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Small bowel stenosis is a serious complication of intestinal anisakiosis. The aim of this report is to investigate whether severe stenosis of the small intestine can be conservatively managed. We treated two patients with severe stenosis of the small intestine caused by anisakiosis. Surgical intervention was eventually performed on the 23rd and 35th in the hospital, respectively. Histopathological examination of the resected specimens revealed that the intestinal wall had been completely damaged by the inflammatory reaction of anisakiosis, and that the damage was irreversible, thereby suggesting that laparotomy is needed in cases of severe small bowel stenosis caused by intestinal anisakiosis, even if a long period of conservative treatment for the intestinal anisakiosis allowed the patient to pass successfully through the acute phase.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONIsolated splenic vein thrombosis is a rare clinical syndrome that may lead to left-sided portal hypertension.Metastasis to the spleen from solid tumors is also considered rare.When identified it usually occurs in the setting of widely dissemin…  相似文献   

Raillientina is one of the common parasites parasitizing in birds and mammals,but rarely in human beings. In this paper, three cases of raillietiniasis in childrenwere reported. The diagnosis of their infections was established by discovery of gravid  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Androgen deprivation therapy in the form of either orchiectomy or treatment with endogenous estrogens or luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) analogues alone or coupled with antiandrogens, produces regression of prostate cancer cells …  相似文献   

Heterotopic pancreas in the stomach: A case report and literature review   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Ectopic pancreas is defined as pancreatic tissue found outside the usual anatomic location of the pancreas. It is often an incidental finding and can be found at different sites in the gastrointestinal tract. It may become clinically evident when complicated by pathologic changes such as inflammation, bleeding, obstruction, and malignant transformation. In this report, a 40 years old woman with epigastric pain due to ectopic pancreatic tissue in the stomach is described. The difficulty of making an ac- curate diagnosis is highlighted. The patient has remained free of symptoms since she underwent wedge resection of the lesion three years ago. Frozen sections may help in deciding the extent of resection intraoperatively. Although ectopic pancreas is rare, it should be considered in the differential diagnosis of a submucosal gastric tumour.  相似文献   

AIM: To summarize the performing essentials and analyze the characteristics of remote Zeus robot-assisted laparoscopic cholecystectomy. METHODS: Robot-assisted laparoscopic cholecystectomy was performed in 40 patients between May 2004 and July 2005. The operating procedures and a variety of clinical parameters were recorded and analyzed. RESULTS: Forty laparoscopic cholecystectomy procedures were successfully completed with Zeus robotic system. And there were no post-operative complications. Total operating time, system setup time and performing time were 100.3±18.5 min, 27.7±8.8 min and 65.6±18.3 min,respectively. The blood loss and postoperative hospital stay were 30.6±10.2 mL and 2.8±0.8 d, respectively. Camera clearing times and time used for operative field adjustment were 1.1±1.0 min and 2.0±0.8 min, respectively. The operative error was 7.5%. CONCLUSION: Robot-assisted laparoscopic cholecystectomy following the principles of laparoscopic operation has specific performing essentials. It preserves the benefits of minimally invasive surgery and offers enhanced ability of controlling operation field, precise and stable operative manipulations.  相似文献   

AIM:To describe the use of hand-assisted laparoscopic surg-ery(HALS) as an alternative to open conversion for complex gall-stone diseases, including Mirizzi syndrome (MS) and mimic MS. METHODS: Five patients with MS and mimic MS of 232 consecutive patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecyst-ectomies were analyzed. HALS without a hand-port device was performed as an alternative to open conversion if the anatomy was still unclear after the neck of the gallbladder was reached. RESULTS: HALS was performed on three patients with MS type I and 2 with mimic MS owing to an unclear or abnormal anatomy, or an unusual circumstance in which an impacted stone was squeezed out from the infundibulum or the aberrant cystic duct impossible with laparoscopic approach. The median operative time was 165 min (range, 115-190 min). The median hand-assisted time was 75 min (range, 65-100 min). The median postoperative stay was 4 d (range, 3-5 d). The postoperative course was uneventful, except for 1 patient complicated with a minor incision infection. CONCLUSION: HALS for MS type I and mimic MS is safe and feasible. It simplifies laparoscopic procedure, and can be used as an alternative to open conversion for complex gallstone diseases.  相似文献   

Huge gastric disopyrobezoar: A case report and review of literatures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We reported a case of huge gastric phytobezoar. The gastric phytobezoar was successfully removed through gastrotomy after two failed attempts in endoscopic fragmentation and removal. Disopyrobezoars could be treated either conservatively or surgically. Gastrotomy or laparoscopical management is recommended for the treatment of huge disopyrobezoars.  相似文献   

Preoperative diagnosis of colonic angiolipoma: A case report   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Angiolipoma, a common benign tumor mostly seen in the subcutaneous tissue, is a rare pathological condition in the gastrointestinal tract that is usually diagnosed postoperatively. In this case report, an angiolipoma was diagnosed preoperatively by imaging (including CT scans, abdominal echo, barium enema, and colonoscopy). This pathology was confirmed postoperatively. Computed tomography scan, abdominal echo, and barium enema images were presented.  相似文献   

