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Malnutrition is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality, particularly among older people. Attention has focused on the inadequacies of food provision in institutions, yet the majority suffering from malnutrition live in the community. The aim of this study was to explore barriers and facilitators to food provision for older people receiving home care. It was a qualitative exploratory study using semi‐structured interviews with nine home‐care workers in June 2013 employed by independent agencies in a large city in northern England. Data were analysed thematically, based on the principles of grounded theory. Findings showed that significant time pressures limited home‐care workers in their ability to socially engage with service users at mealtimes, or provide them with anything other than ready meals. Enabling choice was considered more important than providing a healthy diet, but choice was limited by food availability and reliance on families for shopping. Despite their knowledge of service users and their central role in providing food, home‐care workers received little nutritional training and were not involved by healthcare professionals in the management of malnutrition. Despite the rhetoric of individual choice and importance of social engagement and nutrition for health and well‐being, nutritional care has been significantly compromised by cuts to social care budgets. The potential role for home‐care workers in promoting good nutrition in older people is undervalued and undermined by the lack of recognition, training and time dedicated to food‐related care. This has led to a situation whereby good quality food and enjoyable mealtimes are denied to many older people on the basis that they are unaffordable luxuries rather than an integral component of fundamental care.  相似文献   

Older people residents in care homes that only offer residential care rely on primary healthcare services for medical and nursing needs. Research has investigated the demands that care homes staff and residents make on general practice, but not the involvement of other members of the primary healthcare team. This paper describes two consecutive studies completed in 2001 and 2003 that involved focus groups and survey methods of enquiry conducted in two settings: an England shire and inner London. The research questions that both studies had in common were (1) What is the contribution of district nursing and other primary care services to care homes that do not have on‐site nursing provision? (2) What strategies promote participation and collaboration between residents, care home staff and NHS primary care nursing staff? and (3) What are the current obstacles and aids to effective partnership working and learning? A total of 74 community‐based nurses and care home managers and staff took part in 10 focus groups, while 124 care home managers (73% of the171 surveyed) and 113 district nurse team leaders (80% of the 142 surveyed) participated in the surveys. Findings from both studies demonstrated that nurses were the most frequent NHS professional visiting care homes. Although care home managers and district nurses believed that they had a good working relationship, they had differing expectations of what the nursing contribution should be and how personal and nursing care were defined. This influenced the range of services that older people had access to and the amount of training and support care home staff received from district nurses and the extent to which they were able to develop collaborative and reciprocal patterns of working. Findings indicate that there is a need for community‐based nursing services to adopt a more strategic approach that ensures older people in care homes can access the services they are entitled to and receive equivalent health care to older people who live in their own homes.  相似文献   

IntroductionCare for people with multimorbidity requires an integrated approach in order to adequately meet their complex needs. In this respect eHealth could be of help. This paper aims to describe the implementation, as well as benefits and barriers of eHealth applications in integrated care programs targeting people with multimorbidity in European countries, including insights on older people 65+.MethodsWithin the framework of the ICARE4EU project, in 2014, expert organizations in 24 European countries identified 101 integrated care programs based on selected inclusion criteria. Managers of these programs completed a related on-line questionnaire addressing various aspects including the use of eHealth. In this paper we analyze data from this questionnaire, in addition to qualitative information from six programs which were selected as ‘high potential’ for their innovative approach and studied in depth through site visits.ResultsOut of 101 programs, 85 adopted eHealth applications, of which 42 focused explicitly on older people. In most cases Electronic Health Records (EHRs), registration databases with patients’ data and tools for communication between care providers were implemented. Percentages were slightly higher for programs addressing older people. eHealth improves care integration and management processes. Inadequate funding mechanisms, interoperability and technical support represent major barriers.ConclusionFindings seems to suggest that eHealth could support integrated care for (older) people with multimorbidity.  相似文献   

