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The present study assesses the effects of demographic risk factors on children's exposure to violence (ETV) and how these effects vary by informants. Data on exposure to violence of 9-, 12-, and 15-year-olds were collected from both child participants (N = 1880) and parents (N = 1776), as part of the assessment of the Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN). A two-level hierarchical linear model (HLM) with multivariate outcomes was employed to analyze information obtained from these two different groups of informants. The findings indicate that parents generally report less ETV than do their children and that associations of age, gender, and parent education with ETV are stronger in the self-reports than in the parent reports. The findings support a multivariate approach when information obtained from different sources is being integrated. The application of HLM allows an assessment of interactions between risk factors and informants and uses all available data, including data from one informant when data from the other informant is missing.  相似文献   

This research note considers whether normal and abnormal depressive symptoms are caused by the same or differing etiologies. The comparison of the heritability of individual differences with extreme group heritability, along with the use of multiple cut-offs to define abnormal groups, can be used to answer this question and to bridge the gap between dimensional and categorical approaches to developmental psychopathology. Depressive symptoms from 395 same-sex child twin pairs were analysed in this way. Genetic factors contributed to a similar extent both to individual differences (h2= .48) and to extreme group membership using multiple cut-offs (hg2= 2.0–2.3). The common environment did not contribute significantly in any of the analyses but showed a trend for a greater role in extreme group membership. These results are in good agreement with previous data.  相似文献   

Schools often offer healthy fruits and vegetables (FV) and healthy entrées. However, children may resist these efforts due to a lack of familiarity with the offerings. While numerous exposures with a food increase its liking, it may be that an exposure to a variety of FV at home leads to greater willingness to select other foods – even those that are unrelated to those eaten at home. As an initial test of this possibility, this study was designed to examine how self‐reports of exposure and consumption of various FV were associated with the selection of FV and lunch entrées at school. Participants (n = 59) were a convenience sample of elementary children. A median split was used to place students into high‐ and low‐exposure groups for self‐reports of both exposure and consumption at home. The primary dependent variables were self‐reports of selecting FV at school; the children's absolute and relative ratings of eight ‘healthier’ lunch entrées; and self‐reports of selecting these entrées. These entrées were recently added to the school menu and, therefore, tended to be less familiar to children. Food ratings were collected through taste exposures conducted at school. Results indicate that children who reported more frequent exposure to FV at home consumed a wider variety of FV at school and were more likely to report selecting ‘healthier’ entrées at school lunch. These data suggest that exposure to, and the consumption of, a variety of FV may make children more willing to select a wider range of FV and other healthy entrées.  相似文献   

Objective: To examine associations between exposure to potentially traumatic events (PTEs) and clinical patterns of symptoms and disorders in preschool children. Method: Two hundred and thirteen referred and non‐referred children, ages 24 to 48 months (MN = 34.9, SD = 6.7 months) were studied. Lifetime exposure to PTEs (family violence and non‐interpersonal events) and recent stressful life events were assessed with the Preschool Age Psychiatric Assessment (PAPA) and Child Life Events Scale. Child psychiatric symptoms and disorders were assessed with parent‐reports in the PAPA, a comprehensive, developmentally sensitive interview. Sociodemographic risk, parental anxiety and depressive symptoms (Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression, Beck Anxiety Inventory), and child developmental level (Mullen Scales of Early Learning) also were assessed. Results: Violence exposure was broadly associated with psychiatric status in the areas of depression, separation anxiety, posttraumatic stress, and conduct problems, whereas potentially traumatic non‐interpersonal exposure was associated with phobic anxiety. The majority of the associations between violence exposure and preschoolers’ symptoms were significant even when other key factors, including economic disadvantage and parental mood and anxiety symptoms, were controlled statistically. However, parental depressive/anxious symptoms may have partially or fully mediated the relationships between violence exposure and depressive and conduct symptoms. Conclusions: Evidence of robust associations between violence exposure and early childhood internalizing and externalizing disorders and symptoms highlights the need for longitudinal prospective research concerning neurodevelopmental mechanisms and pathways. Findings underscore the relevance of assessing trauma exposure, particularly interpersonal violence, to identify young children at risk.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo determine if brief primary care interventions can affect children's media viewing habits and exposure to violence.MethodsEnglish- and Spanish-speaking parents of 2- to 12-year-old children presenting to a pediatric primary care clinic participated in a randomized controlled trial. There were 2 intervention groups; one group viewed 5 minutes from the Play Nicely program and another received a handout, "Pulling the Plug on TV Violence." There were 2 control groups; the primary control group received standard primary care, and the alternative control group viewed a program about obesity prevention. The outcome measure was parental report of changes in media viewing habits and changes in exposure to violence.ResultsA total of 312 of 443 parents who were randomized completed a 2-week follow-up survey. Compared with the primary control group, parents in the video intervention group were more likely to report a change in their children's media viewing habits (odds ratio [OR] 3.29; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.66–6.51) and a change in their children's exposure to violence (OR 4.26; 95% CI 1.95–9.27). Compared with the primary control group, parents in the handout group were more likely to report a change in their children's media viewing habits (OR 4.35; 95% CI 2.20–8.60) and a change in their children's exposure to violence (OR 3.35; 95% CI 1.52–7.35).ConclusionsBrief primary care interventions can affect children's media viewing habits and children's exposure to violence. These results have implications for how to improve primary care services related to decreasing children's media exposure and violence prevention.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to estimate the rate of post-traumatic stress reactions in Palestinian children who experienced war traumas, and to investigate the relationship between trauma-related factors and PTSD reactions. The sample consisted of 239 children of 6 to 11 years of age. Measures included the Rutter A2 (parent) and B2 (teacher) scales, the Gaza Traumatic Event Checklist, and the Child Post-Traumatic Stress Reaction Index. Of the sample, 174 children (72.8%) reported PTSD reactions of at least mild intensity, while 98 (41%) reported moderate/severe PTSD reactions. Caseness on the Rutter A2 scale was detected in 64 children (26.8%), which correlated well with detection of PTSD reactions, but not with teacher-detected caseness. The total number of experienced traumas was the best predictor of presence and severity of PTSD. Intervention programmes for post-war children need to be evaluated, taking into account developmental and cultural aspects, as well as characteristics of the communities involved.  相似文献   

