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OBJECTIVES: To determine factors associated with hospice visit volume and to examine whether visit volume differs by nursing home (NH) versus non-NH setting. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study. SETTING: Twenty-one hospices across seven states under the ownership of one parent provider. PARTICIPANTS: Hospice patients from October 1998 through September 1999 in NH (n=9,460) and non-NH (n=15,484) settings. MEASUREMENTS: Data were from the provider's centralized information system. Average daily visit volume was the number of visits divided by the number of hospice routine home care days (days not in hospice inpatient or continuous home care). Multivariate logistic regression tested the association between site of care and an individual's probability of having average daily visits above the sample median. RESULTS: Average daily visits+/-standard deviation were 1.1+/-1.1 for NH and 1.2+/-1.3 for non-NH hospice patients. Site of care was not significantly associated with having an average daily visit volume above the sample median, but patients in NH settings had a lower probability of having a nurse average daily visit volume above the median (adjusted odds ratio (AOR)=0.59, 95% confidence interval (CI)=0.46-0.74) and a greater probability of having social worker (AOR=2.46, 95% CI=1.87-3.24), aide (AOR=1.97; 95% CI=1.11-3.48), and clergy (AOR=3.23, 95% CI=2.21-4.44) average daily visits above the median than those in non-NH settings. CONCLUSION: A different mix, not volume, of services appears to be used to address the physical, psychosocial, and spiritual needs of hospice patients/families who reside in NH settings than of those in non-NH settings.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To compare the medical comorbidity of older patients with and without dementia in primary care. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SETTING: Wishard Health Services, which includes a university-affiliated, urban public hospital and seven community-based primary care practice centers in Indianapolis. PARTICIPANTS: Three thousand thirteen patients aged 65 and older attending seven primary care centers in Indianapolis, Indiana. MEASUREMENTS: An expert panel diagnosed dementia using International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, criteria. Comorbidity was assessed using 10 physician-diagnosed chronic comorbid conditions and the Chronic Disease Score (CDS). RESULTS: Patients with dementia attending primary care have on average 2.4 chronic conditions and receive 5.1 medications. Approximately 50% of dementia patients in this setting are exposed to at least one anticholinergic medication, and 20% are prescribed at least one psychotropic medication. After adjusting for patients' age, race, and sex, patients with and without dementia have a similar level of comorbidity (mean number of chronic medical conditions, 2.4 vs 2.3, P=.66; average CDS, 5.8 vs 6.2, P=.83). CONCLUSION: Multiple medical comorbid conditions are common in older adults with and without dementia in primary care. Despite their cholinergic deficit, a substantial proportion of patients with dementia are exposed to anticholinergic medications. Models of care that incorporate this medical complexity are needed to improve the treatment of dementia in primary care.  相似文献   