The cost of social care, the work conditions experienced by care workers and the quality of care provided by residential homes for older people are all linked, yet we know very little about how this relationship works in practice. Drawing upon an ethnography of two differently priced residential care homes for older people in Southern England, I examine the implications of different financial regimes for care-giving practices. I show how the scheduling and allocation of resources—conveyed, for example, in formal routines and staffing levels—structure the care workers’ time, tasks and activities in each setting. This acts to symbolically demarcate what, or who, is valued. I argue that the availability of resources facilitates and impedes the symbolic culture of care work, shapes care workers’ ability to afford dignity to the individuals in their care and affects how care workers experience, and relate to, their labour. I conclude by discussing how current practices of funding and pricing social care have effects seeping beyond the practical and measurable, and into the realm of the symbolic.  相似文献   

Drawing on a wider study of effectiveness in three models of day care, this paper explores the process and outcome of goal negotiation with older people in a day hospital, an outreach service and a day centre. Using qualitative data from interviews with day care attenders and focus groups with service providers, differing perspectives on goal setting and achievement are presented. It concludes with a brief discussion of this approach in the wider context of promoting older people's participation in decision-making in day care settings, where the espoused emphasis is on maintaining and maximising personal autonomy and independent living.  相似文献   

In many integrated care programs, a comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) is conducted to identify older people's problems and care needs. Different ways for conducting a CGA are in place. However, it is still unclear which CGA instruments and procedures for conducting them are used in integrated care programs, and what distinguishes them from each other. Furthermore, it is yet unknown how and to what extent CGAs, as a component of integrated care programs, actually reflect the main principles of integrated care, being comprehensiveness, multidisciplinarity and person‐centredness. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to: (a) describe and compare different CGA instruments and procedures conducted within integrated care programs for older people living at home, and (b) describe how the principles of integrated care were applied in these CGAs. A scoping review of the scientific literature on CGAs in the context of integrated care was conducted for the period 2006–2018. Data were extracted on main characteristics of the identified CGA instruments and procedures, and on how principles of integrated care were applied in these CGAs. Twenty‐seven integrated care programs were included in this study, of which most were implemented in the Netherlands and the United States. Twenty‐one different CGAs were identified, of which the EASYcare instrument, RAI‐HC/RAI‐CHA and GRACE tool were used in multiple programs. The majority of CGAs seemed to reflect comprehensiveness, multidisciplinarity and person‐centredness, although the way and extent to which principles of integrated care were incorporated differed between the CGAs. This study highlights the high variability of CGA instruments and procedures used in integrated care programs. This overview of available CGAs and their characteristics may promote (inter‐)national exchange of CGAs, which could enable researchers and professionals in choosing from the wide range of existing CGAs, thereby preventing them from unnecessarily reinventing the wheel.  相似文献   

In response to the growing populations of people with multiple chronic diseases, new models of care are currently being developed in European countries to better meet the needs of these people. This paper aims to describe the occurrence and characteristics of various types of integrated care practices in European countries that target people with multimorbidity.Data were analysed from multimorbidity care practices participating in the Innovating care for people with multiple chronic conditions (ICARE4EU) project, covering all 28 EU Member States, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland.A total of 112 practices in 24 countries were included: 65 focus on patients with any combination of chronic diseases, 30 on patients with a specific chronic disease with all kinds of comorbidities and 17 on patients with a combination of specific chronic diseases. Practices that focus on a specific index disease or a combination of specific diseases are less extensive regarding the type, breadth and degree of integration than practices that focus on any combination of diseases. The latter type is more often seen in countries where more disciplines, e.g. community nurses, physiotherapists, social workers, work in the same primary care practice as the general practitioners.Non-disease specific practices put more emphasis on patient involvement and provide more comprehensive care, which are important preconditions for person-centered multimorbidity care.  相似文献   