Advances in quantitative psychiatric genetics as a whole are reviewed with respect to conceptual and methodological issues in relation to statistical model fitting, new genetic designs, twin and adoptee studies, definition of the phenotype, pervasiveness of genetic influences, pervasiveness of environmental influences, shared and nonshared environmental effects, and nature-nurture interplay. Advances in molecular genetics are discussed in relation to the shifts in research strategies to investigate multifactorial disorders (affected relative linkage designs, association strategies, and quantitative trait loci studies); new techniques and identified genetic mechanisms (expansion of trinucleotide repeats, genomic imprinting, mitochondrial DNA, fluorescent in-situ hybridisation, behavioural phenotypes, and animal models); and the successful localisation of genes.  相似文献   

Environmental mercury exposure in children: South China''s experience   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: Environmental mercury levels significantly increased in the past decades following its increase in industrial applications. In spite of an increasing concern on the potential harmful effects of mercury on children, there is no reported data for the Chinese population. The relationship between dietary habit and environmental mercury exposure in Chinese children was studied. METHODS: The hair and blood mercury levels of Chinese children aged above 3 years in 2000 March to September, were studied. Sociodemographic data, dietary habits of the past 6 months, and other risk factors for environmental mercury exposure were collected. Those children with blood mercury levels above the toxic range (i.e. > 45 nmol/L) and their family members were further evaluated and their blood and hair mercury levels were monitored before and after Fishing-Moratorium period (June to August 2000) in South China Sea. RESULTS: Altogether, 137 Chinese children (mean age, 7.2 years) were recruited. The mean hair mercury level was 2.2 p.p.m and the mean blood mercury level was 17.6 nmol/L. There was a strong correlation (r = 0.88) between hair and blood mercury levels in our cohort. Frequency of fish consumption correlated with hair (r = 0.51) and blood (r = 0.54) mercury levels. For those children who consumed fish more than 3 times/week, hair and blood mercury levels were twice as high as those who consumed fish l-3 times/week and threefold of those who never consumed fish. Five children and 12 family members had toxic blood mercury levels. Their blood (P < 0.0001) and hair (P = 0.02) mercury levels dropped significantly after reducing fish consumption during Fishing-Moratorium period. CONCLUSION: Both blood and hair (i.e. Tissue) mercury levels of children in Hong Kong was elevated and correlated with the frequency of fish consumption.  相似文献   

