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Normal rats presented with a 5% alcohol solution followed by lithium chloride-induced illness quickly learned to avoid drinking alcohol. After training, the rats also avoided drinking water in the presence of the alcohol odor alone, whether tested immediately or 1 month later. In Experiment 1, rats with gustatory neocortex (GN) ablations also developed strong alcohol aversions when the alcohol solution was paired with illness. They also showed normal avoidance of drinking in the presence of the alcohol odor alone when tested soon after training. In Experiment 2, when normal rats were trained to avoid alcohol, given GN ablations, and then tested for retention 1 month later, avoidance of drinking water in the presence of the odor alone was significant but attenuated somewhat in relation to trained control rats. These data support the hypothesis that rats lacking GN partially acquire alcohol aversions by using odor cues and confirm that associative learning is intact in these rats despite the fact that GN rats display significant deficits in aversion learning when only tastes are paired with illness.  相似文献   

Previous neurobehavioral investigations have demonstrated that the anterior insular gustatory neocortex (AIGN) mediates taste-illness learning. The present experiment evaluated taste discriminations in rats lacking AIGN. Two groups of rats received distinct surgical treatments. One-half of the animals received bilateral electrolytic lesion placements in the AIGN: Remaining animals received anesthesia and scalp incisions only. Following postoperative recovery animals received standard two-bottle preference tests with various concentrations of sucrose to evaluate gustatory reactivity. Animals thereafter received two-bottle discrimination tests with selected sucrose concentrations. At the conclusion of preference tests and discrimination tests with sucrose, preference tests and discrimination tests were conducted with sodium chloride. Following those tests animals received taste aversion conditioning to determine whether or not AIGN lesions impaired taste-illness learning. Results of two-bottle taste tests indicated that AIGN lesions do not obviously alter taste reactivity nor taste discriminations to preferred concentrations of sucrose and NaCl. Anterior insular lesions did, however, impair normal taste aversion learning. These results, in combination with those of previous investigators, provide further evidence that the AIGN preferentially contributes to taste learning functions.  相似文献   

Lesions in the gustatory zone of the parabrachial nuclei (PBN) severely impair acquisition of a conditioned taste aversion (CTA) in rats. To test whether this deficit has a memorial basis, intact rats (n = 15) and rats with PBN lesions (PBNX; n = 10) received seven intraoral taste stimulus infusions (30 s, 0.5 ml) distributed over a 30.5-min period after either LiCl or NaCl injection. This task measures the rapid formation of a CTA and has minimum demands on memory. LiCl-injected intact rats progressively changed their oromotor response profile from one of ingestion to one of aversion. NaCl-injected intact rats did not change their ingestive pattern of responding. In contrast, there was no difference between LiCl- and NaCl-injected PBNX rats. These same PBNX rats failed to avoid licking the taste stimulus when tested in a different paradigm. A simple impairment in a memorial process is not likely the basis for the CTA deficit.  相似文献   

Two experiments demonstrated that forced swimming endowed rats with aversion to the taste solution consumed before the swimming. In Experiment 1, the rats given a trial of taste–swimming sequence drank less of the taste solution in a later test than did the rats given a taste-alone trial. The rats given a trial of taste–poisoning–swimming sequence, however, drank more of the taste solution in the testing than did the rats given a trial of taste–poisoning sequence. These results suggest that some effects of swimming (e.g., energy expenditure caused by physical exercise) induce conditioned taste aversion although they attenuate taste aversion conditioned by poisoning. The attenuation of poison-induced taste aversion by swimming has been reported in the literature, but the swimming-induced taste aversion is novel. Experiment 2, accordingly, was planned to confirm this phenomenon with a differential conditioning procedure, where one of two taste solutions was paired with swimming while the other was not. After a few repetitions of these two types of trials, the rats' intakes of these two solutions were differentiated to show that swimming has the ability to cause taste aversion.  相似文献   

The processes underlying long-term memory formation in the neocortex are poorly understood. Using taste learning, we found learning-related induction of PSD-95 in the gustatory cortex, which was temporally restricted, coupled to the learning of a novel, but not familiar, taste and controlled by ERK. Using temporally and spatially restricted RNA interference knockdown of PSD-95 in vivo, we found that PSD-95 induction is necessary for learning novel tastes, but not for the recollection of familiar ones.  相似文献   

