweils einzeln und doppelt infizierten Gruppen sehr ähnlich, während sie sich in der Folgezeit in den doppelt infizierten Gruppen rasch verminderte. In Gruppen mit Doppelinfektion zeigte sich eine höhere Mortalität als bei den jeweils nur mit A. cantonensis oder S. mansoni infizierten Schnecken. Eine Beeinflussung der Entwicklung von S. mansoni durch die vorausgegangene Nematodeninfektion konnte nicht nachgewiesen werden.

Within snail/trematode associations the age/size of the host at infection has consequences with regard to miracidial infection success, further intramolluscan parasite development and reproduction, and the host response, mainly in terms of growth and reproductive effort. Taking into account these differences, we were interested in determining whether miracidia could discriminate and make a choice between snails of different sizes. Using the Schistosoma mansoni/Biomphalaria glabrata system, we compared data on the snail infection rate and the mother sporocyst abundance among three size classes of snails (juvenile, subadult, and adult) exposed separately or together to the parasite larvae. When exposed individually, juvenile snails (3–5 mm) had significantly higher prevalence and abundance values than did subadult snails, followed by adult snails. In contrast, when snails of the three size classes were exposed together in heterogeneous size groups the prevalence and abundance values were always significantly higher for subadult snails of the 7- to 9-mm class than for juvenile and adult snails. A host choice experiment confirmed that significantly more miracidia were attracted by subadult snails, suggesting that the parasite has been selected for specific locating and recognition mechanisms increasing the infection rate of subadult snails when the latter have been exposed in a heterogeneous size group. Selective forces that may be responsible for such a preferential infectivity of the parasite ␣vis-à-vis particular host age/size class are discussed in relation to host resources and host responses. Received: 9 February 1998 / Accepted: 13 May 1998  相似文献   

The snail Biomphalaria glabrata possesses hemocytes, which are supposed to interact with the larval stages of the human parasite Schistosoma mansoni. We describe trypsin-like serine protease(s) and phenoloxidase activities in lysates from these hemocytes. Both enzymes have activity optima around pH 9.5. The serine protease was inhibited by EDTA, PMSF, antipain and aprotinin, and the phenoloxidase activity by diethydithiocarbamate. By comparison, the serine protease activity in secretions of S. mansoni cercariae also had an alkaline pH optimum around 10.5 and was sensitive to the same inhibitors. In addition, serine protease activities from snails and cercariae had the same molecular mass of 28 kDa. However, the K(m) value of the serine protease(s) and the K(i) values of different inhibitors were generally lower for the snail enzyme than for the cercarial enzyme. The serine protease activity varied among individual snails but activity in hemocyte lysates and hemolymph correlated strongly. There was no detectable difference in the levels of activity between snails which are susceptible or resistant to schistosome infection.  相似文献   

Schistosomiasis is a disease with a strong genetic component influenced by socioeconomic and ecological factors. Epidemiological studies have identified several genetic regions involved in the schistosomiasis susceptibility. However, it is not well known what physiological traits are predisposing to the disease. The study of experimental infections in inbred mouse strains with variable genetic susceptibility to the disease offers a good opportunity to tackle this question. F1B6CBA hybrid between the most divergent strains was infected in order to characterize the immunophenotypes that correlate with the susceptibility of schistosomiasis disease in mice. Complete blood counts and immunophenotype were determined at 0, 3, 6, and 9 weeks post infection. Nine weeks after cercariae exposure, animals were perfused and worm recovery was assessed. A large number of hepatic lesions, a reduction in the eosinophil and basophil count in the acute phase of infection and the decreased number of monocytes, neutrophils and B-lymphocytes are phenotypes associated with increased susceptibility to S. mansoni infection.  相似文献   

Soluble extracts of Biomphalaria glabrata stimulate in vitro incorporation of methionine in Schistosoma mansoni miracidia. Evidence is presented that a unique 80 kDa glycoprotein representing less than 0.01% of total snail proteins and uniformly distributed in the snail body, is responsible for the observed stimulation. This protein specifically acts on the miracidia and this observation suggests that this glycoprotein influences snail penetration and development of miracidia. However, the presence of molecules stimulating S. mansoni miracidia was also demonstrated in S. mansoni nonpermissive molluscs.  相似文献   

Molecular mimicry has been considered as a possible way for parasites to escape host immune responses. This work concerns the characterization of protein determinants shared by Schistosoma mansoni and its intermediate host Biomphalaria glabrata. Parasite (Sm39) and mollusc (Bg 39) cross-reactive proteins were identified and shown to induce in rabbit and mouse, antibodies specific for invertebrate determinants. Ultrastructural studies demonstrated that antibodies to Sm39 specifically bound to muscular structures of parasite and mollusc. Molecular cloning and sequencing indicated that Bg39 corresponded to a muscular isoform of tropomyosin. The mollusc sequence showed a 51-65% homology with seven different muscular tropomyosins from vertebrate and invertebrate species. The highest score of homology was observed with S. mansoni tropomyosin, suggesting that cross-reactive determinants could be specific for the trematode and its intermediate host. In miracidia, Sm39 epitopes were also shown to be contained in the vesicles present in epidermal ridges and cellular bodies. Such vesicles are involved in the formation of a protective tegument around sporocysts, suggesting a possible role of cross-reactive tropomyosins in miracidia and/or sporocyst-snail interactions.  相似文献   