A 56-year-old man was found to have a pancreatic tail tumor. His blood chemistry showed no infection with hepatitis B or C virus and no elevations of tumor markers or pancreatic hormones. Abdominal ultrasound showed an encapsulated, rather heterogeneous, hypoechoic tumor, 6.5 cm in maximum diameter, with a beak sign. Helical dynamic CT revealed an irregularly enhanced tumor with pooling of contrast medium in the delayed phase. Abdominal angiography showed a hypervascular tumor. With a tentative diagnosis of non-functional islet-cell tumor, the patient underwent resection of the pancreatic body and tail with splenectomy. The contour of the liver and its surface were normal. In microscopic examination, tumor cells arranged in a trabecular pattern with focal bile pigment resembling hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Immunohistochemically, these tumor cells were positivefor HEPPAR-1, CAM5.2, cytokeratin 18 and COX-2, but negative for MUC-1, and cytokeratins 7, 20 and 8. These results supported a diagnosis of HCC without any adenocarcinoma component. The patient is currently doing well without any signs of recurrence in either the remaining pancreas or liver three years after surgery. We report the rare case with ectopic HCC in the pancreas with a review of the literature.  相似文献   

Primary splenic epithelial cyst is an unusual event in everyday surgical practice with about 800 cases reported until date in the English literature. Splenic cysts may be parasitic or non-parasitic in origin. Nonparasitic cysts are either primary or secondary. Primary cysts are also called true, congenital, epidermoid or epithelial cysts. Primary splenic cysts account for 10% of all benign non-parasitic splenic cysts and are the most frequent type of splenic cysts in children. Usually, splenic cysts are asymptomatic and can be found incidentally during imaging techniques or on laprotomy. The symptoms are related to the size of cysts. When they assume large sizes, they may present with fullness in the left abdomen, local or referred pain, symptoms due to compression of adjacent structures (like nausea, vomiting, flatulence, diarrhoea) or rarely thrombocytopenia, and occasionally complications such as infection, rupture and/or haemorrhage. The preoperative diagnosis of primary splenic cysts can be ascertained by ultrasonography (USG), computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, although the wide use of USG today has led to an increase in the incidence of splenic cysts by 1%. However, careful histopathological evaluation along with immunostaining for presence of epithelial lining is mandatory to arrive at the diagnosis. The treatment has changed drastically from total splenectomy in the past to splenic preservation methods recently.  相似文献   

Abscess of the spleen is a rare discovery, with about 600 cases in the international literature so far. Although it may have various causes, it is most usually associated with trauma and infections of the spleen. The latter are more common in the presence of a different primary site of infection, especially endocarditis or in cases of ischemic infarcts that are secondarily infected. Moreover, immunosuppression is a major risk factor. Clinical examination usually reveals a combination of fever, left-upper-quadrant abdominal pain and vomiting. Laboratory findings are not constant. Imaging is a necessary tool for establishing the diagnosis, with a choice between ultrasound and computed tomography. Treatment includes conservative measures, and surgical intervention. In children and in cases of solitary abscesses with a thick wall, percutaneous catheter drainage may be attempted. Otherwise, splenectomy is the preferred approach in most centers. Here, we present three cases of splenic abscess. In all three, splenectomy was performed, followed by rapid clinical improvement. These cases emphasize that current understanding of spleen abscess etiology is still limited, and a study for additional risk factors may be necessary.  相似文献   

Hemolymphangioma is a malformation of both lymphatic vessels and blood vessels.Splenic hemolymphangioma is extremely rare.Herein,we present a case of 62-yearold woman with ambiguous upper quadrant abdominal pain for two months who was found to have an occupying lesion in the spleen on computed tomography.She was eventually diagnosed with hemolymphangioma of the spleen.The patient underwent total splenectomy.Neither symptoms nor recurrence was found during the one-year follow-up period.  相似文献   

Hydatid disease is caused by the larval stage of the genus Echinococcus. Live hydatid cysts can rupture into physiologic channels,free body cavities or adjacent organs. Although hydatid disease can develop anywhere in the human body, the liver is the most frequently involved organ, followed by the lungs. Cysts of the spleen are unusual. There are only five case reports of spontaneous cutaneous fistulization of liver hydatid cysts in the literature. But there isn't any report about cutaneous fistula caused by splenic hydatid cyst. We report a first case of spontaneous cutaneous fistula of infected splenic hydatid cyst. A 43-year-old man was admitted to our Emergency Service with abdominal pain and fluid drainage from the abdominal wall. He has been suffering from a reddish swelling on the abdominal wall skin for four months. After a white membrane had been protruded out from his abdominal wall, he was admitted to our Emergency Service. On physical examination, a white membrane was seen to protrude out from the 2cm×1cm skin defect on the left superolateral site of the umblicus. Large, complex, cystic and solid mass of 9.5 cm-diameter was located in the spleen on ultrasonographic examination. At operation, partial cystectomy and drainage was performed. After the operation, he was given a dosage of 10 mg/kg per day of albendazole, divided into three doses. He was discharged on the postoperative 10th d. It should be kept in mind that splenic hydatid cysts can cause such a rare complication.  相似文献   