Cultural beliefs and values are thought to account for differences between African Americans and whites in the use of advance directives and beliefs about hospice care, but few data clarify which beliefs and values explain these differences. Two hundred five adults aged 65 and older who received primary care in the Duke University Health System were surveyed. The survey included five scales: Hospice Beliefs and Attitudes, Preferences for Care, Spirituality, Healthcare System Distrust, and Beliefs About Dying and Advance Care Planning. African Americans were less likely than white subjects to have completed an advance directive (35.5% vs 67.4%, P<.001) and had less favorable beliefs about hospice care (Hospice Beliefs and Attitudes Scale score, P<.001). African Americans were more likely to express discomfort discussing death, want aggressive care at the end of life, have spiritual beliefs that conflict with the goals of palliative care, and distrust the healthcare system. In multivariate analyses, none of these factors alone completely explained racial differences in possession of an advance directive or beliefs about hospice care, but when all of these factors were combined, race was no longer a significant predictor of either of the two outcomes. These findings suggest that ethnicity is a marker of common cultural beliefs and values that, in combination, influence decision-making at the end of life. This study has implications for the design of healthcare delivery models and programs that provide culturally sensitive end-of-life care to a growing population of ethnically diverse older adults.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Patient-centered care requires that physicians understand patients' perspectives. Since the resident work hour rules were instituted, little information is available about how patients perceive these issues. Our objectives were to explore patients' knowledge, concerns, and attitudes about resident work hours, fatigue, and continuity of inpatient care and to evaluate the association between patients' trust and satisfaction with these concerns and attitudes. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional survey of 134 internal medicine inpatients at 3 institutions including a tertiary care academic health center, a Veterans Affairs medical center, and a private community teaching hospital. RESULTS: Mean age was 59 (range, 24-90), with 60% men and 70% white. Most patients agreed (50%) or felt neutral (38%) toward resident work hours being limited. Patients estimated that residents worked 60 h per week but thought that they should work no more than 51 h per week (p < .01 for the difference). Twenty-seven percent of patients had some concern about fatigue in the residents, and 28% reported concern about how often hand-offs of care occurred. Factor analysis yielded 3 factors: "worried about discontinuity/fatigue," "attitude toward resident/nurse work hours," and "perceived resident/nurse fatigue." In multivariable analyses, the "worried about fatigue/discontinuity" factor significantly predicted trust and satisfaction, and the "perceived resident/nurse fatigue" factor also predicted satisfaction. CONCLUSIONS: Some inpatients are concerned about both fatigue in resident physicians and discontinuity of care. This may play a role in trust and satisfaction for patients. Taking steps to design systems to minimize fatigue and discontinuity would be ideal.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine whether prompted voiding (PV) is effective for nighttime urinary incontinence in nursing home (NH) residents and whether residents who respond well to daytime PV also respond well at night. DESIGN: Prospective case series. SETTING: Four community NHs. PARTICIPANTS: Sixty-one long-stay incontinent NH residents of mean age 88 years, 75% female. MEASUREMENTS: The percentage of hourly checks for wetness and the appropriate toileting rate (continent voids divided by total voids) were measured during 3 days (7 a.m.-7 p.m.) of PV, and for an average of 5 nights (7 p.m.-7 a.m.), during which a modified PV protocol, designed to be minimally disruptive to sleep, was carried out. RESULTS: Fourteen residents (23%) responded well to daytime PV, with average wetness and appropriate toileting rates of 5% and 73%, respectively. In the group as a whole, nighttime PV was not effective, with wetness and appropriate toileting rates of 49% and 18%, respectively. Among those who responded well to daytime PV, wetness rates during nighttime PV remained significantly higher than during the day (24% vs. 5%; P = .000), and nighttime appropriate toileting rates were significantly lower (39% vs. 73%; P = .002). The poor response rate at night was primarily observed between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. CONCLUSIONS: In this sample of incontinent NH residents, nighttime PV, even when carried out so as to minimize sleep disruption, was not an effective intervention. Although residents who responded well to daytime PV responded better to nighttime PV than those who did not respond to daytime PV, their wetness rates remained relatively high and their appropriate toileting rates were low. These data suggest that routine nighttime toileting programs should not be carried out for the majority of incontinent NH residents. Instead, individualized care based on resident's preferences, willingness to toilet at night, and sleep patterns should be emphasized.  相似文献   