W Hirose  T F Davies 《Immunology》1988,64(1):107-112
We established T-cell clones from 'poor-responder' Fisher rats specific for thyroglobulin (Tg) with a view to examining Tg presentation by cloned Fisher rat thyroid (FRTL) cells. From the screening of 60 T-cell clones, three high-responding Tg-specific clones (B21.01, B21.04 and B21.05) were isolated from the lymph nodes of F1 generation (Fisher x 'high-responder' Buffalo) female rats immunized with murine Tg in complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA). Three T-cell clones expressed a W3/25+, OX-8- phenotype and responded specifically to murine and rat Tg in T-cell proliferation assays with Fisher rat antigen-presenting cells and secreted IL-2 as measured using a murine cytotoxic T-lymphocyte line (CTLL-2). Both B21.04 and B21.05 T-cell clones were capable of providing helper T-cell function for rat Tg antibody production in syngeneic reconstitution cultures in vitro. In contrast, clone B21.01 inhibited Tg antibody secretion. These data demonstrate that 'poor-responder' Fisher rats are capable of mounting significant T-cell responses to Tg in an F1 generation. Such Tg-specific T-cell clones will allow us to analyse their interaction with cloned Fisher rat thyroid cells and determine the role, if any, of thyroid cell antigen self-presentation to the immune system.  相似文献   

Cell lines derived from avian lymphomas exhibit two distinct phenotypes   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
T W Baba  B P Giroir  E H Humphries 《Virology》1985,144(1):139-151
Lymphoid cell lines were derived from three avian leukosis virus (ALV)-induced lymphomas. These cell lines contained proviral DNA sequences integrated upstream from the c-myc proto-oncogene, expressed increased levels of c-myc RNA, and were tumorigenic in syngeneic animals. While cell surface immunoglobulin (IgM) was expressed by all three cell lines, only one of the lines secreted IgM into the culture medium. Further, analysis by light microscopy and flow cytometry demonstrated that these cell lines exhibited two distinct morphological and light-scattering profiles. The two nonsecreting lines exhibited a lymphoblastoid phenotype, whereas, the secreting line possessed a more differentiated plasmacytoid phenotype. These findings implicate the activation of c-myc in the pathogenesis of tumors representing two distinct stages of B-cell differentiation within a single animal species.  相似文献   

Summary In order to study the pattern of emergence of trematode larvae from the snail hosts (S. mansoni from B. glabrata) an automatic apparatus was developed. This apparatus allows the snails, each suspended by a thread, to be transported at intervals of at least half an hour into different beakers into which the cercariae are shed. This eclosion clock is essentially a carriage driven on perlon wheels along steel bars.
Zusammenfassung Zur Untersuchung der Gesetzmäßigkeiten der Ausschüttung von Trematodenlarven aus den Zwischenwirtschnecken (S. mansoni aus B. glabrata) haben wir eine automatisch arbeitende Apparatur entwickelt. Und zwar werden an einem Faden befestigte Schnecken in beliebigen Intervallen (mindestens 1/2 Stunde) in verschiedene Becher transportiert. Dort erfolgt das Ausschwärmen der Cercarien. Im wesentlichen ist diese Schlüpfuhr ein mit Perlonrädern auf Stahlstangen fahrender, programmierbarer Wagen.

Schistosoma mansoni cercariae from post-aestivated Biomphalaria pfeifferi remain motile for 20 hours after release. Thereafter, their activity decreases with age. The difference in mortality rate of cercariae from aestivated and non-aestivated B. pfeifferi studied here proved to be statistically significant (P < 0.05) within the first 10 hours of the experimental period. Results of the percentage recovery of worms from different mouse organs infected with cercariae from aestivated and non-aestivated snails varied. The two main organs infected were the liver and intestine. In conclusion, the penetration, migration and maturation of cercariae into adult worms were not affected by the aestivation of B. pfeifferi.  相似文献   