Duplication cyst of the stomach with a pseudostratifie columnar ciliated epithelium is extremely rare.We de scribe two cases of these cysts,with emphasis on the immunophenotype and embryogenesis.The first patien was a 29-year-old man who presented with crampin abdominal pain in his left lower quadrant.The secon patient was a 26-year-old woman who had a history over several years,of chronic epigastric abdominal pai radiating to her back.Both lesions were surgically re moved.They showed the same histomorpholo...  相似文献   

Pulmonary hydatid disease is an important clinical problem where echinococcal infection is endemic. Bronchoscopy is unnecessary in patients with pulmonary hydatid disease who present with a typical clinical picture and radiological appearance. However, it may be performed when a tumour is suspected or when the radiological picture is atypical. This case report presents three patients with pulmonary hydatid disease diagnosed by bronchoscopy. All patients were male, aged between 24 and 30 years, presented with pulmonary symptoms and had an abnormal CXR. Bronchoscopy showed whitish membraneous material in all three patients and biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of hydatid disease. Cystectomy was performed in two patients and right pneumonectomy was performed in the third because of pulmonary artery involvement. Bronchoscopy may be valuable in the diagnosis of pulmonary hydatid cyst disease in patients with atypical clinical and radiological presentations.  相似文献   

Thymic cysts are rarerly encountered lesions which are only 1 to 2% of all mediastinal masses. We present six patients with thymic cysts diagnosed between 2000 and 2004 in this report. There were three male and three female patients whose ages ranged from 34 to 64 years (mean age, 46 years). Four patients are nonsmoker. None of the patients had a previous history of an etiologic factor such as trauma, surgical procedure or evidence of significant inflammation. While one patient was asymptomatic, there were chest pain in three patients, cough in two patients, hemoptysis in two patients and dyspnea in one patient. Thymic cyst was located in anterior mediastinum in five patients and in upper mediastinum in one patient. Cysts were resected with thoracotomy in four cases and with sternotomy in two cases. Their size ranged from 5 to 9 cm in diameter. In pathologic examination, two cysts were multilocular. In conclusion, thymic cysts are rare masses. Differential diagnosis of mediastinal masses, especially anterior mediastinal masses should be included thymic cysts.  相似文献   

In this retrospective study, 94 patients operated for hepatic hydatid cysts were reviewed to compared the advantages and disadvantages of different operative techniques. The patients were divided into four groups according to the type of operation. Group I consisted of 33 patients with peripherally located small cysts, eligible for excision, who underwent cystectomy. Group II consisted of 28 patients with cysts smaller than 5 cm, not suitable for complete removal, who underwent partial cystectomy with capitonnage. Group III were 21 patients with cysts larger than or equal to 5 cm, not suitable for complete removal, who underwent partial cystectomy with omentoplasty. Infection and biliary communication were not seen in groups II and III. Group IV were 12 patients with infected cyst or intrabiliary rupture who underwent partial cystectomy with external drainage. In group IV, hospital stay was longer than in the other groups (P < 0.05). Group I had the shortest hospital stay (P < 0.05). Group IV had the highest morbidity and recurrence rates (P < 0.05). We concluded that cystectomy is the technique of choice in selected patients, as it is associated with low morbidity, low recurrence rates, and short hospital stay. Omentoplasty is preferred if cystectomy is not feasible. If there is biliary contamination and infection, external drainage, rather than omentoplasty, should be performed.  相似文献   

Aim  An illustration of the diagnosis and management of tailgut cysts. Materials and methods  Two cases of tailgut cyst and a review of the literature. Results  A female patient presented with acute urinary retention with a retrorectal mass felt during rectal examination and confirmed on ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging underwent surgical resection and histology confirmed a chronically inflamed mucoid fluid-filled cyst partly lined by non-keratinised squamous epithelium. A male patient with ureteric obstruction and a prerectal cyst found on ultrasound scan underwent computed tomography with biopsies, but without reaching a conclusive diagnosis. Surgical resection was carried out and histology showed a chronically inflamed mucoid fluid-filled cyst partly lined with columnar epithelium. Discussion  Tailgut cysts are a rare developmental abnormality arising from remnants of the embryological postanal gut. Usually presenting incidentally or with pressure symptoms in middle-aged females, tailgut cysts are often initially mistaken for other clinical entities. Magnetic resonance imaging helps to differentiate tailgut cysts from other retrorectal lesions and developmental cysts. Histologically, the cyst wall demonstrates a wide variety of epithelial types and has a malignant potential. Malignancy is difficult to rule out with imaging or biopsy. Conclusions  Magnetic resonance imaging is the favoured imaging modality and surgical resection is recommended to relieve pressure symptoms, provide a definitive diagnosis and rule out malignancy.  相似文献   

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