Background  Physicians are increasingly asked to improve the delivery of clinical services and patient experiences of care. Objective  We evaluated the association between clinical performance and patient experiences in a statewide sample of physician practice sites and a sample of physicians within a large physician group. Design, Setting, Participants  We separately identified 373 practice sites and 119 individual primary care physicians in Massachusetts. Measurements  Using Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set data, we produced two composites addressing processes of care (prevention, disease management) and one composite addressing outcomes. Using Ambulatory Care Experiences Survey data, we produced seven composite measures summarizing the quality of clinical interactions and organizational features of care. For each sample (practice site and individual physician), we calculated adjusted Spearman correlation coefficients to assess the relationship between the composites summarizing patient experiences of care and those summarizing clinical performance. Results  Among 42 possible correlations (21 correlations involving practice sites and 21 involving individual physicians), the majority were positive in site level (71%) and physician level (67%) analyses. For the 28 possible correlations involving patient experiences and clinical process composites, 8 (29%) were significant and positive, and only 2 (7%) were significant and negative. The magnitude of the significant positive correlations ranged from 0.13 to 0.19 at the site level and from 0.28 to 0.51 at the physician level. There were no significant correlations between patient experiences and the clinical outcome composite. Conclusions  The modest correlations suggest that clinical quality and patient experience are distinct, but related domains that may require separate measurement and improvement initiatives. Acknowledgements: This study was funded by the Commonwealth Fund and the William Randolph Hearst Foundation. Dr. Sequist had full access to all the data in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity and the accuracy of the data analysis. This work was presented in abstract form at the 2007 Society for General Internal Medicine Annual Conference. We would like to thank Massachusetts Health Quality Partners for allowing us use of statewide data for these analyses; Jo-Anne Foley at HVMA for helping to obtain physician-level data; and Angela Li, Angie Rodday, and Hong Chang at Tufts-New England Medical Center for analytic support. Dr. Sequist has served as a consultant on the Aetna External Advisory Committee for Racial and Ethnic Equality.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To systematically review studies designed to increase advance directive completion in the primary care setting and employ meta-analytic techniques to quantify their effects. DESIGN: Extensive bibliographic searches of English-language literature published from January 1991 through July 2005 were conducted. Investigators abstracted prespecified information (e.g., design, study duration, types of interventions employed) and advance directive completion rates for intervention and control arms in each investigation and calculated absolute rate differences (i.e., difference in completion rates between the two groups) for each study. Individual study and pooled-effect sizes were also calculated, along with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). SETTING: Literature review. RESULTS: Eighteen studies were retained in the final sample. Most studies employed multimodal interventions. The most common approach consisted of educational materials directed at patients (through mailing or at visit) coupled with a patient-healthcare provider interaction in a group or individual setting (n=7). Absolute differences in completion rates varied from a high of 44% (favors intervention) to a low of -2% (favors control). Effect sizes could be calculated for 15 of the 18 studies. The pooled effect size was 0.50 (95% CI=0.17-0.83), indicating a moderate overall effect in favor of the intervention. CONCLUSION: The majority of studies demonstrated statistically significant effects associated with the advance directive intervention. The most successful interventions incorporated direct patient-healthcare professional interactions over multiple visits. Passive education of patients using written materials (without direct counseling) was a relatively ineffective method for increasing advance directive completion rates in the primary care setting.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate and address the deficiencies in the U.S. cancer care system, particularly affecting the growing elderly population, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) convened a panel representing oncology providers, surgeons, primary care providers, researchers, policy makers and patients. The Committee concluded that cancer care is on the brink of crisis and issued recommendations targeting all stakeholders involved in cancer care. General internists play a critical role in the care of cancer patients, from the time of diagnosis, through treatment, survivorship and end of life care. We review the IOM recommendations, highlight those that are particularly relevant to the general internist, and outline clinical, research and educational opportunities where general internists should take an expanded role.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To assess older urban women's knowledge about sexual transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and to evaluate the relationship between their HIV/AIDS knowledge level and sources of information. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey conducted between June 2001 and July 2002. Trained research assistants administered a questionnaire in a face-to-face interview. SETTING: General medicine clinic in a large public hospital in a high HIV/AIDS incidence area. PARTICIPANTS: Five hundred fourteen women aged 50 and older. MEASUREMENTS: Nine questions assessing knowledge of risk of HIV sexual transmission with potential scores ranging from 0 to 9 correct answers. Participants identified all sources of HIV information. RESULTS: The mean knowledge score was 3.7 out of a possible 9 correct responses (range 0 (3%) to 8 (1%)). Younger age, employment, and higher educational level were associated with higher knowledge scores, whereas marital status was unrelated. No respondent correctly answered all of the nine questions. The most commonly identified sources of HIV/AIDS information were television (85%), friends (54%), and newspapers (51%). Only 38% of respondents identified health professionals as a source of information about HIV/AIDS. Health professionals, newspapers, and family members were each independently associated with higher knowledge scores (P<.05). CONCLUSION: Older women in a general medicine clinic had limited knowledge of sexual transmission of HIV. HIV/AIDS education specifically targeted to this subpopulation is warranted, and health professionals may have an important role in disseminating such messages.  相似文献   