Facilitating choice and control for older people in long-term care   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The community care reforms enabled some older people with severe disabilities to remain at home with domiciliary care services, as an alternative to institutional admission. This paper explores the extent to which the reforms actually enabled older people receiving domiciliary care to have greater choice and control in their daily lives than older people living in institutions. Findings are reported from a comparative study carried out in Greater Belfast, Northern Ireland, that determined the extent to which the subjective quality of life of older people – particularly autonomy – varied according to the type of setting. The older people were interviewed using a structured interview schedule and subjective autonomy was assessed using a measure of perceived choice. The measure consisted of 33 activities relating to aspects of everyday life such as what time to get up, when to see visitors or friends, and how much privacy was available. Qualitative data were also recorded which informed on the older people's perspectives on their own lives, particularly the extent to which they exercised choice on a daily basis. Two‐hundred and fourteen residents in 45 residential and nursing homes were interviewed, as were 44 older people receiving domiciliary care in private households. The study found that older people living in institutions perceived themselves to have greater decisional autonomy in their everyday lives than did older people receiving domiciliary care. Indeed, it was clear that living at home did not ensure that one's decisional autonomy would be supported. However, living alone may facilitate exercising a relatively higher degree of autonomy when living at home. Whilst the community care reforms have provided some older people who have severe disabilities with the option of receiving care at home, this has not necessarily enabled them to have greater choice and control in their everyday lives than older people admitted to institutions.  相似文献   

The challenges associated with ageing populations are very much on the policy and research agenda of many nations, with significant discussions focused on establishing appropriate, acceptable parameters of home care for those who are older and frail. This paper develops an analysis of changing justifications of home care in Canada (1990-2010) through examination of governmental and non-governmental home care policy documents and position papers, as well as observations from recent fieldwork in home care. Boltanski and Thévenot's sociology of justification provides a framework for analysis of these situations where competing and irreducible pluralities of goods complicate discussions of the 'right' way to proceed.  相似文献   

Home care services play a fundamental role in England in supporting older and disabled people in their own homes. In order to identify and monitor the degree to which these services are providing good quality services, in 2003 the government required all councils with social services responsibilities (CSSR) to undertake user experience surveys among older service users. The questionnaire was required to include four questions, two of which were designed to be used as Best Value Performance Indicators (BVPI) reflecting the quality of home care of older people. Thirty‐four local authorities participated in an extension study providing data from 21 350 home care users. The aim of the study was to answer three questions: (1) Do the performance indicators reflect home care quality? (2) Are the performance indicators using the most appropriate cut‐off points? (3) What are the underlying constructs of home care quality? Evidence was found to support the use of two of the performance indicators and the current cut‐off point being used for the satisfaction indicator. Factor analysis identified indicators of important dimensions of quality that were associated with overall satisfaction.  相似文献   

This paper is based on findings from a pilot research project funded by the Primary Health Care Development Fund in Scotland. The researcher's remit was to examine home visiting patterns by general practitioners (GPs) to older people on Tayside following the community care reforms. Fieldwork was conducted in three general practices on Tayside, using an anthropological perspective. This research confirms that community care changes have not to date effected a significant shift in GP perceptions, which are that the probable destiny of frail older people is to enter some kind of residential setting. The researcher examines how and why GPs label certain patients as a “problem” and uses this categorization process to suggest that such patients are seen by GPs as having a “moral career”. It is argued that GPs may also see some older patients as a “problem”, the solution to which may be to recommend that the patient enter residential or nursing home care. The research identifies a point in the career of the older “problem” patient at which doctors could usefully refer to other agencies. A model for communication or collaboration is posited as a way of enabling GPs to continue to provide sensitive and individually appropriate care for frail older patients in collaboration with appropriate others. Funding has been obtained to pilot this model in selected general practices on Tayside in 1996/97.  相似文献   

The aim in the present study, which was carried out in one nursing home for older people, was to determine the feasibility of working with care workers and very frail service users to investigate links between the levels of work satisfaction and stress of the staff, and the quality of care and morale of the residents. Most of the 44 care staff (70%) and 22 cognitively intact residents (82%) participated willingly in completing rating scales through self-completion questionnaire or by interview. Well-validated scales were used to measure job satisfaction, work stress, organisational commitment, perceived quality of care, and morale and mental health. The findings revealed a staff group with a fairly high level of job dissatisfaction and stress, who were, nevertheless, very committed to the nursing home. The morale of the residents was good although the residents rated the home atmosphere lower than the staff did. Significant correlations emerged, in the expected direction, between satisfaction, commitment, stress and quality of care perceived by staff. The correlations between home atmosphere perceived by residents, and their morale and mental health were low; further investigation is needed with a larger sample. This feasibility study supports the need for further research using a case-study approach in a small number of homes because of the labour-intensive nature of the data collection and the importance of triangulating data from many sources.  相似文献   