Currently, there is ongoing discussion regarding potential protective effects of exposure to pets during early childhood on the development of atopic disorders in children later in life. We used data from three consecutive cross‐sectional surveys to study the relationship between contact with dogs, cats and other pets, and allergic diseases in schoolchildren 5–14 years of age. In three study areas of the former East Germany, 7,611 questionnaires were received from 5,360 different children who were examined between 1992 and 1999 as school entrants, or third‐ or sixth‐graders. Allergic sensitization to common aeroallergens (birch, grass, mite, cat) was assessed by specific serum immunoglobulin E (IgE) concentrations [using radioallergosorbent testing (RAST)] for 85% of the children. After adjustment for possible confounders, inverse associations were found between contact with dogs in the first year of life and lifetime prevalences of asthma [odds ratio (OR) = 0.68; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.43–1.08], hay fever (OR = 0.61; 95% CI: 0.39–0.95), eczema (OR = 0.76; 95% CI: 0.61–0.94), itchy rash (OR = 0.76; 95% CI: 0.61–0.94), and pollen sensitization (RAST ≥ 4: OR = 0.56; 95% CI: 0.38–0.82). These effects were more pronounced for children with atopic parents. Similar associations were observed for current contact with dogs. We identified no clear relationships for the other pets (cats, rodents, birds), with the exception that children currently exposed to cats were more likely to be sensitized against cats. In conclusion, this study supports the hypothesis of a potential protective mechanism related to dog exposure in early life, especially for children of atopic parents. However, this association was found only for dogs and not for cats.  相似文献   

A total of 2432 primary school children, aged 7-14 yrs. in urban areas of Beijing, were evaluated with the Children's Behaviour Questionnaire developed by Rutter. The frequency of behaviour problems in primary school was 8.3%-7.4% antisocial behaviour and 0.62% neurotic behaviour. Behaviour problems were higher in boys than girls: antisocial behaviour was dominant in boys, while neurotic behaviour was common in girls. The frequency of behaviour problems varied significantly with the different social environments in which the children were brought up, but were not different between one-child families and those with more children.  相似文献   

Background:  The identification of specific nonshared environments responsible for the variance in behaviour problems is a key challenge.
Methods:  Nonshared environmental influences on teacher-reported behaviour problems were explored independently of genetics using the monozygotic (MZ) twin differences design. Six aspects of classroom environment were rated by a representative sample of 570 nine-year-old MZ twins in the UK in different classrooms and were related to their different teachers' reports of prosocial behaviour, hyperactivity, conduct problems, peer problems and emotional symptoms.
Results:  Within-pair differences in perceptions of the classroom were significantly correlated with teacher-reported behaviour problems, indicating that children with less favourable perceptions of their classroom environment were reported by their teachers as less prosocial, more hyperactive, and to have more conduct and peer problems. Socioeconomic status did not significantly moderate any of these relationships. However, parent-reported household chaos was a significant moderator.
Conclusions:  The classroom environment is related to behaviour problems even when genetic factors are held constant. Classroom environment is more strongly associated with behaviour problems when the home environment is more chaotic.  相似文献   

Domestic violence, in particular intimate partner violence (IPV), has been recognized as a leading cause of mortality and morbidity among women of reproductive age. The effects of IPV against women on their children's health, especially their nutritional status has received less attention but needs to be evaluated to understand the comprehensive public health implications of IPV. The aim of current study was to investigate the association between women's exposure to IPV and their children's nutritional status, using data from the 2007 Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey (BDHS). Logistic regression models were used to estimate association between ever‐married women's lifetime exposure to physical and sexual violence by their spouses and nutritional status of their children under 5 years. Of 2042 women in the BDHS survey with at least one child under 5 years of age, 49.4% reported lifetime experience of physical partner violence while 18.4% reported experience of sexual partner violence. The prevalence of stunting, wasting and underweight in their children under 5 years was 44.3%, 18.4% and 42.0%, respectively. Women were more likely to have a stunted child if they had lifetime experience of physical IPV [odds ratio n = 2027 (OR)adj, 1.48; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.23–1.79] or had been exposed to sexual IPV (n = 2027 ORadj, 1.28; 95% CI, 1.02–1.61). The present findings contribute to growing body of evidence showing that IPV can also compromise children's growth, supporting the need to incorporate efforts to address IPV in child health and nutrition programmes and policies.  相似文献   

The current study is a psychoanalytic reading of the clinical material arising from ongoing developmental research into international adoption within the framework of the Attachment Adoption Research Network (AAARN). The primary objective of the study is to verify whether the severity of deprivation experienced preadoption is a risk factor for narcissistic identity pathologies in adolescence with regard to international adoption. A grounded theory approach is used to identify a set of qualitative variables, which are later quantitatively assessed. The findings are discussed in terms of both qualitative and quantitative results and suggest the greater presence of chronic somatic troubles and observable signs of primary trauma in the adoption population compared to the control group. Future areas for research are suggested in the conclusion.  相似文献   

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