Background  Patients with medically unexplained physical symptoms (MUS) are often thought to deny psychological needs when they consult general practitioners (GPs) and to request somatic intervention instead. We tested predictions from the contrasting theory that they are transparent in communicating their psychological and other needs. Objective  To test predictions that what patients tell GPs when they consult about MUS is related transparently to their desire for (1) emotional support, (2) symptom explanation and (3) somatic intervention. Design  Prospective naturalistic study. Before consultation, patients indicated what they wanted from it using a self-report questionnaire measuring patients’ desire for: emotional support, explanation and reassurance, and physical investigation and treatment. Their speech during consultation was audio-recorded, transcribed and coded utterance-by-utterance. Multilevel regression analysis tested relationships between what patients sought and what they said. Participants  Patients (N = 326) consulting 33 GPs about symptoms that the GPs designated as MUS. Results  Patients who wanted emotional support spoke more about psychosocial problems, including psychosocial causes of symptoms and their need for psychosocial help. Patients who wanted explanation and reassurance suggested more physical explanations, including diseases, but did not overtly request explanation. Patients’ wish for somatic intervention was associated only with their talk about details of such interventions and not with their requests for them. Conclusions  In general, patients with medically unexplained symptoms provide many cues to their desire for emotional support. They are more indirect or guarded in communicating their desire for explanation and somatic intervention.  相似文献   


Purpose of the Review

Markers of myocardial stress, including troponin, creatine kinase, and brain natriuretic peptide are frequently elevated after endurance athletic pursuits. Here, we summarize the current literature pertaining to the potential mechanism of cardiac enzyme release in athletes and seek to determine the clinical implications of these findings.

Recent Findings

Recent studies have highlighted the potential adverse cardiac effects of long-term extreme endurance exercise. While troponin release occurs in a pattern distinct from ischemic damage, BNP release has been correlated with right ventricular dysfunction and is likely related to wall stress from prolonged increases in cardiac output. Higher intensity pre-race training regimes are associated with lower race-day enzyme release.


While the holistic benefits of regular moderate exercise are indisputable, recent studies have raised concerns about the potential risks of extreme endurance exercise. Release of serum biomarkers suggesting myocardial damage was first described in the 1970s, yet our understanding of the implications of these findings remains incomplete. The mechanisms of release are complex but appear to be primarily physiological phenomena rather than pathologic.