Demographic situation, changes in the role of women in society and growing demand for long-term care (LTC) of older people have challenged the ability to meet the growing LTC needs in most developed countries. In countries where responsibility for LTC is still largely laid on families, it is, however, even more critical and calls for improvements in formal LTC systems. More intensive stakeholder collaboration in LTC policy development, organising and delivery are of primary importance in improving LTC systems. Such collaboration, however, is not always successful; thus, it is critical to understand what makes it effective and efficient. In this paper, we specifically look into multistakeholder collaboration in LTC in Lithuania, one of the fastest ageing countries in the EU, with the demand for LTC services growing fast and exceeding the supply despite rising business and NGO engagement. To determine facilitators of such collaboration, we build on the data obtained through eight focus group discussions with all key stakeholder representatives (LTC policymakers, organisers and service providers [public, private and NGOs], 54 participants in total). Our findings indicate that in addition to national and organisational level facilitators studied in prior research, there are important individual level factors, such as meaningfulness at work, concern and care for others, possibility for personal growth and development, satisfaction with supervision, a sense of belonging and role clarity. On the other hand, our results show that collaboration is constrained by a shortage of human resources, increased workload caused by growing LTC demand, bureaucratic requirements, legal restrictions, lack of awareness of LTC service availability among elder persons, and prevailing social norms and attitudes to institutionalised care. Interestingly, a lack of financial resources is not perceived as a major constraint.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to explore the attitudes of older people and primary care professionals towards communication of diagnosis, prognosis and symptoms in heart failure. Forty-four interviews were conducted with people aged>60 years with heart failure (New York Heart Association III-IV) recruited from general practices in the UK. Ten focus groups were held with primary care professionals involved in heart failure management. Data were analysed thematically with the aid of the NUD*IST computer program. Participants reported problems with communication, including not being given enough information about their condition, or being given complex information that they did not understand. Many understood little about heart failure and the causes of, and ways to manage, their symptoms. Few participants had had discussions about the prognosis with any health professional, and this was confirmed in professional accounts. Difficulties with terminology were frequently reported: a diagnosis of 'heart failure' was rarely communicated to patients to avoid causing anxiety. Educational needs were identified by most primary care professionals in relation to heart failure management and specifically in relation to communication. In conclusion, communication was identified as being inadequate within primary care from both the patient and professional perspectives. These findings point to a need for an educational intervention tailored specifically to the need to improve the communication skills of primary care professionals in chronic heart failure.  相似文献   

The provision of home care services is a key component in avoiding inappropriate admission of older people to institutional care and preventing delayed discharge from hospital. However, there is a growing problem of retention of home care workers (HCWs), creating problems for delivering this increasingly essential service. The present study was based in a health and social services trust in Northern Ireland, and was designed to explore the growing problem of retention of HCWs from their own perspective. The cross-sectional survey design used a convenience sample and questionnaires were completed by 45 HCWs (response rate = 45 of 147, 31%). Responses to most questions were on five-point ordinal scales. Focus groups in which 12 HCWs participated were used to explore emerging themes. The variables studied were HCWs' perspectives on: (1) reasons for considering leaving; (2) working hours; (3) supervision and support, and qualifications and training; (4) workload pressures; (5) client attitudes; (6) pay; and (7) job satisfaction. The main reasons given by HCWs for dissatisfaction and considering leaving were (in rank order): (1) irregular and antisocial hours; (2) lack of management support; and (3) workload pressures. Commitment to caring seemed to be the reason why pay did not feature more highly for those who did not leave. Home care workers are being required to provide care for people with evermore-complex health and social care needs, and in an environment increasingly regulated in terms of quality and risk. This makes it an increasingly demanding job, which does not seem to be recognised in the training and working conditions of HCWs. The most significant factors identified give scope for service managers to improve the retention of HCWs.  相似文献   