The anterior insular gustatory neocortex (AIGN) has been implicated as a functional substrate of conditioned taste aversion (CTA) learning. Results of previous neuroanatomical and neurobehavioral experiments indicate that projections from gustatory-responsive neurons in the posterior ventromedial thalamic nuclei (parvicellular division; VPMpc) may provide relevant input to the AIGN during CTA learning. In rat, gustatory thalamocortical projections from VPMpc thalamus traverse the ventrolateral neostriatum (VLS) enroute to the AIGN. In these experiments, various neuroanatomical and neurobehavioral manipulations in the VLS were used to examine the contribution of presumed gustatory thalamocortical projections to CTA learning. These experiments demonstrate that projections from VPMpc thalamus to the AIGN are essential for normal CTA learning. Because both VPMpc thalamus and the AIGN each have been implicated as functional substrates of CTA learning, the present results suggest that the gustatory thalamocortical relay per se is necessary for normal taste-illness learning.  相似文献   

Rats with lesions of the area postrema (APX) or sham lesions were trained to associate flavored solutions with positive or negative postingestive consequences. The APX rats were similar to controls in learning preferences for flavors paired with concurrent intragastric infusions of maltodextrin or corn oil and for a flavor paired with delayed maltodextrin infusions. In contrast, the APX rats displayed impaired aversion learning for flavors paired with toxic drug treatments (lithium chloride infusion or methylscopolamine injection). The aversion learning deficit ranged from mild to total, depending on training procedures. These findings confirm the important role of the area postrema in flavor-toxin learning but provide no evidence for its involvement in flavor-nutrient conditioning.  相似文献   

Conditioned taste aversions (CTA) based on lithium chloride (Experiment 1), amphetamine (Experiment 2), and wheel running (Experiment 3) were examined using the analysis of the microstructure of licking to measure the palatability of the taste serving as the conditioned stimulus (CS). Pairing saccharin with amphetamine reduced saccharin intake without reducing the size of licking clusters, initial lick rate, or the distribution of inter-lick intervals (ILIs) within a cluster. By contrast, pairing saccharin with lithium or wheel-running reduced saccharin intake as well as lick cluster size, initial lick rate, and the distribution of ILIs within a cluster. As lick cluster size, initial lick rate, and ILI distribution can be used as indices of stimulus palatability, the current results indicate that taste aversions based on either lithium or activity reduced the palatability of the CS. This suggests that aversions based on both lithium and wheel running involve conditioned nausea to the CS taste. The absence of similar changes in licking microstructure with amphetamine-based CTA is consistent with other evidence indicating this does not involve nausea.  相似文献   

In 2 experiments, the development of adjuvant arthritis (an experimental autoimmune disease) was inhibited by exposing rats to a flavored solution that had previously been paired with injections of cyclosporine (an immunodepressive drug) compared with rats with the same history but exposed to a flavored solution that had previously not been paired with drug injections. In contrast to earlier experiments on conditioned cyclophosphamide effects, rats did not avoid the taste that had previously been paired with drug administration. Thus, conditioned immunopharmacologic effects were not confounded with taste aversion. These observations are interpreted as reflecting an associative learning process that affected the development of an autoimmune disease.  相似文献   

Intake and taste reactivity tests were used to determine the effects of bilateral lesions of the gustatory portions of the nucleus of the solitary tract (NST), the parabrachial nucleus (PBN), and the ventral posteromedial nucleus of the thalamus (VPMpc) on several complex ingestive behaviors. In the 1st experiment, lesions of the PBN and the NST blocked, and VPMpc lesions impaired, the behavioral expression of salt appetite. In the 2nd experiment, alanine was paired with injections of LiCl. Control rats as well as rats with NST and VPMpc lesions acquired the taste aversion, but rats with PBN lesions did not. In the 3rd experiment, all animals increased their food intake after injections of 2 U/kg insulin and 250 mg/kg 2-deoxy-D-glucose, and their food intake was suppressed after nutritive stomach loads.  相似文献   