Non-verbal communication is an important aspect of the diagnostic and therapeutic process, especially with older patients. It is unknown how non-verbal communication varies with physician and patient race.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To describe the quality of dementia care within one U.S. metropolitan area and to investigate associations between variations in quality and patient, caregiver, and health system characteristics. DESIGN: Observational, cross-sectional. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: Three hundred eighty-seven patient-caregiver pairs from three healthcare organizations MEASUREMENTS: Using caregiver surveys and medical record abstraction to assess 18 dementia care processes drawn from existing guidelines, the proportion adherent to each care process was calculated, as well as mean percentages of adherence aggregated within four care dimensions: assessment (6 processes), treatment (6 processes), education and support (3 processes), and safety (3 processes). For each dimension, associations between adherence and patient, caregiver, and health system characteristics were investigated using multivariable models. RESULTS: Adherence ranged from 9% to 79% for the 18 individual care processes; 11 processes had less than 40% adherence. Mean percentage adherence across the four care dimensions was 37% for assessment, 33% for treatment, 52% for education and support, and 21% for safety. Higher comorbidity was associated with greater adherence across all four dimensions, whereas greater caregiver knowledge (in particular, one item) was associated with higher care quality in three of four care dimensions. For selected dimensions, greater adherence was also associated with greater dementia severity and with more geriatrics or neurologist visits. CONCLUSION: In general, dementia care quality has considerable room for improvement. Although greater comorbidity and dementia severity were associated with better quality, caregiver knowledge was the most consistent caregiver characteristic associated with better adherence. These findings offer opportunities for targeting low quality and suggest potential focused interventions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Efforts to evaluate variations in cardiac procedures have focused on patient factors and differences in health care delivery systems. We wanted to assess how physicians' inclination to test patients with coronary artery disease influences utilization patterns. SETTING AND SUBJECTS: Physicians and the populations of Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. DESIGN: We conducted a survey of 263 family practitioners, internists, and cardiologists residing in 57 hospital service areas in Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. Using patient scenarios, we assessed the clinicians' inclinations to test during the evaluation of patients with coronary artery disease. Self-reported testing intensities were used to create three indices: a Catheterization Index, an Imaging Exercise Tolerance Test (ETT) Index, and a Nonimaging ETT Index. Using administrative data, age- and gender-adjusted population-based coronary angiography rates were calculated. Physicians were assigned to low (2.9/1,000), average (4.2/1,000), and high (5.8/1,000) coronary angiography rate areas, based on where they practice. Analysis of variance techniques were used to assess the relation of the index scores to the population-based coronary angiography rates and to physician specialties. RESULTS: There was a positive relationship between the population-based coronary angiography rates and the self-reported scores of the Catheterization Index (p < .005) and the Imaging ETT Index (p = .01), but none was found for the Nonimaging ETT Index (p = .10). These relationships were evident in subanalyses of cardiologists and internists, but not of family practitioners. CONCLUSIONS: Self-reported testing intensity by physicians is related to the population-based rates of coronary angiography. This relationship cuts across specialties, suggesting that there is a "medical signature" for the evaluation of patients with coronary artery disease.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To examine nursing home (NH) residents' use of Medicare‐paid skilled nursing facility (SNF) services and the outcomes of that care and to identify clinical and non‐clinical factors associated with that care. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort. SETTING: United States. PARTICIPANTS: NH residents aged 65 and older with Medicare claims for a hospitalization for hip fracture or stroke during 2001 to 2003. MEASUREMENTS: Resident diagnoses and use of SNF postacute care were measured using Medicare hospital claims. Market and provider characteristics were drawn from the Provider of Services file. Baseline characteristics, institutionalization, and mortality outcomes were drawn from the Minimum Data Set and Medicare Denominator File. RESULTS: Of the NH population hospitalized for hip fracture (49,903) or stroke (23,084), 79.7% and 64.1%, respectively, used the SNF benefit. Residents not using the SNF benefit had poorer baseline health status; their mortality rates and rates of resuming long‐term care were similar to the rates of residents who used the SNF benefit. CONCLUSION: NH residents used postacute SNF benefits at high rates yet had similar mortality and institutionalization outcomes as those without SNF care.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To assess whether older physicians have discussed their preferences for medical care at the end of life with their physicians, whether they have established an advance directive, and what life-sustaining treatment they wish in the event of incapacity to make these decisions for themselves. DESIGN: Mailed survey to a cohort of physicians. SETTING: Physicians who were medical students at the Johns Hopkins University in graduating classes from 1946 to 1964. PARTICIPANTS: Physicians who completed the advance directive questionnaire (mean age 68). MEASUREMENTS: Questionnaires were sent out to known surviving physicians of the Precursors Study, an on-going study that began in 1946, asking physicians about their preferences for life-sustaining treatments. RESULTS: Of 999 physicians who were sent the survey, 765 (77%) responded. Forty-six percent of the physicians felt that their own doctors were unaware of their treatment preferences or were not sure, and of these respondents, 59% had no intention of discussing their wishes with their doctors within the next year. In contrast, 89% thought their families were probably or definitely aware of their preferences. Sixty-four percent reported that they had established an advance directive. Compared with physicians without advance directives, physicians who established an advance directive were more likely to believe that their doctors (odds ratio (OR) = 3.42, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 2.49-4.69) or family members (OR = 9.58, 95% CI = 5.33-17.23) were aware of their preferences for end-of-life care and were more likely to refuse treatments than those without advance directives. CONCLUSION: This survey of physicians calls attention to the gap between preferences for medical care at the end of life and expressing wishes to others through discussion and advance directives, even among physicians.  相似文献   

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