Schistosoma mansoni and Echinostoma caproni are two trematode species that use different strategies (mimicry and immunosuppression, respectively) to interfere with the snail innate immune system. Parasites excretory-secretory (ES) products have been shown to play a key role in these host-parasite immune interactions. However, they remain largely uncharacterized in larval trematodes. We developed a global proteomic approach to characterize the ES proteome of S. mansoni and E. caproni primary sporocysts. In ES products of both parasites, we found proteins involved in reactive oxygen species scavenging, glycolysis, signalling or calcium binding (superoxide dismutase Cu/Zn; glutathione S-transferase; aldo-keto-reductase; triose-phosphate isomerase; glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase; aldolase, enolase, MICAL-like, calreticulin). According to their predicted functions, we propose a model in which these proteins (i) are involved in antioxidant activity, (ii) prevent hemocyte encapsulation process or (iii) favor invasion and migration of sporocysts in host tissues. These results suggest that S. mansoni and E. caproni sporocysts develope a strong immune protection during the first hours of infection giving them enough time to build up a long lasting immune evasion strategy relying on molecular mimicry or immunosuppression, respectively.  相似文献   

An agglutinin from the plasma of Biomphalaria glabrata, vector of Schistosoma mansoni, has been isolated and partially characterized. Its isolation is a simple two-step process, yielding an essentially pure preparation that can then be manipulated free from other plasma components. It is a large glycoprotein (10(6) daltons), found in four of the five snail strains tested, and possesses affinity for galactose-type sugar residues. Based upon criteria such as molecular weight, carbohydrate and erythrocyte specificity, physical stability and anatomical source, this agglutinin is considered to be distinct from others reported from this mollusc. Involvement of the agglutinin in the host-parasite interaction is discussed.  相似文献   

Two Schistosoma mansoni proteins of 43 and 39 kDa (Sm43 and Sm39) were shown to react with rabbit antibodies produced against Biomphalaria glabrata proteins. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of miracidial proteins indicated that Sm43 and Sm39 were acidic proteins (pI 4.8 and 4.9 respectively) and were in vitro translated from miracidial messenger RNA in the same molecular forms. Sm43 and Sm39 were expressed by all parasite stages of S. mansoni. Using anti-Sm43 and anti-Sm39 mouse sera, we demonstrated that both parasite proteins were antigenically related and cross-reacted with a unique 39 kDa (pI 4.9) protein from B. glabrata (Bg39). Cross-reactive components were found in fresh water and land snails but not in vertebrate tissues, suggesting that the 39 kDa protein was specific for invertebrates.  相似文献   

The previously called "hemoglobinase" Sm32 molecule of the adult worm of Schistosoma mansoni was chemically synthesized in 22 polymeric peptides based on the t-boc strategy. Their immunogenicity was evaluated in rabbits to which a mixture of five to six peptides of 20 amino acids long were given in three doses with Freund's adjuvant. Seventeen peptides were found to be immunogenic, and sera from immunized rabbits corresponding to the molecule from the first 335 amino acids, recognized the 32 kDa native protein from the adult worm antigen by western blot. Of those, the relevant peptides responsible of the recognition of the original molecule corresponded to amino acids 101-120, 121-140 and 244-268, based on inhibition competitive assays. Because Sm32 is one of the excretory and secretory molecules released with the vomitus of the adult worm, it is one of the target antigens for detection in plasma of infected individuals. The production of these polyclonal monospecific antibodies against the synthetic peptides could be of value in the immunodiagnosis of this parasitosis.  相似文献   

M Tashiro  I James  S Karri  K Wahn  K Tobita  H D Klenk  R Rott  J T Seto 《Virology》1991,184(1):227-234
Revertants were isolated from the protease activation mutant of Sendai virus, F1-R, which causes a systemic infection in mice. The fusion (F) glycoprotein of F1-R is susceptible to activation cleavage by ubiquitous cellular proteases and is thus responsible for pantropism in mice (Tashiro et al., 1988. Virology 165, 577-583). The revertants regained several phenotypes of wild-type virus; they required exogenous trypsin for activation of the F protein in cell cultures and in nonpulmonary mouse tissues and they were exclusively pneumotropic in mice. On the other hand, phenotypes of F1-R that remained unchanged by the revertants were bipolar budding in polarized epithelial cells, enhanced electrophoretic migration of the matrix protein, and the lack of a glycosylation site in the F2 subunit of the F protein. Comparative RNA sequence analysis of the F gene of the revertants revealed that the reduced cleavability of the F protein of the revertants was the result of the predicted single amino acid reversion (Pro to Ser) at residue 115 adjacent to the cleavage site. Thus the sequence at the cleavage site of the revertants was Ser-Lys compared with Pro-Lys for F1-R and Ser-Arg for wild-type virus. The results indicate that enhanced cleavability of the glycoprotein, a feature often associated with multiple basic residues within the cleavage site of paramyxovirus F proteins and influenza virus hemagglutinins, can also be determined by a single basic amino acid following proline. Additionally, the revertants were less susceptible to the activator for wild-type virus present in mouse lungs and less pathogenic for this organ than wild-type virus. These results provide further evidence that proteolytic activation of the F protein by host proteases is the primary determinant for organ tropism and pathogenicity of Sendai virus in mice. One of the revertants was also temperature sensitive (ts); the ts lesion in the nucleoprotein gene was identical to that found in ts-f1, the ts host range mutant from which F1-R was derived.  相似文献   

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