When an odor conditioned stimulus (CS) precedes illness (unconditioned stimulus; UCS), rats acquire relatively weak odor aversions. Conversely, when a compound odor-taste (flavor) CS precedes illness, rats acquire robust aversions both to the odor and to the taste components of a compound flavor CS. Thus, tastes potentiate odor-illness aversions during toxiphobic conditioning. Such conditioning effects have been referred to as taste-potentiated odor aversion learning (POA). Previous neurobehavioral experiments have shown that the anterior insular gustatory neocortex contributes to conditioned taste aversion (CTA) learning. The present experiment examined the involvement of the anterior insular gustatory neocortex in CTA learning and POA learning. To that end, four distinct groups of rats received bilateral electrolytic lesion placements in the orbitofrontal neocortex, the "somatic" gustatory neocortex, the anterior insular gustatory neocortex or the posterior insular neocortex. Control animals received anesthesia only. Subgroups of animals thereafter received aversion conditioning using either an odor (almond) CS or a compound odor-taste (almond-saccharin) CS. Aversions to the almond odorant and/or saccharin tastant were evaluated during extinction. Results indicated that animals lacking orbitofrontal neocortex or posterior insular neocortex acquired normal CTAs and POAs. Animals lacking somatic gustatory neocortex exhibited impaired CTA learning, yet those animals showed normal POA learning. Lesions centered in the anterior insular neocortex impaired both CTA learning and POA learning. These results demonstrate that the insular gustatory neocortex is uniquely involved in the higher-order integration of odors, tastes and illness.  相似文献   

Dependency of taste buds and taste papillae on innervation has been debated for a long time. Previous research showed neurotrophins, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and neurotrophin-3 (NT-3), play an important role for the establishment of the lingual gustatory and somatosensory innervation. BDNF null mutant mice showed severe deficits in gustatory innervation and loss of taste buds while NT-3 null mutation reduced lingual somatosensory innervation to tongue papillae. These results proved BDNF or NT-3 null mutations affected different sensory modalities (i.e. gustatory and somatosensory, respectively). In this study, we analyzed taste bud development in BDNF × NT-3 double knockout mice to examine the relationship between taste bud development and gustatory/somatosensory innervation. Our results demonstrate that, at the initial stage, before nerve fibers reached the appropriate areas in the papilla, taste bud formation did not require innervation. However, at the synaptogenic stage, after nerve fibers ramified into the apical epithelium, innervation was required and played an essential role in the development of taste buds/papillae.  相似文献   

The ability of an experimental agent to support conditioned taste/flavor avoidance (CT/FA) in rats often is interpreted as sufficient evidence that the agent produced a state of malaise or nausea. Paradoxically, however, CT/FA also is induced by certain drugs that support conditioned preferences in rats, suggesting that CT/FA is insufficient to reveal a negative hedonic state. The present study tested the hypothesis that the anti-nausea drug ondansetron (OND) would block the ability of nauseogenic lithium chloride (LiCl) to support conditioned place avoidance (CPA), without attenuating LiCl-induced CT/FA. After pre-treatment with either OND or vehicle, rats were conditioned with i.p. injection of 0.15 M LiCl containing 2% saccharin (LiCl + sac) on conditioning day 1, and with 0.15 M NaCl alone on conditioning day 2. Rats were confined to a distinct chamber of a CPA apparatus after each conditioning injection. In other rats, OND or vehicle pre-treatment was followed by NaCl + sac on conditioning day 1, and LiCl alone on day 2. Subsequent testing revealed that OND blocked the ability of LiCl to support CPA. Conversely, in the same rats, OND did not alter the ability of LiCl to condition avoidance of 0.2% sac solution during a 60 min bottle test. In a separate experiment, a sensitive 2-bottle choice test was used to confirm that OND pre-treatment does not reduce the ability of LiCl to support CT/FA. These results support the view that CPA is an additional useful tool to reveal the experience of malaise and nausea in rats, whereas CT/FA demonstrated in bottle intake tests is insufficient for this purpose.  相似文献   

The reinforcing efficacy of cocaine is thought to involve, at least in part, mesocortical dopaminergic (DA) neurons. Rats will self-administer cocaine applied directly into the medial prefrontal cortex but not into nucleus accumbens or the ventral tegmental area (Goeders & Smith, 1983). The present experiments were conducted to assess whether lesions of prefrontal cortex (mesocortical DA target regions) attenuate the reinforcing properties of systemically administered cocaine. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were anesthetized, and one of three subfields (medial, orbital, or precentral) of the prefrontal cortex was removed by aspiration or no brain injury was done (sham operates). In four experiments the rats were tested on conditioned place preference (CPP), conditioned taste aversion (saccharin conditioned stimulus, cocaine unconditioned stimulus), general activity in the running wheel and open field, and food-reinforced spatial alternation in the T-maze. Sham operates demonstrated a cocaine-induced place preference, rats with medial frontal lesions showed a cocaine-induced place aversion, and other operates showed neither a conditioned place preference nor an aversion. The results of this experiment suggest that lesions of the DA projection fields of the prefrontal cortex in the rat reduce the positive reinforcing properties of systemically injected cocaine. In the second experiment, all subjects showed a conditioned taste aversion of equal magnitude. This suggests that whereas the positive reinforcing properties were affected differentially by prefrontal cortex lesions, the aversive properties were not affected. In Experiment 3 there were no lesion-induced differences in activity in either the running wheel or the open field. Therefore, changes in motor activity cannot account for the CPP data. In the final experiment, the medial frontal operates were impaired relative to the precentral and sham operates on learning to alternate choices in the T-maze, but the orbital frontal operates' performance was not different from that of any other group. This suggests that a general disruption of all reinforcement mechanisms did not occur following these lesions. Instead, these results indicate that mesocortical DA projection regions are involved with mediating the reinforcing properties of cocaine and that there is a separate system mediating the aversive properties of cocaine.  相似文献   