Volunteers can play important roles in the provision of support and care to frail or confused older people living in their own homes. There are conflicting expectations as to what these roles should be since there are unclear boundaries with those of paid care and with informal care. The present article explores some of these boundaries, drawing on material from a study of 14 volunteer schemes in England. The aim of the research was to explore the roles played by volunteers in the overall care division of labour. The main method used was that of semistructured interviews with organizers and volunteer coordinators of the schemes involved. The findings presented here relate to the limitations on the type of cases taken on, and to the boundaries with professional care, paid manual work and informal care. It concludes that the ways in which these boundaries are established and maintained depends not only on legal and policy constraints at the level of the state, but also on negotiation between organizations and individuals at a local level. The issues raised are of importance not only to research in the area, but to anyone planning similar schemes in the future.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE To explore the collaborative care needs and preferences in primary care patients with multiple chronic illnesses. DESIGN Focus groups utilizing a series of open-ended questions elicited self-identified problems, experiences in communicating with providers, self-management needs, and preferences for monitoring and follow-up. Responses were organized and interpreted in light of the essential elements of collaborative care for chronic illness. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS Sixty patients having two or more chronic illnesses at eight geographically dispersed primary care clinics within the Veterans Health Administration in the United States. RESULTS Identified problems included poor functioning, negative psychological reactions, negative effects on relationships and interference with work or leisure. Polypharmacy was a major concern. Problematic interactions with providers and the health care system were also mentioned, often in relation to specialty care and included incidents in which providers had ignored concerns or provided conflicting advice. Most participants, however, expressed overall satisfaction with their care and appreciation of their primary care physicians. Knowledge and skills deficits interfered with self-management. Participants were willing to use technology for monitoring or educational purposes if it did not preclude human contact, and were receptive to non-physician providers as long as they were used to augment, not eliminate, a physician's care. CONCLUSIONS Findings are consistent with the basic tenets of patient-centred, collaborative care, and suggested that health care can be organized and delivered to meet the complex needs of patients with multimorbidity.  相似文献   

The provision of continuing care for older people has largely shifted from the hospital setting to the community, and nursing homes increasingly provide support for older people, many of whom exhibit multiple pathology and complex health and social care needs. However, the quality of pain management within this setting has been identified as an issue of concern. It has been estimated that approximately two-thirds of people aged 65 years and over experience chronic pain, and that the prevalence of chronic pain in nursing home residents is between 45% and 80%. However, there exist a number of barriers to the identification and management of chronic pain among older people resident in nursing homes, including sensory impairments in older people themselves and educational deficits among professionals. Such barriers need to be overcome if pain management is to be improved. The present study involved administering a pre-piloted postal questionnaire to the managers of 121 nursing homes within a geographically defined area. Sixty-eight (56%) were completed and returned. The questionnaire broadly covered the following: prevalence of chronic pain and use of interventions; assessment and management strategies; education and training; and communication barriers. Overall, 37% of nursing home residents were identified as experiencing chronic non-malignant pain (pain lasting longer than 3 months not caused by cancer) and 2% were reported as experiencing chronic malignant pain (pain lasting for more than 3 months caused by cancer). Paracetamol was identified as the most 'often' used analgesia for both pain modalities. Sixty-nine per cent of nursing homes did not have a written policy regarding pain management and 75% did not use a standardised pain assessment tool. Forty-four per cent of nursing homes provided education or training sessions for qualified staff and 34% provided this for care assistants. Forty per cent of qualified staff and 85% of care assistants had no specialist knowledge regarding the management of pain in older people. The present study confirms the need for the development of effective pain management strategies underpinned by appropriate training and education in order to meet the particular needs of older people.  相似文献   

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