In a previous investigation with mice, the paired presentation of either odor or taste cues with the peripheral (IP) administration of the immunoactive peptide interleukin-1 (IL-1) led to the conditioned enhancement of glucocorticoid production. The present study found that an initial central infusion of IL-1 in the presence of saccharin cues produced a robust taste aversion but not a conditioned elevation of either ACTH or corticosterone production. These results indicate that the glucocorticoid response induced by centrally administered IL-1 in rats is independent of the behaviorally aversive properties of this cytokine which are conditionable. The differential effects of IP versus ICV administration of IL-1 on glucocorticoid conditioning requires a clearer specification of the respective signaling mechanisms and pathways activated by these two routes of administration.  相似文献   

The effects of maternal deprivation on learning of social and spatial tasks were investigated in female adult rats. Pups were reared artificially and received "lickinglike" tactile stimulation (AR animals) or were reared with their mothers (MR animals). In adulthood, subjects were tested on paradigms of spatial learning and on paradigms involving learning of social cues. Results showed that maternal deprivation did not affect performance on spatial learning, but it did impair performance on the three social learning tasks. The AR animals made no distinction between a new and a previously presented juvenile conspecific. AR animals also responded less rapidly than MR animals at test for maternal behavior 2 weeks after a postpartum experience with pups. Finally, AR animals did not develop a preference for a food previously eaten by a familiar conspecific whereas MR animals did. This study indicates that animals reared without mother and siblings show no deficits in spatial tasks while showing consistent deficits in learning involving social interactions.  相似文献   

The role of the perirhinal cortex in discriminative eyeblink conditioning was examined by means of feature-positive discrimination procedures with simultaneous (A-/XA+) and serial (A-/X-->A+) stimulus compounds. Lesions of the perirhinal cortex severely impaired acquisition of simultaneous feature-positive discrimination but produced no impairment in serial feature-positive discrimination. The results suggest that the perirhinal cortex plays a role in discriminative eyeblink conditioning by resolving ambiguity in discriminations with overlapping stimulus elements.  相似文献   

Laboratory rats, 18 and 90 days old, received an intraperitoneal injection (2% body weight) of .15M lithium chloride or .9% saline 10 or 30 min before 15-min access to 12% sucrose. Additional control groups received LiCl injection followed by tap water access. Testing with a 2-bottle choice procedure revealed reliable aversion effects for both age groups at each toxicosis-flavor interval. Adult rats showed reliably greater persistence of aversion following training with the 10- than with the 30-min interval. Rat pups showed no reliable differences in aversion across training intervals. Reliably greater aversion effects occurred for adults than for pups following training at the 10-min interval. Following training at the 30-min interval a similar reliable age effect occurred on Test Trial 1; but from Trial 2 onward the magnitude of aversion was similar for pups and adult rats.  相似文献   

Lithium chloride (LiCl) at doses sufficient to induce conditioned taste aversion (CTA) causes c-Fos expression in the relevant brain regions and activates the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. It has been suggested that nitric oxide (NO) in the central nervous system may play a role not only in the activation of HPA axis but also in CTA learning, and that LiCl may activate the brain NO system. To determine the role of NO in lithium-induced CTA, we examined the lithium-induced CTA, brain c-Fos expression, and plasma corticosterone level with Nomega-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) pretreatment. Intraperitoneal L-NAME (30 mg/kg) given 30 min prior to LiCl significantly decreased lithium-induced c-Fos expression in the brain regions implicated in CTA learning, such as the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN), central nucleus of amygdala (CeA), and nucleus tractus of solitarius. However, either the lithium-induced CTA acquisition or the increase in plasma corticosterone was not attenuated by l-NAME pretreatment. These results suggest that NO may be involved in lithium-induced neuronal activation of the brain regions, but not in the CTA acquisition or the HPA axis activation.  相似文献   

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